Something we always knew about supports of discrimination

The legitimate civil rights movement is dead. People are more concerned with taking rights away these days than preserving them. The first amendment has no language concerning sexual orientation. I'm no bigot, and I think Homosexuals should have every right that anyone else has. But that is no reason to then squash the rights of others, or change/reassign the definitions of words simply to appease a bunch of angry gay people. Big brother needs to take a step back and actually allow us to practice our OWN freedom. The government is NOT the moral authority. Morality itself should be a personal choice. If a place doesnt want to serve gays....THEN WHY THE HELL DOES A GAY PERSON WANT TO GIVE THEM THERE BUSINESS?? Instead of using logic, people are trying to strong-arm others into siding with THEIR beliefs. That's an infringement on personal rights all in it's own. If there was a restaurant that said "No mixed race abominations allowed here!" I wouldn't eat there or give them my money. I wouldn't desperately try to make that act illegal so i could go patronize that establishment who's owners were clearly bigoted and judgmental against me. That is just retarded behavior. We need to grow up and stop being so overly sensitive and whining to Big Brother every time we don't get our way. Such petulant little thorns we have all become.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Your assumption that we don't understand it is just you being unable to understand that someone can reasonably disagree with you.

THat is the exact opposite of diversity. That is the primary expression of conformity.

And you are to dim to understand the implications of your own words.
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and fuure generations will achieve things wencould only dream of.

Are you even aware that you did not address my point at all?
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
That's what slaveowners said, and what segregationists said, and what conservatives have said throughout the history of mankind. They always give way to progress. We don't burn witches at the stake anymore, we know the earth orbits the sun, we've landed on the moon, we have smartphones; I wonder where progress will take us in the next 100 years.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Your assumption that we don't understand it is just you being unable to understand that someone can reasonably disagree with you.

THat is the exact opposite of diversity. That is the primary expression of conformity.

And you are to dim to understand the implications of your own words.
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and fuure generations will achieve things wencould only dream of.

Are you even aware that you did not address my point at all?
oops..sorry im new to this i wasn't trying to reply directly to what you said i was just trying to reply in line with some of the statements beforehand. It was more general than anything, i apologize for the misplacement.
Oh, we understand just fine. When I was a kid, we'd hit the door running and had to be back by supper. That was a meal that parents and children sat down together, and bonded over some good food, in case you don't remember.
I sat my kids down and played the board game, "Strangers and Dangers" to keep my kids safe. Now you let your kids out of your sight and they become missing kids. Yeah, we get it.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
Lol, he calls me old and crusty. I am 44 years old.
Some people become crusty farts at a young age. It's okay your grandkids will have no problem with gay people and they'll be just fine.
Oh, we understand just fine. When I was a kid, we'd hit the door running and had to be back by supper. That was a meal that parents and children sat down together, and bonded over some good food, in case you don't remember.
I sat my kids down and played the board game, "Strangers and Dangers" to keep my kids safe. Now you let your kids out of your sight and they become missing kids. Yeah, we get it.
Not true. You are sensationalizing.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Your assumption that we don't understand it is just you being unable to understand that someone can reasonably disagree with you.

THat is the exact opposite of diversity. That is the primary expression of conformity.

And you are to dim to understand the implications of your own words.
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and fuure generations will achieve things wencould only dream of.

Are you even aware that you did not address my point at all?
I'm just telling you the truth.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Your assumption that we don't understand it is just you being unable to understand that someone can reasonably disagree with you.

THat is the exact opposite of diversity. That is the primary expression of conformity.

And you are to dim to understand the implications of your own words.
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and fuure generations will achieve things wencould only dream of.
I don't hate queers, never gave them much thought until they started their bully campaign. They bought pastries from a bakers bakery lots of times. They knew his religious beliefs. So they demanded him to cater their wedding, knowing it was against his beliefs. So with that being said. Screw not catering because they are queer. I wouldn't do shit for a couple of assholes like these queers, I don't care if they wasn't queer.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
Lol, he calls me old and crusty. I am 44 years old.
Some people become crusty farts at a young age. It's okay your grandkids will have no problem with gay people and they'll be just fine.
You think Religion or intolerance will die before our grandkids are born? Because relgious believers have had problems with everything they consider to be sinful for, well, ever. The same goes for just blatant bigots. Bigoted attitudes towards homosexuals is permanent, like racism. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying the word "Faggot" isn't going anywhere, like "******" or "****".
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Your assumption that we don't understand it is just you being unable to understand that someone can reasonably disagree with you.

THat is the exact opposite of diversity. That is the primary expression of conformity.

And you are to dim to understand the implications of your own words.
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and fuure generations will achieve things wencould only dream of.
I don't hate queers, never gave them much thought until they started their bully campaign. They bought pastries from a bakers bakery lots of times. They knew his religious beliefs. So they demanded him to cater their wedding, knowing it was against his beliefs. So with that being said. Screw not catering because they are queer. I wouldn't do shit for a couple of assholes like these queers, I don't care if they wasn't queer.
History will show you there are always casualties when people fight to win their rights.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Your assumption that we don't understand it is just you being unable to understand that someone can reasonably disagree with you.

THat is the exact opposite of diversity. That is the primary expression of conformity.

And you are to dim to understand the implications of your own words.
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and fuure generations will achieve things wencould only dream of.

Are you even aware that you did not address my point at all?
I'm just telling you the truth.

No, you are dishonestly dodging my point with a fresh attack, consisting of your extremely biased and self serving opinion.

Your assumption that we don't understand it (modern lib world) is just you being unable to understand that someone can reasonably disagree with you.

THat is the exact opposite of diversity. That is the primary expression of conformity.

And you are to dim to understand the implications of your own words.

Would you like a link to an academic study that shows that conservatives understand liberals better than liberals understand conservatives?
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
That's what slaveowners said, and what segregationists said, and what conservatives have said throughout the history of mankind. They always give way to progress. We don't burn witches at the stake anymore, we know the earth orbits the sun, we've landed on the moon, we have smartphones; I wonder where progress will take us in the next 100 years.
To hell.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Oh how they miss the time when minorities knew their place
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
That's what slaveowners said, and what segregationists said, and what conservatives have said throughout the history of mankind. They always give way to progress. We don't burn witches at the stake anymore, we know the earth orbits the sun, we've landed on the moon, we have smartphones; I wonder where progress will take us in the next 100 years.
To hell.
That's another thing conservatives have been parrotting for thousands of years.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Oh how they miss the time when minorities knew their place
Oh bullshit, I've never treated someone like crap when they didn't earn it.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Oh how they miss the time when minorities knew their place

Actually, we saw an injustice and fought and marched to rectify it. What have you done Guano?
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Oh how they miss the time when minorities knew their place

Actually, we saw an injustice and fought and marched to rectify it. What have you done Guano?
Hold on he will sit the pipe down in a minute and get back to you.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
That's what slaveowners said, and what segregationists said, and what conservatives have said throughout the history of mankind. They always give way to progress. We don't burn witches at the stake anymore, we know the earth orbits the sun, we've landed on the moon, we have smartphones; I wonder where progress will take us in the next 100 years.

Progress has nothing to do with conservative values you dishonest fuck.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
That's what slaveowners said, and what segregationists said, and what conservatives have said throughout the history of mankind. They always give way to progress. We don't burn witches at the stake anymore, we know the earth orbits the sun, we've landed on the moon, we have smartphones; I wonder where progress will take us in the next 100 years.

Progress has nothing to do with conservative values you dishonest fuck.
Conservative "values." I wonder if Hitler thought hating Jews was a "value."

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