Some Will Hate This..

Because it is hard to hear the truth, and even harder to admit it.

Well worth a listen....if you have the guts......
Personally I love Zo......and think he is brilliant and clear thinking.

He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.

The GOP never admitted to so-called "the Southern strategy." It's a myth. What a few scumbag politicians to to curry favor with the media is irrelevant.

Both times they were the RNC chairman so once again you look like a clown trying to deny it. Homie in the video obviously has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Why would 2 people go on record admitting it?


"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

Then we have the infamous Lee Atwater admitting to it as well. Sorry clown.

Because it is hard to hear the truth, and even harder to admit it.

Well worth a listen....if you have the guts......
Personally I love Zo......and think he is brilliant and clear thinking.

He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.

^ doesn't understand that he was being spoken to and about.

I understand what he was saying. I just know more than he does obviously.

clearly not

See above foolish clown
Because it is hard to hear the truth, and even harder to admit it.

Well worth a listen....if you have the guts......
Personally I love Zo......and think he is brilliant and clear thinking.

He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.

The GOP never admitted to so-called "the Southern strategy." It's a myth. What a few scumbag politicians to to curry favor with the media is irrelevant.

Both times they were the RNC chairman so once again you look like a clown trying to deny it. Homie in the video obviously has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Why would 2 people go on record admitting it?


"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

Then we have the infamous Lee Atwater admitting to it as well. Sorry clown.

It's all bullshit - politicians trying to curry favor with the leftwing media. It never works.
"Some Will Hate This.."

Anyone who hates lies will, as this is nothing but a lie, it fails as a straw man fallacy.

Quite the opposite. Anyone that hates the truth.....$1000 says you didn't even listen to it.
Because it is hard to hear the truth, and even harder to admit it.

Well worth a listen....if you have the guts......
Personally I love Zo......and think he is brilliant and clear thinking.

He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.

The GOP never admitted to so-called "the Southern strategy." It's a myth. What a few scumbag politicians to to curry favor with the media is irrelevant.

Both times they were the RNC chairman so once again you look like a clown trying to deny it. Homie in the video obviously has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Why would 2 people go on record admitting it?


"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

Then we have the infamous Lee Atwater admitting to it as well. Sorry clown.

It's all bullshit - politicians trying to curry favor with the leftwing media. It never works.

Yes you are all bullshit but that still doesnt change the fact that you claimed the GOP never admitted to it and they did. How stupid do you feel not knowing this information?
"Some Will Hate This.."

Anyone who hates lies will, as this is nothing but a lie, it fails as a straw man fallacy.
I have to agree. As I pointed out there were several lies or this guy is really ignorant of the facts.

Well of COURSE you HAVE to agree. ZO is not in lock step with you. He thinks for himself.
"Some Will Hate This.."

Anyone who hates lies will, as this is nothing but a lie, it fails as a straw man fallacy.
I have to agree. As I pointed out there were several lies or this guy is really ignorant of the facts.

Well of COURSE you HAVE to agree. ZO is not in lock step with you. He thinks for himself.
Everyone thinks for themselves. Zo just thinks from a position of ignorance obviously. He never researched what he was saying to find out the truth.
"Some Will Hate This.."

Anyone who hates lies will, as this is nothing but a lie, it fails as a straw man fallacy.

Quite the opposite. Anyone that hates the truth.....$1000 says you didn't even listen to it.
Did you see where I posted that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy which this guy lies about in the video?

Why would I believe a myth? Anyway it has not thing to do with Zo. Sorry but you're not the smartest man on the planet as you try daily to prove you are.
I have nothing against you, but just because you say it, doesn't mean I believe it. :dunno:
"Some Will Hate This.."

Anyone who hates lies will, as this is nothing but a lie, it fails as a straw man fallacy.

Quite the opposite. Anyone that hates the truth.....$1000 says you didn't even listen to it.
Did you see where I posted that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy which this guy lies about in the video?

Why would I believe a myth? Anyway it has not thing to do with Zo. Sorry but you're not the smartest man on the planet as you try daily to prove you are.
I have nothing against you, but just because you say it, doesn't mean I believe it. :dunno:
I'm not the one that said it. The people that were in the GOP are the ones that said it. I have nothing against you either but i thought you were brighter than what you just proved.
"Some Will Hate This.."

Anyone who hates lies will, as this is nothing but a lie, it fails as a straw man fallacy.

Quite the opposite. Anyone that hates the truth.....$1000 says you didn't even listen to it.
Did you see where I posted that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy which this guy lies about in the video?

Why would I believe a myth? Anyway it has not thing to do with Zo. Sorry but you're not the smartest man on the planet as you try daily to prove you are.
I have nothing against you, but just because you say it, doesn't mean I believe it. :dunno:
I'm not the one that said it. The people that were in the GOP are the ones that said it. I have nothing against you either but i thought you were brighter than what you just proved.

Doesn't matter to me what you think. You were just itching for a way to try and slap me down anyhow. Sticks and stones...all that.

Have I said lately the GOP sucks?? ;)
"Some Will Hate This.."

Anyone who hates lies will, as this is nothing but a lie, it fails as a straw man fallacy.

Quite the opposite. Anyone that hates the truth.....$1000 says you didn't even listen to it.
Did you see where I posted that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy which this guy lies about in the video?

Why would I believe a myth? Anyway it has not thing to do with Zo. Sorry but you're not the smartest man on the planet as you try daily to prove you are.
I have nothing against you, but just because you say it, doesn't mean I believe it. :dunno:
I'm not the one that said it. The people that were in the GOP are the ones that said it. I have nothing against you either but i thought you were brighter than what you just proved.

Doesn't matter to me what you think. You were just itching for a way to try and slap me down anyhow. Sticks and stones...all that.

Have I said lately the GOP sucks?? ;)
I have nothing against you. I think youre being paranoid by believing you were a target for me. You have never did anything to me. Now youre being silly because obviously the GOP admitted to the southern strategy, I posted the proof, yet you are still denying it. What game are you playing?
Quite the opposite. Anyone that hates the truth.....$1000 says you didn't even listen to it.
Did you see where I posted that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy which this guy lies about in the video?

Why would I believe a myth? Anyway it has not thing to do with Zo. Sorry but you're not the smartest man on the planet as you try daily to prove you are.
I have nothing against you, but just because you say it, doesn't mean I believe it. :dunno:
I'm not the one that said it. The people that were in the GOP are the ones that said it. I have nothing against you either but i thought you were brighter than what you just proved.

Doesn't matter to me what you think. You were just itching for a way to try and slap me down anyhow. Sticks and stones...all that.

Have I said lately the GOP sucks?? ;)
I have nothing against you. I think youre being paranoid by believing you were a target for me. You have never did anything to me. Now youre being silly because obviously the GOP admitted to the southern strategy, I posted the proof, yet you are still denying it. What game are you playing?

Kidding, right? Paranoid? Awww come on you can do better. I know that for sure, I have seen it. Even toward me.
People here.........MANY people here, say you are a racist. I chose not to believe that. But admittedly you like smack down this white, blonde girl.
I like do not. I will not change my mind...I have always liked him. You will not change your mind, as he challenges all you have been taught.
So be it. I won't argue further. It's stupid. :)
Did you see where I posted that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy which this guy lies about in the video?

Why would I believe a myth? Anyway it has not thing to do with Zo. Sorry but you're not the smartest man on the planet as you try daily to prove you are.
I have nothing against you, but just because you say it, doesn't mean I believe it. :dunno:
I'm not the one that said it. The people that were in the GOP are the ones that said it. I have nothing against you either but i thought you were brighter than what you just proved.

Doesn't matter to me what you think. You were just itching for a way to try and slap me down anyhow. Sticks and stones...all that.

Have I said lately the GOP sucks?? ;)
I have nothing against you. I think youre being paranoid by believing you were a target for me. You have never did anything to me. Now youre being silly because obviously the GOP admitted to the southern strategy, I posted the proof, yet you are still denying it. What game are you playing?

Kidding, right? Paranoid? Awww come on you can do better. I know that for sure, I have seen it. Even toward me.
People here.........MANY people here, say you are a racist. I chose not to believe that. But admittedly you like smack down this white, blonde girl.
I like do not. I will not change my mind...I have always liked him. You will not change your mind, as he challenges all you have been taught.
So be it. I won't argue further. It's stupid. :)
The only smacking I have ever done with white girls is smacking them on the booty and watching it jiggle. I dont like or dislike Zo. I do think he is not well informed. I wasnt trying to change your mind. I was presenting you with facts so you could change your own mind with the correct information if you so choose to. If you dont I wont lose any sleep over it.
Because it is hard to hear the truth, and even harder to admit it.

Well worth a listen....if you have the guts......
Personally I love Zo......and think he is brilliant and clear thinking.

He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.

The GOP never admitted to so-called "the Southern strategy." It's a myth. What a few scumbag politicians to to curry favor with the media is irrelevant.

Both times they were the RNC chairman so once again you look like a clown trying to deny it. Homie in the video obviously has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Why would 2 people go on record admitting it?


"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

Then we have the infamous Lee Atwater admitting to it as well. Sorry clown.

So in the past 16 years, the "southern strategy" is not even neccessary. .Since the Dem party has largely abandoned retail politics in the south. They PURGED the BlueDog Dems from the party for being contrary and standing up for fiscal sanity and a strong national defense. Leaving a LOT of districts without ANY real choice in a Federal election. Many districts go uncontested in Federal elections,.

If the "southern strategy" is so freakin offensive --- why has the Dem party disenfranchised their black constituency there???? It's always so easy in this collusion between 2 parties. To cross-blame and avoid fixing anything because the "other party" is worse. But the fact is --- the Dems don't give a WHIT about franchising the South for blacks. Or EVEN the WHITE DEMS who still vote that party because their racist GrandPappy did.

Because they won't compromise on their leftward lurch. It's more of the tyranny of power and control that the 2 parties have perfected in the past 40 years.
Because it is hard to hear the truth, and even harder to admit it.

Well worth a listen....if you have the guts......
Personally I love Zo......and think he is brilliant and clear thinking.

He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.

The GOP never admitted to so-called "the Southern strategy." It's a myth. What a few scumbag politicians to to curry favor with the media is irrelevant.

Both times they were the RNC chairman so once again you look like a clown trying to deny it. Homie in the video obviously has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Why would 2 people go on record admitting it?


"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

Then we have the infamous Lee Atwater admitting to it as well. Sorry clown.

So in the past 16 years, the "southern strategy" is not even neccessary. .Since the Dem party has largely abandoned retail politics in the south. They PURGED the BlueDog Dems from the party for being contrary and standing up for fiscal sanity and a strong national defense. Leaving a LOT of districts without ANY real choice in a Federal election. Many districts go uncontested in Federal elections,.

If the "southern strategy" is so freakin offensive --- why has the Dem party disenfranchised their black constituency there???? It's always so easy in this collusion between 2 parties. To cross-blame and avoid fixing anything because the "other party" is worse. But the fact is --- the Dems don't give a WHIT about franchising the South for blacks. Or EVEN the WHITE DEMS who still vote that party because their racist GrandPappy did.

Because they won't compromise on their leftward lurch. It's more of the tyranny of power and control that the 2 parties have perfected in the past 40 years.

What does that have to do with fact he claimed the GOP never admitted to the Southern Strategy but they did as I proved?
Because it is hard to hear the truth, and even harder to admit it.

Well worth a listen....if you have the guts......
Personally I love Zo......and think he is brilliant and clear thinking.

He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.

The GOP never admitted to so-called "the Southern strategy." It's a myth. What a few scumbag politicians to to curry favor with the media is irrelevant.

Both times they were the RNC chairman so once again you look like a clown trying to deny it. Homie in the video obviously has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Why would 2 people go on record admitting it?


"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

Then we have the infamous Lee Atwater admitting to it as well. Sorry clown.

So in the past 16 years, the "southern strategy" is not even neccessary. .Since the Dem party has largely abandoned retail politics in the south. They PURGED the BlueDog Dems from the party for being contrary and standing up for fiscal sanity and a strong national defense. Leaving a LOT of districts without ANY real choice in a Federal election. Many districts go uncontested in Federal elections,.

If the "southern strategy" is so freakin offensive --- why has the Dem party disenfranchised their black constituency there???? It's always so easy in this collusion between 2 parties. To cross-blame and avoid fixing anything because the "other party" is worse. But the fact is --- the Dems don't give a WHIT about franchising the South for blacks. Or EVEN the WHITE DEMS who still vote that party because their racist GrandPappy did.

Because they won't compromise on their leftward lurch. It's more of the tyranny of power and control that the 2 parties have perfected in the past 40 years.

What does that have to do with fact he claimed the GOP never admitted to the Southern Strategy but they did as I proved?

Since 1970, the southern blacks were not gonna vote for Republicans anyways. Because of the "deals" promised by Johnson with the CRAct. That ACT BTW --- REQUIRED rescue by none other than Republicans to even be enacted. No strategy required. No upside to pandering by the Republicans --- the TYPE of pandering eloquently outlined in the OP video.

My point is --- as Zo made in the Vid is that over those 40 years, voting a solid black bloc in the South has not accomplished much for them. AND because the Dem party dismantled their Southern support, pulled up stakes and wrote all those constituents OFF --- rather than staying and providing them actual REPRESENTATION -- they've lost just as much from the Dems stranding them, as they have from any Southern strategy.

Fact is --- Dems stranded a bunch of politically sketchy WHITES down there as well. Simply because they looked DOWN on them and ridiculed their lifestyles and values. THey STILL do... LOTS of political abuse to go around. You are not unique in any way.
He started off good then he fell down and made up all kinds of wild accusations that simply arent true. He obviously has no idea what most businesses do and he also must have missed the memo that the GOP admitted to the Southern Strategy. Someone also confused him on what slavery in the US was vs what it was in Africa.
The GOP never admitted to so-called "the Southern strategy." It's a myth. What a few scumbag politicians to to curry favor with the media is irrelevant.
Both times they were the RNC chairman so once again you look like a clown trying to deny it. Homie in the video obviously has had the wool pulled over his eyes. Why would 2 people go on record admitting it?


"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

Then we have the infamous Lee Atwater admitting to it as well. Sorry clown.

So in the past 16 years, the "southern strategy" is not even neccessary. .Since the Dem party has largely abandoned retail politics in the south. They PURGED the BlueDog Dems from the party for being contrary and standing up for fiscal sanity and a strong national defense. Leaving a LOT of districts without ANY real choice in a Federal election. Many districts go uncontested in Federal elections,.

If the "southern strategy" is so freakin offensive --- why has the Dem party disenfranchised their black constituency there???? It's always so easy in this collusion between 2 parties. To cross-blame and avoid fixing anything because the "other party" is worse. But the fact is --- the Dems don't give a WHIT about franchising the South for blacks. Or EVEN the WHITE DEMS who still vote that party because their racist GrandPappy did.

Because they won't compromise on their leftward lurch. It's more of the tyranny of power and control that the 2 parties have perfected in the past 40 years.

What does that have to do with fact he claimed the GOP never admitted to the Southern Strategy but they did as I proved?

Since 1970, the southern blacks were not gonna vote for Republicans anyways. Because of the "deals" promised by Johnson with the CRAct. That ACT BTW --- REQUIRED rescue by none other than Republicans to even be enacted. No strategy required. No upside to pandering by the Republicans --- the TYPE of pandering eloquently outlined in the OP video.

My point is --- as Zo made in the Vid is that over those 40 years, voting a solid black bloc in the South has not accomplished much for them. AND because the Dem party dismantled their Southern support, pulled up stakes and wrote all those constituents OFF --- rather than staying and providing them actual REPRESENTATION -- they've lost just as much from the Dems stranding them, as they have from any Southern strategy.

Fact is --- Dems stranded a bunch of politically sketchy WHITES down there as well. Simply because they looked DOWN on them and ridiculed their lifestyles and values. THey STILL do... LOTS of political abuse to go around. You are not unique in any way.


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