Something That's Been On My Mind Today About The Shooting

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Even one inch away from death (literally) Trump still put America first. He could have cowered in fear and simply just left the scene without a word, but he couldn't leave without pulling himself back up onto his feet like the true warrior that he is and reminded us all to fight to get our country back (with our votes not violence) and that he's not only fighting with us, but fighting for us instead and refusing to step aside.

I'm not anti-Trump, so my criticism is only about boasting how he rose up. The bullet "grazed" the tip of his ear, "not" his legs. The only thing preventing him from walking normally off stage (albeit a bit shaky from the experience) was the huddle of Secret Service personnel doing their job, excluding the really short female Secret Service agent who hid behind the taller agent. The former president needed taller agents around him.
Even one inch away from death (literally) Trump still put America first. He could have cowered in fear and simply just left the scene without a word, but he couldn't leave without pulling himself back up onto his feet like the true warrior that he is and reminded us all to fight to get our country back (with our votes not violence) and that he's not only fighting with us, but fighting for us instead and refusing to step aside.

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No way on God's Green Earth will that event ever be downplayed
as if Theatre or casually.
No Matter how the Scumbaggers at MSNBC try.
And try they will.Their eventual downfall.
Americans are not about to cotton any more Lies
and character asassinations by Them.You can take that
to the bank.
Even one inch away from death (literally) Trump still put America first. He could have cowered in fear and simply just left the scene without a word, but he couldn't leave without pulling himself back up onto his feet like the true warrior that he is and reminded us all to fight to get our country back (with our votes not violence) and that he's not only fighting with us, but fighting for us instead and refusing to step aside.

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Trump cowered....


...until he was told the shooter was dead.
Even one inch away from death (literally) Trump still put America first. He could have cowered in fear and simply just left the scene without a word, but he couldn't leave without pulling himself back up onto his feet like the true warrior that he is and reminded us all to fight to get our country back (with our votes not violence) and that he's not only fighting with us, but fighting for us instead and refusing to step aside.

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Proof positive God is pro Trump.
That is the sign of strength
Even one inch away from death (literally) Trump still put America first. He could have cowered in fear and simply just left the scene without a word, but he couldn't leave without pulling himself back up onto his feet like the true warrior that he is and reminded us all to fight to get our country back (with our votes not violence) and that he's not only fighting with us, but fighting for us instead and refusing to step aside.

View attachment 979490 can't say that. That is what the Deep State has been desperately trying to avoid becoming mainstream.
Numbnuts that was the secret service on top of him. However when he stood up no one knew if there was another shooter. That took balls the size of the Rockies.

They wouldn't have let him stand up if they thought there was another shooter. They yelled, "clear," and only then did he get up.

Look, I get it -- this is how you see Trump. Even before this insane attack....


They wouldn't have let him stand up if they thought there was another shooter. They yelled, "clear," and only then did he get up.

Look, I get it -- this is how you see Trump. Even before this insane attack....


Don't be projecting your late-night sexual fantasies onto us.

You've got problems. See a professional. seriously, seek help
You lie....

From birth, you've been a liar.

Nope, no lie. The video is my alibi. Trump went down on his own and then the secret service piled on top of him to protect him. He's not the superhero you fantasize about.
Nope, no lie. The video is my alibi. Trump went down on his own and then the secret service piled on top of him to protect him. He's not the superhero you fantasize about.
You low-life piece of fucking shit....... USSS Agents were screaming the top of their lungs to "GET DOWN!!" and he just got hit in the ear by a bullet traveling at over 2,000 (Two Thousand) Miles Per Hour.

Of course he ducked down. An idiot like you might not but that would just be God's way of taking out the garbage.

I've been there, done that, lived through it. It is not fun. Especially when you're hit. Even if it's minor, you can't be sure. Ask somebody that's been shot. You don't know how bad it is at first. Never do. You're body can't register, it can't keep up with the speed of what's happening.

Go back to your Game Boy and let the adults talk. I'm posting this for their benefit, not yours. You are just another piece of fucking shit dimocrap scumbag with two moving parts -- Your mouth and your asshole. And they're interchangeable. A surgeon's dream
Nope, no lie. The video is my alibi. Trump went down on his own and then the secret service piled on top of him to protect him. He's not the superhero you fantasize about.
So thereby expect the hyenas from the Updated - Drudge Report -
to cite valid surveys coming to a polar opposite conclusion.
Ain't even remotely poss-ee-bow.
As if left-handed Moths ate the painting.
You gutter hyenas are no longer laughable.
You are sick to the point of making sure psychiatrist
keep a watchful eye { like never before } on New clients.

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