Someone please tell the left the Martin shooting wont help them !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
All i see on the left wing media is coverage of the Martin shooting !!! with the economic reality that our country is in shambles,and the growing crises between Israel and Iran all they talk about on CNN,MSNBC ,NBC,and so on is the how Zimmerman is guilty and a racist !!! now im not saying the kid getting shot is not tragic or newsworthy ,what im saying is there are other things they need to report on !! now i know those
on the left will say they have been reporting on world affairs, but they are also spending a lot and i mean a lot of air time on the Zimmerman case !!! don't they realize no matter how much they beat the racism drum it's not going to help Obama in 2012 ??
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All i see on the left wing media is coverage of the Martin shooting !!! with the economic reality that our country is in shambles,and the growing crises between Israel and Iran all they talk about on CNN,MSNBC ,NBC,and so on is the how Zimmerman is guilty and a racist !!! now im not saying the kid getting shot is not tragic or newsworthy ,what im saying is there are other things they need to report on !! now i know those
on the left will say they have been reporting on world affairs, but they are also spending a lot and i mean a lot of air time on the Zimmerman case !!! don't they realize no matter how much they beat the racism drum it's not going to help Obama in 2012 ??

I think they are going overkill on it.

So what?

When news became about selling corn flakes, it became a commercial enterprise. They are running "All Trayvon all the time" because that's what their viewers (not necessarily people in general) are interested in right now.
[This, as Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are fond of saying, is going all the way to the convention, and beyond, probably extending past the election if the results are unfavorable to Barack Obama, the Barack Obama who finds the US Constitution too much of a constraint to his plans for the "Fundamental Transformation Of America"
As Tucker Carlson in the "Daily Caller" revealed, the White House Office Of Communications and Media Matters have weekly sessions in which they discuss WH policy and talking points. We can surmise that in times of great flux, as in the case of Trayvon Martin, these meetings might even be daily. From these weekly sessions, Media Matters disseminates the White House's talking points to the rest of the ObamaObeissantMedia, ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, the NYT and the WaPo for them to bottlefeed, if necessary, to the great unwashed masses. NBC is almost another case. Formerly wholly owned by GE, headed by Jeffrey Immelt, Obama friend, mentor, supporter, and benfactor, NBC still responds quite willingly to the Obama line, being a far less independent news source than even CBS, well known in the past for its many forays into disseminating Left Wing and DNC propaganda and attempted manipulation of the masses, Dan Rather, Mary Mapes and the "Fake But Accurate Texas Air National Guard Documents", Walter cronkite screaming the "War is lost" from his "Nightly Evening News" pulpit while at the same sparing no expense, neither his nor CBS's, ensuring that no anti war speaker ever missed a speaking engagement.
If you suspect that Al Sharpton, a paid MSNBC commentator is operating independently in Florida busily fomenting racial hatred and warfare separate from MSNBC, I have a bridge to sell you. As well as a gold mine, a coupla houses, some condos, and how about some time shares?
Al Sharpton is in Florida operating on orders from MSNBC, NBC, Jeff Immelt, media matters, the White House Office of Communications and Barack Obama, on a very, very tight leash.
This is Mr Obama's moment, with #OWS documented ability to appear at will as Mr Obama's Brownshirt Army, his very own SA, this is the moment when he can finally rid himself of those chafing Constitutional encumbrances he has complained so bitterly about in the past. This is the moment when Mr Obama can help his close friend and mentor Bill Ayers, who wrote Mr Obama's book for him, "Dreams of My Father" realize his aspirations too, "Every day I wake up, I think about ending Capitalism". This, if played right, could be Mr Obama's very own "Reichstag Fire Moment", the day the Constitution is suspended, personal Liberties discarded, freedom of speech gone, and the right to trial by a jury of your peers eliminated, all for the elusive "Common Good". And who determines what is the "Common Good"? Mr Obama and friends, of course.]
Didn't Tucker Carlson get pwnt by Jon Stewart on his own show?

I think he did.
Yet CONZ here trust a man who didn't understand the difference between what he does and what Stewart does.

Do you trust the analysis and reporting of a man who holds himself to the same standards as a comedy show that used to have PUPPETS MAKING CRANK PHONE CALLS as it's lead in?

Carlson is a joke. He can't get work on TV anymore, so now he pays his bills by throwing red meat to right wing idiots.
Yeah, and we were told by the Right that the assault on women, birth control, etc., wasn't going to hurt the GOP either.
their is no assault on women from the gop !! more divisional tactics from the left !!! your kind has been stiring up division so much that it is starting to backfire !!! the supreme court will decide if Obama care is constitutional or not !! watch your president stir up hatred towards the court if his socialist plans are declared unconstitutional !!
Shifting Women?s Vote Thrusts Obama Ahead of Romney

President Barack Obama is beginning to pull away from Republican front-runner Mitt Romney among women throughout the nation, according to several polls.

Obama has opened a significant lead over Romney in the nation’s top battleground states, mostly due to a major change in how women under 50 are planning to vote, according to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll.

The poll of at least a dozen key states gave Obama a 51 to 42 percent lead over Romney among registered voters. The finding was significant because the same poll taken in February had the president trailing Romney by 2 percentage points.

The biggest change, USA Today reported, came in the views expressed by women under 50. In mid-February, just under half of those women supported Obama. Now, more than six in 10 do and Romney’s support from this group has dropped 14 points to 30 percent.

The new poll largely reflected what other surveys in Wisconsin and other states have shown — that women appear to be turning away from Romney and Republicans in general in favor of the president.

Read more on Shifting Women’s Vote Thrusts Obama Ahead of Romney
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
The shooting of Trayvon Martin became an 'issue' when it became clear that the incident was not investigated properly by the local authorities. That fact is indisputable.

It became 'political' when the rightwing propaganda machine threw itself into the issue fully determined to exonerate Zimmerman by any means possible, including the defamation of the victim.

If this were a rape case, the Right would be on the 'she was asking for it' side.
The shooting of Trayvon Martin became an 'issue' when it became clear that the incident was not investigated properly by the local authorities. That fact is indisputable.

It became 'political' when the rightwing propaganda machine threw itself into the issue fully determined to exonerate Zimmerman by any means possible, including the defamation of the victim.

If this were a rape case, the Right would be on the 'she was asking for it' side.
no right wing group is exonerating Zimmerman !!! but the left is convicting him !!
The shooting of Trayvon Martin became an 'issue' when it became clear that the incident was not investigated properly by the local authorities. That fact is indisputable.

It became 'political' when the rightwing propaganda machine threw itself into the issue fully determined to exonerate Zimmerman by any means possible, including the defamation of the victim.

If this were a rape case, the Right would be on the 'she was asking for it' side.
no right wing group is exonerating Zimmerman !!! but the left is convicting him !!

Remember Casey Anthony? She held the nation spellbound for months.
The shooting of Trayvon Martin became an 'issue' when it became clear that the incident was not investigated properly by the local authorities. That fact is indisputable.

It became 'political' when the rightwing propaganda machine threw itself into the issue fully determined to exonerate Zimmerman by any means possible, including the defamation of the victim.

If this were a rape case, the Right would be on the 'she was asking for it' side.
no right wing group is exonerating Zimmerman !!! but the left is convicting him !!

Remember Casey Anthony? She held the nation spellbound for months.
yeah and i was sick of that shit too !!!
The shooting of Trayvon Martin became an 'issue' when it became clear that the incident was not investigated properly by the local authorities. That fact is indisputable.

The shit-for-brains racist lynch mob says it's an indisputable fact that the police did not properly investigate the shooting. NYcarbineer, what do you think show the police did not investigate properly, other than not charging Zimmerman for a crime he didn't commit?

They talked to all the witnesses. They took pictures. They arrested Zimmerman. Etc.

It became 'political' when the rightwing propaganda machine threw itself into the issue fully determined to exonerate Zimmerman by any means possible, including the defamation of the victim.

Is there no end to your brainless shit? The "rightwing" has been nearly silent (unless you count this forum), beyond timidly insisting that we don't know what happened. The reason this became such a big political issue is because Al Sharpton's race agitation machine latched onto it, as the de jour illustration of a white racist society. After the media recovers after its orgy on the race issue, Al Sharpton will trump up something else for the national media to dig into.

If this were a rape case, the Right would be on the 'she was asking for it' side.

Listen, you stupid fucking racist shit, no one on the right defends rape, even if the victim was "asking for it." No one defends Zimmerman shooting that African because the African was asking for it. Zimmerman acted in self-defense.
The shooting of Trayvon Martin became an 'issue' when it became clear that the incident was not investigated properly by the local authorities. That fact is indisputable.

It became 'political' when the rightwing propaganda machine threw itself into the issue fully determined to exonerate Zimmerman by any means possible, including the defamation of the victim.

If this were a rape case, the Right would be on the 'she was asking for it' side.

Katzdogz is right on that.
All i see on the left wing media is coverage of the Martin shooting !!! with the economic reality that our country is in shambles,and the growing crises between Israel and Iran all they talk about on CNN,MSNBC ,NBC,and so on is the how Zimmerman is guilty and a racist !!! now im not saying the kid getting shot is not tragic or newsworthy ,what im saying is there are other things they need to report on !! now i know those
on the left will say they have been reporting on world affairs, but they are also spending a lot and i mean a lot of air time on the Zimmerman case !!! don't they realize no matter how much they beat the racism drum it's not going to help Obama in 2012 ??

I think they are in too much denial to see that it won't help them. They are still hoping they can use this tragedy to push for more gun control and to further divide people. They don't give up easy, that's for sure. Have you noticed how Zimmerman is not being accused of being racist now that they've been forced to refer to his real ethnicity? Now the guilt has shifted to the police and DA, who are being called racist for their handling of this. I knew something was up when they started calling Zimmerman a white guy. Then I remembered the liberal rule. Minorities cannot be accused of racism or hate crimes, so they had to get creative in order to play the race card. Now, they had to back track on that, but quickly found other white targets to accuse.
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All i see on the left wing media is coverage of the Martin shooting !!! with the economic reality that our country is in shambles,and the growing crises between Israel and Iran all they talk about on CNN,MSNBC ,NBC,and so on is the how Zimmerman is guilty and a racist !!! now im not saying the kid getting shot is not tragic or newsworthy ,what im saying is there are other things they need to report on !! now i know those
on the left will say they have been reporting on world affairs, but they are also spending a lot and i mean a lot of air time on the Zimmerman case !!! don't they realize no matter how much they beat the racism drum it's not going to help Obama in 2012 ??

I think they are in too much denial to see that it won't help them. They are still hoping they can use this tragedy to push for more gun control and to further divide people. They don't give up easy, that's for sure. Have you noticed how Zimmerman is not being accused of being racist now that they've been forced to refer to his real ethnicity? Now the guilt has shifted to the police and DA, who are being called racist for their handling of this. I knew something was up when they started calling Zimmerman a white guy. Then I remembered the liberal rule. Minorities cannot be accused of racism or hate crimes, so they had to get creative in order to play the race card. Now, they had to back track on that, but quickly found other white targets to accuse.
now they are linking this to whites profiling blacks all across America !!!

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