Something I'm curious to know about the Charlottesville, VA protesters and counter-protesters


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
I am curious to know what the numerical representation was among the "Unite the Right" protesters and the counter-protesters who decry their ideals and demands.

From where I sit, it'd certainly be small consolation in the aftermath of such a calamity to learn that more Americans courageously took upon themselves the burden of literally standing and being counted as amongst those who oppose white nationalism than felt obliged to advance white supremacy's odious notions.
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I am curious to know what the numerical representation was among the "Unite the Right" protesters and the counter-protesters who decry their ideals and demands.

From where I sit, it'd certainly be small consolation in the aftermath of such of the calamity to learn that more Americans courageously took upon themselves the burden of literally standing and being counted as amongst those who oppose white nationalism than felt obliged to advance white supremacy's odious notions.

Of course that's the case. But like any "good crisis" it will be hijacked for political interpretation. The talking points were already out there by noon. To conflate EVERY Repub, Trump Supporter or Trump himself and every American that OPPOSES purging historical monuments and symbols ----- as being Nazis, White Supremacists or "alt-right"..

It's GOOD that's you're NOT doing that. But be aware that a lot of folks are using this anarchy and death for political advantage by EXAGGERATING the support for radical right. And including rational citizens that don't want to live in a country that purges history....

All this ----- over a statue... When the nation is already in chaos and danger. WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes? I think I know the answer to that....
I am curious to know what the numerical representation was among the "Unite the Right" protesters and the counter-protesters who decry their ideals and demands.

From where I sit, it'd certainly be small consolation in the aftermath of such of the calamity to learn that more Americans courageously took upon themselves the burden of literally standing and being counted as amongst those who oppose white nationalism than felt obliged to advance white supremacy's odious notions.

It is sooo heartwarming to read that you consider preventing others from exercising their Constitutional rights to be courageous. What ever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? Who are the real fascists?
I am curious to know what the numerical representation was among the "Unite the Right" protesters and the counter-protesters who decry their ideals and demands.

From where I sit, it'd certainly be small consolation in the aftermath of such of the calamity to learn that more Americans courageously took upon themselves the burden of literally standing and being counted as amongst those who oppose white nationalism than felt obliged to advance white supremacy's odious notions.

Of course that's the case. But like any "good crisis" it will be hijacked for political interpretation. The talking points were already out there by noon. To conflate EVERY Repub, Trump Supporter or Trump himself and every American that OPPOSES purging historical monuments and symbols ----- as being Nazis, White Supremacists or "alt-right"..

It's GOOD that's you're NOT doing that. But be aware that a lot of folks are using this anarchy and death for political advantage by EXAGGERATING the support for radical right. And including rational citizens that don't want to live in a country that purges history....

All this ----- over a statue... When the nation is already in chaos and danger. WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes? I think I know the answer to that....
WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes?

I think people exaggerate the verity of pretty much anything for a variety of reasons, mostly these: naivete, intellectual sloth, disingenuousness or willful dissimulation. Legitimate cases do not need appeals to extremes.

purging historical monuments and symbols

I won't shrink from thinking that that "preserving history" argument for maintaining monuments to the icons and iconography of the Confederacy is a crock of sh*t. Yesterday, I here shared my thoughts to that effect.
All this ----- over a statue... When the nation is already in chaos and danger. WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes? I think I know the answer to that....
Not just the statue, but the honor and memory of a man much bigger and superior to the tiny little lemmings that demand he be ignored in our history.
I won't shrink from thinking that that "preserving history" argument for maintaining monuments to the icons and iconography of the Confederacy is a crock of sh*t.
Well that would be pretty stupid of you then.
You are as "curious" as a fish tank. You're a pseudo-intellectual who cuts and pastes leftist drivel. You're willing to ignore black separatists and the violence BLM has waged on America and the assassinations of police officers.

Spare me your faux outrage that some bed wetter got run over in a street while attempting to shut down an assembly of people the left will not tolerate while squealing about "intolerance".

Around 1900 the 'Lynch' family donated the land for three elementary schools to be built in Oregon.
Now the mayor of the city the schools were built in has announced the city will rename the schools so as not to "Offend the feelings of negro kids attending the schools".
Next the words "Black" as in blackboard will no longer be used?
Crayons will no longer have 'black' or 'white' ones?
Dana Perino said the other day: "This is how a country is destroyed from within".
It is sooo heartwarming to read that you consider preventing others from exercising their Constitutional rights to be courageous. What ever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? Who are the real fascists?
It use to be Liberals of the 60s who first made that pronouncement. Why isn't that being followed by today's "liberals"? I suspect it's because they've become Fascists.
It is sooo heartwarming to read that you consider preventing others from exercising their Constitutional rights to be courageous. What ever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? Who are the real fascists?
It use to be Liberals of the 60s who first made that pronouncement. Why isn't that being followed by today's "liberals"? I suspect it's because they've become Fascists.
Well now, yes, speak all you want. And accept that I will also speak out against the hatefulness that you have spoken. Show up with combat helmets, shields, and batons, and you will be met with the same.

All this ----- over a statue... When the nation is already in chaos and danger. WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes? I think I know the answer to that....
Not just the statue, but the honor and memory of a man much bigger and superior to the tiny little lemmings that demand he be ignored in our history.
The man of that period that was much bigger was Abraham Lincoln. He had every right to have Lee and the other southern officers who had previously served in the US Army hung for treason. He chose instead to start putting the nation back together. A wise decision.
It is sooo heartwarming to read that you consider preventing others from exercising their Constitutional rights to be courageous. What ever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? Who are the real fascists?
It use to be Liberals of the 60s who first made that pronouncement. Why isn't that being followed by today's "liberals"? I suspect it's because they've become Fascists.
Well now, yes, speak all you want. And accept that I will also speak out against the hatefulness that you have spoken. Show up with combat helmets, shields, and batons, and you will be met with the same.

I think these white nationalists have learned that the Leftist groups will have no problem beating them down, so I suppose the helmets and batons were for self-defense. Why can't the Left just let them protest peacefully? It's not going to stop the removal of the statue. That was a local decision.
I am curious to know what the numerical representation was among the "Unite the Right" protesters and the counter-protesters who decry their ideals and demands.

From where I sit, it'd certainly be small consolation in the aftermath of such of the calamity to learn that more Americans courageously took upon themselves the burden of literally standing and being counted as amongst those who oppose white nationalism than felt obliged to advance white supremacy's odious notions.

Of course that's the case. But like any "good crisis" it will be hijacked for political interpretation. The talking points were already out there by noon. To conflate EVERY Repub, Trump Supporter or Trump himself and every American that OPPOSES purging historical monuments and symbols ----- as being Nazis, White Supremacists or "alt-right"..

It's GOOD that's you're NOT doing that. But be aware that a lot of folks are using this anarchy and death for political advantage by EXAGGERATING the support for radical right. And including rational citizens that don't want to live in a country that purges history....

All this ----- over a statue... When the nation is already in chaos and danger. WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes? I think I know the answer to that....

Thoughtful and thought provoking ^^^ post.

Considering the Vanguard America Group it would be hard to exaggerate their motivations or lack of patriotism for American Values (i.e. expressed by Mr. Jefferson in the Dec. of Independence)
I am curious to know what the numerical representation was among the "Unite the Right" protesters and the counter-protesters who decry their ideals and demands.

From where I sit, it'd certainly be small consolation in the aftermath of such of the calamity to learn that more Americans courageously took upon themselves the burden of literally standing and being counted as amongst those who oppose white nationalism than felt obliged to advance white supremacy's odious notions.

Of course that's the case. But like any "good crisis" it will be hijacked for political interpretation. The talking points were already out there by noon. To conflate EVERY Repub, Trump Supporter or Trump himself and every American that OPPOSES purging historical monuments and symbols ----- as being Nazis, White Supremacists or "alt-right"..

It's GOOD that's you're NOT doing that. But be aware that a lot of folks are using this anarchy and death for political advantage by EXAGGERATING the support for radical right. And including rational citizens that don't want to live in a country that purges history....

All this ----- over a statue... When the nation is already in chaos and danger. WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes? I think I know the answer to that....
The issue isn't EVERY Republican feels this way but that there are a substantial number of racists who are drawn to the party

Now Republicans can't control who votes for them, but they can make an effort to be clear that these groups are not welcome or condoned

Our President hasn't made that effort
If the idiots who wanted to protest yesterday had any discipline, they would have been permitted to march and rally to their hearts content.

The police would have protected them from anyone wishing to do them harm had they showed up unarmed and with the intention of
assembling peacefully. Instead, they were armed to the teeth and behaved aggressively.

Additionally.....the idea that every counter protester was affiliated with the new RW bogeyman "Antifa" is total bullshit.
If you think it was really all over just a statue your wrong:
Meet the man in the middle of the 'Unite the Right' rally

Why was that man there in that town? It's all about purging history. Something that MILLIONS agree is totalitarian bullshit. That's why he was there... And local/state leadership probably HOPED for the Deep Fried Crackers to come and make an issue of it. IN FACT -- they expected it.

But the crackers don't represent the millions that oppose removing all monuments and symbols of the Confederacy... That's a Taliban move on the part of the leftists who put that program at a high priority when the nation is troubled with a Zillion bigger issues..
I am curious to know what the numerical representation was among the "Unite the Right" protesters and the counter-protesters who decry their ideals and demands.

From where I sit, it'd certainly be small consolation in the aftermath of such of the calamity to learn that more Americans courageously took upon themselves the burden of literally standing and being counted as amongst those who oppose white nationalism than felt obliged to advance white supremacy's odious notions.

Of course that's the case. But like any "good crisis" it will be hijacked for political interpretation. The talking points were already out there by noon. To conflate EVERY Repub, Trump Supporter or Trump himself and every American that OPPOSES purging historical monuments and symbols ----- as being Nazis, White Supremacists or "alt-right"..

It's GOOD that's you're NOT doing that. But be aware that a lot of folks are using this anarchy and death for political advantage by EXAGGERATING the support for radical right. And including rational citizens that don't want to live in a country that purges history....

All this ----- over a statue... When the nation is already in chaos and danger. WHY do you think the support is PURPOSELY being exaggerated to ridiculous extremes? I think I know the answer to that....
The issue isn't EVERY Republican feels this way but that there are a substantial number of racists who are drawn to the party

Now Republicans can't control who votes for them, but they can make an effort to be clear that these groups are not welcome or condoned

Our President hasn't made that effort

He did yesterday. In an excellence speech with "more love for your neighbor" lines than Mother Theresa.

How do you REALLY exclude people from identifying with one of the only two choices that they have? These Crackas are just doing what EVERYONE ELSE HAS to do when and if they vote. They are not voting FOR anything -- they are voting AGAINST the other party.

You're party has been demeaning the South for 30 years now. You hunted the Blue Dog Dems to extinction and name-called WEEKLY against all of us here. INCLUDING alienating and leaving YOUR supporters stranded without viable candidates and support. It's Reconstruction all over again, but with DEMS doing the nasty stuff.

The problem with being specific is --- NATIONALISM is not a dirty word. WHITE or BLACK Nationalism are dirty words. And the media and the spin morons will not MAKE that distinction.

And of course if you denounce White Nationalism -- you're brain-dead power mad moguls of WINNING -- will of COURSE utilize that by extending "White Nationalism" to ANY white person who wants Federal policy to concentrate on IMPROVING the deal for Americans first and foremost..

You really think the Deep Fried skinheads love a Prez who puts in Jewish son-in-law in a Rasputin position and loves Israel? Or actually made more outreach to Black communities and leadership than MOST GOP candidates ever had?

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