Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

I’m not really worried about the government going after me for engineering a coup.

If you are, that probably says a lot more about you than anything else.
What your post says about you is a lot as well. In our current two tier law system it doesn’t matter what the activity is. It depends on what side you’re on. Attacking the White House and burning government buildings is fine if you’re on their side. Not so much if you aren’t. How long before you don’t agree with the left wing mobs? Or are you already too afraid to say anything they don’t want you to?
Do you actually think it's important?
I'm prettty sure the D.A. who released it or had it released hoped it would be important to further smear and damage Trump which of course is the goal. That she had it all ready to go before the Grand Jury completed its work is a huge red flag signaling her intent.
I understand you are under the spell of Conservative denial

But Trump is in DEEP SHIT.
Multiple indictments in multiple jurisdictions at the state and federal level.
There are thousands of pages of evidence and witness testimony. His trusted aids will make deals to save their own asses.

You want to know the worst part?
Trump brought this on himself through horribly wrong decisions
Numbnuts once this banana republic bullshit is fast tracked to the supreme court you're going to shit your pampers
I'm prettty sure the D.A. who released it or had it released hoped it would be important to further smear and damage Trump which of course is the goal. That she had it all ready to go before the Grand Jury completed its work is a huge red flag signaling her intent.

That doesn't make any sense. You're just paranoid.
I wonder if this is intentional gaslighting, or if they really are this incompetent.

Either way, just another Clown World pill to swallow when it comes to the credibility of Trump's witch hunters.

Yet another major reason this BS will be difficult for the public to take seriously.

And will probably only backfire.

Whatever happens now, this process is tarnished beyond recognition.

That document was actually never posted on that website.
They are only political crimes.
That's one take on it.
Another is that fraud, and tax cheating can be apolitical.
Stealing & keeping America's secrets and then defying a federal subpoena to disgorge 'em is surely apolitical.
Unless the perpetrator took them and defied the law because he thought he was making a 'political' statement? Is that the case?
Explain your post, poster Billiejeen.

And for what, so that he can move back into the White House, which, by the way, he complained about what a shit hole it was.
In my humble opinion, Don Trump wants back into the White House.....NOT because it is nicer than his other digs....but by gaining the Oval he insulates himself for another 4yrs from prosecutions or sentencing or consequences.



Even key Democrats have admitted they did not use due process as required in the Constitution on either impeachment or the J6 committee ..... made no effort whatsoever to find out what actually happened that day.
"admitted they did not use due process"?
Who made such statements?
Can you vet them for us? Link us to them?
And of what role did any of these alleged 'key Democrats" play in either the impeachments or the J6 Committee?
In short, how many and of what import are these "key Democrats".
Really, how "key" are they?
Show the table your cards, poster Foxfyre.

My prediction is the worst thing that happens to trump is home confinement after he's convicted.
Well, with a felony.....he cannot vote. Absentee or mail-in or whatever.
And.....maybe not legally possess a firearm?
And, he'd likely hafta do some sort of check-in or reporting to somebody?

Leaked? It was no doubt done in error.
Well, if it is a legit doc. Meaning, not some fake posted by some malicious hacker?
If it is a doc from the prosecutors office it could also be an 'aspirational' working doc circulated inter-office to involved participants outlining to them just what the office is aiming to accomplish given the quantity and nature of evidence that they possess.? And if it is a 'aspirational' doc.....then it was leaked either accidentally, or by a disgruntled employee that needs to be pried out.
Yep, they can see the steaming pile of liberal persecution for what it is. Sadly you folks don't even care. No worries, as is almost always the case, liberals open the door and balk, then conservatives show them how it's done. Like Harry Reid's 'nuclear' option.
Are you bragging at how great you’re going to be at being fascists?
The purpose could be twofold:
1. To taint the Grand Jury investigation should it not go the way the D.A. wants.
2. To get the propaganda out there to hurt DJT should it not go the way the D.A. wants.

The purpose of all of this is to so damage Donald Trump that he'll have to drop out of the presidential race. I am pretty darn certain the Trump critics on this thread, the Democrats, all who are pushing the woke/neo-Marxist/totalitarian agenda and permanent power/authority for it have that as their goal. They don't care what has to happen or what level of unethical behavior they have to stoop to in order to make it happen. That is their goal.

For sure we can conclude the D.A. already has him convicted in her mind and that was the purpose of that list of 'crimes'. And if she can't make them stick, posting the list puts them into everybody else's minds and the never Trumpers will post them or refer to them again and again pretending they are real.
These are the scum who are so worried about democracy that they are doing everything they can to prevent an honest election.

Dims are such scum
So you'll accept the juries decisions? Or will you only accept the outcomes if they go your way?
All trump had to do was keep his mouth shut and let the process take its course and then accept the results. Instead he and other republicans put themselves in jeopardy of breaking the law. Keep in mind these indictments arent based off of dem testimony. The testimony is trumps own words and actions as well as those of his fellow republicans.
No, I won't accept the decision of a DC jury and a prog judge.
Well you're getting your indictments consistently immediately following actual and verifiable bad news re Hunter and/or Joe. So consistently that the odds are stretched way past any point of probability that this is purely coincidence.

Timed/planned indictments to hurt a political candidate are just as politically motivated and dishonest and likely fabricated as any other unethical behavior.
Umm… there’s been reporting of a possible indictment in mid aug for months now though. It seems only those unaware of that are surprised and suspicious.
You come across as ridiculous.

Georgia DA likely to announce Trump indictment decision in August​

By Josh Christenson

May 19, 2023 | 12:36pm

Umm… there’s been reporting of a possible indictment in mid aug for months now though. It seems only those unaware of that are surprised and suspicious.
You come across as ridiculous.

Georgia DA likely to announce Trump indictment decision in August​

By Josh Christenson

May 19, 2023 | 12:36pm

I've been aware of it the whole time, but we all know it's total fraud.

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