Something has got to be done about the police.

You know in any given state EVERY LEO receives exactly the same training, right?
The you understand how ridiculous your comment is.
Document/validate please.
Otherwise you remain;
So we whites and non-blacks believe that 2 + 2 = 4
Since that is "massa's" belief, obviously ALL blacks believe;
2 + 2 = 3
2 + 2 =5
2 + 2 = 22
Blacks know 2+2= 4

But if the number doesn't favor white supremacists, they try using additional mathematical equations like 2+4=4/100,000.

Because the white supremacist always must have an excuse when he or she is shown that white supremaciy is bunch of psychisis. You are mentally ill.
Blacks know 2+2= 4

But if the number doesn't favor white supremacists, they try using additional mathematical equations like 2+4=4/100,000.

Because the white supremacist always must have an excuse when he or she is shown that white supremaciy is bunch of psychisis. You are mentally ill.
In your alternate reality, ALL whites are "white supremacists".
Your problem isn't whites or "white man's culture";
Your problem is you are a negative, bitter and failed personality.
You could be any race or ethnic and it would always be the other race's and ethnic's fault.
Most Black people, especially men. take a "go along, get along" attitude when faced with this type of ignorance.
Why argue with the White guy?
He'll get angry, then the police come then...

But when the moron's gone the laughing begins.
True. But that's where whites like some of these guys make their mistake. They believe that just because we ignore their ignorance that we agree with it.
In your alternate reality, ALL whites are "white supremacists".
Your problem isn't whites or "white man's culture";
Your problem is you are a negative, bitter and failed personality.
You could be any race or ethnic and it would always be the other race's and ethnic's fault.
No. What you don't seem to understand is that in 63 years of living black you tend to learn the tendencies of whites who are racists and those who are not. We have to in order to survive. Don't try telling me about myself white boy. I don't have a problem with non racist white people. It's you racists that I can't stomach. And it's you racists that other whites can't stomach. Your racist ass assumes things based on what white race pimps say. But I guarantee that I am better educated and more successful than you.

You are a pussy who can't face the truth. The poster boy for white fragility. If I don't see the race issue in a way that makes you feel comfortable, then I have to be negstive, bitter, and some kind of failure. But to be black and in agreement with whites like you would constitute a failure given the reality blacks face. So you'll just have to man up because I won't be changing.
No. What you don't seem to understand is that in 63 years of living black you tend to learn the tendencies of whites who are racists and those who are not. We have to in order to survive. Don't try telling me about myself white boy. I don't have a problem with non racist white people. It's you racists that I can't stomach. And it's you racists that other whites can't stomach. Your racist ass assumes things based on what white race pimps say. But I guarantee that I am better educated and more successful than you.

You are a pussy who can't face the truth. The poster boy for white fragility. If I don't see the race issue in a way that makes you feel comfortable, then I have to be negstive, bitter, and some kind of failure. But to be black and in agreement with whites like you would constitute a failure given the reality blacks face. So you'll just have to man up because I won't be changing.
At your age and a lifetime of being a racist yourself, I don't expect you to change. The odds aren't in your favor.
Just because I buy into all your racist bullshit doesn't make me a racist.
But then you get a lot of things wrong based on you prejudice, biased, racist mindset.

A reminder, this is you;
When you move from NY, to LA... .. Just because you are no longer under the jurisdiction of the laws of NY, does that mean LA has no laws?

When a police officer commits offenses in one job he often resigns before being fired and moves to a different city where he repeats his offenses.

Like the Catholic church the organizations make extensive efforts to cover up for their personnel.
True. But that's where whites like some of these guys make their mistake. They believe that just because we ignore their ignorance that we agree with it.
I understand.
I've been on both sides of the joke.

I'm often amazed and frustrated at the patience with ignorance shown by Black people in this country.
  • Thanks
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At your age and a lifetime of being a racist yourself, I don't expect you to change. The odds aren't in your favor.
Just because I buy into all your racist bullshit doesn't make me a racist.
But then you get a lot of things wrong based on you prejudice, biased, racist mindset.

A reminder, this is you;
I've never been a racist. You're a racist because you think blacks are inferior. You have a problem here because you can't handle a black person who won't bend to you as if your whiteness makes you an authority. Maybe f you used the same energy creating workshops and clinics in the white community to end the racism there, we would not be having this conversation. I don't know why whites like you think you get to make criticism and assessments about people of other races but people of other races can't make assessments based on facts about whites. And I'm not going to be concerned about it. You're just going to hear it and deal with it. Work to end your racism instead of posting silly cartoons.
YOU AND YOUR ILK ARE RESPONSIBLE for the mess that currently exists.

You screamed bloody murder for defunding the police which evaporated ALL the ongoing training that stops ALL the things you complain about and provides wages that actually attracts morally stable people into the jobs.

But you turned it into a highly politically charged subject. Removed the training and wages and caused hundreds of thousands of heavily trained and experienced officers to quit. (The ones we needed to train the rookies and newbies)

So your whining is falling on deaf ears. You created this can be the one to fix it or go somewhere else!
Your ilk is now wanting to defund the FBI for investgating a criminal ex president. So STFU.
Your ilk is now wanting to defund the FBI for investgating a criminal ex president. So STFU.
To be fair, we want to defund the entire demafacist admin. They are a clear and present danger to our republic
To be fair, we want to defund the entire demafacist admin. They are a clear and present danger to our republic
The only clear and present danger to our country is you MAGGATS, Trump and your Project 2025.

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