Something else to think about before you cheer on or beg for more war


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
PTSD incorrectly calculated among soldiers: Veteran’s Administration « RAWA News

To date, the military has diagnosed 78,000 cases of PTSD, but the Veteran's Administration says that number is inaccurate.

The V.A. say the real number is closer to 800,000.

The military's latest mental health survey of combat troops in Afghanistan found 20 percent, one in five, suffering from acute stress, depression or anxiety.

Sad that this basically gets ignored by the media which for the most part lets our foreign policy go unquestioned.

Keep this in mind the next time you cheer on Obama for expanding the warmongering in Afghanistan. Keep this in mind the next time you cheer on someone who brings up the idea of War in Iran. Not only will it result in tens of thousands of dead american soldiers, tens of thousands of physically wounded soldiers, but HUNDREDS of thousands of mentally wounded soldiers who the vast majority will never get any help.

This is why I'm anti-war in ALL situations. The follow up war is always worse than what led up to it or worse than another alternative (only instance i can think of this not being the case is our Revolutionary War).
Yea, cuz there are lots of posters 'cheering on' and 'begging' for more war. In your dreams.

All I heard democrats do was speak glowingly about escalating warmongering in Afghanistan, they also loved the warmongering in Libya.

Same goes for republicans with regards to Iraq and the idea of War with Iran.

All the while both sides pretend, with all their might, that they love soldiers.
Yea, cuz there are lots of posters 'cheering on' and 'begging' for more war. In your dreams.

All I heard democrats do was speak glowingly about escalating warmongering in Afghanistan, they also loved the warmongering in Libya.

Same goes for republicans with regards to Iraq and the idea of War with Iran.

All the while both sides pretend, with all their might, that they love soldiers.

We weren't 'warmongering' in Afghanistan. We were - and are - removing those who seek to destroy us.

In Libya, we were supporting an uprising seeking to overthrow a tyrant.

Hysterical whining is hysterical whining.
PTSD incorrectly calculated among soldiers: Veteran’s Administration « RAWA News

To date, the military has diagnosed 78,000 cases of PTSD, but the Veteran's Administration says that number is inaccurate.

The V.A. say the real number is closer to 800,000.

The military's latest mental health survey of combat troops in Afghanistan found 20 percent, one in five, suffering from acute stress, depression or anxiety.

Sad that this basically gets ignored by the media which for the most part lets our foreign policy go unquestioned.

Keep this in mind the next time you cheer on Obama for expanding the warmongering in Afghanistan. Keep this in mind the next time you cheer on someone who brings up the idea of War in Iran. Not only will it result in tens of thousands of dead american soldiers, tens of thousands of physically wounded soldiers, but HUNDREDS of thousands of mentally wounded soldiers who the vast majority will never get any help.

This is why I'm anti-war in ALL situations. The follow up war is always worse than what led up to it or worse than another alternative (only instance i can think of this not being the case is our Revolutionary War).

The biggest reason for this is we don't have enough troops and we keep sending the same people back over and over again, to be honest we never had enough people on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan, our Military needs to be bigger to take the weight off the people have deployed numerous times.
Its a difficult transition going from a completely socialistic society back to a society where you're just another working stiff trying to find one's place in it..
Once PTSD was recategorized to include ordinary transitory stress, I'm surprise it iisn't 100%.
Silly OP is silly.

Nobody roots for war if there is a viable alternative.

To the extent that the left criticized our presence in Iraq on the belief that our wrath and justified military response ought to have been directed at Afghanistan, that doesn't mean that the left cheered the war in Afghanistan. It does mean that they were willing to support it, minimally, as the more appropriate venue.

To the extent that those on the right didn't share the view that we were fighting in the wrong place, it is also false to claim that the right cheered for war in Iraq. Instead, to the extent that it was deemed necessary and appropriate, they were willing to vocally SUPPORT it.

And a willingness to support a war effort does not entail any falsity in the profession of "support" for our military personnel. War is a fucking horror and people die, get injured physically and -- often -- psychologically. That it has such horrendous consequences doesn't undercut the validity of the claim that we support our troops.

Truly vapid OP.
I'd be willing to bet any Vet that's seen the final results of combat has some kind of ptsd.

My Dads a Korean war vet. In 1979 he was sleeping in bed, my Mom woke him by touching his shoulder. In a blink of an eye, my Dad cleared the covers off, took Mom to the floor and was about to do a finger thrust too her throat and kill her.

so yeah, while I think that number may be inflated, it's not inflated that much.
We don't need troops on the ground unless we want to nation build again. We have the ability to service our goals from the air. I am against invading Iran. I'm all for bombing their nuclear sites.
Yea, cuz there are lots of posters 'cheering on' and 'begging' for more war. In your dreams.

All I heard democrats do was speak glowingly about escalating warmongering in Afghanistan, they also loved the warmongering in Libya.

Same goes for republicans with regards to Iraq and the idea of War with Iran.

All the while both sides pretend, with all their might, that they love soldiers.

We weren't 'warmongering' in Afghanistan. We were - and are - removing those who seek to destroy us.

In Libya, we were supporting an uprising seeking to overthrow a tyrant.

Hysterical whining is hysterical whining.

WIshful thinking is wishful thinking.

Eleven years into it it's obvious that we've accomplished nothing in Afghanistan to anyone capable of objective analysis.
I'd be willing to bet any Vet that's seen the final results of combat has some kind of ptsd.

My Dads a Korean war vet. In 1979 he was sleeping in bed, my Mom woke him by touching his shoulder. In a blink of an eye, my Dad cleared the covers off, took Mom to the floor and was about to do a finger thrust too her throat and kill her.

so yeah, while I think that number may be inflated, it's not inflated that much.

Thank you, I'd like to see more ppl stick to the subject rather than pouting about my verbage.

My sister's ex-husband came back from Iraq basically borderline crazy. He watched a Humvee full of friends blown up to pieces right in front of him, then spent years after seeing that driving a humvee. How could ANYONE not have serious mental trauma after seeing that? No matter how strong or how well trained. He came home, couldn't sleep at night, was just in a constant state of paranoia. This was her husband, the father of her 2 kids, life ruined because of the war.

I'm not trying to play the victim, I'm sure these stories aren't the least bit rare. All I'm saying is the next time you voice support for war, be sure to maturely think of all the costs and all the lives that will be directly and indirectly destroyed by whichever war it is.
I have served and I have been to war. War is the WORST possible thing that a person can be thrust into. After listening to my father (who was at Omaha) and other veterans at these vet centers, I was not exposed or involved to the degree that they were. Some can handle and cope with what they were exposed to, others simply cannot.

I would agree with High_Gravity and have pointed time and again to Sallow's previous posts, which I agree 10,000% with. First of all, there will always be war. In some form or some arena, nations and more specifically their meglomaniac rulers are incredibly stupid. To believe that unilaterally we can just not believe in war so we won't spend for the tools and manpower to engage in war is ridiculous, naive, and dangerous. That position only costs AMERICAN LIVES. We didn't want the fight in Afghanistan. But 3,000+ American lives literally SCREAMED for us to go over there and kick their freakin asses! You MUST invest in military strength so you don't have to use it. Military strength also means that if you do have to use it, that there will be enough manpower to do the job correctly. Right now, we are in danger. And that danger is growing exponentially each and every year (thanks to Barry and the boys). Our nuclear deterrent is 70's era (one leg was built in the 50's), our Navy is woefully inadequate (we can't even commit to anti-pirating patrols in the Gulf of Aden), and the Army is down to less manpower than we've ever seen.

And to quote my friend Sallow, "Why are we nation building?" When someone picks a fight with us and we have no option (Afghanistan) then you go over there and you kill everything bad and then YOU LEAVE!!!! You make sure that they understand that if we have to come back, they will have even less stuff... except of course for dead bodies. THEN YOU LEAVE!!! If they want to be your friend now, have them call the state department and we'll talk about it. But when you cross the line, it's not my job to rebuild your nation that was a shit hole to begin with, and will be nothing more than a shit hole from now on.

You want to live in the 7th century... fine. Knock yourself out. But when you piss on a light socket you're going to get electrocuted. It's not our job to ensure that your short-hairs are nicely trimmed afterwards...
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I have served and I have been to war. War is the WORST possible thing that a person can be thrust into. After listening to my father (who was at Omaha) and other veterans at these vet centers, I was not exposed or involved to the degree that they were. Some can handle and cope with what they were exposed to, others simply cannot.

I would agree with High_Gravity and have pointed time and again to Sallow's previous posts, which I agree 10,000% with. First of all, there will always be war. In some form or some arena, nations and more specifically their meglomaniac rulers are incredibly stupid. To believe that unilaterally we can just not believe in war so we won't spend for the tools and manpower to engage in war is ridiculous, naive, and dangerous. That position only costs AMERICAN LIVES. We didn't want the fight in Afghanistan. But 3,000+ American lives literally SCREAMED for us to go over there and kick their freakin asses! You MUST invest in military strength so you don't have to use it. Military strength also means that if you do have to use it, that there will be enough manpower to do the job correctly. Right now, we are in danger. And that danger is growing exponentially each and every year (thanks to Barry and the boys). Our nuclear deterrent is 70's era (one leg was built in the 50's), our Navy is woefully inadequate (we can't even commit to anti-pirating patrols in the Gulf of Aden), and the Army is down to less manpower than we've ever seen.

And to quote my friend Sallow, "Why are we nation building?" When someone picks a fight with us and we have no option (Afghanistan) then you go over there and you kill everything bad and then YOU LEAVE!!!! You make sure that they understand that if we have to come back, they will have even less stuff... except of course for dead bodies. THEN YOU LEAVE!!! If they want to be your friend now, have them call the state department and we'll talk about it. But when you cross the line, it's not my job to rebuild your nation that was a shit hole to begin with, and will be nothing more than a shit hole from now on.

You want to live in the 7th century... fine. Knock yourself out. But when you piss on a light socket you're going to get electrocuted. It's not our job to ensure that your short-hairs are nicely trimmed afterwards...

I was under the impression that Bin Laden was Saudi. Why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia as well as Afghanistan?

We had options other than eleven years of pointless combat.
This is why you don't go to war based on lies.
The consequences are too serious.

You flaming liberal idiots are too stupid to breathe.

If you go to war based on the complete unvarnished truth, the consequences aren't serious?

You fucking lying moron.
I'd be willing to bet any Vet that's seen the final results of combat has some kind of ptsd.

My Dads a Korean war vet. In 1979 he was sleeping in bed, my Mom woke him by touching his shoulder. In a blink of an eye, my Dad cleared the covers off, took Mom to the floor and was about to do a finger thrust too her throat and kill her.

so yeah, while I think that number may be inflated, it's not inflated that much.

Thank you, I'd like to see more ppl stick to the subject rather than pouting about my verbage.

My sister's ex-husband came back from Iraq basically borderline crazy. He watched a Humvee full of friends blown up to pieces right in front of him, then spent years after seeing that driving a humvee. How could ANYONE not have serious mental trauma after seeing that? No matter how strong or how well trained. He came home, couldn't sleep at night, was just in a constant state of paranoia. This was her husband, the father of her 2 kids, life ruined because of the war.

I'm not trying to play the victim, I'm sure these stories aren't the least bit rare. All I'm saying is the next time you voice support for war, be sure to maturely think of all the costs and all the lives that will be directly and indirectly destroyed by whichever war it is.

I am sorry to hear about your sisters ex husband but sadly stories like that are not un common, I deployed to Kuwait before I separated and met a girl who worked in the medical field, her job in Kuwait was to work at the medical clinic which was a fairly easy job, however after that deployment she re-deployed to a base in Afghanistan and was subjected to some real terrible shit, treating soldiers who were blown up, lost limbs etc. she started to lose her mind, I was friends with her on myspace at the time and I started to notice some really disturbing posts from her, it was apparent she was starting to check out mentally. Things got so bad there the Military sent her back to the States, I never heard from her again after that but I think she separated shortly after because of mental issues related to the deployment.
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I have served and I have been to war. War is the WORST possible thing that a person can be thrust into. After listening to my father (who was at Omaha) and other veterans at these vet centers, I was not exposed or involved to the degree that they were. Some can handle and cope with what they were exposed to, others simply cannot.

I would agree with High_Gravity and have pointed time and again to Sallow's previous posts, which I agree 10,000% with. First of all, there will always be war. In some form or some arena, nations and more specifically their meglomaniac rulers are incredibly stupid. To believe that unilaterally we can just not believe in war so we won't spend for the tools and manpower to engage in war is ridiculous, naive, and dangerous. That position only costs AMERICAN LIVES. We didn't want the fight in Afghanistan. But 3,000+ American lives literally SCREAMED for us to go over there and kick their freakin asses! You MUST invest in military strength so you don't have to use it. Military strength also means that if you do have to use it, that there will be enough manpower to do the job correctly. Right now, we are in danger. And that danger is growing exponentially each and every year (thanks to Barry and the boys). Our nuclear deterrent is 70's era (one leg was built in the 50's), our Navy is woefully inadequate (we can't even commit to anti-pirating patrols in the Gulf of Aden), and the Army is down to less manpower than we've ever seen.

And to quote my friend Sallow, "Why are we nation building?" When someone picks a fight with us and we have no option (Afghanistan) then you go over there and you kill everything bad and then YOU LEAVE!!!! You make sure that they understand that if we have to come back, they will have even less stuff... except of course for dead bodies. THEN YOU LEAVE!!! If they want to be your friend now, have them call the state department and we'll talk about it. But when you cross the line, it's not my job to rebuild your nation that was a shit hole to begin with, and will be nothing more than a shit hole from now on.

You want to live in the 7th century... fine. Knock yourself out. But when you piss on a light socket you're going to get electrocuted. It's not our job to ensure that your short-hairs are nicely trimmed afterwards...

I was under the impression that Bin Laden was Saudi. Why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia as well as Afghanistan?

We had options other than eleven years of pointless combat.

And Adolf was Austrian, NOT German. Why didn't we invade Austria first??? Really??? Seriously???

Osama was in Afghanistan at the invite of the Taliban. They had him holed up there until we invaded and he moved to Tora Bora. They KNEW of the attacks and supported his "war" on the US.

Wow... that was a disappointing statement.
I have served and I have been to war. War is the WORST possible thing that a person can be thrust into. After listening to my father (who was at Omaha) and other veterans at these vet centers, I was not exposed or involved to the degree that they were. Some can handle and cope with what they were exposed to, others simply cannot.

I would agree with High_Gravity and have pointed time and again to Sallow's previous posts, which I agree 10,000% with. First of all, there will always be war. In some form or some arena, nations and more specifically their meglomaniac rulers are incredibly stupid. To believe that unilaterally we can just not believe in war so we won't spend for the tools and manpower to engage in war is ridiculous, naive, and dangerous. That position only costs AMERICAN LIVES. We didn't want the fight in Afghanistan. But 3,000+ American lives literally SCREAMED for us to go over there and kick their freakin asses! You MUST invest in military strength so you don't have to use it. Military strength also means that if you do have to use it, that there will be enough manpower to do the job correctly. Right now, we are in danger. And that danger is growing exponentially each and every year (thanks to Barry and the boys). Our nuclear deterrent is 70's era (one leg was built in the 50's), our Navy is woefully inadequate (we can't even commit to anti-pirating patrols in the Gulf of Aden), and the Army is down to less manpower than we've ever seen.

And to quote my friend Sallow, "Why are we nation building?" When someone picks a fight with us and we have no option (Afghanistan) then you go over there and you kill everything bad and then YOU LEAVE!!!! You make sure that they understand that if we have to come back, they will have even less stuff... except of course for dead bodies. THEN YOU LEAVE!!! If they want to be your friend now, have them call the state department and we'll talk about it. But when you cross the line, it's not my job to rebuild your nation that was a shit hole to begin with, and will be nothing more than a shit hole from now on.

You want to live in the 7th century... fine. Knock yourself out. But when you piss on a light socket you're going to get electrocuted. It's not our job to ensure that your short-hairs are nicely trimmed afterwards...

I was under the impression that Bin Laden was Saudi. Why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia as well as Afghanistan?

We had options other than eleven years of pointless combat.

And Adolf was Austrian, NOT German. Why didn't we invade Austria first??? Really??? Seriously???

Osama was in Afghanistan at the invite of the Taliban. They had him holed up there until we invaded and he moved to Tora Bora. They KNEW of the attacks and supported his "war" on the US.

Wow... that was a disappointing statement.

I admire determination, but eleven years into it we've done nothing except waste our money and our kids' lives. We've also managed to further destabilize the ME.

Tora Bora is in Afghanistan the last time I looked.
I have served and I have been to war. War is the WORST possible thing that a person can be thrust into. After listening to my father (who was at Omaha) and other veterans at these vet centers, I was not exposed or involved to the degree that they were. Some can handle and cope with what they were exposed to, others simply cannot.

I would agree with High_Gravity and have pointed time and again to Sallow's previous posts, which I agree 10,000% with. First of all, there will always be war. In some form or some arena, nations and more specifically their meglomaniac rulers are incredibly stupid. To believe that unilaterally we can just not believe in war so we won't spend for the tools and manpower to engage in war is ridiculous, naive, and dangerous. That position only costs AMERICAN LIVES. We didn't want the fight in Afghanistan. But 3,000+ American lives literally SCREAMED for us to go over there and kick their freakin asses! You MUST invest in military strength so you don't have to use it. Military strength also means that if you do have to use it, that there will be enough manpower to do the job correctly. Right now, we are in danger. And that danger is growing exponentially each and every year (thanks to Barry and the boys). Our nuclear deterrent is 70's era (one leg was built in the 50's), our Navy is woefully inadequate (we can't even commit to anti-pirating patrols in the Gulf of Aden), and the Army is down to less manpower than we've ever seen.

And to quote my friend Sallow, "Why are we nation building?" When someone picks a fight with us and we have no option (Afghanistan) then you go over there and you kill everything bad and then YOU LEAVE!!!! You make sure that they understand that if we have to come back, they will have even less stuff... except of course for dead bodies. THEN YOU LEAVE!!! If they want to be your friend now, have them call the state department and we'll talk about it. But when you cross the line, it's not my job to rebuild your nation that was a shit hole to begin with, and will be nothing more than a shit hole from now on.

You want to live in the 7th century... fine. Knock yourself out. But when you piss on a light socket you're going to get electrocuted. It's not our job to ensure that your short-hairs are nicely trimmed afterwards...

I was under the impression that Bin Laden was Saudi. Why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia as well as Afghanistan?

We had options other than eleven years of pointless combat.

And Adolf was Austrian, NOT German. Why didn't we invade Austria first??? Really??? Seriously???

Osama was in Afghanistan at the invite of the Taliban. They had him holed up there until we invaded and he moved to Tora Bora. They KNEW of the attacks and supported his "war" on the US.

Wow... that was a disappointing statement.

The War in Afghanistan has been worse than 9/11, hence me being against all wars.

I'm not against the principle of war in extreme cases like 9/11, but the U.S. has proven to be so incompetent in waging war that I can't trust the actions of our scumbag politicians and slimeball bureacrats won't be worse than what led us to war. I don't trust putting the lives of hundreds of thousands of soliders in the hands of Ivy league politicians who have zero concept of reality and care more about the coiled piles their dogs leave on their imported sod than they do the lives of american soldiers.

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