Something has got to be done about the police.

It's a federal issue. Police departments are part of the DOJ.
No they aren't. That is as delusional as the rest of your posts. The FBI, BATF, Capital Police and Secret Service are part of the DoJ. All others belong to either municipalities, counties or states.

Back to beating the same dead horse! ...

For a start, let us know where you live and where this "insight"-"perspective" of yours was formed and we might have a clue of actual data to respond to.
Your tendency to engage gross and vague enuendos makes the majority of your posts invalid.

You might live on the streets the "cops" patrol, but that isn't the same as trying to be "in their shoes" to get a more accurate perspective. Yes you DO NEED TO DO A RIDE ALONG to experience~get a vague clue on what it's like to always be on edge of being a target that could be bushwhacked at any moment.

Also, consider applying for and doing the job yourself if you can handle it and qualify (which I doubt).

I presented AntiFa and BLM as the alternate to legal and authorized Law Enforcement since both have and continue to be groups that think they are above existing laws and get make their own laws.

BTW, that "average police" salary is nationwide, which has quite a range, and doesn't include that in many localities LEO is understaffed and the officers have to put in significant overtime. Extra pay for OT doesn't offset the stress and wear load!

As for your link, try and get more "non-whites" to qualify and apply for the jobs. Also understand that the "far-right" is counter to a "far Left Stasi *" alternative.
*Stasi - Wikipedia
He claims to live in Kansas, a state nearly as white bread as Idaho. Kansas is 84% white Idaho is 94.7% white. Most blacks in Kansas are concentrated in Kansas City where they are almost one third (26.54%) of the population while whites are 59.72%.
Bullshit. They are informed anbout the situation when they are dispatched to the scene. In the OP they tortured this man for 16 hours. The excuses need to end.
All your "victim" had to do to stop the questioning was to say four simple words: "I want a lawyer". At that point ALL questioning has to stop until a taxpayer-funded lawyer arrives. There is no way any American citizen can be unaware of that fact, its repeated hundreds of times every day on TV shows, in movies AND the cops have to read EVERY suspect his Miranda right before any questioning can occur or any criminal case based upon that questioning gets immediately thrown out of court. Thats one reason body cams and interview room cams are so important, cops can't lie about violating Miranda any more as SOME did in the past. Yes, the cops were out of line and deserve punishment, but for every single cop that does something like this there are a thousand or more that take abuse for suspects and members of the public on a daily basis.
What is needed more is fewer crimes and criminals. :rolleyes:
Duh. You saying such a thing is completely meaningless. You're always going to have sections of people that feel maligned in this country. You're always going to have poverty. Brandon won't fix this. The orange bag O' shit won't fix this.
Bullshit, you know you are a B6 fan.

Thxs Pres Obama.

Pres Obama handed off a good economy as compared to the trash Trump handed off.

Thxs Pres Obama.

Who is we? Are you talking about the white men that you were laying under.

Pres Obama handed off a good economy as compared to the trash Trump handed off.
You can always find the Deep State workers posting on the clock. They got a prepared list of BS the chug thru over and over. All of them at Langley or working from home lol! Doing nothing.
You can always find the Deep State workers posting on the clock. They got a prepared list of BS the chug thru over and over. All of them at Langley or working from home lol! Doing nothing.
Funny how folks can back up their posts, but fools like you post shit and then run when folks ask you to back it up.
I good start would be to stop letting police agencies investigate their own officers.
I would agree and propose that each state have an organization that Insurers the highest standards of police conduct. I'd have the organization isolated from any law enforcement connections; in other words, no one working for it could have any relative in law enforcement. The same techniques that law enforcement uses to go after criminals this agency would use to go after bad cops.
We sure have strayed from the fact that a man was tortured by the police and nothing was done to those who did it.

See, if a guy robs a 7-11 it's considered a crime.

When a guy is tortured by the authorities it is not.

Crime stats are another thing not to be trusted.
The quality of law enforcement is important because any one of us whether we're liberal, moderate, conservative or black or white can find ourselves as either the victim of a crime or the Innocent accused perpetrator of a crime. There are innocent people in prison. Cops have a hard job, and the cops need to be treated fairly and by the same standard everyone else, but they cannot be allowed to abuse their power.
Funny how folks can back up their posts, but fools like you post shit and then run when folks ask you to back it up.

I may be forced to pay your deep state salary (thru Tax confiscation) but I don’t work for you. I link what ia appropriate, always. Not so easy on a touch type tablet.
I would agree and propose that each state have an organization that Insurers the highest standards of police conduct. I'd have the organization isolated from any law enforcement connections; in other words, no one working for it could have any relative in law enforcement. The same techniques that law enforcement uses to go after criminals this agency would use to go after bad cops.

Translation: more incompetent Big Govt wasting funding over a non-existent problem. Criminals are the problem.
The quality of law enforcement is important because any one of us whether we're liberal, moderate, conservative or black or white can find ourselves as either the victim of a crime or the Innocent accused perpetrator of a crime. There are innocent people in prison. Cops have a hard job, and the cops need to be treated fairly and by the same standard everyone else, but they cannot be allowed to abuse their power.

Good luck. DEM policy destroy everthing day by day, city by city. Police get destroyed too.
We sure have strayed from the fact that a man was tortured by the police and nothing was done to those who did it.

See, if a guy robs a 7-11 it's considered a crime.

When a guy is tortured by the authorities it is not.

Crime stats are another thing not to be trusted.

In cities run by people like you, yes. But that's what you want.
We sure have strayed from the fact that a man was tortured by the police and nothing was done to those who did it.

See, if a guy robs a 7-11 it's considered a crime.

When a guy is tortured by the authorities it is not.

Crime stats are another thing not to be trusted.
Why do you say that crime statistics can't be trusted? Do you think that most cops and prosecutors are liars? Do you think there is a mass conspiracy to frame millions of innocent black defendants? I think the statistics are reasonably accurate and the statistics show that blacks have a disproportionately high crime rate, much larger than their percentage of the population. Sorry if it's disturbing to you, but the truth is the truth, and you can't do something about a problem until you accept the truth of the situation. One can hide one's head in the sand, but that won't make the problem go away.

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