Some Trump records taken to Mar-a-Lago clearly marked as classified and ‘TOP SECRET'

How stupid do you have to be to keep buying into this shit? How many times over the past 6 years has the public been breathlessly briefed on some outrage committed by Trump that will SURELY spell the end of his political life, if not his physical life.

Week after week, month after month, year after year.

"THIS TIME, they really have him by the BALLS!!!" "This time he's going to jail!"

This is a serious question. How often do you take this garbage seriously, see it amount to nothing, and jump on the next revelation as though THIS TIME it will really ruin Donald Trump?

You have to be a fucking moron.

I don't know if there is ANY truth in this uncorroborated bullshit, but even if there is, there is a completely innocent explanation. What the fuck nefarious purpose do you idiots suppose Trump had in mind? It is unimaginable.
just consider if Obama had done the same thing.

Some of the White House documents that Donald Trump improperly took to his Mar-a-Lago residence were clearly marked as classified, including documents at the “top secret” level, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The existence of clearly marked classified documents in the trove — which has not previously been reported — is likely to intensify the legal pressure that Trump or his staffers could face, and raises new questions about why the materials were taken out of the White House.

Some Trump records taken to Mar-a-Lago clearly marked as classified, including documents at ‘top secret’ level

Wow, it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. What do you think?
I think you lefties are terrified and shitting your pants because your whole world is collapsing. The Coof Hoax is going up in smoke, truckers are successfully performing an international blockade, your loser leader is trying to start a war with Russia that no one supports.

All you got now is “Drumpf Drumpf Drumpf!!!” You people are so fucking delusional that you’ll believe anything at this point. Someone makes up a story about flushing documents down a toilet from 2 years ago, or now “top secret documents” are found with a former President…according to anonymous source.

You are a perfect example of Mass Formation Psychosis. They tell you anything, and you believe it without question.
Some of the White House documents that Donald Trump improperly took to his Mar-a-Lago residence were clearly marked as classified, including documents at the “top secret” level, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The existence of clearly marked classified documents in the trove — which has not previously been reported — is likely to intensify the legal pressure that Trump or his staffers could face, and raises new questions about why the materials were taken out of the White House.

Some Trump records taken to Mar-a-Lago clearly marked as classified, including documents at ‘top secret’ level

Wow, it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. What do you think?
Impeachment #11!

He took Michelle's top secret DNA test to Florida!
Does he have Classified storage facilities at Mara Lago?
Who else had access to those documents?
Were they cleared?
These are legitimate questions to be asked but not by anyone whoever supported Hillary when she lifted, transported, and stored physical and digital files alike. You people didn’t care about Security then and asking these questions of Trump means you care only about Trump gotchas more than Security.
You folks control the House and Senate, go for it. No doubt the people will gladly set aside their worries of rising crime, outrageous inflation, threats of war and hang on Schumer and Pelosi's every word.
Is that what you said when the GOP investigated Hillary's home email server? Or was that somehow different?
haha well 1) not sure that’s where they weee stored 2) certainly he does, the president can declassify documents

Well, first he did not do that so they were still not stored legally and 2nd the EX-president cannot do that.
haha well 1) not sure that’s where they weee stored 2) certainly he does, the president can declassify documents
He had the authority (if he was still President) and there is such a process. Did he go through the process to ensure no national security interests were threatened?
Some of the White House documents that Donald Trump improperly took to his Mar-a-Lago residence were clearly marked as classified, including documents at the “top secret” level, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The existence of clearly marked classified documents in the trove — which has not previously been reported — is likely to intensify the legal pressure that Trump or his staffers could face, and raises new questions about why the materials were taken out of the White House.

Some Trump records taken to Mar-a-Lago clearly marked as classified, including documents at ‘top secret’ level

Wow, it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. What do you think?

I think another Lying pile of crap by the Crapppiest
Newspaper ever allowed to practice Journalism.
They've been found out.They surpass the N.Y.Times
in use of leakers and Deep State toadies.
They have been enabled by being saved from extinction
by a GaBillionaire { Jeff Bezos }.
Nothing much more need be said.
It's Obvious,Blatant and couldn't be any more in plain
sight.The Washington Post is a Dirt pack of unamerican
lies wrapped with their own fish-tainted string.
Butchers twine.Think the Movie :
- Gangs of New York { 2002 }
And characters like Bill the Butcher.
Happy Jack and Boss Tweed.
Thoroughly unlikable and never to be trusted.
Virtual packs of troublemakers.Or Pucks.
Like mischievous children.
Jackanapes they be.These Hounds of Journalistic
malpractice.Oscar Wilde was on to them, after learning
what was to be learned from The Age of Enlightenment.
" Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
Anybody can make history.Only a great man can write it.
There is no sin except stupidity. "
- { The Critic as Artist } 1891
It didn't effect me one way or the other. Neither will whatever may come of this.
How Ironic.The Massive use of Social Media and these
Newspapers of Record.Who Do Nothing { Literally }
to make life better,more understandable and with
Context.Instead they are surefire troublemakers
no different than what Pravda was in Russia and
Der Spiegel of Germany.
This is how History becomes tainted and distorted.
That is what turned the world sour with the
advent of Dadaism.
As I've written about the last 6-7 years.We are
headed into Dadaism.We are There ... Folks.
I mean,imagine someone growing up in the 50's
and being told about how Grade Schools are preparing
for - Drag Queen Story Hour -
These are legitimate questions to be asked but not by anyone whoever supported Hillary when she lifted, transported, and stored physical and digital files alike. You people didn’t care about Security then and asking these questions of Trump means you care only about Trump gotchas more than Security.
Turnabout is fair play

Trump was elected by being outraged at Hillary’s handling of Classified information

Lock her up!
Lock her up!
He had the authority (if he was still President) and there is such a process. Did he go through the process to ensure no national security interests were threatened?
There is no process, he can simply say it.

With that said, how do we know he didn't? There literally is no rule against the President taking classified material to his home office.

and frankly from the party that didn't mind the Obama admin allowing classified material on some third party hard drive, in somebodies's hard to take you seriously on this issue.

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