Something puzzling about how obama received so many votes from Black Americans

St. Louis County, MO 2012 Primary Election Poll Precincts 1903-NOR3 & 2721-UNV21 were both held in the Pine Lawn City Hall. All of the voters were black. 206 ballots were cast & all of them voted on a democrat ballot & none of them voted republican.

1903 NOR3 - 93 Ballots Cast - 93 Democratic - 0 Republican - 0 Libertarian - 0 Constitution - 0 NonPartisan

2721 UNV21 - 113 Ballots Cast - 113 Democratic - 0 Republican - 0 Libertarian - 0 Constitution - 0 NonPartisan

The vote went the exact same way as their masters voting slips told them to vote. They all filed in like sheep with the slip of paper below & voted as it instructed. No thinking involved at all. They vote like the sheep they are.

No. The point you were making was that blacks vote to get free stuff and to be fed by the government. What percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government?

About 36% of blacks are on government benifits vs about 9% of whites. Blacks are almost 4 times more likely to be government dependants.

Blacks are 30 percent more likely than nonblacks to work for the government, according to the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Labor Research and Education. 22 percent of black workers are government employees, compared with 16 percent of nonblacks.

2009 statistics from the National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan show 27% of blacks and 25% of Hispanics below the poverty line, compared to 13% of Asians and only 9% of whites.
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Clinton got low African American turnout because Dole picked up black voters. If you look at the numbers, something like 93% of African Americans voted for someone who wasn't the GOP candidate those years.

True but in the 2008 Democratic primary contest, just before the South Carolina primary, the black vote was split 55% for Obama and 45% for Clinton and Clinton was the heavy favorite for the nomination because she had overwhelming support from the super delegates. Then the Obama campaign sent Jim Clyburn out to call Bill Clinton a racist for mocking Obama's qualifications to be president. Overnight, the black vote changed to 95% Obama and 5% Clinton. Super delegates feared that with black voters responding so strongly to the racist charge against Bill Clinton, if Hillary won the nomination they might not show up at the polls and almost overnight Hillary's support among super delegates moved over to the Obama camp and that's what gave him the nomination. So it's fair to say that if Obama had been white he would never have become president or that if he had not played the race card he would never have become president.

You didn't find Clinton's comments racist?

The issue is not whether Clinton's words could have possibly have been interpreted as racist in another context, but whether it was reasonable to think Clinton was a a racist because of one comment that did not necessarily have any racial overtones when after some 40 years in the public eye no one white or black had ever claimed any evidence of racism in anything Clinton had said or done.

If I remember correctly, Clinton in deriding Obama's qualifications to be president said something like a few years ago he wouldn't have been qualified to carry our bags, which is a comment one might make about anyone thought to be unqualified regardless of race. In another context one might think this was a reference to black people only being qualified to be servants, but in the context of Bill Clinton's long public history, making that assumption has to be seen as either being bizarre or, itself, racist. A more reasonable assumption, given Clinton's long public history, is that he was careless of possible accusations of racism because he was not a racist and believed he had establish bonds of trust with black voters so that he was in no danger of being believed to be a racist.

Sending Jim Clyburn out to call Clinton a racist was a cynical and desperate move intended to threaten the Democratic Party with the prospect that black voters would not go to the polls unless Obama got the nomination. Perhaps the Obama campaign believed Obama was the better candidate and that the only reason the super delegates were supporting Clinton was that they were all racists and they were therefore justified in threatening to cost the Party the election unless Obama got the nomination. In any case, the fact remains that if Obama had been white, he would never have become president and if he hadn't played to race card he never would have become president.

Some people might think this was just smart politics and some people might think this was a cynical exploitation of racial tensions.
True but in the 2008 Democratic primary contest, just before the South Carolina primary, the black vote was split 55% for Obama and 45% for Clinton and Clinton was the heavy favorite for the nomination because she had overwhelming support from the super delegates. Then the Obama campaign sent Jim Clyburn out to call Bill Clinton a racist for mocking Obama's qualifications to be president. Overnight, the black vote changed to 95% Obama and 5% Clinton. Super delegates feared that with black voters responding so strongly to the racist charge against Bill Clinton, if Hillary won the nomination they might not show up at the polls and almost overnight Hillary's support among super delegates moved over to the Obama camp and that's what gave him the nomination. So it's fair to say that if Obama had been white he would never have become president or that if he had not played the race card he would never have become president.

You didn't find Clinton's comments racist?

The issue is not whether Clinton's words could have possibly have been interpreted as racist in another context, but whether it was reasonable to think Clinton was a a racist because of one comment that did not necessarily have any racial overtones when after some 40 years in the public eye no one white or black had ever claimed any evidence of racism in anything Clinton had said or done.

If I remember correctly, Clinton in deriding Obama's qualifications to be president said something like a few years ago he wouldn't have been qualified to carry our bags, which is a comment one might make about anyone thought to be unqualified regardless of race. In another context one might think this was a reference to black people only being qualified to be servants, but in the context of Bill Clinton's long public history, making that assumption has to be seen as either being bizarre or, itself, racist. A more reasonable assumption, given Clinton's long public history, is that he was careless of possible accusations of racism because he was not a racist and believed he had establish bonds of trust with black voters so that he was in no danger of being believed to be a racist.

Sending Jim Clyburn out to call Clinton a racist was a cynical and desperate move intended to threaten the Democratic Party with the prospect that black voters would not go to the polls unless Obama got the nomination. Perhaps the Obama campaign believed Obama was the better candidate and that the only reason the super delegates were supporting Clinton was that they were all racists and they were therefore justified in threatening to cost the Party the election unless Obama got the nomination. In any case, the fact remains that if Obama had been white, he would never have become president and if he hadn't played to race card he never would have become president.

Some people might think this was just smart politics and some people might think this was a cynical exploitation of racial tensions.

Are you black?
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

What did the Republican Party have to offer them? How much outreach to the black voter did the Republican Party do?

So you're saying that black people have to be bought?
No. The point you were making was that blacks vote to get free stuff and to be fed by the government. What percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government?

About 36% of blacks are on government benifits vs about 9% of whites. Blacks are 4 times more likely to be government dependants.

Blacks are 30 percent more likely than nonblacks to work for the government, according to the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Labor Research and Education. 22 percent of black workers are government employees, compared with 16 percent of nonblacks.

Again what percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government? What percentage of that 36% voted in this years election?
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

What did the Republican Party have to offer them? How much outreach to the black voter did the Republican Party do?

So you're saying that black people have to be bought?

Do whites have to be bought?
Does anyone think the Koch brothers and Karl Rove were trying to influence the election on behalf of minorities and poor people instead of their own selfish interests? Duh...

We all vote for things we care about.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Yep. That's why. It's because we are all on the Democratic plantation and white liberals are our masters and if we ever forget it we have millions of Republicans/Conservatives to remind us at every turn.:lol:

Well good. I'm glad you told us that because otherwise the overwhelming support of black Americans for Obama and his democrats, given that black Americans are not prospering under an Obama reign, is inexplicable.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Yep. That's why. It's because we are all on the Democratic plantation and white liberals are our masters and if we ever forget it we have millions of Republicans/Conservatives to remind us at every turn.:lol:

Well good. I'm glad you told us that because otherwise the overwhelming support of black Americans for Obama and his democrats, given that black Americans are not prospering under an Obama reign, is inexplicable.

Yeah, so say that whenever you talk to blacks about Obama. It will help you win them over. I hope Republicans repeat it for the next 4 years. It worked so well for them on Nov 6th.
NaziCon obstructionists have tried to keep anyone but the rich from prospering since Obama became president. House Republicans have never once voted on Obama's jobs bill - the American Jobs Act.
Yep. That's why. It's because we are all on the Democratic plantation and white liberals are our masters and if we ever forget it we have millions of Republicans/Conservatives to remind us at every turn.:lol:

Well good. I'm glad you told us that because otherwise the overwhelming support of black Americans for Obama and his democrats, given that black Americans are not prospering under an Obama reign, is inexplicable.

Yeah, so say that whenever you talk to blacks about Obama. It will help you win them over. I hope Republicans repeat it for the next 4 years. It worked so well for them on Nov 6th.

What's the matter? Are you so afraid of having an honest conversation in this country? It is not at all racist to question why the overwhelming of majority black people voted for a man that has not helped them to prosper. People in this country are going to have to quit being offended by the truth.
Well good. I'm glad you told us that because otherwise the overwhelming support of black Americans for Obama and his democrats, given that black Americans are not prospering under an Obama reign, is inexplicable.

Yeah, so say that whenever you talk to blacks about Obama. It will help you win them over. I hope Republicans repeat it for the next 4 years. It worked so well for them on Nov 6th.

What's the matter? Are you so afraid of having an honest conversation in this country? It is not at all racist to question why the overwhelming of majority black people voted for a man that has not helped them to prosper. People in this country are going to have to quit being offended by the truth.

When are they supposed to help themselves prosper? Did Obama make black parents in the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s devalue the education of their children? Did he make them commit a disproportionate amount of crime? Did he make them spend close to 30 years putting a higher value on rappers then they do on teachers? Black Americans are responsible for their own prosperity, not Obama.
You made the statements, yet you can't back them up? Typical.

People who are unemployed do not get government assistance?

Your statement:

"They support the Dems because the Dems will never agree to cut entitlements, only evil Republicans want to do that. Why in the world would they not vote Dem? They're not going to bite the hand that feeds them ... and gives them free phones, free birth control, free, free, free. They are chained to that 'freedom' and therefore vote for that 'freedom'."

Your use of "They" refers to black Obama supporters. So, again, what percentage of black Obama supporters are "fed" by the government?

It is probably not much higher than the national average, but that brings us back to the larger question suggested in the OP, do black voters remain loyal to the Democratic Party because of a rational assessment of the benefits they receive from that Party or because they feel dependent on that Party for reasons they don't understand? I think the latter. Imo, despite all the progress in race relations and civil right since WWII and the enormous increase in economic opportunities for black Americans, black voters continue to be troubled by feelings of being marginalized, being vulnerable and being unable to sustain the progress that has been made without a protector and for now that protector is seen by them as the Democratic Party, but as more black voters feel more secure in their positions within the greater society they will begin to vote in larger numbers for Republicans.

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