Something has got to be done about the police.

Why do you hate black women?
91% of black women vote for Democrats.
Why do you hate Rep. Crockett and love B6?

There are few Black politicians that are not commee BLM plants. Far too many are Cory Bush. We need more Ben Carson or Donalds…..not radical borderline lunatic wrong on every single issue.
Until over 100 Police are not killed every year by Criminals (I would bet 75% are killed by Black males).
How much you wanna bet?
Then the Police are not shooting enough. It’s not a game where you get to say “pretty good”. The Police are doing a job, not out there like some hollywood thriller movie. They have a right to go home after their shift 100% of the time. Criminals are mostly worthless scum. There is no choice in the matter. Police are valuable. Lots of Tax dollars invested. Criminals are a net negative. Shoot more of them to stay alive. No one should care.
I know you believe the cops should have the green light to kill black folks whenever they feel it's necessary.
Which policies and tell me the policies that Trump signed that helped the country

Libstain 101: ask for the same thing over and over like it doesn’t exist. Pound sand troublemaker. Lists of REAL Trump accomplishments too long to read have been posted on this very site 1000s of times. Energy, illegal immigration. Peace, Vetreans, Tax reform……on & on. You Stain irritate educated, working Americans.
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Marjorie Taylor Green, of course you know who I am speaking of. That's is just one of those childish games you play.
Trump? Geez man, you really live deep in the plantation

First Step Act, tax cuts and Jobs Act,
First Step Act? Lol.
Tax cuts for the rich.
What Jobs Act?

All of which are not doing jack for black folks as a whole.

Now tell us why you hate 91% of black women.
So are you saying the right % of whites are criminals.

Too many criminals of all types exist! Mostly caused by the Deep State (from grade school to the penitentiary) to keep the Country in turmoil as the raid the Treasury. Look over here…..they actually started and fuel riots during Trump years, launched a virus. They don’t care about you. They want power and riches. Yet you lap it up?
Libstain 101: ask for the same thing over and over like it doesn’t exist. Pound sand troublemaker. Lists of REAL Trump accomplishments too long to read have been posted on this ver site 1000s of times. Energy, illegal immigration. Peace, Vetreans, Tax reform……on & on. You Stain irritate educated, working Americans.
Dumbass 101: Make up stuff and when called on it, run and hide like the little bitch you are. Too long to list because there aren't any.
Too many criminals of all types exist! Mostly caused by the Deep State (from grade school to the penitentiary) to keep the Country in turmoil as the raid the Treasury. Look over here…..they actually started and fuel riots during Trump years, launched a virus. They don’t care about you. They want power and riches. Yet you lap it up?
Explain what the Deep State is and who controls it and who is in it.
Explain what the Deep State is and who controls it and who is in it.

Almost 100% of those in Congress and all staff, all FED employees in DC and now add in a good percentage of State GOVT (willing to cheat the vote).

They established a huge million man party and they all get rich running up debt spending. They have aligned with some strain of a World Wide cabal that is looking to world wide governance. The US Constitution be dammed. Cloward Piven. Collapse the system thru illegal swarm. 2 million+ per year un-vetted.
Marjorie Taylor Green, of course you know who I am speaking of. That's is just one of those childish games you play.

First Step Act? Lol.
Tax cuts for the rich.
What Jobs Act?

All of which are not doing jack for black folks as a whole.

Now tell us why you hate 91% of black women.
1) no, I honestly didn't. I don't really care about her.
2) Yes, the First Step Act, criminal justice reform is very important and undoing some of Xiden's racist 94 crime bill.

Yes, rich folks got a tax cut, but as far as income tax, the middle class got the largest cut, it also involved tax cuts to businesses, which helped stipulate the stagnate Xiden/Obmaa economy, leading to record low UE, and historically low for people of color.

  • Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows.
  • Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years.
  • Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps.
  • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows.
  • Income inequality fell for two straight years, and by the largest amount in over a decade.
  • The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth.
  • Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.
  • African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent.
I know today, after four years of Xiden and the Demaklan it's hard to remember how good we had it
It's just getting ridiculous. There has to be national standards created for policing. That's all there is to it.

Police pressured him to confess to a murder that never happened. Now, Fontana will pay him $900,000​

The city of Fontana has agreed to pay nearly $900,000 to settle a federal lawsuit filed by a man who said police pressured him to falsely confess to a murder that never happened.

During a 17-hour interrogation in August 2018, Fontana Police Department officers questioned Thomas Perez Jr. about the disappearance of his father, whom Perez had reported missing. Officers alleged Perez had murdered his father and, when Perez denied the accusation, officers tried to convince him that he had forgotten the crime, according to a federal lawsuit, court records and video of the interrogation.

Throughout their lengthy questioning of Perez, officers used a variety of tactics aimed at goading him into confessing. They brought his dog into the interrogation room, told him the dog had walked through blood and would be sent away to be euthanized. They drove Perez to a dirt lot and asked him to walk around in search of his dad’s body. They told him that his father’s body was in a morgue.

“You murdered your dad,” one of the officers said, according to video of the interrogation. “Daddy’s dead because of you.”

At the 16-hour mark, Perez told police that he had gotten into an altercation with his father and had stabbed him.

But a major problem with that confession soon emerged: Perez’s father was alive and safe.

This is a blue city problem. You WANT this.
Nothing out of DOJ, FBI or WH or Deep State should be accepted as fact. They have been 100% false since Russian Collusion was hatched be Comely, obamma, clinton, rice, brennan. ….. whomever it was JAN05, 2017.
It's sadly true, the Obama Admin in hindsight, really undermined people's faith in our Govt. That is his legacy
1) no, I honestly didn't. I don't really care about her.
Bullshit, you know you are a B6 fan.
2) Yes, the First Step Act, criminal justice reform is very important and undoing some of Xiden's racist 94 crime bill.
Thxs Pres Obama.
Yes, rich folks got a tax cut, but as far as income tax, the middle class got the largest cut, it also involved tax cuts to businesses, which helped stipulate the stagnate Xiden/Obmaa economy, leading to record low UE, and historically low for people of color.
Pres Obama handed off a good economy as compared to the trash Trump handed off.
  • Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows.
    [*]Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years.
    • Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps.
    • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows.
    • Income inequality fell for two straight years, and by the largest amount in over a decade.
    • The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth.
    • Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.
    • African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent.
Thxs Pres Obama.
  • I know today, after four years of Xiden and the Demaklan it's hard to remember how good we had it
Who is we? Are you talking about the white men that you were laying under.
Bullshit, you know you are a B6 fan.

Thxs Pres Obama.

Pres Obama handed off a good economy as compared to the trash Trump handed off.

Thxs Pres Obama.

Who is we? Are you talking about the white men that you were laying under.
1) I don't know what B6 is

2) hahahah thank Obama for a bill that wasn't even in Congress when he was President? Are you insane?

3) I would say sure, Obama handed him a better economy, not much better, but yes, it was a little better then an economy in the middle of a global chinese panademic.

4) why would I thank Obama for those numbers? He was out of office for years when Trump was able to reach those numbers...largely due to the GOP Congress and the Tax Cut and Jobs Act

5) Americans. A record number of Americans are worse off today, then four years ago....that was even during Covid. Thanks Xiden

High inflation made finances worse for 65% of Americans last year​

Inflation may have slowed last year, but it continued to deal heavy blows — some devastating — on Americans’ livelihoods: Nearly two-thirds of US adults were worse off because of it, and roughly 1 in 6 couldn’t pay all their monthly bills, new Federal Reserve data shows.
1) I don't know what B6 is
Yea your a dumbass Trump Humper, so you know who

2) hahahah thank Obama for a bill that wasn't even in Congress when he was President? Are you insane?
What was that bill?
3) I would say sure, Obama handed him a better economy, not much better, but yes, it was a little better then an economy in the middle of a global chinese panademic.
Sorry bootlicker, I know you hated that a black man was successful as POTUS and had your dumbass orange God in great shape when he took office.
4) why would I thank Obama for those numbers? He was out of office for years when Trump was able to reach those numbers...largely due to the GOP Congress and the Tax Cut and Jobs Act
Really? Trump was only in office for 4yrs. So yes, thx Pres. Obama.
5) Americans. A record number of Americans are worse off today, then four years ago....that was even during Covid. Thanks Xiden

High inflation made finances worse for 65% of Americans last year​

Inflation may have slowed last year, but it continued to deal heavy blows — some devastating — on Americans’ livelihoods: Nearly two-thirds of US adults were worse off because of it, and roughly 1 in 6 couldn’t pay all their monthly bills, new Federal Reserve data shows.
Surely you are not dumb enough to think that inflation didn't start until Biden took office. It takes 1.5 to 2yrs for inflation to happen.
Yea your a dumbass Trump Humper, so you know who
View attachment 953242

What was that bill?

Sorry bootlicker, I know you hated that a black man was successful as POTUS and had your dumbass orange God in great shape when he took office.

Really? Trump was only in office for 4yrs. So yes, thx Pres. Obama.

Surely you are not dumb enough to think that inflation didn't start until Biden took office. It takes 1.5 to 2yrs for inflation to happen.
1) I have no idea what that means
2) First Step Act, I already mentioned it
3) he wasn’t a successful president. It certainly was in ok shape but that’s largely due to the fact obama’s failures lead to a gop congress. Which trump benefitted from
4) yes and in those four years turned the country around.
5) no, but record inflation did

Surely, you are dumb
1) I have no idea what that means.
Well, we know you are a lying boot licker, so let us move on.
2) First Step Act, I already mentioned it.
Just an extension of Pres. Obama's prison reform. Thxs Pres. Obama.
3) he wasn’t a successful president. It certainly was in ok shape but that’s largely due to the fact obama’s failures lead to a gop congress. Which trump benefitted from.
Tell yourself anything you want to make it easier to accept the fact that we had a successful black POTUS in America.
4) yes and in those four years turned the country around.
He turned it around alright, turned it in the wrong direction.
5) no, but record inflation did.
Surely, you are dumb
I guess you are that dumb.
Well, we know you are a lying boot licker, so let us move on.

Just an extension of Pres. Obama's prison reform. Thxs Pres. Obama.

Tell yourself anything you want to make it easier to accept the fact that we had a successful black POTUS in America.

He turned it around alright, turned it in the wrong direction.

I guess you are that dumb.
Name the prison reform bill Obama signed into law…I’ll wait
Name the prison reform bill Obama signed into law…I’ll wait
Pres. Obama granted clemency to more than 1,900 people while in office, commuting the sentences of people imprisoned or pardoning them.

A Pew Research Center analysis found that Obama granted clemency to more people convicted of federal crimes than any president in 64 years.

Here’s a partial list of some of the groundbreaking things that happened on his watch:

• He very publicly visited a federal prison and met with people serving time—the first sitting president ever to do so.

• He commuted the sentences of more people than the previous 10 presidents combined—673 men and women as of this writing.

• He established the Second Chance Pell Pilot Program allowing incarcerated people to once again receive Pell Grants to pursue college degrees.

• He issued an Executive Order “banning the box” on applications for federal jobs so that formerly incarcerated people would have a better shot at gainful employment.

• He released new HUD guidelines informing landlords that because people of color were over-represented among those with criminal records, denying housing on the basis of a criminal record would be considered a violation of the Fair Housing Act.

• He banned solitary confinement of juveniles in federal prisons.

Suck on that boot licker, you are good at that.
Pres. Obama granted clemency to more than 1,900 people while in office, commuting the sentences of people imprisoned or pardoning them.

A Pew Research Center analysis found that Obama granted clemency to more people convicted of federal crimes than any president in 64 years.

Here’s a partial list of some of the groundbreaking things that happened on his watch:

• He very publicly visited a federal prison and met with people serving time—the first sitting president ever to do so.

• He commuted the sentences of more people than the previous 10 presidents combined—673 men and women as of this writing.

• He established the Second Chance Pell Pilot Program allowing incarcerated people to once again receive Pell Grants to pursue college degrees.

• He issued an Executive Order “banning the box” on applications for federal jobs so that formerly incarcerated people would have a better shot at gainful employment.

• He released new HUD guidelines informing landlords that because people of color were over-represented among those with criminal records, denying housing on the basis of a criminal record would be considered a violation of the Fair Housing Act.

• He banned solitary confinement of juveniles in federal prisons.

Suck on that boot licker, you are good at that.
So no law? He did nothing. Thanks granting clemency isnkr pruson reform. Every president has done that

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