Someone please explain the logic of what God is doing because I don't get it

It may be my bipolaris
You have completed step 1. Which is pointing out the lack of logic.
Step 2 is coming to terms with it. You can do it, grown man. I did it when I was 12.
I'm not ready to join your side yet. You'd have to explain why you act like total assholes all the time.
There are no "sides," just the truth.

And acknowledging the truth doesn't make one an asshole.
The thing is your side supports abortion.

Even if everything else I believe is a lie I know that killing an unborn child in the womb is wrong.

You'll never convince me otherwise.

There are theists who defend a woman's right to privacy.
God is a human construct nothing more nothing less.
Not quite. God is. Humans observe, experience--and then attempt a description.
From all the religions that have existed on the planet created by humans I have found that the Buddhist have the closest to a real religion of human aspect which is not supplanted with a cast of characters and focuses on the real reason why humans suffer or live in harmony.

the sikhs as well.
The thing is your side supports abortion.

Even if everything else I believe is a lie I know that killing an unborn child in the womb is wrong.

You'll never convince me otherwise.
Then, don't have an abortion. It's really that simple.

God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.
Unlikely he holds never hearing of Jesus against you. If life has been mostly suffering for you well that just sucks. Maybe you should take some time and count your blessings. You might find that some where along the way you just developed a bad attitude. There are a great deal of good things out there you are just focusing on the bad. Happiness is a great deal state of mind. I find enjoyment ice fishing in record cold. Some people would be miserable. Over coming adversity gives some people joy and the feeling of accomplishment. God gave you an opportunity, what you do with it is up to you. Yep bad shit happens most of it is brought on by our own doing. Some people get a raw deal likely considered at judgment . Life is short , maybe we are better off that way if you make it to an eternal paradise. Takes the understanding of a superior being to understand it all. Just concentrate on what you can understand and control.
“God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.”

― Terry Pratchett, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
Ah the old " “God does not play dice with the universe;" Quote by Albert Einstein to Niels Bohr. To which Bohr replied Quote "I wish Professor Einstein would stop telling God what to do!"

Indeed Einstein was wrong. At the base level of the universe exists a separate realm of reality to the Relative one we live in called Quantum Mechanics where everything is a matter of playing dice.
Certainty does not exist only probability.

I stopped believing in God around the time I stopped believing in Santa Clause. Everything I've learned since has reinforced this view.
The first world war. Auschwitz. Rwanda - even If he does exist why would you want anything to do with him? His moral standards are nowhere near high enough for my liking.

Instead of fantasy figures that do not and could not exist, why not give reverence to a real hero who taught the working classes and poverty-stricken millions who had suffered the world for centuries how to organise and take control. I am speaking of the great Karl Marx.
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.
You are starting to understand that god didnt give us religion.
Indeed Einstein was wrong. At the base level of the universe exists a separate realm of reality to the Relative one we live in called Quantum Mechanics where everything is a matter of playing dice.
Actually, Einstein was very "wrong" about some things but QM has also remained an atom smashing joke. Both largely invented to claim credit for any and all perceived physics advances while denying the existence of the Ether. Shamelessly chasing their own tales, wasting at least a hundred years of potential progress in the long since abandoned art of electrical science, they are finally just beginning to refocus upon reality.
The thing is your side supports abortion.

Even if everything else I believe is a lie I know that killing an unborn child in the womb is wrong.

You'll never convince me otherwise.

If you guys were serious about wanting less abortions, you'd support comprehensive sex education, contraception, paid family leave and universal health care.

Now, I kind of get where you are coming from. Long after I stopped believing in Magic Sky Fairies, I really did think Abortion was wrong. Then I realized two things.

1) Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is. They did before Roe. They do in Countries like the Philippines where it is illegal.

2) The abortion issue is used by the One Percent to get people like you to vote against your own economic interests, but they have no intention of overturning Roe or making abortion illegal.
I don't discuss much relig on these sites but if people really wnt to know about it I refer them to Thomas Aquinas, Chesterton and that is usually it.


Sometimes I warm to the notion of a whole committee of gods “up there”, looking down on us, and playing around with us, as the fancy takes them.

Personally I think tbat is way more likely than a monotheistic god. It would explain the chaos and still account for those odd occurrences that seem impossible.
I don't discuss much relig on these sites but if people really wnt to know about it I refer them to Thomas Aquinas, Chesterton and that is usually it.


Sometimes I warm to the notion of a whole committee of gods “up there”, looking down on us, and playing around with us, as the fancy takes them.

Personally I think tbat is way more likely than a monotheistic god. It would explain the chaos and still account for those odd occurrences that seem impossible.
Personally I think tbat is way more likely than a monotheistic god. It would explain the chaos and still account for those odd occurrences that seem impossible.
they are all gods with mostlikely a guy on top, the metaphysical - who freed their spirits as prescribed in triumph over evil and prevailed their physiological existence.
If you guys were serious about wanting less abortions, you'd support comprehensive sex education, contraception, paid family leave and universal health care.
Exactly right. But the only thing they are serious about is feeling righteous and magnanimous. That is why they will do things like "pray and fast" for abortion. Think about that slogan. "Do literally NOTHING for abortion." Well, "nothing" except bank some points for their own afterlives. Period. They are frauds TO A MAN.
But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Most of your questions have been answered. The people before Jesus' time were to believe a Savior was coming.

Suppose I tell you that Satan (evil) exists and that he has the power of death. To not die, one has to believe in a savior. This is what they had to have faith in.

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