Someone just blew up Ukraine’s Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and took out a major dam

Yeah, real desperate because that's the kind of move you make when you're losing, something the Russians are more likely to be accused of.
Tell me. . . you ever been within fifteen miles of a dam breach?

.. . hmmm???

It matters not if you are Ukrainian, Russian, American, Chinese, etc. You don't purposely destroy infrastructure when your own people are in danger.

Only a psychopath does that.

Is it possibly that the Russians would purposely sacrifice their own troops and defensive positions, just to go all scorched earth on Ukraine? Sure, but no more probable than it is that Ukraine would go all scorched Earth, destroy that land, infrastructure, and the lives of those civilians, to slow down the Russian advance, when they know they are going to lose that land anyway.

You folks have lost all ability to reason, your heads are so addled with war propaganda.
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First off....I'm A-Political and as far as your accusations that I side with any political party is insulting to me.

Obviously you are a political creature and don't know any I'll forgive your sheer stupidity in thinking politics is an answer to world problems.

Your first piece of evidence is the article in the New Yorker magazine. In case you are really believing what you say and not just another stupid homosexual Russian's from February....of last year! The vote I'm speaking of was this year. Obviously something has changed that you really don't want to either know or recognize.
So....if you want to have an honest discussion....try again. But this time when engaging in a battle of wits please come armed. It's no fun when you don't.


Is it possibly that the Russians would purposely sacrifice their own troops and defensive positions, just to go all scorched earth on Ukraine?
Of course it is. Two things- Russia's defensive positions were at the edges of the flooded areas on the left bank. They were already moved back from the river because that area has been under Ukrainian artillery since the retreat from Kherson. There are a few flooded trenches, that's all.

And they have already shown a complete disregard for the mobilized that were holding those positions anyway.

Russia just crossed a Rubicon. There will be some "re-assessment" at NATO HQ over this.
the main reason why putin did it, cos he knows that he can get away with it, much like the stalinists got away with all unspeakable crimes against humanity. Once this war is over we must force Moscow war- criminals to pay for the war -crimes which thaey have commented in U. Georgia , Belarus, Moldova, Chechenya etc.

Moscow stalinsits did it again : Dnieper dam blown up by Moscow in 1941 I Moscow dam blown up Kakhovka Dam

. They were already moved back from the river because that area has been under Ukrainian artillery since the retreat from Kherson. There are a few flooded trenches, that's all.
Where do you come by this information?

the main reason why putin did it, cos he knows that he can get away with it, much like the stalinists got away with all unspeakable crimes against humanity. Once this war is over we must force Moscow war- criminals to pay for the war -crimes which thaey have commented in U. Georgia , Belarus, Moldova, Chechenya etc.

Moscow stalinsits did it again : Dnieper dam blown up by Moscow in 1941 I Moscow dam blown up Kakhovka Dam

You are supporting Nazis.
The german nazis sat to the end in Berlin, believing in a "miraculous weapon of retaliation." When push comes to shove, the ukrainian nazi rats will run. Not everyone will succeed, but they have a more secure situation - the ukrainian nazis are mercenaries of the West, so they have somewhere to run and do not need to hide like the german nazis. Although many of those nazis have taken high positions in Western power structures, including NATO, without hiding.

But you’ve already said they have patrons in the west ready to give them warm places to live. Why stay in a hole like Ukraine if they can run. What exactly is the motive? Hmmm? The nazis didn’t have that. They had to ride it till the end or they were cooked, sort of like the Russians who are now wanted by The Hague for war crimes. So….who exactly are the nazis here? Is zelensky wanted by The Hague?? Has zelensky invaded Russia and tortured and murdered thousands of their civilians and stolen their children? The nazis all live in Russia. We all know who they are. You’re an online supporter of these same nazis.
Why would Russia ruin the lands they are conquering?

It’s Ukraine which knows they lost this land, or the Biden Regime that realizes the same thing.

They’re desperate. Why destroy city after city you plan on occupying with Russians? Wouldn’t you want those precious buildings, roads and other infrastructure that make up a city? This is simply the equivalent of turning over the table of a card game you’re losing.
The CIA says that this clowns heroes blew up the Russian pipeline reversing two decades of green energy advancements... since when has the USA become the worlds pariah?....

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