Somebody's Poisoning the Tea in Mississippi

Not a shock. Tea party members believe the only reason they lose is massive voter fraud. Screw facts and evidence.
1. How have they been obstructionists? How can they obstruct anything with only 47 members in the House? Really? And you don't notice what Harry Reid has been doing in the Senate? What Obama has done via executive fiat? Don't make me laugh.

2. How are they hateful? Who do they hate specifically? Can you prove specifically where they have had anyone arrested for hate crimes or the like? Do you not remember the Occupy Movement? Where were you then?

3. Government is necessary, but it isn't the grandest thing in the world. I am a Tea Party member myself, and I know for a fact that we do not support any kind of anarchism. You have no way of proving it because on its face such a claim is patently false. There's a big difference between 'limited government' and 'no government.' We want it as Reagan once said, to "protect the people, not run their lives."

4. You call me biased, yet you spew all this hateful rhetoric about them. They are hated because the represent something that isn't the status quo. They represent something that scares the bejesus out of everyone in Washington.

5. People such as yourself are the obstructionists, unwilling to listen or even entertain a different idea or course of action that deviates from the set path.

6. The key was to differentiate. You would rather amalgamate with your fellow party members rather than think for yourself. You are being spoon fed all of this rhetoric, and for what? It makes you look foolish when you don't substantiate your arguments with facts, or even one modicum of logical reasoning!


Last week, you were a Libertarian and an anarchist. Don't deny that you said you didn't believe in any government at all.

Stay tuned to see what you morph into next week.

I swear, you are the Fountain of Youth personified. You get younger every week.

Wait what? I have never advocated the dissolution of government. If you had been in the CDZ, in DB's thread, I stated specifically that my views constantly change. But one constant is that while I despise government, I on the other hand believe it is a necessity, not to control people but to protect them. I prefer order to chaos, not controlled chaos.

Whereas I get younger, you get dumber. Don't you have other threads to troll?

If you hunt real hard, you might find the little phrase, "temet nosce" in your own signature. Look up the meaning of that and commit it to memory.
omg, how many ways can the left hate on the Tea Party?

just count all the threads on this already posted

how does people live with so much hate? must be awful

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG is that the only thing you can say OMG OMG to every post as if you had anything worth to say ... OMG obama OMG libs OMG Reid OMG OMG OMG

Her question should be directed to the people who set up the illegal photographing of Cochran's wife who is dying in a nursing home. Notice Stephanie can't follow a thread of thought. Maybe if we attached a Snickers bar to it?

Since its [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] a block of free government cheese is what gets her attention.
So, Nutz and NTPP...can you tell us specifically why you so abhor the TP without resorting to silly name calling or falsehoods? You know, using logic, reason and facts, tell us exactly what it is you hate about the TP.

I keep asking the question, but none of you will answer it directly. Here are the basic TP tenants:

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
(BR) excessive taxes aren't what they are about its all taxes and if the don't get their way they filibuster...
2. Eliminate the National Debt
(BR)to eliminate the national debt you first have to have a taxs base to pay for the national debt
to simply cut taxes will not work it only makes it worse...
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
(BR)this is their bigest problem they think any spending is deficit spending so any attempt to spend is the problem
4. Protect Free Markets
(BR)their Idea of the free market isn't my Idea of of protection ... they feel by dump cheep chinese korean steel in america isn't part of the free market... causing loss of jobs loss of tax to the country ...causing the national debt to go up ... the Tea baggers Idea of the free market is fucked up in my opinion
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
(BR) their Idea and the actual Idea of the constution isn't one and the same
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
(BR)their Idea of civil responcibility is if you are starving in this country to bad you go hungry even if you can't find a job even if you have applied for a job 4 and 5 times a day, too bad go hungry ... you as far as they are concerned starved to death
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
(BR) the problem with government isn't that its too big... the problem with government is republicans and tea bagger deregulating the crap out of programs that the government is running or defunding them becasue they don't like them...look at banking look what republicans did to banking with their deregulating... they deregulated it so much it caused the couintry to go into a great depression
8. Believe in the People
(BR)now I'm laughing
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence
(B)these last three a comical at best

What is it about these principals that you find so overwhelmingly offensive?
(BR)everything they represent I find offensive they don't like the ACA because they feel illeigal will get health care for free... they hate just about every thing that I as a human feel is a right ... I as a voter will fight their Idea with every breath of my being

your hatred is based on ignorance and the liberal brainwashing that you absorb from the biased media. The principles stated earlier ARE the principles of 99% of teaparty members. Unlike liberals where 99% of you are far left mindless haters.

With every post you confirm that liberalism is a mental disease.
Teapers are crybabies...they can't handle defeat. I am sure there are some teaper militiamen ready to start a war over the name of a corrupt dead man. Teapers are ridiculously funny.

I just don't think this guy offed himself. That's how BAD McDaniel really is. This guy was getting ready to tell the truth about who put him up to taking photos of Cochran's wife in the nursing home.

Are you accusing McDaniels of freaking murder?
Remember how "all liberals hate the military" because someone got spit on once? Funny how that's okay, but to say that the Tea Party tends to attract the most racist elements among conservatives...well, that's too far!!!

The evidence is a little more credible than that:

Holy cow...WTF is going to come out this McDaniel clusterfuck next?

Voter-Fraud Claims and Activist’s Suicide Add to Turmoil in Mississippi

WASHINGTON — The long and bitter Republican primary fight between Senator Thad Cochran and his Tea Party challenger descended into accusations of voter fraud on Friday, with the defeated candidate, State Senator Chris McDaniel, making clear he would not accept the results anytime soon.

The escalating feud raised the prospect that a seething bloc of conservative voters could sit out the November election, improving the chances of the long-shot Democratic candidate, Travis Childers.

A tragic note was introduced into the intraparty fight on Friday when a Tea Party leader committed suicide. The man, Mark Mayfield, had been accused of being part of a conspiracy to photograph Rose Cochran, Mr. Cochran’s wife, in the Mississippi nursing home where she lives.

Mr. Mayfield, a lawyer and a leader of the Central Mississippi Tea Party, had been arrested last month and charged with conspiring to break in to the room of Mrs. Cochran, who has dementia.

Mr. Mayfield’s lawyer, Merrida Coxwell, said his client had faced little chance of being convicted, let alone of being sentenced to jail. But the arrest “was more than he could stand,” he said.

“Sadly, Mark may have taken his own life, but that lies at the feet of some other people,” Mr. Coxwell said. “They will have to explain that.”

Yeah, somebody needs to explain this. Such a shame that the Tea Baggers in Ole' Miss are IMPLODING. Let's see if McDaniel shows up for the funeral.

They USED DEMOCRAT TACTICS...and NTTP NOW applauds REPUBLICANS he thought he hated...WHAT is it like to LIVE in a fucking LIE...and come on here and DISPLAY IT?
The tea party carries with it the same stigma as the GOP which is watching out for the uber wealthy and corporations. They must shed this stigma. Take a stand for public sector workers once rather than rally against them and the gains will come.
The tea party carries with it the same stigma as the GOP which is watching out for the uber wealthy and corporations. They must shed this stigma. Take a stand for public sector workers once rather than rally against them and the gains will come.

If someone declines to nationalize corporations and believes wealthy people have the same rights as the poor, then fellow travellers like you claim he "is watching out for the uber wealthy and corporations." That's all that means.

Why would anyone waste his time "taking a stand" for workers who make far more than equivalent private sector workers, and get a pension that the would be a fantasy in the private sector? It's time for government workers to pay their fair share.
The tea party carries with it the same stigma as the GOP which is watching out for the uber wealthy and corporations. They must shed this stigma. Take a stand for public sector workers once rather than rally against them and the gains will come.

If someone declines to nationalize corporations and believes wealthy people have the same rights as the poor, then fellow travellers like you claim he "is watching out for the uber wealthy and corporations." That's all that means.

Why would anyone waste his time "taking a stand" for workers who make far more than equivalent private sector workers, and get a pension that the would be a fantasy in the private sector? It's time for government workers to pay their fair share.

Indeed they should and CEASE getting fucking BONUSES for public Service.

THEY are doing nothing but BILKING the TAXPAYER.
The tea party carries with it the same stigma as the GOP which is watching out for the uber wealthy and corporations. They must shed this stigma. Take a stand for public sector workers once rather than rally against them and the gains will come.

If someone declines to nationalize corporations and believes wealthy people have the same rights as the poor, then fellow travellers like you claim he "is watching out for the uber wealthy and corporations." That's all that means.

Why would anyone waste his time "taking a stand" for workers who make far more than equivalent private sector workers, and get a pension that the would be a fantasy in the private sector? It's time for government workers to pay their fair share.

Indeed they should and CEASE getting fucking BONUSES for public Service.

THEY are doing nothing but BILKING the TAXPAYER.

"Public service" is a euphemism meaning "fucking the taxpayers up the ass." They all wink at each other whenever they use the term.
Teapers are racist, obstructionists and anti-government. That is the only difference between a Teaper and a conservative. They give conservatives a bad name and are destroying my party, the GOP.

(What has any Teaper done to achieve the goals stated above?)

Winner winner chicken dinner.

The race card..



An example of a racist teaper. ^^^^

All you have to do is read his posts. He is your average Teaper. His clan is here all day.

So uh, how is he being racist? And you ignore the liberals using the race card each and every day? Race is a part of their platform. It was how they got Obama elected they used the fear of being racist. You love playing the race card, but you can do little else.
Not a shock. Tea party members believe the only reason they lose is massive voter fraud. Screw facts and evidence.

Well, when you have Democrats voting for a Republican, something's up. But hey, screw the facts and evidence.
Yes those dastardly kindergarten teachers and policemen are bilking the taxpayer. Those are the takers correct?
Yes those dastardly kindergarten teachers and policemen are bilking the taxpayer. Those are the takers correct?

Yes they are. Both provide a "service" that is vastly overpriced and the quality is low. That's why they force us to pay for it.

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