Something Is Wrong, and It’s Not the Universe

The sound of settled science strikes again.

We’re getting something wrong about the universe.

It might be something small: a measurement issue that makes certain stars looks closer or farther away than they are, something astrophysicists could fix with a few tweaks to how they measure distances across space. It might be something big: an error — or series of errors — in cosmology, or our understanding of the universe’s origin and evolution. If that’s the case, our entire history of space and time may be messed up. But whatever the issue is, it’s making key observations of the universe disagree with each other: Measured one way, the universe appears to be expanding at a certain rate; measured another way, the universe appears to be expanding at a different rate. And, as a new paper shows, those discrepancies have gotten larger in recent years, even as the measurements have gotten more precise.

“We think that if our understanding of cosmology is correct, then all of these different measurements should be giving us the same answer,” said Katie Mack, a theoretical cosmologist at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and co-author of the new paper.

“If we’re getting different answers that means that there’s something that we don’t know,” Mack told Live Science.

How the Universe Stopped Making Sense

And whatever that something turns out to be, it will point towards Genesis like every other scientific discovery has.


Science has proven Genesis
It’s totally relevant that the universe began with nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter.
As an explanation for why the universe intially expanded, it is not. You can look it up.
So the energy released did not create a force?

What exactly do you think they mean by inertia of inflation? Can you tell me what that means?

You did say that the inertia of inflation caused the initial expansion, right? What does that mean?
You did say that the inertia of inflation caused the initial expansion, right?
False. I said the inflationary period of the early universe probably contributes a small amount to the expansion today . As you or anyone can go back in the thread and see.
But this pure energy that was created would have had no effect on the matter that wasn’t annihilated in the matter and antimatter annihilations.

At least according to FF.
it doesn’t say what caused the expansion.
The wiki link about CCC? Or the CCC theory itself? CCC theory basically, eliminates it in its current form. It frames it more as an optical illusion, resulting from repeated bangs.
You did say that the inertia of inflation caused the initial expansion, right?
False. I said the inflationary period of the early universe probably contributes a small amount to the expansion today . As you or anyone can go back in the thread and see.
I know you said that. You just have zero data to back it up and you deny what started it all.

Besides according to the link you posted you believe the universe didn’t even have a beginning. Which is super odd because by your own account the universe is accelerating too fast for a Big Crunch.
Besides according to the link you posted you believe the universe didn’t even have a beginning.
False. I don't rule it out, though. Obviously, there is a difference. The kind of "belief" you describe is for religious folks like you, and your affinity for wallowing in it probably why you just made that dumb error.
it doesn’t say what caused the expansion.
The wiki link about CCC? Or the CCC theory itself? CCC theory basically, eliminates it in its current form. It frames it more as an optical illusion, resulting from repeated bangs.
I think you are posting shit that doesn’t address what we are discussing, has zero credibility given the current perceived expansion rate and that you don’t understand any of this and that’s why you keep grasping for anything you think keeps you from looking like an idiot.
Besides according to the link you posted you believe the universe didn’t even have a beginning.
False. I don't rule it out, though. Obviously, there is a difference. The kind of "belief" you describe is for religious folks like you, and your affinity for wallowing in it probably why you just made that dumb error.
The link you provided does. It’s a cyclical model.
Besides according to the link you posted you believe the universe didn’t even have a beginning.
False. I don't rule it out, though. Obviously, there is a difference. The kind of "belief" you describe is for religious folks like you, and your affinity for wallowing in it probably why you just made that dumb error.
I didn’t make any errors. I described in great detail the cause of why all objects are traveling away from each other.

You are just too stupid to realize it. But please do keep throwing out buzz words you don’t understand and links that don’t back up anything you claim.
Its probably a good time for me to restate the reason that all objects are moving away from each other.

The creation of space and time started as subatomic particles occupying a very tiny space in nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter. This is not a steady state system. As the matter and antimatter annihilated each other, the resulting energy released from that interaction provided the energy to accelerate the remaining matter which quickly coalesced itself as hydrogen and helium and began forming cosmic structures which continued on their paths.
Its probably a good time for me to restate the reason that all objects are moving away from each other.

The creation of space and time started as subatomic particles occupying a very tiny space in nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter. This is not a steady state system. As the matter and antimatter annihilated each other, the resulting energy released from that interaction provided the energy to accelerate the remaining matter which quickly coalesced itself as hydrogen and helium and began forming cosmic structures which continued on their paths.
This is wildly and demonstrably false.
It’s totally relevant that the universe began with nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter.
As an explanation for why the universe intially expanded, it is not. You can look it up.
So the energy released did not create a force?

What exactly do you think they mean by inertia of inflation? Can you tell me what that means?

You did say that the inertia of inflation caused the initial expansion, right? What does that mean?

Thats atheists problems

Modern scientists today are not atheists if not crooked !!
Its probably a good time for me to restate the reason that all objects are moving away from each other.

The creation of space and time started as subatomic particles occupying a very tiny space in nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter. This is not a steady state system. As the matter and antimatter annihilated each other, the resulting energy released from that interaction provided the energy to accelerate the remaining matter which quickly coalesced itself as hydrogen and helium and began forming cosmic structures which continued on their paths.
This is wildly and demonstrably false.
Tell it to CERN

Origins: CERN: Ideas: The Big Bang | Exploratorium

The universe began, scientists believe, with every speck of its energy jammed into a very tiny point. This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force, creating matter and propelling it outward to make the billions of galaxies of our vast universe. Astrophysicists dubbed this titanic explosion the Big Bang.
Its probably a good time for me to restate the reason that all objects are moving away from each other.

The creation of space and time started as subatomic particles occupying a very tiny space in nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter. This is not a steady state system. As the matter and antimatter annihilated each other, the resulting energy released from that interaction provided the energy to accelerate the remaining matter which quickly coalesced itself as hydrogen and helium and began forming cosmic structures which continued on their paths.
This is wildly and demonstrably false.
Tell it to CERN

Origins: CERN: Ideas: The Big Bang | Exploratorium

The universe began, scientists believe, with every speck of its energy jammed into a very tiny point. This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force, creating matter and propelling it outward to make the billions of galaxies of our vast universe. Astrophysicists dubbed this titanic explosion the Big Bang.
Right, exactly as I have been saying. The best explanation we have is the Big Bang model.

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