Somebody's Poisoning the Tea in Mississippi

1. How have they been obstructionists? How can they obstruct anything with only 47 members in the House? Really? And you don't notice what Harry Reid has been doing in the Senate? What Obama has done via executive fiat? Don't make me laugh.

2. How are they hateful? Who do they hate specifically? Can you prove specifically where they have had anyone arrested for hate crimes or the like? Do you not remember the Occupy Movement? Where were you then?

3. Government is necessary, but it isn't the grandest thing in the world. I am a Tea Party member myself, and I know for a fact that we do not support any kind of anarchism. You have no way of proving it because on its face such a claim is patently false. There's a big difference between 'limited government' and 'no government.' We want it as Reagan once said, to "protect the people, not run their lives."

4. You call me biased, yet you spew all this hateful rhetoric about them. They are hated because the represent something that isn't the status quo. They represent something that scares the bejesus out of everyone in Washington.

5. People such as yourself are the obstructionists, unwilling to listen or even entertain a different idea or course of action that deviates from the set path.

6. The key was to differentiate. You would rather amalgamate with your fellow party members rather than think for yourself. You are being spoon fed all of this rhetoric, and for what? It makes you look foolish when you don't substantiate your arguments with facts, or even one modicum of logical reasoning!


Last week, you were a Libertarian and an anarchist. Don't deny that you said you didn't believe in any government at all.

Stay tuned to see what you morph into next week.

I swear, you are the Fountain of Youth personified. You get younger every week.

Wait what? I have never advocated the dissolution of government. If you had been in the CDZ, in DB's thread, I stated specifically that my views constantly change. But one constant is that while I despise government, I on the other hand believe it is a necessity, not to control people but to protect them. I prefer order to chaos, not controlled chaos.

Whereas I get younger, you get dumber. Don't you have other threads to troll? are a libertarian...don't let the Teapers pervert your thought are better than that.
I simply reply in kind. Disagree with a teaper...they call you a liberal, statist, racist or worst.
I agree with him. I have never encountered such a racist bunch. And those who are involved who aren't racist...they are eerily silent when their fellow teapers spew racist nonsense. I went to a Tea Party rally once...all it was was a recruiting event for white racist groups. Why does the Tea Party allow this to happen at their events?

I have condemned black racism many a time on these very forums. I am yet to see any teaper condemn white racism on any topic. Usually, if there is an example of white racism, they find a way to blame blacks. I did an experiment with that very premise today...check out my post on the white girl who blamed blackie.

Just by agreeing with Andre Carson, you are a racist. Obviously you missed the tongue in cheek reference to lynching, which as the MO of many a racist in the Jim Crow Era. "Replying in kind" is nothing but childish eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth nonsense. How can anyone debate you civilly when you call them names and talk down to them?

You have yet to prove how the Tea Party is racist. I want to see indisputable evidence. I condemn racism of any kind. I always have, even before I became a member of the Tea Party. Oh wait, that's the sound of your "the Tea Party is racist" argument falling flat on its face.

Moreover, you go to one Tea Party rally and assume that you know everything there is to know about them. We have black members! I laugh at your anecdotes, Nutz. Your stereotypes are childish.

And as for "the white girl who blamed blackie" you'll need to be more specific.

If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

Eh, that was a complete and total deflection. That normally happens when I blow someone's contentions out of the water. I pay far more attention that I care to. There are those racists who claim to be 'teapers' but don't even reflect the core tenets of the Tea Party. We at all times work to disassociate from them. Racism has no place.

Anyone who claims to be part of the Tea Party who says racist things is not a member of the Tea Party. They are foolish and naive, trying to use us as a vehicle for their own ulterior motives. They are there to stir up trouble and otherwise make a bad name for us.

I am far from ignorant, Nutz. Willful ignorance is when someone refuses to acknowledge reality. The only one here who is being such is you.
I simply reply in kind. Disagree with a teaper...they call you a liberal, statist, racist or worst.
I agree with him. I have never encountered such a racist bunch. And those who are involved who aren't racist...they are eerily silent when their fellow teapers spew racist nonsense. I went to a Tea Party rally once...all it was was a recruiting event for white racist groups. Why does the Tea Party allow this to happen at their events?

I have condemned black racism many a time on these very forums. I am yet to see any teaper condemn white racism on any topic. Usually, if there is an example of white racism, they find a way to blame blacks. I did an experiment with that very premise today...check out my post on the white girl who blamed blackie.

Just by agreeing with Andre Carson, you are a racist. Obviously you missed the tongue in cheek reference to lynching, which as the MO of many a racist in the Jim Crow Era. "Replying in kind" is nothing but childish eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth nonsense. How can anyone debate you civilly when you call them names and talk down to them?

You have yet to prove how the Tea Party is racist. I want to see indisputable evidence. I condemn racism of any kind. I always have, even before I became a member of the Tea Party. Oh wait, that's the sound of your "the Tea Party is racist" argument falling flat on its face.

Moreover, you go to one Tea Party rally and assume that you know everything there is to know about them. We have black members! I laugh at your anecdotes, Nutz. Your stereotypes are childish.

And as for "the white girl who blamed blackie" you'll need to be more specific.

If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.
Last week, you were a Libertarian and an anarchist. Don't deny that you said you didn't believe in any government at all.

Stay tuned to see what you morph into next week.

I swear, you are the Fountain of Youth personified. You get younger every week.

Wait what? I have never advocated the dissolution of government. If you had been in the CDZ, in DB's thread, I stated specifically that my views constantly change. But one constant is that while I despise government, I on the other hand believe it is a necessity, not to control people but to protect them. I prefer order to chaos, not controlled chaos.

Whereas I get younger, you get dumber. Don't you have other threads to troll? are a libertarian...don't let the Teapers pervert your thought are better than that.

They have done no such thing. I am a libertarian, not the strictest one, but still a libertarian. I am better than to let anyone dictate my beliefs, including you. I don't know what your deal is with the Tea Party... you act as if they have done some pretty evil things.

You never did get back to me on how they are full of hate, or are obstructionists by the way. You have such a basic view of us that you are willing to degrade us. Think of me as someone who doesn't fit any of the labels you have applied to them thus far.
Just by agreeing with Andre Carson, you are a racist. Obviously you missed the tongue in cheek reference to lynching, which as the MO of many a racist in the Jim Crow Era. "Replying in kind" is nothing but childish eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth nonsense. How can anyone debate you civilly when you call them names and talk down to them?

You have yet to prove how the Tea Party is racist. I want to see indisputable evidence. I condemn racism of any kind. I always have, even before I became a member of the Tea Party. Oh wait, that's the sound of your "the Tea Party is racist" argument falling flat on its face.

Moreover, you go to one Tea Party rally and assume that you know everything there is to know about them. We have black members! I laugh at your anecdotes, Nutz. Your stereotypes are childish.

And as for "the white girl who blamed blackie" you'll need to be more specific.

If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

Pass the bong.
Just by agreeing with Andre Carson, you are a racist. Obviously you missed the tongue in cheek reference to lynching, which as the MO of many a racist in the Jim Crow Era. "Replying in kind" is nothing but childish eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth nonsense. How can anyone debate you civilly when you call them names and talk down to them?

You have yet to prove how the Tea Party is racist. I want to see indisputable evidence. I condemn racism of any kind. I always have, even before I became a member of the Tea Party. Oh wait, that's the sound of your "the Tea Party is racist" argument falling flat on its face.

Moreover, you go to one Tea Party rally and assume that you know everything there is to know about them. We have black members! I laugh at your anecdotes, Nutz. Your stereotypes are childish.

And as for "the white girl who blamed blackie" you'll need to be more specific.

If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

That's not far off, actually.
If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

Pass the bong.

To be blunt, I think you already have it.

You have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claims about the Tea Party. If and when you feel at liberty to, I'll be waiting here.
The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

Pass the bong.

To be blunt, I think you already have it.

You have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claims about the Tea Party. If and when you feel at liberty to, I'll be waiting here.

All you have to do is look. Hell, I think I even started a thread a while back...Another Example of Teaper racism...or something like that. I'm not searching for it, but you can.
If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

Pass the bong.

Sure. Then do some research on the democrat operatives that were hired by Cochran campaign when they realized they were in trouble. I can give you a link, but it's better if you find out yourself.
The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

Pass the bong.

Sure. Then do some research on the democrat operatives that were hired by Cochran campaign when they realized they were in trouble. I can give you a link, but it's better if you find out yourself.

Give me a link...I am too lazy to look up my own stuff, so why would I search for yours?

But...I will read the link you provide. Just don't send me to another hate site.
Pass the bong.

To be blunt, I think you already have it.

You have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claims about the Tea Party. If and when you feel at liberty to, I'll be waiting here.

All you have to do is look. Hell, I think I even started a thread a while back...Another Example of Teaper racism...or something like that. I'm not searching for it, but you can.

That's not an answer. You need to be specific. Nobody will take your word for it, most of all not me. If you're gonna call them racists, I invite you to prove it. Either you won't search for it, or there isn't anything to search for.
Sure, you want to play this game?




Hitler? Oh NOT based on race or his 'faith' *that TP gave him, lol

What are you even talking about?

Don't understand Bush (AND OBAMA) being attacked and compared to Hitler VERSUS using racist names and intent? Seriously?
Just by agreeing with Andre Carson, you are a racist. Obviously you missed the tongue in cheek reference to lynching, which as the MO of many a racist in the Jim Crow Era. "Replying in kind" is nothing but childish eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth nonsense. How can anyone debate you civilly when you call them names and talk down to them?

You have yet to prove how the Tea Party is racist. I want to see indisputable evidence. I condemn racism of any kind. I always have, even before I became a member of the Tea Party. Oh wait, that's the sound of your "the Tea Party is racist" argument falling flat on its face.

Moreover, you go to one Tea Party rally and assume that you know everything there is to know about them. We have black members! I laugh at your anecdotes, Nutz. Your stereotypes are childish.

And as for "the white girl who blamed blackie" you'll need to be more specific.

If you, or any Teaper were to open your eyes...and just look at what your ilk are saying and posting on this very would see the racists tendencies of your brethren. You just want to dismiss the Teaper racism and be willfully ignorant. All I can do is tell you to pay attention.

As for the thread about white girl blaming blackie...perhaps you should check it out.

The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

lol, Too funny

Racial Resentment and the Tea Party

Here's a sampling of attitudes among tea party followers:

63 percent believes that discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against minority groups.
66 percent believes that the values of Islam are at odds with American values.
54 percent believes that American Muslims are trying to establish Sharia law in the U.S.
56 percent believes that newcomers from other countries threaten traditional American customs and values.
72 percent believes we should deport all illegal immigrants back to their home countries.

This survey probably won't change any minds, and I happen to think the term "racist" conceals more than it explains anyway. Still, what this survey does show is that tea partiers clearly harbor a pretty strong set of racial resentments. That doesn't make them all racists, but it is a simple descriptive fact, and it's something that's perfectly kosher to discuss openly as it relates to public policy.

Racial Resentment and the Tea Party | Mother Jones
The race baiting came from the establishment repubs and democrat operatives they hired.

Pass the bong.

Sure. Then do some research on the democrat operatives that were hired by Cochran campaign when they realized they were in trouble. I can give you a link, but it's better if you find out yourself.

Now, a reactionary conservative, they don’t want change at all. In fact, they want to look backwards in time to a time during which their social group — their power and cultural hegemony was unquestioned. Beyond that, they will do anything they can to protest social change of any kind, up to and including breaking the law … That’s what the Klan did; that’s what the Tea Party has done on a couple of occasions with their violence. It’s not as much violence as you saw with the Klan in the 1920s, but you do see some of the ways in which they break law and order. If you’re a real conservative, you’re supposed to be all about law and order. But these reactionary conservatives — they’re not completely about law and order if it means capitulation and the loss of their social prestige.

Let me just tell you one second point: Another axis of difference between the two is that an establishment conservative will see policy differences or policy preference differences between them and progressives as merely political differences. But these reactionary conservatives see policy differences, or differences of policy preferences, as a contest between good and evil. They have this Manichaean way of looking at politics, this apocalyptic way of looking at politics. Therefore, compromise cannot be [allowed]. Compromise will not be tolerated whatsoever, because they see it as concession to evil, whereas an establishment conservative knows that compromise is necessary.

Tea Party?s hot mess: Inside a noisy, disenchanted movement -
So, Nutz and NTPP...can you tell us specifically why you so abhor the TP without resorting to silly name calling or falsehoods? You know, using logic, reason and facts, tell us exactly what it is you hate about the TP.

I keep asking the question, but none of you will answer it directly. Here are the basic TP tenants:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
4. Protect Free Markets
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

What is it about these principals that you find so overwhelmingly offensive?

15 Non-negotiable Core Beliefs 1. Illegal aliens are here illegally. 2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable. 3. A strong military is essential. 4. Special interests must be eliminated. 5. Gun ownership is sacred. 6. Government must be downsized. 7. The national budget must be balanced. 8. Deficit spending must end. 9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal. 10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must. 11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory. 12. Political offices must be available to average citizens. 13. Intrusive government must be stopped. 14. English as our core language is required. 15. Traditional family values are encouraged. - See more at: About Us - Tea Party
Holy cow...WTF is going to come out this McDaniel clusterfuck next?

Voter-Fraud Claims and Activist’s Suicide Add to Turmoil in Mississippi

WASHINGTON — The long and bitter Republican primary fight between Senator Thad Cochran and his Tea Party challenger descended into accusations of voter fraud on Friday, with the defeated candidate, State Senator Chris McDaniel, making clear he would not accept the results anytime soon.

The escalating feud raised the prospect that a seething bloc of conservative voters could sit out the November election, improving the chances of the long-shot Democratic candidate, Travis Childers.

A tragic note was introduced into the intraparty fight on Friday when a Tea Party leader committed suicide. The man, Mark Mayfield, had been accused of being part of a conspiracy to photograph Rose Cochran, Mr. Cochran’s wife, in the Mississippi nursing home where she lives.

Mr. Mayfield, a lawyer and a leader of the Central Mississippi Tea Party, had been arrested last month and charged with conspiring to break in to the room of Mrs. Cochran, who has dementia.

Mr. Mayfield’s lawyer, Merrida Coxwell, said his client had faced little chance of being convicted, let alone of being sentenced to jail. But the arrest “was more than he could stand,” he said.

“Sadly, Mark may have taken his own life, but that lies at the feet of some other people,” Mr. Coxwell said. “They will have to explain that.”

Yeah, somebody needs to explain this. Such a shame that the Tea Baggers in Ole' Miss are IMPLODING. Let's see if McDaniel shows up for the funeral.

This is typical of arrogant extremists, convinced that only they are right and everyone else is wrong; they adhere blindly to their errant rightist dogma and when challenged react irrationally.

TPM republicans have nothing to offer Americans but fear, ignorance, and delusional reactionaryism.

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