Zone1 Some Things That Doesn't Make Sense About Christianity

Here is the true issue. Moses gathered the entire community to worship God together. What if he had just come down from the mountain and got together only with his brother Aaron, and only he and Aaron chose God. Think of the rest of the the community decided against gathering as a whole because (horrors) there are always hypocrites in any large group.

The question is not, "Will hypocrites be there?" The question is, "Will I gather together with my community to worship God?" Worship of God, not hypocrisy, is the focus one chooses.
What if he had just come down from the mountain and got together only with his brother Aaron

who are you deceiving, the same as moses the liar ...

provide the tablets claimed by moses to be etched in the heavens with 10 commandments ... or remove them from the c-bible and all three desert religions - hypocrite.
Good and Evil are the extreme points of a spectrum
They are therefore degrees of the same thing .Being .
You cannot have one without having the other .

So, without what the unenlightened call Evil , Good is impossible .

Learn littler Grasshoppers .
So, without what the unenlightened call Evil , Good is impossible .
Some see evil as the absence of good in the same way that darkness is the absence of light. Neither goodness nor light are impossible, it is the absence of good or light that can occur.
As my Aunt told me once..........and I think I've mentioned this before...................

Religion, the church, and god/jesus are not the same thing.

If you believe god/jesus is a part of you, then you don't need religion or a church.
You don't have to go to a church to be religious, and you don't have to be religious to go to a church.

Make any sense?

If you tell me "I believe in god/jesus".......then I'm happy for you.

If you tell me "I'm religious".......I'm hesitant about you, knowing what I know about religions.

If you tell me "I go to church"........that tells me you're a narcissist that uses the church for your own greedy needs.
Not really. How does one get baptized by water and by the spirit by just believing? The Bible is clear that the only way to Heaven is by way of water baptism and by the gift of the Holy Ghost (baptism by fire). This has to be done with one who has authority to perform these ordinances of the Gospel.
Another thing is that if that was true, then the need for Peter, James, John, Paul and the other Apostles was not necessary and no one should have listened and followed their teachings. In other words, you should not view the Bible as the Word of God either. Nor any other written books describing their religions and so on and so on...
I heard this in a sermon that I was watching yesterday. If we're not to advocate hate and violence then why are we also supposed to hate all that is evil and what about self-defense?
The LORD hates six things; in fact, seven are detestable to him: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers. Proverbs 6:16-19 (CSB)

The Godhead, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, have set the laws for the children of the Father, the human race. The Godhead are the judges who decide our eternal fate based on the good we do in this life. The Godhead hates evil because when we as his children behave evil, we are subject to God's judgments of not returning to Him after this life. He doesn't want that. But, he allows us to have our personal free moral agency to choose good or evil works and behaviors. If God doesn't tell us what is good and what is evil, how can we choose righteousness? We must know both to make our choices. So, God tells us what goes against His laws, Commandments and Doctrines through His servants, the Prophets (Amos 3:7)
Now, are we to hate evil or are we to hate those who do evil? We are to hate and preach/teach against evil. But, we are to love the sinner or evil ones and do what we can to turn their hearts back to the Lord. You have heard, "Love the sinner but hate the sin." That is not a contradiction. When there is a mass shooting and people die, especially children, how do you feel? You hate whatever caused the killer to do his evil works. You hate those evil works. But, you let the law handle the judgments and hope that if the killer lived, that he/she can reverse whatever caused them to do this so that if they ever get out of prison, they won't do it again. The only way that can happen is if the killer has "hope" that people will forgive and he/she can have hope of changing. Can you love sinners?
Not really. How does one get baptized by water and by the spirit by just believing? The Bible is clear that the only way to Heaven is by way of water baptism and by the gift of the Holy Ghost (baptism by fire).

well, we agree on something... so far

I likely will find something in the rest of the post I don't agree on... sigh

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