Something smells about that potential mistrial


Member of the Politburo
Oct 12, 2013
First there was this..
And today we get this (see below)..

As I pointed out to the cheering TDS cult, there is something suspicious about that.. of course there are plenty of 'professional' shit posters out there.. in here too.. lol.. but one thing they don't do is advertise themselves as such and tell people to take it easy.. and why troll post on an obscure facebook page of the court system, not many people to trigger there, no one would have given a fuck if Merchan hadn't made it public.. that's another thing, why did he do that, surely one of his staffers could have told him it was probably a troll (if he couldn't figure it out himself).. something smells about it, maybe it was planned that way, to give them an excuse to declare a mistrial and not having the verdict overturned on appeal, that way they can still claim Trump is a convict but 'unfortunately' he got away with it.. but don't worry, they will get him next time..

Also, if this guy is a professional shit poster as he claims it shouldn't be hard to find other posts of him before the trial that prove it, so why hasn't anyone searched for those?

The question is why Merchan felt the need to put a trolling (?) facebook post out in the open, so far I haven't heard any credible explanations, anyone?

:popcorn: :popcorn:

First there was this..
And today we get this (see below)..

As I pointed out to the cheering TDS cult, there is something suspicious about that.. of course there are plenty of 'professional' shit posters out there.. in here too.. lol.. but one thing they don't do is advertise themselves as such and tell people to take it easy.. and why troll post on an obscure facebook page of the court system, not many people to trigger there, no one would have given a fuck if Merchan hadn't made it public.. that's another thing, why did he do that, surely one of his staffers could have told him it was probably a troll (if he couldn't figure it out himself).. something smells about it, maybe it was planned that way, to give them an excuse to declare a mistrial and not having the verdict overturned on appeal, that way they can still claim Trump is a convict but 'unfortunately' he got away with it.. but don't worry, they will get him next time..

Also, if this guy is a professional shit poster as he claims it shouldn't be hard to find other posts of him before the trial that prove it, so why hasn't anyone searched for those?

The question is why Merchan felt the need to put a trolling (?) facebook post out in the open, so far I haven't heard any credible explanations, anyone?

:popcorn: :popcorn:

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Most likely he's just covering his ass on both sides with an eye to the future. This might give him an 'out' if the crime syndicate's scams go sideways he ends up in a RICO prosecution. He can claim he actually helped Trump with this. If it all goes as planned, he doesn't get in trouble with his own crime lord bosses. That was my first guess from reading what we know so far. Pretty much the same reason I think Biden is faking 'senility' and mental illness, like one of his role models Vincente Gigante did for decades, and of course the gun running dope dealer Ronald Reagan.
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Of course it smells. The Judge doesn't want this sham trial and verdict to go to an appeal. So a mistrial is declared so the loons can keep calling Trump a felon all the way to election day hoping that it will change the outcome.

Before the loons start their inevitable MAGA rant. I don't like Trump and never voted for him. I refuse to choose the "lesser of two evils."
Most likely he's just covering his ass on both sides with an eye to the future. This might give him an 'out' if the crime syndicate's scams go sideways he ends up in a RICO prosecution. He can claim he actually helped Trump with this. If it all goes as planned, he doesn't get in trouble with his own crime lord bosses. That was my first guess from reading what we know so far. Pretty much the same reason I think Biden is faking 'senility' and mental illness, like one of his role models Vincente Gigante did for decades, and of course the gun running dope dealer Ronald Reagan.
Hmm, if it all goes as planned.. lol.. that is the question, was it planned, I think it was but why this latest twist, it makes Merchan look like a moron..

oh, and you're wrong about braindead, he isn't faking anything, if he is he missed his calling, that would him make the greatest actor in history

yea, it does seem odd that the judge himself broke the news. unless God put some type of spirit in him to make him do so

it could also be that his daughter felt he had gotten even with Trump enough in taking up for her and she asked him to pull back.
I agree with the OP. There's more here than what meets the eye. Since Merchan was obviously so one sided during the trial, and since everyone saw it, maybe this is his way of trying to establish some kind of sense of impartiality. Or maybe this is similar to what Comey did to Hillary after he let her slide on all charges. Maybe Marchan and Comey were just trying to ease their guilty consciences.
Merchan's trial has done more damage to the democrats.... post conviction Trump leads in every single swing state plus 2.

They may be telling Merchan to find away out of this trial mess.
I agree with the OP. There's more here than what meets the eye. Since Merchan was obviously so one sided during the trial, and since everyone saw it, maybe this is his way of trying to establish some kind of sense of impartiality. Or maybe this is similar to what Comey did to Hillary after he let her slide on all charges. Maybe Marchan and Comey were just trying to ease their guilty consciences.
Agree! All of a sudden he’s worried about fairness?

Calling this is a mistrial would in and of itself be a miscarriage of justice. It would allow the anti-Trump cult to still believe that Trump was guilty of…..well, something… and continue calling him a felon who got off the the hook because some juror blabbed.

We want this to go to appeal, and quickly, so that Bragg’s and Merchan’s violations of Trump’s rights would be aired for all to see. This would include prosecutorial misconduct, blocking a defense witness, the gag order, bias in rulings, and jury instructions that allowed them to convict without agreeing on the “underlying crime” that made this a felony in the first place.

The irony of the whole thing is that the leftists who brought the sham charge and trial are claiming Trump influenced the election when it is THEY who are interfering with the election.
Merchan's trial has done more damage to the democrats.... post conviction Trump leads in every single swing state plus 2.

They may be telling Merchan to find away out of this trial mess.
Even Virginia is now a swing state. Biden is showing a lead of 1 point in one poll, and a dead heat in another.
The process was the punishment.....Or at least that is what they tried and (by all appearances) failed at.
The process was the punishment.....Or at least that is what they tried and (by all appearances) failed at.
now the dems want out of this trial mess... doing a sentencing will kill them politically as more and more of the money will flow to Trump.
now the dems want out of this trial mess... doing a sentencing will kill them politically as more and more of the money will flow to Trump.
Now hear me out on this: They are going to jail Trump to spark massive outrage, probably off Biden in the process and blame

it on a mad MAGA they probably already have conditioned, then use that to declare Martial Law so there's no election for

Democrats to lose.


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