Somebody's Poisoning the Tea in Mississippi

Back to the main topic, this "suicide" is a nasty stain for the Tea Bagger movement. Watch the Tea Baggers and the Koch brothers distance themselves from McDaniel now. He'll be standing outside the Manpower office in Biloxi looking for day labor six months from now.
Nah, McDaniel will call the black dems that voted against him a bunch of ******* and he will immediately become a darling of the teaper movement with a national radio show.

Will you promise to blow your brains out when that doesn't happen?
LOL, you confuse me for a weak minded teaper.
One election...woopidy doopity doo!

As for your deflection question...I am still waiting for your answer. Of all that the teapers claim to stand for...what have they done to accomplish any of their goals outside of threatening an armed insurrection in the name of Cliven Bundy?

And what has this government done but arbitrarily flout the constitutional rights of it's citizens? Seriously. You can quit deflecting my deflection, though. All you do is call them "Teapers" then say downright ugly things about them. You don't back up your claims, you simply spout rhetoric.

Oh, what they have done so far is do what the government won't by protecting the God given rights of Americans, regardless of their stances or views. Does your party do that for you? Do you have a Senator or Congressman who will go to bat for you and your demands?

They have drastically altered the political landscape in America. And the best accomplishment of all is when you make an impact on the hearts and minds of others.

They haven't altered the political landscape outside of being obstructionists. You think they have claimed the hearts and minds...but you are simply biased. They are hated by liberals, the media, the GOP and everyone else.

I will say it again...teapers can only differentiate themselves from Republicans through their blatant racism, obstructionism and anti-Government attitudes. In other is a movement/ party derived of hate and nothing more.

1. How have they been obstructionists? How can they obstruct anything with only 47 members in the House? Really? And you don't notice what Harry Reid has been doing in the Senate? What Obama has done via executive fiat? Don't make me laugh.

2. How are they hateful? Who do they hate specifically? Can you prove specifically where they have had anyone arrested for hate crimes or the like? Do you not remember the Occupy Movement? Where were you then?

3. Government is necessary, but it isn't the grandest thing in the world. I am a Tea Party member myself, and I know for a fact that we do not support any kind of anarchism. You have no way of proving it because on its face such a claim is patently false. There's a big difference between 'limited government' and 'no government.' We want it as Reagan once said, to "protect the people, not run their lives."

4. You call me biased, yet you spew all this hateful rhetoric about them. They are hated because the represent something that isn't the status quo. They represent something that scares the bejesus out of everyone in Washington.

5. People such as yourself are the obstructionists, unwilling to listen or even entertain a different idea or course of action that deviates from the set path.

6. The key was to differentiate. You would rather amalgamate with your fellow party members rather than think for yourself. You are being spoon fed all of this rhetoric, and for what? It makes you look foolish when you don't substantiate your arguments with facts, or even one modicum of logical reasoning!

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Teapers are racist, obstructionists and anti-government. That is the only difference between a Teaper and a conservative. They give conservatives a bad name and are destroying my party, the GOP.

(What has any Teaper done to achieve the goals stated above?)

In other words, all of the above. They are definitely "obstructionists." That is, they obstruct Democrat attempts to impose tyranny. By definition, anyone who believes in freedom. As for the "racist" accusation, only despicable piece of shit would level such an accusation without the slightest bit of evidence. But then, you are a liberal.

Nope, not a liberal. And why provide any evidence to someone like you? Is there anything you would consider to be racist? (I realize you are going to give examples of black racism, so spare me the nonsense and tell me if their is anything that a white person can do that is racist).

I asked you the same question before...I ran away. I bet you run away again or come back with the awe inspiring "you are a liberal" come back.

Teapers are fucking pathetic.

"Not a liberal," my ass. What do you call yourself, "progressive?" "Communist?"

Yeah, there are things people can do to be racist, but none of examples posted by you left-wing assholes have ever reached the bar.

Ignoring morons like you is not "running away." It's hardly worth responding to such infantile drek. I must be really bored today.
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In other words, all of the above. They are definitely "obstructionists." That is, they obstruct Democrat attempts to impose tyranny. By definition, anyone who believes in freedom. As for the "racist" accusation, only despicable piece of shit would level such an accusation without the slightest bit of evidence. But then, you are a liberal.

Nope, not a liberal. And why provide any evidence to someone like you? Is there anything you would consider to be racist? (I realize you are going to give examples of black racism, so spare me the nonsense and tell me if their is anything that a white person can do that is racist).

I asked you the same question before...I ran away. I bet you run away again or come back with the awe inspiring "you are a liberal" come back.

Teapers are fucking pathetic.

Yeah, there are things people can do to be racist, but none of you left-wing assholes have reached the bar. matter what example I will say it is not racist. So why should I waste my time with you, a nasty Teaper?
Nope, not a liberal. And why provide any evidence to someone like you? Is there anything you would consider to be racist? (I realize you are going to give examples of black racism, so spare me the nonsense and tell me if their is anything that a white person can do that is racist).

I asked you the same question before...I ran away. I bet you run away again or come back with the awe inspiring "you are a liberal" come back.

Teapers are fucking pathetic.

Yeah, there are things people can do to be racist, but none of you left-wing assholes have reached the bar. matter what example I will say it is not racist. So why should I waste my time with you, a nasty Teaper?

Yeah, your attitudes are downright vicious. "Nasty teaper?" You accuse them of being racist, but you make derogatory, partisan remarks about someone here.

The examples you gave were dredged from the recesses of your mind. None of which are valid until corroborated with facts and evidence.
Yeah, there are things people can do to be racist, but none of you left-wing assholes have reached the bar. matter what example I will say it is not racist. So why should I waste my time with you, a nasty Teaper?

Yeah, your attitudes are downright vicious. "Nasty teaper?" You accuse them of being racist, but you make derogatory, partisan remarks about someone here.

The examples you gave were dredged from the recesses of your mind. None of which are valid until corroborated with facts and evidence.

Have you ever read his posts? Hell, just look at his avatar. He is a Tea Party supporter (Teaper) and he is nasty. Nasty Teaper. Where did I go wrong?
So, Nutz and NTPP...can you tell us specifically why you so abhor the TP without resorting to silly name calling or falsehoods? You know, using logic, reason and facts, tell us exactly what it is you hate about the TP.

I keep asking the question, but none of you will answer it directly. Here are the basic TP tenants:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
4. Protect Free Markets
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

What is it about these principals that you find so overwhelmingly offensive?

Teapers are racist, obstructionists and anti-government. That is the only difference between a Teaper and a conservative. They give conservatives a bad name and are destroying my party, the GOP.

(What has any Teaper done to achieve the goals stated above?)

And, they're a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries.
Like I said...without falsehoods. Care to prove that the millions of TP supporters out there are racists? The floor is yours.

Proof? Evidence? Anything?

How is "Reduce the size of government" that same thing as "anti-government"? You do realize there is a difference between an anarchist and a Constitutional Conservative, right?

So, you're a Republican? Hmm...if you say so. :doubt:

Not the question at hand. It's the principals they support, nothing more.

So, you've FAILED to articulate why you hate the TP without resorting to falsehoods and without providing even a modicum of logic, reason or facts.

I find that fascinating.







Don't you penis wrinkles ever get tired of recycling the same four photos over and over again?












Like I said...without falsehoods. Care to prove that the millions of TP supporters out there are racists? The floor is yours.

Proof? Evidence? Anything?

How is "Reduce the size of government" that same thing as "anti-government"? You do realize there is a difference between an anarchist and a Constitutional Conservative, right?

So, you're a Republican? Hmm...if you say so. :doubt:

Not the question at hand. It's the principals they support, nothing more.

So, you've FAILED to articulate why you hate the TP without resorting to falsehoods and without providing even a modicum of logic, reason or facts.

I find that fascinating.







Sure, you want to play this game?




Hitler? Oh NOT based on race or his 'faith' *that TP gave him, lol
And what has this government done but arbitrarily flout the constitutional rights of it's citizens? Seriously. You can quit deflecting my deflection, though. All you do is call them "Teapers" then say downright ugly things about them. You don't back up your claims, you simply spout rhetoric.

Oh, what they have done so far is do what the government won't by protecting the God given rights of Americans, regardless of their stances or views. Does your party do that for you? Do you have a Senator or Congressman who will go to bat for you and your demands?

They have drastically altered the political landscape in America. And the best accomplishment of all is when you make an impact on the hearts and minds of others.

They haven't altered the political landscape outside of being obstructionists. You think they have claimed the hearts and minds...but you are simply biased. They are hated by liberals, the media, the GOP and everyone else.

I will say it again...teapers can only differentiate themselves from Republicans through their blatant racism, obstructionism and anti-Government attitudes. In other is a movement/ party derived of hate and nothing more.

1. How have they been obstructionists? How can they obstruct anything with only 47 members in the House? Really? And you don't notice what Harry Reid has been doing in the Senate? What Obama has done via executive fiat? Don't make me laugh.

2. How are they hateful? Who do they hate specifically? Can you prove specifically where they have had anyone arrested for hate crimes or the like? Do you not remember the Occupy Movement? Where were you then?

3. Government is necessary, but it isn't the grandest thing in the world. I am a Tea Party member myself, and I know for a fact that we do not support any kind of anarchism. You have no way of proving it because on its face such a claim is patently false. There's a big difference between 'limited government' and 'no government.' We want it as Reagan once said, to "protect the people, not run their lives."

4. You call me biased, yet you spew all this hateful rhetoric about them. They are hated because the represent something that isn't the status quo. They represent something that scares the bejesus out of everyone in Washington.

5. People such as yourself are the obstructionists, unwilling to listen or even entertain a different idea or course of action that deviates from the set path.

6. The key was to differentiate. You would rather amalgamate with your fellow party members rather than think for yourself. You are being spoon fed all of this rhetoric, and for what? It makes you look foolish when you don't substantiate your arguments with facts, or even one modicum of logical reasoning!


Last week, you were a Libertarian and an anarchist. Don't deny that you said you didn't believe in any government at all.

Stay tuned to see what you morph into next week.

I swear, you are the Fountain of Youth personified. You get younger every week.
That would be fine if that's what they actually stood for, but that's just the false pretense under which they operate.

Oh...the "because you say so" retort. Got it.

We'll just go with "you go nothing".

How sad that you can hate a group of people so much but can't manage to articulate why. I'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Did you know that Milton Friedman said in an interview, and it's on video, that there is no influence of corporate money in politics? Really, he said that. Check out Jamie Johnson's documentary, "The One Percent"...and find another hero.

Nice deflection. Feel free to stick to the point if you can.

TP is NOTHING but modern day Birchers funded by the same family who Founded the John Birch Society, Koch's. It the old days they were put behind the fence and ridiculed, today they are brought out as some type oh hero's? AFTER the black guy was elected, weird

Your just one vast geyser of baseless accusations, ad hominems and sleaze. Why do you bother posting on a political forum? You obviously aren't interested in political ideas.
Oh...the "because you say so" retort. Got it.

We'll just go with "you go nothing".

How sad that you can hate a group of people so much but can't manage to articulate why. I'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Nice deflection. Feel free to stick to the point if you can.

TP is NOTHING but modern day Birchers funded by the same family who Founded the John Birch Society, Koch's. It the old days they were put behind the fence and ridiculed, today they are brought out as some type oh hero's? AFTER the black guy was elected, weird

Your just one vast geyser of baseless accusations, ad hominems and sleaze. Why do you bother posting on a political forum? You obviously aren't interested in political ideas.

Weird, you project much?
Do a search, I have posted much on the teapers.

Better yet...just see what your fellow teapers post on this very forum. That is why I refuse to waste my time with you...when a teaper spews racist nonsense...where are you to condemn it. Your silence is quite supportive.

Do you know why people don't participate in your CDZ thread? Because elsewhere you say some pretty despicable things about them. You want to project an aura of civility, back your claims up. I dare you.
I simply reply in kind. Disagree with a teaper...they call you a liberal, statist, racist or worst.
Besides, your comments remind me of what a prominent lawmaker (Rep Andre Carlson) in the Black Caucus once said "some of them in the Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me...hanging on a tree."
I agree with him. I have never encountered such a racist bunch. And those who are involved who aren't racist...they are eerily silent when their fellow teapers spew racist nonsense. I went to a Tea Party rally once...all it was was a recruiting event for white racist groups. Why does the Tea Party allow this to happen at their events?

So, who is being racist here? Even when blacks join anything other than Democrats, they are labeled as Uncle Toms. They are called every racist thing under the book. So, where are you to condemn it?
I have condemned black racism many a time on these very forums. I am yet to see any teaper condemn white racism on any topic. Usually, if there is an example of white racism, they find a way to blame blacks. I did an experiment with that very premise today...check out my post on the white girl who blamed blackie.

Just by agreeing with Andre Carson, you are a racist. Obviously you missed the tongue in cheek reference to lynching, which was the MO of many a racist in the Jim Crow Era. "Replying in kind" is nothing but childish eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth nonsense. How can anyone debate you civilly when you call them names and talk down to them?

You have yet to prove how the Tea Party is racist. I want to see indisputable evidence. I condemn racism of any kind. I always have, even before I became a member of the Tea Party. Oh wait, that's the sound of your "the Tea Party is racist" argument falling flat on its face.

Moreover, you go to one Tea Party rally and assume that you know everything there is to know about them. We have black members! These anecdotes of yours are unnecessary. Your stereotypes are admittedly childish.

And as for "the white girl who blamed blackie" you'll need to be more specific.
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They haven't altered the political landscape outside of being obstructionists. You think they have claimed the hearts and minds...but you are simply biased. They are hated by liberals, the media, the GOP and everyone else.

I will say it again...teapers can only differentiate themselves from Republicans through their blatant racism, obstructionism and anti-Government attitudes. In other is a movement/ party derived of hate and nothing more.

1. How have they been obstructionists? How can they obstruct anything with only 47 members in the House? Really? And you don't notice what Harry Reid has been doing in the Senate? What Obama has done via executive fiat? Don't make me laugh.

2. How are they hateful? Who do they hate specifically? Can you prove specifically where they have had anyone arrested for hate crimes or the like? Do you not remember the Occupy Movement? Where were you then?

3. Government is necessary, but it isn't the grandest thing in the world. I am a Tea Party member myself, and I know for a fact that we do not support any kind of anarchism. You have no way of proving it because on its face such a claim is patently false. There's a big difference between 'limited government' and 'no government.' We want it as Reagan once said, to "protect the people, not run their lives."

4. You call me biased, yet you spew all this hateful rhetoric about them. They are hated because the represent something that isn't the status quo. They represent something that scares the bejesus out of everyone in Washington.

5. People such as yourself are the obstructionists, unwilling to listen or even entertain a different idea or course of action that deviates from the set path.

6. The key was to differentiate. You would rather amalgamate with your fellow party members rather than think for yourself. You are being spoon fed all of this rhetoric, and for what? It makes you look foolish when you don't substantiate your arguments with facts, or even one modicum of logical reasoning!


Last week, you were a Libertarian and an anarchist. Don't deny that you said you didn't believe in any government at all.

Stay tuned to see what you morph into next week.

I swear, you are the Fountain of Youth personified. You get younger every week.

Back off, I like TK!
TP is NOTHING but modern day Birchers funded by the same family who Founded the John Birch Society, Koch's. It the old days they were put behind the fence and ridiculed, today they are brought out as some type oh hero's? AFTER the black guy was elected, weird

Your just one vast geyser of baseless accusations, ad hominems and sleaze. Why do you bother posting on a political forum? You obviously aren't interested in political ideas.

Weird, you project much?

No, not at all.
They haven't altered the political landscape outside of being obstructionists. You think they have claimed the hearts and minds...but you are simply biased. They are hated by liberals, the media, the GOP and everyone else.

I will say it again...teapers can only differentiate themselves from Republicans through their blatant racism, obstructionism and anti-Government attitudes. In other is a movement/ party derived of hate and nothing more.

1. How have they been obstructionists? How can they obstruct anything with only 47 members in the House? Really? And you don't notice what Harry Reid has been doing in the Senate? What Obama has done via executive fiat? Don't make me laugh.

2. How are they hateful? Who do they hate specifically? Can you prove specifically where they have had anyone arrested for hate crimes or the like? Do you not remember the Occupy Movement? Where were you then?

3. Government is necessary, but it isn't the grandest thing in the world. I am a Tea Party member myself, and I know for a fact that we do not support any kind of anarchism. You have no way of proving it because on its face such a claim is patently false. There's a big difference between 'limited government' and 'no government.' We want it as Reagan once said, to "protect the people, not run their lives."

4. You call me biased, yet you spew all this hateful rhetoric about them. They are hated because the represent something that isn't the status quo. They represent something that scares the bejesus out of everyone in Washington.

5. People such as yourself are the obstructionists, unwilling to listen or even entertain a different idea or course of action that deviates from the set path.

6. The key was to differentiate. You would rather amalgamate with your fellow party members rather than think for yourself. You are being spoon fed all of this rhetoric, and for what? It makes you look foolish when you don't substantiate your arguments with facts, or even one modicum of logical reasoning!


Last week, you were a Libertarian and an anarchist. Don't deny that you said you didn't believe in any government at all.

Stay tuned to see what you morph into next week.

I swear, you are the Fountain of Youth personified. You get younger every week.

Wait what? I have never advocated the dissolution of government. If you had been in the CDZ, in DB's thread, I stated specifically that my views constantly change. But one constant is that while I despise government, I on the other hand believe it is a necessity, not to control people but to protect them. I prefer order to chaos, not controlled chaos.

Whereas I get younger, you get dumber. Don't you have other threads to troll?
Do you know why people don't participate in your CDZ thread? Because elsewhere you say some pretty despicable things about them. You want to project an aura of civility, back your claims up. I dare you.
I simply reply in kind. Disagree with a teaper...they call you a liberal, statist, racist or worst.
I agree with him. I have never encountered such a racist bunch. And those who are involved who aren't racist...they are eerily silent when their fellow teapers spew racist nonsense. I went to a Tea Party rally once...all it was was a recruiting event for white racist groups. Why does the Tea Party allow this to happen at their events?

So, who is being racist here? Even when blacks join anything other than Democrats, they are labeled as Uncle Toms. They are called every racist thing under the book. So, where are you to condemn it?
I have condemned black racism many a time on these very forums. I am yet to see any teaper condemn white racism on any topic. Usually, if there is an example of white racism, they find a way to blame blacks. I did an experiment with that very premise today...check out my post on the white girl who blamed blackie.

Just by agreeing with Andre Carson, you are a racist. Obviously you missed the tongue in cheek reference to lynching, which as the MO of many a racist in the Jim Crow Era. "Replying in kind" is nothing but childish eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth nonsense. How can anyone debate you civilly when you call them names and talk down to them?

You have yet to prove how the Tea Party is racist. I want to see indisputable evidence. I condemn racism of any kind. I always have, even before I became a member of the Tea Party. Oh wait, that's the sound of your "the Tea Party is racist" argument falling flat on its face.

Moreover, you go to one Tea Party rally and assume that you know everything there is to know about them. We have black members! I laugh at your anecdotes, Nutz. Your stereotypes are childish.

And as for "the white girl who blamed blackie" you'll need to be more specific.

If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

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