Something we always knew about supports of discrimination

gawd you disgusting people are a mess and a damn disgrace...

You'll jump on anything to divide us and our country...why don't you all get out you can't stand your fellow country men and women not bowing down to you all.

the left is the haters in country see it on here daily

reading your crap every day makes my skin crawl...
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?

Because it equal justice under the law doens't allow the left to use the legal system to destroy their enemies....
What destruction? Will anyone be prevented from attending, playing an active part in or worshipping as they choose? The Right is using hyperbole, fear and canards to protect discrimination in trade. Is that what the Right actually wants? Legal cover for bigotry?
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
An idiot telling someone to think is cute but still silly. You couldn't even address the point and deflected instead. Nor can you comprehend why blood relations matter in marriage. What difference does it make with like genders? How is a mom marrying her son your business? You are hypocritically redefining marriage to accommodate homosexuals while denying others for no reason other that your own bias.
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.

In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
The word equality is designed to appeal to our emotions. Who wants to be accused of inequality? They know this full well. At least the puppet master do, the rest foam over on demand.

Marriage has ALWAYS been between men and women. Because, like with mammals in general, gender matters. Male/female is a special relationship and it's how we all got here. There is nothing equal to that until men start knocking each other up.
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
An idiot telling someone to think is cute but still silly. You couldn't even address the point and deflected instead. Nor can you comprehend why blood relations matter in marriage. What difference does it make with like genders? How is a mom marrying her son your business? You are hypocritically redefining marriage to accommodate homosexuals while denying others for no reason other that your own bias.
Precisely who am I denying what?
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
The word equality is designed to appeal to our emotions. Who wants to be accused of inequality? They know this full well. At least the puppet master do, the rest foam over on demand.

Marriage has ALWAYS been between men and women. Because, like with mammals in general, gender matters. Male/female is a special relationship and it's how we all got here. There is nothing equal to that until men start knocking each other up.
Is procreation a requisite for marriage?
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
The word equality is designed to appeal to our emotions. Who wants to be accused of inequality? They know this full well. At least the puppet master do, the rest foam over on demand.

Marriage has ALWAYS been between men and women. Because, like with mammals in general, gender matters. Male/female is a special relationship and it's how we all got here. There is nothing equal to that until men start knocking each other up.
Is procreation a requisite for marriage?

In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
Why would any American oppose equal justice under law? What makes the advocacy of equal justice be regarded as a divisive and hate filled position?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
The word equality is designed to appeal to our emotions. Who wants to be accused of inequality? They know this full well. At least the puppet master do, the rest foam over on demand.

Marriage has ALWAYS been between men and women. Because, like with mammals in general, gender matters. Male/female is a special relationship and it's how we all got here. There is nothing equal to that until men start knocking each other up.
Is procreation a requisite for marriage?
It's what normally happens, as you alluded to above. The blood lines and all that. But you ignored the gender difference aspect, it's still there and why cultures the world over, throughout time, religious or not have considered male and female unions a natural combination. How many gay marriages existed in the USSR? Cuba?
What makes it equal in your mind? Is a mom marrying her son equal to you? People are equal, relationships aren't. Try thinking instead of feeling your way through life.
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
The word equality is designed to appeal to our emotions. Who wants to be accused of inequality? They know this full well. At least the puppet master do, the rest foam over on demand.

Marriage has ALWAYS been between men and women. Because, like with mammals in general, gender matters. Male/female is a special relationship and it's how we all got here. There is nothing equal to that until men start knocking each other up.
Is procreation a requisite for marriage?
It's what normally happens, as you alluded to above. The blood lines and all that. But you ignored the gender difference aspect, it's still there and why cultures the world over, throughout time, religious or not have considered male and female unions a natural combination. How many gay marriages existed in the USSR? Cuba?
Demonstrate the harm of same sex marriages. Will they harm your marriage? If so, how?

Marriage can be consecrated by faith, but here in America, marriage is contract law as established in secular society. The marriage license is issued by the state. The marriage contract has been established to form what, in the eyes of the state, is a new legal entity. Is excluding committed couples from accessing contract law really what Conservatives want?
No one advocates Mom marrying her son except those who failed reading classes in grade school.

Marriage equality means any TWO committed ADULTS who do not have a previous BLOOD RELATIONSHIP to enter a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. Not siblings, not adults and children, not humans and animals.

Try thinking.
In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
The word equality is designed to appeal to our emotions. Who wants to be accused of inequality? They know this full well. At least the puppet master do, the rest foam over on demand.

Marriage has ALWAYS been between men and women. Because, like with mammals in general, gender matters. Male/female is a special relationship and it's how we all got here. There is nothing equal to that until men start knocking each other up.
Is procreation a requisite for marriage?
It's what normally happens, as you alluded to above. The blood lines and all that. But you ignored the gender difference aspect, it's still there and why cultures the world over, throughout time, religious or not have considered male and female unions a natural combination. How many gay marriages existed in the USSR? Cuba?
Demonstrate the harm of same sex marriages. Will they harm your marriage? If so, how?

Marriage can be consecrated by faith, but here in America, marriage is contract law as established in secular society. The marriage license is issued by the state. The marriage contract has been established to form what, in the eyes of the state, is a new legal entity. Is excluding committed couples from accessing contract law really what Conservatives want?

In Western European culture, Marriage has, for centuries, meant one Man, one Woman.

The basis of the claim for Marriage Equality is based on a lie.
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.

Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
Lol, he calls me old and crusty. I am 44 years old.
to a 10 year are old and crusty.....
You mean they grew up in an era of integrity and morality. No spring break drunkenness, no heroin on every corner, no dropping your pants for everybody that wants some. No teachers teaching us how to cheat to get what you want, no pedophile lists, no locks on the doors, no fear of letting your child go play at the playground. Yes, some things needed to be examined and evolved, but for the most part it was a far better place to raise a child than what we have to offer them now.
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.
No it's perverts like yourself trying to dictate that anything sexual is okay. Therefore demeaning anything decent in a moral society. Making society to dangerous for a kid to simply walk to a park and play. This is the society that liberals created, and you sound proud of it.
We are living in the safest era in the history of humankind.
tell that to all the people who have been killed by terrorist over the last year.....
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and future generations will achieve things we could only dream of.
Hopefully they will learn that magots in our society use terms like homophobe, hate, intolerance, etc, etc. to push their dishonest agendas. They don't realize it now, like few older folks did when they were young, but it is telling that the loony left doesn't even understand the maturing process. It's out of your grasp.
Hardly surprising that you are too stupid to understand that history repeats itself and we've already been here and eventually we will swing back to a conservative equilibrium.

Nor is it surprising to learn that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you on any issue is stupid and or crusty.
That's what slaveowners said, and what segregationists said, and what conservatives have said throughout the history of mankind. They always give way to progress. We don't burn witches at the stake anymore, we know the earth orbits the sun, we've landed on the moon, we have smartphones; I wonder where progress will take us in the next 100 years.

Progress has nothing to do with conservative values you dishonest fuck.
Conservative "values." I wonder if Hitler thought hating Jews was a "value."
Like the way liberals hate Christians?
Liberals Don't hate Christians. They hate when Christians try to commit injustices in the name of religion.
is that what gunos threads are about?...
In the world that liberals have created today, you can be arrested for letting your child walk to the park.
It's hardly surprising that crusty old conservatives can't understand a world that's already passed them by.
No it's perverts like yourself trying to dictate that anything sexual is okay. Therefore demeaning anything decent in a moral society. Making society to dangerous for a kid to simply walk to a park and play. This is the society that liberals created, and you sound proud of it.
We are living in the safest era in the history of humankind.
When I was a kid, I could safely hitchhike to a town 20 miles away in complete safety.
Nearly every boy carried a pocket knife, but wouldn't ever consider using it against someone who dissed him.
Every fall through high school, there was a shotgun in the trunk or cab of 1/4 or the vehicles in the student parking lot, not because we were going to shoot a teacher who pissed us of or we felt "depressed" but because we were going hunting after school.
Cops rarely had to fire their guns because we complied with their directions and wouldn't consider trying to rush them and take their weapon.

Safe??? Hell no! We haven't been safe since LBJ.
Did you used to walk 15 miles, in 10 feet of snow to get to school too?
old guy back in the late 50's and all the 60's as a kid i used to ride my bike miles away just to play ball.....would you let a 10 year old do that today?....
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and future generations will achieve things we could only dream of.
Hopefully they will learn that magots in our society use terms like homophobe, hate, intolerance, etc, etc. to push their dishonest agendas. They don't realize it now, like few older folks did when they were young, but it is telling that the loony left doesn't even understand the maturing process. It's out of your grasp.
That's what slaveowners said, and what segregationists said, and what conservatives have said throughout the history of mankind. They always give way to progress. We don't burn witches at the stake anymore, we know the earth orbits the sun, we've landed on the moon, we have smartphones; I wonder where progress will take us in the next 100 years.

Progress has nothing to do with conservative values you dishonest fuck.
Conservative "values." I wonder if Hitler thought hating Jews was a "value."
Like the way liberals hate Christians?
Liberals Don't hate Christians. They hate when Christians try to commit injustices in the name of religion.
is that what gunos threads are about?...
I'm pretty sure Guno just decided a long time ago arguing was pointless and he just wants to annoy you all now.
Your grandkids will grow up in a world where Hating gays is frowned upon. Just like your kids grew up in a world where hating blacks was frowned upon, and you grew up in a world where monopolies were frowned upon. And the world will keep turning and future generations will achieve things we could only dream of.
Hopefully they will learn that magots in our society use terms like homophobe, hate, intolerance, etc, etc. to push their dishonest agendas. They don't realize it now, like few older folks did when they were young, but it is telling that the loony left doesn't even understand the maturing process. It's out of your grasp.
Progress has nothing to do with conservative values you dishonest fuck.
Conservative "values." I wonder if Hitler thought hating Jews was a "value."
Like the way liberals hate Christians?
Liberals Don't hate Christians. They hate when Christians try to commit injustices in the name of religion.
is that what gunos threads are about?...
I'm pretty sure Guno just decided a long time ago arguing was pointless and he just wants to annoy you all now.
he doesnt annoy me.....i think some of his shit is kinda humorous .....but a person that may not have his game figured out may think he is just another liberal hating is he doing the left any good?....people like dean sure as hell dont help the left...

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