Someone please explain the logic of what God is doing because I don't get it

Today I saw a bunch of homeless people sleeping next to the courthouse.

Should I thank God that I am more fortunate than they are?

If so, then it must be God that made those people homeless.
And I'll bet you are the first person to ever have those thoughts, right?
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.
Those that believe in God struggle with just one question, why is their suffering?

But for the unbeliever, the task is even more difficult. They have to answer why everything else is the way it is.

The greater question is, do you love Christ and his example? Do you think he to be unjust? Is he not the most upright person in human history, the only one that gives us real hope?

The example of the two thieves on the cross come to mind who were next to Jesus. All three were going to die, there was no changing that and all three were suffering horribly. The thief on the left cursed Christ and said, if you be the Son of God get us the #$@#$ down from here! But the other simply asked for Christ to remember him when he entered the kingdom. One was saved, the other not so much.
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You have completed step 1. Which is pointing out the lack of logic.
Step 2 is coming to terms with it. You can do it, grown man. I did it when I was 12.
Because G-d isn’t a micro manager and humans have free choice. And humans do terrible things and pretend it’s for G-d

So God gives man "Free choice" and then punishes them horribly when they make the wrong choices? That sounds like something you'd expect out of a comic book villain, not a loving deity.
It may be my bipolaris
You have completed step 1. Which is pointing out the lack of logic.
Step 2 is coming to terms with it. You can do it, grown man. I did it when I was 12.
I'm not ready to join your side yet. You'd have to explain why you act like total assholes all the time.
I'm not ready to join your side yet. You'd have to explain why you act like total assholes all the time.

Mostly because when we hear people on your side say something like, "God had a good reason for that" after a horrible tragedy, it just brings out our inner asshole.

I had a nun say something like that at my Mom's funeral. 40 years later, I'm still pissed off about it. (The fact this old witch made my childhood kind of a miserable experience didn't help.)

I'll be the first to admit, Atheism isn't a happy philosophy. It's an admission that this is all that there is. That's kind of horrifying, especially at my age when I know there are more years behind than ahead.
Someone please explain the logic of what God is doing because I don't get it
Dude, it's simple.

She likes a joke as much as the next woman.
The thing is your side supports abortion.

Even if everything else I believe is a lie I know that killing an unborn child in the womb is wrong.

You'll never convince me otherwise.
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.

lotsa questions you got going on there.... now, i'm not a JW - but have studied with them & although i don't buy everything they believe in; they do have lotsa answers - so this may help:
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.

People who don't believe in Jesus believe in heaven and hell also.
It may be my bipolaris
You have completed step 1. Which is pointing out the lack of logic.
Step 2 is coming to terms with it. You can do it, grown man. I did it when I was 12.
I'm not ready to join your side yet. You'd have to explain why you act like total assholes all the time.
Is not devoting my life to story tales written by ancient desert savages really a "side?"
Is not devoting my life to story tales written by ancient desert savages really a "side?"
In a way. Think of it as not devoting one's life to physics as choosing a side; or thinking knowing that 1+1=2 is the sum of physics.

Those "ancient desert savages" would probably choose what they were over the corrupt modern savages of today. As for the "story tales", delve deeper. For us, their descendants, they were posting signs much the same as today's generation posting that skull and crossbones in hopes future generations will take heed and not build a nursery on nuclear waste dumping site.
God is a human construct nothing more nothing less.
Not quite. God is. Humans observe, experience--and then attempt a description.
From all the religions that have existed on the planet created by humans I have found that the Buddhist have the closest to a real religion of human aspect which is not supplanted with a cast of characters and focuses on the real reason why humans suffer or live in harmony.
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.
That's not a god's plan, that's man's plan. Once you realize that, you'll be ok.
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.
You are person # 9,000,000,000,000,148 that has asked the same question(s). The alternative IS the worst case scenario. The universe(One Word), I call it the three & a half dimensional continuum DEFINITELY shows overwhelming evidence of intelligent design. Read the book of JOB to find out what happened to Job when job finally had enough of Maker's BS & called out Maker onto the carpet to dress Maker down. Look for Makers 1st reply to job; "Job where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" Just keep reading from there for a lesson in humility. Don't feel alone for we are all in the same boat, lifeboat earth. Like all of us some will make it but a lot more will not.

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