Something for all the haters in this one

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Conservative Candidate Posts 'Shoot The N****r' Photo Of President Obama On Facebook (IMAGE & VIDEO) -

Yet another conservative has called for gun violence against President Obama, this time on Facebook, and surprise, David Marsters is an old white guy who insists he isn’t racist. That’s impossible to believe, of course, especially when you read what he posted.

He's another idiot who has not bothered to educate himself about ObamaCare.

.... because he thinks the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, will strip his sick wife, Mary, of health benefits. He refuses to apologize for his action and claims it isn’t a threat nor is it racist.


“We’re about to lose our benefits because of this ass****.””


Marsters’ claim that Obamacare is going to kill his wife is a conservative myth that is meant to scare people into supporting Republicans who want to repeal it.

Read more: Conservative Candidate Posts 'Shoot The N****r' Photo Of President Obama On Facebook (IMAGE & VIDEO) -

Here's a real shocker about this brain dead idiot -

Something else that doesn’t help Marsters case is the fact that he’s also a birther.

On Facebook, Marsters claimed that President Obama “is not a legal president,” because his birth certificate is a fake.


It seems Marsters is part of the kool-aid drinking crowd of Fox News viewers who buy into whatever fear and hate mongering talking point they are peddling on a day to day basis. And because of that fear and hate, many conservatives have resorted to making threats of violence and hurling racist epithets in an effort to get their own way.

“I fought 30 years for this f*****’ country,” David Marsters claims. “I’m not gonna let him (Obama) take it away!” In other words, Marsters wants someone to shoot President Obama. It would be a dream come true for most conservatives. Nevertheless, such behavior is unacceptable, especially coming from a candidate for political office. As a former police officer, Marsters should know better than to advocate for gun violence, which has been plaguing the nation. He’s just another old white racist who doesn’t belong in public service, but he certainly belongs to the Republican Party. The question is, will any Republicans condemn this?

Will any R or rw voter condemn this?

Nope. My bet is that many here will applaud this guys lies and ignorance about ObamaCare as well as his racist threats.

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