Zone1 Some Things That Doesn't Make Sense About Christianity

What doesn't make sense is the question of this thread. I think you're getting stuck on mere semantics (the word hate) instead of the truth of the matter.

Why would you think that hating evil is wrong? Being opposed to evil is a GOOD thing. It's what we're supposed to do! I mean, doing the opposite (either loving evil or being indifferent to it) is why this world is in the mess it's in! Because too many people are indifferent to evil.

As for self-defense, that's entirely different than other types of violence. It's not wrong to try to stop a crime. Again, what doesn't make sense to me is the OP. :dunno:

I'm not sure what you don't understand about it, but I understand your response though. :)
It just didn't make sense to me to even ask the question... because to me it seems self-evident (and biblical) that we should hate evil and love good.

But I don't want to give you a hard time, so.... never mind. :)

It's okay. :smiliehug:
By the way, I have no answers--only saying why people worship together, and why we try to offer education to everyone.
You have here the purpose of the Church.

Every day I pass a church with a sign: "Enter here to Worship"
Then at the exit: "Exit Here to Serve"

I don't attend this church but the message is 100% biblical.
They're self-righteous. They believe they're good works or their denomination will save them.
Amazing. All are self-righteous and all believe good works or their denomination will save them? I wonder why I have never met any of these people. Maybe I need to get out more.
Amazing. All are self-righteous and all believe good works or their denomination will save them? I wonder why I have never met any of these people. Maybe I need to get out more.
I used to work at an inner city Gospel Mission serving the homeless.
And that is where you met people who believe works and a church saves?
Oh yeah. Many of the street people were raised as Mormon or Catholic, etc. Met a Lutheran Pastor once while we were visiting his Church for some function and he just couldn't accept the fact that a person was saved just by faith. He was convinced you couldn't get to heaven without baptism. One time I met a couple from the "Oneness" church. They believe Jesus is the Father AND the Son and you cant get to heaven unless you speak in tongues. I've met just every kind of Christian there is I think.
I heard this in a sermon that I was watching yesterday. If we're not to advocate hate and violence then why are we also supposed to hate all that is evil and what about self-defense?
Just where in the Holy Scriptures are you referencing that even suggests that a Christian cannot hate evil or exercise his/her right of self defense? It does not Fact God presents a list of things the He finds to be an abomination. Abomination: Hate coupled with disgust. The entire premise about Hate and Self Defense are contradicted by the actual content of the Holy Scripture


Prov. 6:16-19 lists 7 things that God finds to be abominations: 1. A proud look 2. A lying tongue 3. Hands that shed innocent blood 4. A heart that devises wicked ideas. 5. Feet that are swift in running toward mischief 6. Bearing false witness 7. Those who sow discord in the brotherhood.

Jesus was very "intolerant", in confronting these abominations mentioned above. God indeed is LOVE, but not only LOVE...there is a flip side to this coin when God is addressing evil. God hates evil so much that He once decided to wipe man completely from the face of the earth because man was using the gift of free will to propagate wickedness or evil, "And God saw the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." -- Genesis 6:5

God can be severe in dishing out "Justice" the point that God will cut you off and allow your reprobate mind to destroy your eternal soul ( Matthew 7:22-23, Romans 11:22). Jesus instructed His disciples to FEAR HIM WHO IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH BODY AND SOUL (Matthew 10:28)

Jesus confronted the evil being propagated by the "Pharisees and Sadducees" (Matthew 16:6, Matthew 23)........Jesus confronted them to their face and called them HYPOCRITES and EXTORTIONISTS, VIPERS, SERPENTS.

Jesus became angered and turned over the money tables at the Temple and began to whip those who were defiling the temple while conducting business.....He whipped them with a knotted cord. (John 2:15)

SELF DEFENSE? is more than allowed within the doctrine of Christianity..........Christians are instructed to live peaceably with all men....TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH IS POSSIBLE. (Rom. 12:18)

What is a Christian to do when His Life or Property are attacked without provocation and He/She's life is endangered?
Jesus instructed His disciples to arm themselves when He was sending them on a mission into a land that was known to be populated by murderers and road agents .........He told them to even sell their garments if they had to in order to arm themselves for self protection (Luke 22:35-38)

Read the parable about the strong man guarding His property..........Jesus states that when a man is well armed His property is at peace (Luke 11:21)

In fact the first gentile household to be converted to Christianity was the household of a Roman Soldier (Acts 10). There is no greater LOVE that exists than to lay down your life for a friend. (John 15:13)
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If one is more into judgement and condemnation than love and empathy, Jesus will struggle with that poor sinner's soul unto judgement day.
Now you get some of the hypocrisy.

You cannot be a self-righteous religion, preach one thing and do another. That just makes them liars.

Whether its one lie or millions. A lie is a lie. And for religions that preach lying is a sin, and then do nothing BUT lie.......
You have a hard eye.
As I've mentioned before.............I don't have any problems with people who believe. They have that right, and nobody can take it away from them.

The problems I have are with religion as an organizational corporation, and with churches that are nothing but buildings for narcissists, greedmongers, and plastic people to hang out with each other, using religion as a cover.

I'm not saying that there aren't believers who don't go to churches or participate in organized religion..........some don't know better because they believe the lies and hypocrisy. Those that KNOW the difference, are the ones I prefer to be around, as they see religion for what it is, and don't believe god/jesus only exisits in million dollar buildings on Sundays.

This is just close-minded bigotry.

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