Something’s wrong!

Nobody really knows the number. I've heard estimates of between 1-3 million. But we don't know, because they're being bused to points throughout the country, and handed off to non-governmental organizations, without any idea of who they really are, other than a name they gave officials when they crossed into the country. Most of them don't even have any form of identification.

Funny how the term vetting is not used anymore regarding people being released into the US. Abbotts busing IMO is starting to back fire. Bussing illegals all over the US is becoming a joke, we need to be shipping them back to wherever they came from.
The number is closer to a million. " many of the one million are hoping for asylum — a long shot — and will have to wait seven years on average before a decision on their case is reached because of the nation’s clogged immigration system."

I say we build temporary community and housing centers along to border, then train and send immigration judges to the border centers to expedite the asylum process.
I say we tell the immigrants to take back their countries from the tyrants and cartels; maybe even arm them.
Maybe it’s the vaccines.

US Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Decline

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 15, 2022
What’s Killing Younger Healthy People?

Since COVID-19 isn’t killing younger, healthy people, what is? What changed in 2021 that might have such a devastating effect on people’s health? Well, the most obvious change is that 67.7% of the global population has received at least one dose of the experimental COVID shots,21 and doctors and scientists have elucidated several mechanisms by which these gene transfer technologies might injure or kill. As reported by vaccine safety blogger Steve Kirsch:22

“Normally death rates don’t change at all. They are very stable. It would take something REALLY BIG to have an effect this big. The effect size is 12-sigma.23 That is an event that would only happen by pure chance every 2.832 billion years. That’s very rare. It’s basically never.
The universe is only 14 billion years old which is 1.413. In other words, the event that happened is not a statistical ‘fluke.’ Something caused a very big change … Whatever it is that is causing this, it is bigger and deadlier than COVID and it’s affecting nearly everyone.”
Kirsch lists 14 clues as to what this deadly “something” might be, including the following:24


In conclusion, that life expectancy has dropped by three years since the start of the pandemic can be explained by the simple fact that the primary “remedy” for COVID — the experimental mRNA COVID jabs — are the most lethal drugs in medical history.
Life expectancy for Americans keeps falling, though the HC industry is enormously expensive. We aren’t getting our money’s worth.

Americans' life expectancy continues to fall, erasing health gains of the last quarter century

Karen Weintraub
Average American life expectancy fell from 77 to 76.4 years last year, bringing U.S. figures back to where they were in 1996, according to federal data released Thursday.

That means all the medical advances over the past quarter century have been erased, said Dr. Steven Woolf, a professor of family medicine and population health at Virginia Commonwealth University, who was not involved in the new study.

For American men, life expectancy fell by more than eight months, and for women the loss was about seven months, the study found. Life expectancy, which is actually a measure of death rates, dropped in every age category over age 1.

Though the rate of decline in life expectancy wasn't as dramatic as in 2020, Woolf said, the fall-off in 2021 was actually worse because it came on top of that year's 17% decline.

Americans' life expectancy continues to fall, erasing health gains of the last quarter century
Life expectancy for Americans keeps falling, though the HC industry is enormously expensive. We aren’t getting our money’s worth.

Americans' life expectancy continues to fall, erasing health gains of the last quarter century

Karen Weintraub
Average American life expectancy fell from 77 to 76.4 years last year, bringing U.S. figures back to where they were in 1996, according to federal data released Thursday.

That means all the medical advances over the past quarter century have been erased, said Dr. Steven Woolf, a professor of family medicine and population health at Virginia Commonwealth University, who was not involved in the new study.

For American men, life expectancy fell by more than eight months, and for women the loss was about seven months, the study found. Life expectancy, which is actually a measure of death rates, dropped in every age category over age 1.

Though the rate of decline in life expectancy wasn't as dramatic as in 2020, Woolf said, the fall-off in 2021 was actually worse because it came on top of that year's 17% decline.

Americans' life expectancy continues to fall, erasing health gains of the last quarter century
The supposed 'health' gains were actually longevity gains, brought about by medications and medical procedures, not real 'health'. The fragility of our real health was demonstrated by the pandemic. The current trifecta of diseases, Covid, the Flu, and that other thing, will continue to reveal this weakness.

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