Something Is Wrong, and It’s Not the Universe

I’m not a creationist.

Then you are wrong.

All of the above was done 3000 years ago. No other book that I know of tells us so much. Our faith in God is justified and validated by the Bible. That is what the Bible instructs us to do. Verify things for yourself. Too many people ignore the Bible because it isn't simple, but there are plenty of guides to help one understand.

For centuries, people did not understand what all of this meant. We had the secular scientists state the universe was eternal and the discovery of the CMB and the big bang theory changed all of that in the 60s. Suddenly, more verses in the Bible became more relevant. Thus, I separated the past, what is ongoing, and the future from today.

People in the past had a different light they were looking at. We will probably not know about the revelations to come, but we can see some of it coming to fruition.

However, to not understand the past and what is ongoing will lead to mistakes. You do not want to be misled after you die and end up in the wrong part of Hades. If you follow the basic instructions before leaving Earth, then you will fine. Continuing to discover new truths to you in the Bible means that you are headed down the right path.

If you use other books, then they may mislead you away from the Bible, then it should not be for you. I'm not saying do not listen nor read what they say and write. You should listen and read what they have to say. Then, you have to compare what is written in the Bible versus what you see in the material world written by secular/atheist scientists and people. Then you should deepen your faith. If there are contradictions, then that is what science is all about. It's about contradictions and arguments and who has the best theory. Since I started reading the Bible in 2012, I have found plenty to contradict it, but it turns out the other was wrong.

Source of light moving to the right

Many people look into the past to explain what has happened. The believers who are right look to the Bible to explain what has happened in the past, as well as what is ongoing, and what will happen in the future. The verses in Isaiah, Job, Zechariah, and Psalm are ongoing.

What we are told in Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Samuel, and Joshua are in the past.

Revelation and Daniel are what is to come.

Your religious dogma does not belong in this section. This is the science section. Please confine your religious dogma to the religion section.


Source of light moving to the right

Many people look into the past to explain what has happened. The believers who are right look to the Bible to explain what has happened in the past, as well as what is ongoing, and what will happen in the future. The verses in Isaiah, Job, Zechariah, and Psalm are ongoing.

What we are told in Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Samuel, and Joshua are in the past.

Revelation and Daniel are what is to come.

Your religious dogma does not belong in this section. This is the science section. Please confine your religious dogma to the religion section.


You are wrong, too. It's not dogma, but creation science. What you subscribe to is atheist science which the big bang is part of. It has the wrong Hubble constant -- 67 km/sec per mpc.

When we look at how fast the recession is, we get via the Cepheid variables (70 stars of varying brightness), an estimate of 73-74 km/sec per mpc. These are new direct measurements from the Hubble telescope earlier in 2019.

Thus, the big bang interpretation of the CMB radiation and Hubble constant is wrong.

We add this to the mountain of evidence against the big bang.

It violates the first law of thermodynamics, which says you can't create or destroy matter or energy. How can anything come out of nothing? Like I said no scientist or company is looking for singularity.

The formation of stars and galaxies propose by big bang violates the law of entropy. Entropy suggests systems change and become less organized over time. If one views the early universe as completely homogeneous and isotropic, then the current universe shows signs of obeying the law of entropy.

Riffing off the Hubble "variable", astrophysicists and cosmologists critical of big bang argue that scientists have misinterpreted evidence like the redshift of celestial bodies and the cosmic microwave background radiation. They cite the absence of exotic cosmic bodies that should have been the product of the big bang according to the theory.

The cosmic inflation period microseconds violates FTL max speed in the universe. It also violates gravity as stating gravity wasn't there. Oh, gravity just popped up when it was convenient.

The temperature throughout the universe is constant at 2.73 degrees Kelvin. This is via measuring the CMB radiation. A big bang would've varying temperatures with it being estimated as approximately one second after the big bang, the universe was about 400,000 times as dense as water, and the temperature was 10 billion kelvins. Matter consisted mainly of protons and neutrons. After 13.8 seconds, the temperature had dropped to 3 billion kelvins, and three minutes and 45 seconds later, it had dropped to 1 billion kelvins. Thus, it should be hotter earlier and the temperature dropping as we go further out into space.
We have creation astronomy that is real science that backs up the heavens, planets, moon, stars, and dwarf planets (some large asteroids) were created by God. This includes astrophysics and cosmology.

The Bible speaks of three heavens: the first heaven is the atmosphere, the third heaven is the place of the direct presence of God and is possibly non-physical or at least outside the bounds of the physical universe, and the second heaven is the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere, the realm of astronomy.

There is scientific foreknowlege of:
The shape of the earth
Isaiah 40:22a reads, "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth..." and, as any astronomy student knows, the earth appears as a circle in space because of its spherical shape. The creation of the horizon to separate light and darkness, as mentioned in Job 26:10 (NAS version), also states that God "has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters..."; because the earth is round, the boundary must be a circle.[1]

The suspension of earth in space
"[H]e suspends the earth over nothing" (Job 26:7). Despite this verse's poeticism, it does indicate that the earth does in fact float in space. Pictures taken in space have confirmed that the earth literally hangs upon nothing in the cosmos. The biblical truth of this fact is particularly interesting when one considers the beliefs of other peoples and religions as to how the earth was supported in space. For example, the Tartars believed that a giant bull supported the earth, while Vedic priests taught that twelve mighty pillars held up the planet; modern astronomy has since proven such beliefs inaccurate.[1]

The expansion of the heavens
Referring back to Isaiah 40:22, the second half of the verse tells that "He [God] stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in." This verse directly implies that the universe is expanding and has increased in size since its creation. Astronomers discovered in the 1920's that nearly all the galaxy clusters were moving away from one another, indicating that the entire cosmos is being stretched. Before this discovery, secular scientists, and perhaps even some Christian scientists as well, purported that the universe was infinite and completely unchanged. The accuracy of the Bible in presenting this idea in ancient times is truly remarkable![1]

The age of the cosmos
Scripture teaches that God created the entire cosmos in six days (see Exodus 20:11), and the extensive genealogies and historical events documented in the Bible place this creation around 6,000 years ago. The majority of secular scientists however, adhere to the big bang theory which dates the age of the universe as billions and billions of years old. Although this theory is often taught as undeniable truth, numerous astronomical evidences point to a much younger age of the solar system and the universe.[1]

Biblical astronomy - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science

Secular science does not explain how their big bang occurred and are wrong about the age of the Earth and universe.
Secular science does not explain how their big bang occurred and are wrong about the age of the Earth and universe.
Actually it does. Through a quantum tunneling event.

As for the age of the earth and universe, you either must believe there is some grand conspiracy or that God made it look like the universe is 14 billion years old and the earth is 4 billion years old.
Secular science does not explain how their big bang occurred and are wrong about the age of the Earth and universe.
Actually it does. Through a quantum tunneling event.

As for the age of the earth and universe, you either must believe there is some grand conspiracy or that God made it look like the universe is 14 billion years old and the earth is 4 billion years old.

That's not an explanation. You don't have any spacetime. Anything quantum needs that.
And another religious nutball spams a science thread....

Atheism is a religion. Its science is evolution. Christianity is a religion. Its science is creation science. It's been like this since the start of time, but your feeble brain cannot figure this out.
Secular science does not explain how their big bang occurred and are wrong about the age of the Earth and universe.
Actually it does. Through a quantum tunneling event.

As for the age of the earth and universe, you either must believe there is some grand conspiracy or that God made it look like the universe is 14 billion years old and the earth is 4 billion years old.

That's not an explanation. You don't have any spacetime. Anything quantum needs that.
Here’s the evidence and the explanation.

Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations and the Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that space and time did have a beginning. If the universe is expanding then it must have a beginning. If you follow it backwards in time, then any object must come to a boundary of space time. You cannot continue that history indefinitely. This is still true even if a universe has periods of contraction. It still has to have a beginning if expansion over weights the contraction. Physicists have been uncomfortable with the idea of a beginning since the work of Friedman which showed that the solutions of Einstein's equation showed that the universe had a beginning. The problem with a cyclical universe is with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. For every matter to energy or energy to matter exchange there is a loss of usable energy. So while the total energy of the universe does not decrease, the usable energy of the universe does decrease. If it is a periodic or cyclical universe then the entropy will increase with each cycle. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental law of nature which tells us that entropy can only increase or stay the same. Entropy can never decrease. Which means that in a finite amount of time, a finite system will reach a maximum state of disorder which is called thermal equilibrium and then it will stay in that state. A cyclical universe cannot avoid this problem. Since we do not see thermal equilibrium, we know that the universe did have a beginning.

Inflation Theory, the First Law of Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics tells us that it is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool.
As for the age of the earth and universe, you either must believe there is some grand conspiracy or that God made it look like the universe is 14 billion years old and the earth is 4 billion years old.

You got your radiometric dating. I've got my radiocarbon dating. Mine is better. More accurate.
And another religious nutball spams a science thread....

Atheism is a religion. Its science is evolution. Christianity is a religion. Its science is creation science. It's been like this since the start of time, but your feeble brain cannot figure this out.
Science is the study of nature to discover the order within nature so as to be able to make predictions of nature.

In fact, even the bible tells you to study creation so as to be able to understand God’s invisible attributes so that you are without excuse.
As for the age of the earth and universe, you either must believe there is some grand conspiracy or that God made it look like the universe is 14 billion years old and the earth is 4 billion years old.

You got your radiometric dating. I've got my radiocarbon dating. Mine is better. More accurate.
I have much much more than that. I have the evidence for the evolution of space and time from it’s beginning until the present. From subatomic particles up to and including the evolution of consciousness.
Secular science does not explain how their big bang occurred and are wrong about the age of the Earth and universe.
Actually it does. Through a quantum tunneling event.

As for the age of the earth and universe, you either must believe there is some grand conspiracy or that God made it look like the universe is 14 billion years old and the earth is 4 billion years old.

That's not an explanation. You don't have any spacetime. Anything quantum needs that.
Here’s the evidence and the explanation.

Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations and the Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that space and time did have a beginning. If the universe is expanding then it must have a beginning. If you follow it backwards in time, then any object must come to a boundary of space time. You cannot continue that history indefinitely. This is still true even if a universe has periods of contraction. It still has to have a beginning if expansion over weights the contraction. Physicists have been uncomfortable with the idea of a beginning since the work of Friedman which showed that the solutions of Einstein's equation showed that the universe had a beginning. The problem with a cyclical universe is with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. For every matter to energy or energy to matter exchange there is a loss of usable energy. So while the total energy of the universe does not decrease, the usable energy of the universe does decrease. If it is a periodic or cyclical universe then the entropy will increase with each cycle. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental law of nature which tells us that entropy can only increase or stay the same. Entropy can never decrease. Which means that in a finite amount of time, a finite system will reach a maximum state of disorder which is called thermal equilibrium and then it will stay in that state. A cyclical universe cannot avoid this problem. Since we do not see thermal equilibrium, we know that the universe did have a beginning.

Inflation Theory, the First Law of Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics tells us that it is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool.

I went over your second part already which goes AGAINST the big bang. We have one of three shapes to the universe and likely it isn't closed. You have to demonstrate how your "closed" universe came to be. This is cosmology and I have Kalam cosmological argument and the video to explain. We start with cosmology and it leads to astrophysics.
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Secular science does not explain how their big bang occurred and are wrong about the age of the Earth and universe.
Actually it does. Through a quantum tunneling event.

As for the age of the earth and universe, you either must believe there is some grand conspiracy or that God made it look like the universe is 14 billion years old and the earth is 4 billion years old.

That's not an explanation. You don't have any spacetime. Anything quantum needs that.
Here’s the evidence and the explanation.

Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's field equations and the Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that space and time did have a beginning. If the universe is expanding then it must have a beginning. If you follow it backwards in time, then any object must come to a boundary of space time. You cannot continue that history indefinitely. This is still true even if a universe has periods of contraction. It still has to have a beginning if expansion over weights the contraction. Physicists have been uncomfortable with the idea of a beginning since the work of Friedman which showed that the solutions of Einstein's equation showed that the universe had a beginning. The problem with a cyclical universe is with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. For every matter to energy or energy to matter exchange there is a loss of usable energy. So while the total energy of the universe does not decrease, the usable energy of the universe does decrease. If it is a periodic or cyclical universe then the entropy will increase with each cycle. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental law of nature which tells us that entropy can only increase or stay the same. Entropy can never decrease. Which means that in a finite amount of time, a finite system will reach a maximum state of disorder which is called thermal equilibrium and then it will stay in that state. A cyclical universe cannot avoid this problem. Since we do not see thermal equilibrium, we know that the universe did have a beginning.

Inflation Theory, the First Law of Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics tells us that it is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool.

I went over your second part already which goes AGAINST the big bang. We have one of three shapes to the universe and likely it isn't closed. You have to demonstrate how this came to be. This is cosmology and I have Kalams cosmological argument and the video to explain. We start with cosmology and it leads to astrophysics.

You are ignoring the rest of my evidence though. It can’t be viewed in a vacuum. It’s the evidence in its entirety which makes the case.
Science is the study of nature to discover the order within nature so as to be able to make predictions of nature.

That's one definition based on empiricism. With creation science, we also have rationalism or facts, reasoning, and historical truths. We have the same facts. We also have that which goes beyond our universe and that is the supernatural from rationalism.
Science is the study of nature to discover the order within nature so as to be able to make predictions of nature.

That's one definition based on empiricism. With creation science, we also have rationalism or facts, reasoning, and historical truths. We have the same facts. We also have that which goes beyond our universe and that is the supernatural from rationalism.
What is your definition of science then?

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