Something Smells Fishy In Gaza
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad marked al-Quds Day by declaring that Israel is committing "genocide" against the Palestinians and arguing that the continued existence of the Jewish state is an "insult to human dignity."

"The creation, continued existence and unlimited (Western) support for this regime is an insult to human dignity," Ahmadinejad said, according to the Associated Press. "The occupation of Palestine is not limited to one land. The Zionist issue is now a global issue."

"The Palestinian people are standing firm. The Iranian people and other peoples will not stop until all of Palestinian territory is liberated," Ahmadinejad said at Tehran University. according to AFP. "They (world powers) should not think that the Iranian nation and other nations in the region will take off their hands off the throat of the Zionists and their supporters."

He recommended the relocation of Israel from the Middle East to Canada and Alaska.

(Tel Aviv) - Iran president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, yesterday suggested that Israel be given to the Palestinians and all Jews in Israel be relocated to Alaska. Today, Israel countered the suggestion with the Palestinians paying for Israel and paying the Jews to relocate, not to Alaska, but to Miami Beach, Florida.

The Israel Agrees To Relocate All Jews story
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Sounds scary.. I would move if I was in Israel..lots of nicer places in the world

Wow, you sure seem to know a lot about Israel.

Why don't you tell us about your last visit there ?

I have seen enough to know its a bit of a shit-hole and that you could hide it in alaska and it would take a search party a week to find it...not really worth all this fuss
Guess eots didn't have the money to actually visit and stay in a nice hotel in Israel so consequently he calls the country a "shit-hole." Maybe he is really describing his own neighborhood for all we know. However, many who have visited who apparently have more money than he has loved it. I guess it is such a "shit-hole" that so many big American companies have opened up offices there. Remember, eots, if you ever need one of the medical innovations coming out of Israel, turn it down because you don't want anything that comes out of a "shit-hole." You can also turn down any of the technological advances coming out of that country such as something that is connected with computers.

[ame=]Tel Aviv - voted top world city - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Residences at the Ritz Carlton, Herzliya, Israel - YouTube[/ame]
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad marked al-Quds Day by declaring that Israel is committing "genocide" against the Palestinians and arguing that the continued existence of the Jewish state is an "insult to human dignity."

"The creation, continued existence and unlimited (Western) support for this regime is an insult to human dignity," Ahmadinejad said, according to the Associated Press. "The occupation of Palestine is not limited to one land. The Zionist issue is now a global issue."

"The Palestinian people are standing firm. The Iranian people and other peoples will not stop until all of Palestinian territory is liberated," Ahmadinejad said at Tehran University. according to AFP. "They (world powers) should not think that the Iranian nation and other nations in the region will take off their hands off the throat of the Zionists and their supporters."

He recommended the relocation of Israel from the Middle East to Canada and Alaska.

(Tel Aviv) - Iran president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, yesterday suggested that Israel be given to the Palestinians and all Jews in Israel be relocated to Alaska. Today, Israel countered the suggestion with the Palestinians paying for Israel and paying the Jews to relocate, not to Alaska, but to Miami Beach, Florida.

The Israel Agrees To Relocate All Jews story
Any person with a head on their shoulder realizes that Iran is one of the the last countries to say that Israel is an insult to human dignity. Doesn't he realize that the civilized world is quite aware what is happening in Iran when it comes to treating those who are non Muslims. How about you cadging a plane ticket to Iran and telling the leaders there to stop jailing the Christians and Baha'is and to let them live in peace, following the religion of their choice?
Nothing Abbas has to say is accepted by either Israel or the Palestinian terrorists.
Sounds scary.. I would move if I was in Israel..lots of nicer places in the world

Wow, you sure seem to know a lot about Israel.

Why don't you tell us about your last visit there ?

I have seen enough to know its a bit of a shit-hole and that you could hide it in alaska and it would take a search party a week to find it...not really worth all this fuss
The shitholes would be the places your Muslim friends come from. Perhaps you could move there with them so could be closer around those things you like to suck so much. Ha ha ha.

You're just another anti Semite loser upset that Israel is such a successful, prosperous and strong country. Tell your Muslim friend one of these times when you come up for air, that "it's probably going to stay that way".

Now down you go. Mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh. Atta boy.

Is it open season on Jews now since Abbas says that Palestinians who kill Jews cannot be punished? Tinnie, Seal, Frau Sherri, anybody -- what do you think of this?

Abbas: Palestinians who kill Jews cannot be punished - Israel Today | Israel News

If this is the best you've got Hoss then I am embarrassed for you and all the other pro-Zionists that are willing to hang their hats on this piece of garbage. First of all it is a very poorly written article. Second there are not any direct quotes attributed to any specific individual so that makes your statement regarding it at best misleading or at worst an out and out lie. Third it is an out and out propaganda piece full of innuendo and slander and not only the author should be ashamed of it but you should also for offering it as evidence of anything except outright bias. I would however like to take this opportunity to thank you for exposing this publication for the propaganda rag that it seems to be !!!
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Sounds scary.. I would move if I was in Israel..lots of nicer places in the world

Wow, you sure seem to know a lot about Israel.

Why don't you tell us about your last visit there ?

I have seen enough to know its a bit of a shit-hole and that you could hide it in alaska and it would take a search party a week to find it...not really worth all this fuss

So Israel is a shit hole but your beloved Gaza is heaven on earth right :cuckoo:

Is it open season on Jews now since Abbas says that Palestinians who kill Jews cannot be punished? Tinnie, Seal, Frau Sherri, anybody -- what do you think of this?

Abbas: Palestinians who kill Jews cannot be punished - Israel Today | Israel News

If this is the best you've got Hoss then I am embarrassed for you and all the other pro-Zionists that are willing to hang their hats on this piece of garbage. First of all it is a very poorly written article. Second there are not any direct quotes attributed to any specific individual so that makes your statement regarding it at best misleading or at worst an out and out lie. Third it is an out and out propaganda piece full of innuendo and slander and not only the author should be ashamed of it but you should also for offering it as evidence of anything except outright bias. I would however like to take this opportunity to thank you for exposing this publication for the propaganda rag that it seems to be !!!
Thanks for your input, Padraic. Some clown calling himself 'Abbas' was at a two day Peace Conference and made a speech. There were also idiots posing as high ranking EU dignitaries in attendance who also made speeches. Phoney EU Parlaiments praised the speakers in their assemblies and a jerk passing himself off an Pres. Jimma Carter sent letters of congratulations. To top it off a propaganda rag made the ridiculous statement that 'Abbas' said something he never said. This same rag had also besmirched the good name of the hero patriot in the past by claiming he financed the Munich Massacre. Some people have no shame and they are allowed to go on and on and on, ad infinitum. What a revoltin' developement this is!
Stil waiting for eots to tell us about his latest visit to Israel, since he seems to know so much about it.
Wow, you sure seem to know a lot about Israel.

Why don't you tell us about your last visit there ?

I have seen enough to know its a bit of a shit-hole and that you could hide it in alaska and it would take a search party a week to find it...not really worth all this fuss

So Israel is a shit hole but your beloved Gaza is heaven on earth right :cuckoo:
Gaza was a heaven on earth, H_G. That is, until the settlers left.
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Amazing what Israel has accomplished in 65 years !

LETS see, ethnic cleansing of over 750, 000 Palestinians from their homes in 1947-1949, carrying out an unlawful Occupation for over 40 years, killing over 1500 children in Palestine since 2000, killing over 8000 Palestinians (the majority of whom were civilians), demolishing tens of thousands of houses of the indigenous Palestinian people, attacking civilians and children with white phosphorous which is a war crime, for years imposing an unlawful blockade on Gaza which is an act of collective punishment and a war crime, destroying hundreds of Palestinian villages, stesling land from millions of Palestinians, killing children as they walk to school, killing children as they walk home from school, killing children as they play in their house or backyard. The list of all such accomplishments that involve carrying out human rights abuses against Palestiniands is a list that would be impossible to write and disclose all of the abuses, they are so substantial.
Amazing what Israel has accomplished in 65 years !

LETS see, ethnic cleansing of over 750, 000 Palestinians from their homes in 1947-1949, carrying out an unlawful Occupation for over 40 years, killing over 1500 children in Palestine since 2000, killing over 8000 Palestinians (the majority of whom were civilians), demolishing tens of thousands of houses of the indigenous Palestinian people, attacking civilians and children with white phosphorous which is a war crime, for years imposing an unlawful blockade on Gaza which is an act of collective punishment and a war crime, destroying hundreds of Palestinian villages, stesling land from millions of Palestinians, killing children as they walk to school, killing children as they walk home from school, killing children as they play in their house or backyard. The list of all such accomplishments that involve carrying out human rights abuses against Palestiniands is a list that would be impossible to write and disclose all of the abuses, they are so substantial.
Do you ever stop your bullshit lies and propaganda? You are fine representative of the mentality of a Palestinian supporter. LOL
Wow, you sure seem to know a lot about Israel.

Why don't you tell us about your last visit there ?

I have seen enough to know its a bit of a shit-hole and that you could hide it in alaska and it would take a search party a week to find it...not really worth all this fuss
Guess eots didn't have the money to actually visit and stay in a nice hotel in Israel so consequently he calls the country a "shit-hole." Maybe he is really describing his own neighborhood for all we know. However, many who have visited who apparently have more money than he has loved it. I guess it is such a "shit-hole" that so many big American companies have opened up offices there. Remember, eots, if you ever need one of the medical innovations coming out of Israel, turn it down because you don't want anything that comes out of a "shit-hole." You can also turn down any of the technological advances coming out of that country such as something that is connected with computers.

[ame=]Tel Aviv - voted top world city - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Residences at the Ritz Carlton, Herzliya, Israel - YouTube[/ame]

You must admit alaska is looing pretty good in comparison.. if you dont want it then maybe it should be offered to your neighbours as a relocation option something has to be done for the sake of the rest of the world..
[ame=]Alaskan Vacation 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

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