Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

Just trying to get our conservative posters accustomed to Trumps new life

When does this new life start?

Because you've been whining about it for the past 7 years, ever since your pathetic media clowns wanted us to believe he was going to go to jail for Russian collusion.

It really is just farcical at this point, a tragi-comedy that you could be this fucking gullible.

Mental illness is no doubt a factor, but you did it to yourselves.
Just trying to get our conservative posters accustomed to Trumps new life
Grifty's new life

OK, so maybe we should get to the bottom of who leaked it then.

And what is your prediction regarding that actually happening?

Given we still don't know who leaked the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade repeal over a year ago, a betting man would say the odds are not good.
It was no doubt done in error.
Of course it’s predictable. We’ve been expecting an indictment in mid Aug for months, dupe.
Somebody in Georgia wanted to see if Trump's** plumbing is still in working order. Preliminary reports of dirty underoos are coming out of Florida now. Some media called it a "blowout"

I am one of those, I do not want another Trump presidency. At the same time, I don't understand how anyone can NOT see the injustice in the way the man is being treated. Maybe I am selfish, but it makes me think I could be treated unjustly as well.

That's the point. If they can do it to him.

They can do it to anyone.

So much for "democracy"
In the pre - coup history of our country, they would dismiss this Grand Jury and seat a new one.
Probably in another county.
It’s likely the GJ isn’t even aware it happened as they’ve been in session all day. Besides, other than the prosecutors, they’re the only other people who already know what charges Trump is facing as it’s their job to scrutinize the evidence.
I am one of those, I do not want another Trump presidency. At the same time, I don't understand how anyone can NOT see the injustice in the way the man is being treated. Maybe I am selfish, but it makes me think I could be treated unjustly as well.
You think? It’s guaranteed. The more power the left gets the worse it will get. Language police, thought crimes etc.
Of course it’s predictable. We’ve been expecting an indictment in mid Aug for months, dupe.
Well you're getting your indictments consistently immediately following actual and verifiable bad news re Hunter and/or Joe. So consistently that the odds are stretched way past any point of probability that this is purely coincidence.

Timed/planned indictments to hurt a political candidate are just as politically motivated and dishonest and likely fabricated as any other unethical behavior.
What could be accomplished by doing so deliberately?
You get your propaganda out there where people like you will repeat it again and again and show it as 'proof of criminal activity' if the Grand Jury doesn't come through for you and so people like you can just laugh it off.

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