Something puzzling about how obama received so many votes from Black Americans

This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.
Keep up this type of inflamatory, incediary & utterly devisive rhetoric. Keep disturbing the bees nest. 2014 is coming up next and we need some more righties OUT OF OFFICE!!!

Keep it up Big Rebecca.
Hey Racist move your ass on their have been too many immature idiots that can't handle this topic.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.
Keep up this type of inflamatory, incediary & utterly devisive rhetoric. Keep disturbing the bees nest. 2014 is coming up next and we need some more righties OUT OF OFFICE!!!

Keep it up Big Rebecca.

Shhhh. Let them shout it from the mountain tops. It's working so well for them.

Again 14.1% unemployment with amnesty for illegals in a limited jobs market what has obama done to help Blacks? I know freebie worthles shit. How about JOBS? No wait that won't work either since obama flooded the jobs market with amnesty illegals.
Exactly, and that's an insult to my relatives who are black. Those relatives include, lawyers, a judge, teachers, small business owners, civil service workers, defense industry employees, DHS employee, college professors, etc.

That's why I tell those bastards to go FUCK THEMSELVES with their inaccurate blanket generalizations. even if the "Black poverty rate" is 25% , that still means that a LARGE MAJORITY of Black people are doing well. In a Barney Frank type of voice: "Bwack unempwoymewent isth 14 perswent." Well motherfucker that must mean that "Black EMPLOYMENT is 86%" you bigoted cocksucker.

I have PLENTY of similar views (barring foreign policy and many social issues) as the republicans, but why would I want to align myself with the arrogant uptight bigots who are the most vocal representatives of their party?

Interesting that both you and Salt Jones completely ignored my post, below.

No, the point I was making was that blacks vote for Dem policy rather than the color of the candidate and that blacks on gov assistance will vote for Dem policies because Dems will not cut spending to that assistance. Same for whites or any other on assistance. Not all but most.

Nothing is an insult to your successful black relatives/friends. You and Salt both misunderstand my point.

Historically blacks have voted Dem, both those in poverty and those not. Why? Because they agree with the Dems policies. Blacks in poverty of course will vote Dem -- as will white, green, or purple people in poverty (again most, not all). Why? Because they do not want their free stuff cut off. People, regardless of color, who get free stuff generally don't want to give that up, so those people will continue voting Dem because Reps want to cut entitlement spending and Dems don't. That's the point I was making and that you failed to understand.

The original point I was making is that bigreb is stating that in this election the percent of blacks voting Obama was very high - 95% - higher than in past elections and he claims that's because most voted for Obama because he is black. I disagree because historically blacks have voted Dem, although I have no doubt that there are those who did vote for Obama because he is black and perhaps those are the ones who pushed that percentage up.

Thanks for the clarification, I guess I misread it.

Still waiting on that answer for the question you never answered.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

What did the Republican Party have to offer them? How much outreach to the black voter did the Republican Party do?

They offered them Constitutional government, freedom, fiscal responsibility, opportunity, lower taxes, and a better tomorrow. What more could anyone ask for?!?

Oh that's right though - Obama offered them free (but extremely shitty healthcare) and free cell phones. Any black person who cast a vote for Obama is clearly racist and stupid.
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And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

That's impossible there's no way in hell that Romney got 0 votes. Something smells of donkey shit
And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

That's impossible there's no way in hell that Romney got 0 votes. Something smells of donkey shit

After living in Philadelphia for 2 months on a construction job I almost believe it. It is a pure shit-hole. The Philly cheese steak is the only good thing to come out of Philly. I got robbed twice in the 2 months I was there. Gangs ruled the streets. My truck broke down & there wasn't even a mechanic there who could fix it. I had to mail order parts & rebuild my own injector pump on a desk in the room I was staying in. I was highly motivated to get it fixed & get the hell out of there. If a nuke went off there nobody would ever miss the place.
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And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

That's impossible there's no way in hell that Romney got 0 votes. Something smells of donkey shit

After living in Philadelphia for 2 months on a construction job I almost believe it. It is a pure shit-hole. The Philly cheese steak is the only good thing to come out of Philly. I got robbed twice in the 2 months I was there. Gangs ruled the streets. My truck broke down & there wasn't even a mechanic there who could fix it. I had to mail order parts & rebuild my own injector pump on a desk in the room I was staying in. I was highly motivated to get it fixed & get the hell out of there. If a nuke went off there nobody would ever miss the place.

I resent that. I was born there. Though I find myself consistently moving further and further away each time I get a new place. While it is known that Philly is a Democrat safehaven, 0 votes is a little much. I guess they figured it was safe with a black president to not have to waste time making Romney ballots when they stuffed.
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This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Primarily I think because Republicans try to gain black votes by telling blacks that they are being held as slaves by the Democrats on a Democratic slave plantation, or in some other way being subjugated like slaves by the Democratic party - and - as it turns out, insulting someone's intelligence is a horrible way to get them to vote for you!

I mean, if I were to tell you that the Koch Brothers have teamed up with a bunch of other rich Republicans to trick you into voting against your best interest and the best interest of the nation - would that make you more or less likely to switch over to my party? Even if it were true - would me saying it make you come to my party?

Any other questions?
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Keep up this type of inflamatory, incediary & utterly devisive rhetoric. Keep disturbing the bees nest. 2014 is coming up next and we need some more righties OUT OF OFFICE!!!

Keep it up Big Rebecca.

Shhhh. Let them shout it from the mountain tops. It's working so well for them.

Again 14.1% unemployment with amnesty for illegals in a limited jobs market what has obama done to help Blacks? I know freebie worthles shit. How about JOBS? No wait that won't work either since obama flooded the jobs market with amnesty illegals.

You could give them the shirt off of your back, your wallet, your home and your savings, everything and you would still be trying to screw them...

The Democrats play this game like no other, they won Tuesday because they convinced the base that rich white conservatives were out to screw them, whats so hard to understand...

The minority base has believed this for as long as I can remember...

And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

So now its fraud for blacks to vote against Romney?
“Not a single vote for Romney or even an error? That’s worth looking into,” he added.

Or even an error! LOL! So now its voter fraud if the precinct fails to erroneously give Romney a vote! I've heard too much!
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And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

So now its fraud for blacks to vote against Romney?

Let me get this straight - in a combined 68 precincts of Cleveland and Philadelphia, you're telling me there is not one single white person? Really? Damn are you one racist S.O.B. to make that statement.

Furthermore, you're telling me there isn't one single self-respecting, educated black person in these 68 precincts that refuses to trade their freedom in exchange for living off of the government plantation? Really? Once again we see your Black Panther racism shining through....
And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

So now its fraud for blacks to vote against Romney?

Let me get this straight - in a combined 68 precincts of Cleveland and Philadelphia, you're telling me there is not one single white person?


Damn are you one racist S.O.B. to make that statement.
Except that I didn't make that statement.

Furthermore, you're telling me there isn't one single self-respecting, educated black person in these 68 precincts that refuses to trade their freedom in exchange for living off of the government plantation?.

I know its quite a surprise to you that insulting the intelligence black people repeatedly doesn't get them to want to vote for your candidate, but it doesn't. It actually turns them off.
I doubt many elections were conducted fairly. I know that my vote was not counted fairly. There was an office that I didn't vote in. Left it blank. When my ballot was verified it came out complete. I know it wasn't complete. I don't know who they gave my vote to.
I doubt many elections were conducted fairly. I know that my vote was not counted fairly. There was an office that I didn't vote in. Left it blank. When my ballot was verified it came out complete. I know it wasn't complete. I don't know who they gave my vote to.

What did you do about it?
And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

So now its fraud for blacks to vote against Romney?
“Not a single vote for Romney or even an error? That’s worth looking into,” he added.

Or even an error! LOL! So now its voter fraud if the precinct fails to erroneously give Romney a vote! I've heard too much!

What you call it if an all white area had 0 votes for obama? racist is that correct?
And dumbocrats still want to pretend that there is no voter fraud going on?!? A word to the wise here: if you're going to cheat, you may not want to do it so blatantly that it becomes glaringly obvious to everyone...


Romney Won Zero Votes In 9 Cleveland Precints, 59 Philadelphia Precincts |

So now its fraud for blacks to vote against Romney?
“Not a single vote for Romney or even an error? That’s worth looking into,” he added.

Or even an error! LOL! So now its voter fraud if the precinct fails to erroneously give Romney a vote! I've heard too much!

What you call it if an all white area had 0 votes for obama? racist is that correct?

I'd call it "Texas".
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.[

After months of punditry and polling trying to figure out who still wanted Barack Obama running the show and who didn't, the results give us insight into the types of people who voted for his re-election.

Some of the demographics like the Black, Latino and young people votes, didn't surprise. Obama got 93 percent of black voters (representing 13 percent of the electorate), 71 percent of Latinos (representing 10 percent), and 60 percent of young voters.

Thanks to the GOP's rape apologist caucus among other generally bad for women things, he also not too surprisingly won the female vote, getting 53 percent of women voters.

But, other generalized groups of people went for the president that we wouldn't necessarily have expected to go for Obama.

As far as the black unemployment index being a stat that even deserves discussion as a reason for blacks NOT to have voted for Obama, it would have been even more astounding for ANY unemployed person of ANY ethnicity to have voted otherwise, when considering that the alternative was a candidate who openly expressed disdain for nearly half of the population of the country (47%), and then tried to sugarcoat his sentiments with lies.

It was a collective shifting demographic in America, that wrote the end to "Romnocchio's" campaign effort. The "black vote" was part of that demograhic.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Totally beats the crap out of me.
The reality of it says that Blacks vote Democrat.
I get that and I can understand even though they have been hit hard in this
fucked up Obama so called recovery/economy them not voting for Romney...
Why in the world did they show up big for Obama?

Which leads me to believe they voted for Obama based on the fact he was Black.
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