Zone1 Some Things That Doesn't Make Sense About Christianity

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I heard this in a sermon that I was watching yesterday. If we're not to advocate hate and violence then why are we also supposed to hate all that is evil and what about self-defense?
Now you get some of the hypocrisy.

You cannot be a self-righteous religion, preach one thing and do another. That just makes them liars.

Whether its one lie or millions. A lie is a lie. And for religions that preach lying is a sin, and then do nothing BUT lie.......
I've always done but I still believe in God/Jesus.

As my Aunt told me once..........and I think I've mentioned this before...................

Religion, the church, and god/jesus are not the same thing.

If you believe god/jesus is a part of you, then you don't need religion or a church.
You don't have to go to a church to be religious, and you don't have to be religious to go to a church.

Make any sense?

If you tell me "I believe in god/jesus".......then I'm happy for you.

If you tell me "I'm religious".......I'm hesitant about you, knowing what I know about religions.

If you tell me "I go to church"........that tells me you're a narcissist that uses the church for your own greedy needs.
Baron Von Murderpaws I do believe in Jesus but I'm more spiritual than religious. I'm not much of a church person but I attend sometimes. I'm not judgemental for the most part though about anybody but myself.
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Interesting. A lot about Christians and what they say does not ring with me.

However... love God and love your neighbor, do unto others as you would unto yourself, serve the poor and hungery and ill and widow and orphan, look actively to help others, practice empathy ... you won't have to worry about 'Christians.' You will be busy and content.
Baron Von Murderpaws I do believe in Jesus but I'm more spiritual than religious. I'm not much of a church person but I attend sometimes. I'm not judgemental for the most part though about anybody but myself.

As I've mentioned before.............I don't have any problems with people who believe. They have that right, and nobody can take it away from them.

The problems I have are with religion as an organizational corporation, and with churches that are nothing but buildings for narcissists, greedmongers, and plastic people to hang out with each other, using religion as a cover.

I'm not saying that there aren't believers who don't go to churches or participate in organized religion..........some don't know better because they believe the lies and hypocrisy. Those that KNOW the difference, are the ones I prefer to be around, as they see religion for what it is, and don't believe god/jesus only exisits in million dollar buildings on Sundays.
As I've mentioned before.............I don't have any problems with people who believe. They have that right, and nobody can take it away from them.

The problems I have are with religion as an organizational corporation, and with churches that are nothing but buildings for narcissists, greedmongers, and plastic people to hang out with each other, using religion as a cover.

I'm not saying that there aren't believers who don't go to churches or participate in organized religion..........some don't know better because they believe the lies and hypocrisy. Those that KNOW the difference, are the ones I prefer to be around, as they see religion for what it is, and don't believe god/jesus only exisits in million dollar buildings on Sundays.

Oh I most definitely agree with you.
why are we also supposed to hate all that is evil
In the original Hebrew 'hate' has a different connotation than we have for it in modern English. We use 'hate' to describe extreme emotional dislike, loathing.

There is a different connotation of how 'hate' was used in the Old Testament. 'Love' for example was caring enough to being open to being hurt. The meaning for 'hate' can be better expressed as staying away from, or avoiding, what will hurt you.

Evil can hurt, so in the original sense of the word 'hate' we are advised to 'hate'--i.e., avoid and stay away from what is evil.
I'm not saying that there aren't believers who don't go to churches or participate in organized religion..........some don't know better because they believe the lies and hypocrisy. Those that KNOW the difference, are the ones I prefer to be around, as they see religion for what it is, and don't believe god/jesus only exisits in million dollar buildings on Sundays.
Here is the true issue. Moses gathered the entire community to worship God together. What if he had just come down from the mountain and got together only with his brother Aaron, and only he and Aaron chose God. Think of the rest of the the community decided against gathering as a whole because (horrors) there are always hypocrites in any large group.

The question is not, "Will hypocrites be there?" The question is, "Will I gather together with my community to worship God?" Worship of God, not hypocrisy, is the focus one chooses.
Here is the true issue. Moses gathered the entire community to worship God together. What if he had just come down from the mountain and got together only with his brother Aaron, and only he and Aaron chose God. Think of the rest of the the community decided against gathering as a whole because (horrors) there are always hypocrites in any large group.

The question is not, "Will hypocrites be there?" The question is, "Will I gather together with my community to worship God?" Worship of God, not hypocrisy, is the focus one chooses.

Theres a difference between people getting together........whether it be a house, a barn, a yard, a park, or a building..........thats not the same thing as the direct construction of a standard get together for people that have the common denominator of using religion as a base for their narcissistic and greed mongering ways.

I've been to field gatherings, home gatherings, and even park gatherings (I was with a friend that believed), and there IS a HUGE difference in the vibes and emotional harmony of small groups gathering..........opposed to religious groups that have a scheduled meeting every week in a million dollar building.

Like most anything that is organized, there are SO many variables.
Theres a difference between people getting together........whether it be a house, a barn, a yard, a park, or a building..........thats not the same thing as the direct construction of a standard get together for people that have the common denominator of using religion as a base for their narcissistic and greed mongering ways.
There is a difference between people of the community getting together--and an entire community getting together.

I get it. Organizations are a hassle, and from experience with both I'll say the worst one--including the most hypocrisy by far--is our public education system, including colleges/universities.

By the way, I have no answers--only saying why people worship together, and why we try to offer education to everyone.

Things That Doesn't Don't Make Sense About Christianity​

It's the stupidity of people believing in such a poorly constructed story .
And their associated Gulliblity, based almost entirely on guilt and on fear.

It's followers are Cultists though often preserving nice and OK social behaviour and attitudes .

But , nevertheless , they are New Age Barbarians and candle worshipping heathens

And frankly , nobody else has yet produced something more plausible -- which in no way is actually a reason to keep following an old mumbo jumbo narrative , imho . Just so that you have some imagined and pretend answers to complex questions .
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I heard this in a sermon that I was watching yesterday. If we're not to advocate hate and violence then why are we also supposed to hate all that is evil and what about self-defense?
Hating hate is a double negative, so it's ok, the problem is when being wrong and not understanding that you are on the wrong side of the argument makes people become that which they hate and become worse than that which they denounce, or in deflecting.
Then when affiliation pride sets in, that also becomes a problem blinding people from knowing right and wrong and knowing which side they are on basing it on affiliation rather than righteousness.
Examples of this: RCC's torture devices,
Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust, Sadam Calling the US the great Satan, Dems calling Republicans divisive racists thus trying to validate their fascists behavior on them. Meaning although it's good to hate racism, it has to be actual racism & in all cultures not deflect and become worse than your target enemy, thus in mirror reflection the enemy becomes you and the cause and affects hate violence as we see today are a result, including the unfortunate tragic events as an after affect (protective paranoia) created by that daily disturbing violence.
If one truly hated all evil, that person should always be a good person.

Proverbs 6:16-19
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Heaven will be a place where all who reside there will hate evil.
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What doesn't make sense is the question of this thread. I think you're getting stuck on mere semantics (the word hate) instead of the truth of the matter.

Why would you think that hating evil is wrong? Being opposed to evil is a GOOD thing. It's what we're supposed to do! I mean, doing the opposite (either loving evil or being indifferent to it) is why this world is in the mess it's in! Because too many people are indifferent to evil.

As for self-defense, that's entirely different than other types of violence. It's not wrong to try to stop a crime. Again, what doesn't make sense to me is the OP. :dunno:

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