Something puzzling about how obama received so many votes from Black Americans

This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

I don't think that's true but if it were, so what??
Of course I would expect you to say that.
Here's my comment in whole
Those are your words not Charles's that imaginary racism it's not healthy.
Your post you made were of words that never were implied or states by the one you accused it's imaginary racism that is in your head now why would you not want to respond to a post showing that you have imaginary racism?

That is your comment in whole AFTER you edited your post... which was AFTER I had physically clicked the quote button. Me clicking the quote button captures what was in your post at the time I clicked the button. It does not retroactively edit itself based on what you edited your post to contain within the first 59 seconds of creating your post.

I certainly did not remove the trailing text of your posts.

Join me, if you're so confident, in getting a moderator to examine the post and prove what a lying twat you are.

Try again stop having those imaginary racist dreams they are non existent but only thrive in your mind.

Hey buddy, I'm not the one who has to live with being so intellectually dishonest. I mean if it's what gets you through the fucking day, then more power to you... but it makes you one pathetic loser.
Last edited:
Charles is right America is divided one half sees imaginary racism and makes claims that has never against someone that has never been said. It's no longer worth my time or effort to have a meaningful discussion.
That is your comment in whole AFTER you edited your post... which was AFTER I had physically clicked the quote button. Me clicking the quote button captures what was in your post at the time I clicked the button. It does not retroactively edit itself based on what you edited your post to contain within the first 59 seconds of creating your post.

I certainly did not remove the trailing text of your posts.

Join me, if you're so confident, in getting a moderator to examine the post and prove what a lying twat you are.

Try again stop having those imaginary racist dreams they are non existent but only thrive in your mind.

Hey buddy, I'm not the one who has to live with being so intellectually dishonest. I mean if it's what gets you through the fucking day, then more power to you... but it makes you one pathetic loser.
That imaginary racism is really messing up your mind, I would be willing to bet you'd shit all over yourself if you actually had any contact with a true racist.
But in all seriousness, these edits are just for fun to prove the fucking point.
We know blacks vote for Obama because he is black

The question is, why won't blacks vote for Republicans for other offices? Blacks do not turn out in droves to vote for black republicans. The reason is not because Democrats give blacks "free stuff" the very idea is offensive to blacks. The reason is that Republicans do no show respect to blacks, blacks view them as racist and blacks view republican policies as undesirable
Yep. Allen West, while black, doesn't get many black votes.

A marginally introspective person could figure out why.
But in all seriousness, these edits are just for fun to prove the fucking point.

See this above post?

yeah... I made all these edits in under a minute. But you could never tell if you didn't see these images, or if a moderator didn't look at the history of the post.



But in all seriousness, these edits are just for fun to prove the fucking point.
You don't have a point

The point is you're a willfully dishonest human being. You latch on to a tiny fucking lie and make a super big stand just to try and make somebody else look bad, but in the end you yourself know that you're defending a fucking lie.

That's all you are, and all you ever will be.

A liar. A sleazy ass human being who will be deceptive whenever you think it can stand to gain you a benefit.
This thread, and a lot of the responses on it from both the left and the right, are testimony to just how divided this country really is.

Congrats guys, Job well done.

you can't even ask a simple question, or carry on a simple dialog anymore, with out it decending into childish name calling, and cries of Racism.

Were wasting our time here.

ok lets take away the Idea of either side being racist. Blacks still vote for democrats by a majority. The idea that Obama got a higher % over gore and kerry is not shocking. The idea that some blacks voted for obama because he is black is not shocking nor is it racist.

Is there a chance some racism played into who a black person voted for? Yes. Blacks can be just as racist as whites, or anyone else. Does that speak for the majority? No.

Furthermore it goes the other way as well. Some didnt vote for Romney based on skin, some did. We don't know the % because people won't pony up their opinions like that. ( outside of a message board where people feel they can get away with it.

Furthermore we can say some didnt vote for obama based solely on hating Obama and nothing more. We can also say some within the tea party are racists, but not all of them.

The moral of the story here is.....well....there is no real story here, and red is just looking for some excuse to lash out at black people.

Racist or not, its stupid, his argument is stupid, and he won't be winning any black voters over with his opinions.
What a bunch of whining, bellyaching assholes. Get over it. Your party insulted blacks, hispanics, women, and those who have a good education.

If you continue in this vein, you party will lose even more elections.
But in all seriousness, these edits are just for fun to prove the fucking point.
You don't have a point

The point is you're a willfully dishonest human being. You latch on to a tiny fucking lie and make a super big stand just to try and make somebody else look bad, but in the end you yourself know that you're defending a fucking lie.

That's all you are, and all you ever will be.

A liar. A sleazy ass human being who will be deceptive whenever you think it can stand to gain you a benefit.

What a whining bitch.

You lost.....get over it baby........:cool:
What a bunch of whining, bellyaching assholes. Get over it. Your party insulted blacks, hispanics, women, and those who have a good education.

If you continue in this vein, you party will lose even more elections.

I think if we're able to stop the Democrats from committing voter fraud we'll win more elections.
You don't have a point

The point is you're a willfully dishonest human being. You latch on to a tiny fucking lie and make a super big stand just to try and make somebody else look bad, but in the end you yourself know that you're defending a fucking lie.

That's all you are, and all you ever will be.

A liar. A sleazy ass human being who will be deceptive whenever you think it can stand to gain you a benefit.

What a whining bitch.

You lost.....get over it baby........:cool:

Hey. You can stand with a liar. I mean you're good at that.

Just look at Romney. Look how that ended up.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

What did the Republican Party have to offer them? How much outreach to the black voter did the Republican Party do?

First, it's wrong to have to "reach out" to different groups. They should only need to address the American people as a whole. We should be considered one group, but that's a whole other thread.

Romney did speak to a crowd at the NAACP. They booed some and applauded some of what he said. Later, he was sharply criticized for talking about job creation and getting people back to work. Even though the crowd was fairly receptive, some said that he didn't address the needs of the group and talked about things that don't concern them. I was taken back by that remark because job creation should be everyone's concern right now.

And when politicians talk about immigration reform, they just mean amnesty for those here and lax rules for more coming. There is a reason we limit the number of people allowed to apply each year and for good reason. We need to do what is in our best interest and having a flood of people coming illegally isn't helping us any.

We don't need reform. We need to simply uphold the laws in place.
This thread, and a lot of the responses on it from both the left and the right, are testimony to just how divided this country really is.

Congrats guys, Job well done.

you can't even ask a simple question, or carry on a simple dialog anymore, with out it decending into childish name calling, and cries of Racism.

Were wasting our time here.

ok lets take away the Idea of either side being racist. Blacks still vote for democrats by a majority. The idea that Obama got a higher % over gore and kerry is not shocking. The idea that some blacks voted for obama because he is black is not shocking nor is it racist.

One of the dumbest comments of the day.

Sure it's not shocking that blacks voted for Obama in higher numbers than Gore or Kerry.

That is an understatement.

And the very fact that they voted in markedly greater numbers because he's black is the definition of racism. If Republicans voted for Romney in greater numbers because he's white I'm convinced you'd call that racism without a doubt.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

What did the Republican Party have to offer them? How much outreach to the black voter did the Republican Party do?

Ummmm, less than 14% unemployment for starters?....
This thread, and a lot of the responses on it from both the left and the right, are testimony to just how divided this country really is.

Congrats guys, Job well done.

you can't even ask a simple question, or carry on a simple dialog anymore, with out it decending into childish name calling, and cries of Racism.

Were wasting our time here.

ok lets take away the Idea of either side being racist. Blacks still vote for democrats by a majority. The idea that Obama got a higher % over gore and kerry is not shocking. The idea that some blacks voted for obama because he is black is not shocking nor is it racist.

One of the dumbest comments of the day.

Sure it's not shocking that blacks voted for Obama in higher numbers than Gore or Kerry.

That is an understatement.

And the very fact that they voted in markedly greater numbers because he's black is the definition of racism. If Republicans voted for Romney in greater numbers because he's white I'm convinced you'd call that racism without a doubt.

Can you prove that white people didn't vote for Romney in greater numbers over Obama because he's white?

Romney in fact won the highest percentage of white voters ever since a certain date. I can't remember what date that is. Somewhere in the 80's or something.
This thread, and a lot of the responses on it from both the left and the right, are testimony to just how divided this country really is.

Congrats guys, Job well done.

you can't even ask a simple question, or carry on a simple dialog anymore, with out it decending into childish name calling, and cries of Racism.

Were wasting our time here.

ok lets take away the Idea of either side being racist. Blacks still vote for democrats by a majority. The idea that Obama got a higher % over gore and kerry is not shocking. The idea that some blacks voted for obama because he is black is not shocking nor is it racist.

One of the dumbest comments of the day.

Sure it's not shocking that blacks voted for Obama in higher numbers than Gore or Kerry.

That is an understatement.

And the very fact that they voted in markedly greater numbers because he's black is the definition of racism. If Republicans voted for Romney in greater numbers because he's white I'm convinced you'd call that racism without a doubt.

But its not racism. People vote for people who they feel more comfortable with.
See you tend to vote for anyone who is a midget tranni, because that's what you are. People vote for who they self identify with more. Skin color will play a role in it. That doesn't make it racist, it makes it normal.

You are once again for the record a fucking moron. I don't know why you bother posting here at all. You literally had nothing to this site with your stupidity.
People who are unemployed do not get government assistance?

Your statement:

"They support the Dems because the Dems will never agree to cut entitlements, only evil Republicans want to do that. Why in the world would they not vote Dem? They're not going to bite the hand that feeds them ... and gives them free phones, free birth control, free, free, free. They are chained to that 'freedom' and therefore vote for that 'freedom'."

Your use of "They" refers to black Obama supporters. So, again, what percentage of black Obama supporters are "fed" by the government?

Exactly, and that's an insult to my relatives who are black. Those relatives include, lawyers, a judge, teachers, small business owners, civil service workers, defense industry employees, DHS employee, college professors, etc.

That's why I tell those bastards to go FUCK THEMSELVES with their inaccurate blanket generalizations. even if the "Black poverty rate" is 25% , that still means that a LARGE MAJORITY of Black people are doing well. In a Barney Frank type of voice: "Bwack unempwoymewent isth 14 perswent." Well motherfucker that must mean that "Black EMPLOYMENT is 86%" you bigoted cocksucker.

I have PLENTY of similar views (barring foreign policy and many social issues) as the republicans, but why would I want to align myself with the arrogant uptight bigots who are the most vocal representatives of their party?

Interesting that both you and Salt Jones completely ignored my post, below.

I don't know, certainly those in the 14%+ unemployment.

Historically blacks vote Dem because of Dem policy, not due to the color of the Dem candidate, as bigreb is suggesting. That was the point I was making.

No. The point you were making was that blacks vote to get free stuff and to be fed by the government. What percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government?

No, the point I was making was that blacks vote for Dem policy rather than the color of the candidate and that blacks on gov assistance will vote for Dem policies because Dems will not cut spending to that assistance. Same for whites or any other on assistance. Not all but most.

Nothing is an insult to your successful black relatives/friends. You and Salt both misunderstand my point.

Historically blacks have voted Dem, both those in poverty and those not. Why? Because they agree with the Dems policies. Blacks in poverty of course will vote Dem -- as will white, green, or purple people in poverty (again most, not all). Why? Because they do not want their free stuff cut off. People, regardless of color, who get free stuff generally don't want to give that up, so those people will continue voting Dem because Reps want to cut entitlement spending and Dems don't. That's the point I was making and that you failed to understand.

The original point I was making is that bigreb is stating that in this election the percent of blacks voting Obama was very high - 95% - higher than in past elections and he claims that's because most voted for Obama because he is black. I disagree because historically blacks have voted Dem, although I have no doubt that there are those who did vote for Obama because he is black and perhaps those are the ones who pushed that percentage up.

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