Someone just blew up Ukraine’s Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and took out a major dam

Why stay in a hole like Ukraine if they can run. What exactly is the motive? Hmmm?
As long as they sit in Kiev, they can steal and profit from the deaths of Ukrainians. As one englishman said, "give a capitalist a 300% profit margin and there is no crime he would not commit even under pain of the gallows".
And besides, they can enjoy the applause of the scum of the West as "heroes. Scumbags love the glory.
They’re desperate. Why destroy city after city you plan on occupying with Russians? Wouldn’t you want those precious buildings, roads and other infrastructure that make up a city? This is simply the equivalent of turning over the table of a card game you’re losing.
I suppose. Both sides are capable of doing that. Russians would rather raise Ukraine to the ground than give it up to NATO. We knew that long before this war, yet the globohomos pushed for this war anyway. But the Ukrainians are just as bad as Russians and would likely do the same thing if they were losing the land to “fascist” Russia.
Oh BS. Russia has been in control of that dam for over a year. They allowed the level to rise well above flood levels before blowing it up.

Dude, you clearly don't understand how waterways work. It doesn't matter if the Russians have control of that ONE PARTICULAR DAM & RESERVOIR, or not. Water flows downstream. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, in some cases, depending on the river, millions. Do you have any idea, how much water weighs, and how much stress it places on dams?

Do you have any idea what kind of stress that puts on infrastructure in the spring, if other dams are not professionally controlled, in conjunction with that dam?

You are obviously just a propagandist, and don't want to discuss this rationally, or reasonably, according to factual engineering and physics.

If they conflict with your narrative? All you have. . . is. . .


From what I can tell, just from a cursory glance, that is the last dam and reservoir in a long system of them.

In a river basin system, all the engineers have to work in concert, where there are several dams and reservoirs. If they are not working in concert, the folks upstream, can easily cause those down stream, to have failures. If you do not understand this? There is nothing I can do for you.

When spring comes, if they are not working together, the risk of cascade failure and knock-on affect is VERY REAL.


This is the far right column we are talking about, it is just a small percent of the water. . .


If it takes on too much water from those other dams and reservoirs?

USSR =/= Russia

Putes is doing a damn fine imitation imo. "Enemies of the State" are Hillaried; the Ukes would have had mass "deaths" with lots of falls from windows and down steps and quiet liquidations in cellars...the UKES are fighting for their lives and they know it. Are the Ukes "better"? They are not the invaders!!!

Putin wants the USSR empire back; believe him!!!

And yes; Biden is cheerleading but he also tried to do Putin's bidding by removing Zalenski withe offer of a "ride". Europe is actually LEADING on this; some being dragged kicking and screaming but nonetheless in it. I recall Biden was VP when Russia took the Crimea.

It's a bloody mess.


Dude, you clearly don't understand how waterways work. It doesn't matter if the Russians have control of that ONE PARTICULAR DAM & RESERVOIR, or not. Water flows downstream. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, in some cases, depending on the river, millions. Do you have any idea, how much water weighs, and how much stress it places on dams?

Do you have any idea what kind of stress that puts on infrastructure in the spring, if other dams are not professionally controlled, in conjunction with that dam?

You are obviously just a propagandist, and don't want to discuss this rationally, or reasonably, according to factual engineering and physics.

If they conflict with your narrative? All you have. . . is. . .


From what I can tell, just from a cursory glance, that is the last dam and reservoir in a long system of them.

In a river basin system, all the engineers have to work in concert, where there are several dams and reservoirs. If they are not working in concert, the folks upstream, can easily cause those down stream, to have failures. If you do not understand this? There is nothing I can do for you.

When spring comes, if they are not working together, the risk of cascade failure and knock-on affect is VERY REAL.

View attachment 792324

This is the far right column we are talking about, it is just a small percent of the water. . .

View attachment 792326

If it takes on too much water from those other dams and reservoirs?


The Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant is "beyond repair" after being blown up by Russian forces, Ukraine's state-owned energy company Ukrhydroenergo reported on June 6.

Ukraine's Southern Operational Command reported early on June 6 that Russian forces blew up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant.

"As a result of the blast, the machine hall inside the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was completely destroyed. The station is beyond repair," Ukrhydroenergo wrote.

In other word, the dam burst not because of water pressure but because the machinery needed to adjust to changing pressures was destroyed. Both Russia and Ukraine agree that the dam had failed because of an attack, so why are you pulling a wild hair out of your ass by denying it?
As long as they sit in Kiev, they can steal and profit from the deaths of Ukrainians. As one englishman said, "give a capitalist a 300% profit margin and there is no crime he would not commit even under pain of the gallows".
And besides, they can enjoy the applause of the scum of the West as "heroes. Scumbags love the glory.

Who is profiting? What are their names? Where are you getting this information from? You obviously have a legit source right? I’ll wait.
I suppose. Both sides are capable of doing that. Russians would rather raise Ukraine to the ground than give it up to NATO. We knew that long before this war, yet the globohomos pushed for this war anyway. But the Ukrainians are just as bad as Russians and would likely do the same thing if they were losing the land to “fascist” Russia.

But Ukraine is not losing. That’s the point. If anything this hinders their counteroffensive. Why would they do that?? They have zero motive.
What’s not true? What facts have I said which you consider a lie?
Almost all of it. Ukraine’s military is about to collapse. Casualties are probably close to 500,000. Half the nation’s population has left. They’re running out of young men. Russia has control of eastern Ukraine (you somehow are unaware of this easily determined fact).

Russia could have leveled Kiev if they wanted to. They’ve been much more careful about causing civilian casualties and destroying infrastructure, as compared to the US military approach of killing and destroying everything.

Do you have a date for the vaunted Spring offensive? It seems it’s all talk.
If it takes on too much water from those other dams and reservoirs?
Yes I do know a little about dams, a friend of mine operated Cushman #1 in Washington State until his retirement.

Who controls the floodgates controls the reservoir. That's been Russia for over a year. They let the water level rise over 3 months, from the low in February.

There isn't any flooding upstream of the reservoir- Ukraine didn't attack the dam by releasing the water from dams further up the river. That is something you are just making up.

Plus if Ukraine intended to blow the dam, it would have been done long ago. Not right at the opening of the counter-offensive. They needed that dam to cross the Dnipro and establish a bridgehead- and so long as that threat existed, it fixed Russian forces in Kherson.

This will shorten the defensive line that Russia has to worry about, and allow them to reinforce the positions in Zaphorizhia and southern Donetsk Oblasts, which have not been doing very well this past week under AFU probing.

Now you can put one of your smiley faces on this post, since that's the closest you can come to an actual rebuttal... :rolleyes:
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Russia is blaming Ukraine.


Fascists hate hoax, a documented fact about Zionist Fascists....
US intelligence points to Russia being behind the dam attack. The same people who told you that Russia got Trump elected, Russia blew up NordStream, that the US proxy war in Ukraine was unprovoked Russian aggression and that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation


Geoff Brumfiel @gbrumfiel - 6:31 UTC · Jun 6, 2023
A few hours ago an alleged explosion blew up the Nova Kakhova dam in Ukraine. The dam was already under enormous strain and damaged. It was either that or structural damage from previous strikes.
Then things got worse. On 2 June, it looks like a road over the dam failed. That could be indicative of a larger structural failure.
But Ukraine is not losing. That’s the point. If anything this hinders their counteroffensive. Why would they do that?? They have zero motive.
Sure! Ukraine is winning!

So when Biden asks for you to join the army and be sent over there, you won’t hesitate! Because the war is practically over, Ukraine is winning!


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