Sometimes the News is Quite Poetic: The Weenies, A Burning Flag and Some Bikers

This one makes me smile:

Weenies burn flag to protest cops, get attacked by bikers, need cops to save their asses

A group of flag-burning anti-NYPD protesters needed New York’s Finest to save their skin from a gang of angry bikers who tried to pummel them in a Brooklyn park for setting Old Glory ablaze Wednesday.

The fiery stunt by a few dozen members of the group Disarm the Police led to a chaotic scene at about 8 p.m. in Fort Greene Park, when the activists enraged 40 members of the Hallowed Sons Motorcycle Club by roasting the flag on a tiny barbecue grill.

“They took off like little b—hes,” said one biker. “They lit the f–king flag and took off running once they got slapped once or twice.”...

Weenies burn flag to protest cops get attacked by bikers need cops to save their asses New York Post

You think biker thugs attacking people is funny? Why would anyone agree with a bunch of biker thugs attacking people who were not doing anything wrong or illegal?

The biker thugs broke the law and then endangered the cops who had to call them off.

Not to mention that the thugs completely disrespected the deaths of millions of Americans who fought for the freedom to burn a piece of fabric that SYMBOLIZES what they fought for.

I am a veteran and did not fight so anti-American dickweeds would have the right to burn the flag. I salute the bikers that kicked stopped the burning of the flag.

You don't get to choose what rights you fight for.

Whether or not you believe you fought for the First Amendment, it still exists.

Yes and even if he, the OP or others do not believe in or agree with it, the principles of the First Amendment are far more precious than any piece of fabric.

If the bikers were not brainless thugs. they would have protected the flag burners against harm.

Its frustrating to have this discussion with every generation and see that certain people still don't get it.

The brainless thugs are the ones burning the flag and need a damned good beating.


For exercising their First Amendment rights?

What other rights do you want taken away from law-abiding citizens?

You think biker thugs attacking people is funny? Why would anyone agree with a bunch of biker thugs attacking people who were not doing anything wrong or illegal?

The biker thugs broke the law and then endangered the cops who had to call them off.

Not to mention that the thugs completely disrespected the deaths of millions of Americans who fought for the freedom to burn a piece of fabric that SYMBOLIZES what they fought for.

I am a veteran and did not fight so anti-American dickweeds would have the right to burn the flag. I salute the bikers that kicked stopped the burning of the flag.


Yes, actually you did.

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

I despise westboro, kkk, white supremacists and certain others but I would never attack them for exercising their rights.

Our rights are much more important than a piece of fabric.

Fuck you and your 'right' to burn the US flag. It is my right to object to your hatred for America.

Do you believe it to be "your right" to assault people based on your outrage?

I consider burning the American flag criminal and provocation enough to assault someone doing it. I am willing to take my chances with a judge and jury if got arrested. Based on your previous posts, I would not be surprised if you encouraged burning the flag.


Sorry but the Constitution trumps your opinions.

Deal with it.
Why do I suspect that if a group of gay bikers had tried to start a fight with Christian protestors, this thread would have a significantly different tone to it?

Pretty sure Christian protesters today wouldnt burn a US flag or demand cops be disarmed. And gay biker gang?? Hmmm. Would they have baskets on the front and streamers on the handlebars haha?


What's the difference, other than you agree with one group, and not the other?

Are you saying that violence against people who disagree with you is ok, as long as they're practicing legally protected speech that outrages you?

Meh, in another thread a liberal moron is cheering on vandalism and theft in protest of free speech he disproves of.

People are stupid, what you gonna do?
This one makes me smile:

Weenies burn flag to protest cops, get attacked by bikers, need cops to save their asses

A group of flag-burning anti-NYPD protesters needed New York’s Finest to save their skin from a gang of angry bikers who tried to pummel them in a Brooklyn park for setting Old Glory ablaze Wednesday.

The fiery stunt by a few dozen members of the group Disarm the Police led to a chaotic scene at about 8 p.m. in Fort Greene Park, when the activists enraged 40 members of the Hallowed Sons Motorcycle Club by roasting the flag on a tiny barbecue grill.

“They took off like little b—hes,” said one biker. “They lit the f–king flag and took off running once they got slapped once or twice.”...

Weenies burn flag to protest cops get attacked by bikers need cops to save their asses New York Post

You think biker thugs attacking people is funny? Why would anyone agree with a bunch of biker thugs attacking people who were not doing anything wrong or illegal?

The biker thugs broke the law and then endangered the cops who had to call them off.

Not to mention that the thugs completely disrespected the deaths of millions of Americans who fought for the freedom to burn a piece of fabric that SYMBOLIZES what they fought for.

Do I think biker thugs attacking people is funny ? No, no I don't.

But attacking liberals ? Yeaaaaaaaaah, now that's fucking funny !!!

God bless America :lol:

“They took off like little b—hes,” said one biker. “They lit the f–king flag and took off running once they got slapped once or twice.”

The anarchists had announced on social media that they had planned to burn the flag in protest of NYPD policies, drawing a large group of flag-waving counterprotesters, including the bikers.

While it’s illegal to openly burn anything in Fort Greene Park, the self-styled anarchists managed to find a loophole in the law that allows cooking in closed barbecue grills.

Thus, they started to roast the flag, but they didn’t burn it for long. One of the bikers rushed forward in a fit of rage and kicked over the grill, sending embers flying. He then doused it as members of the pro-flag crowd chanted “USA! USA!”

The bikers then started trying to rough up the protesters — who were quickly saved by members of the same police force that they criticize.

The protesters were shielded by the cops and escorted out of the park.

“I served in the Marines,” said counterprotester Brian Christopher, 23. “We defend this flag. We are ready to die for it. When I see people burning it and showing complete ignorance, it’s very offensive.”

No arrests were made in the scuffle, and the group’s flag-burning stunt went up in smoke.

Karma is a bitch................The Bikers were confused..............You see they disagreed with what the protesters were doing...............and excercised their first Amendment Rights..................

They just don't read well............and didn't see the part about the infringement of others..............OOPS..........

Oh well................sue bitches.............
I don't agree with violence against the retards, retards need to do something to feel a little better about themselves. But on the other hand I wouldn't be a witness to anything if I saw it. It is ironic that the cops had to save them from their own stupidity though.
This one makes me smile:

Weenies burn flag to protest cops, get attacked by bikers, need cops to save their asses

A group of flag-burning anti-NYPD protesters needed New York’s Finest to save their skin from a gang of angry bikers who tried to pummel them in a Brooklyn park for setting Old Glory ablaze Wednesday.

The fiery stunt by a few dozen members of the group Disarm the Police led to a chaotic scene at about 8 p.m. in Fort Greene Park, when the activists enraged 40 members of the Hallowed Sons Motorcycle Club by roasting the flag on a tiny barbecue grill.

“They took off like little b—hes,” said one biker. “They lit the f–king flag and took off running once they got slapped once or twice.”...

Weenies burn flag to protest cops get attacked by bikers need cops to save their asses New York Post

You think biker thugs attacking people is funny? Why would anyone agree with a bunch of biker thugs attacking people who were not doing anything wrong or illegal?

The biker thugs broke the law and then endangered the cops who had to call them off.

Not to mention that the thugs completely disrespected the deaths of millions of Americans who fought for the freedom to burn a piece of fabric that SYMBOLIZES what they fought for.

I am a veteran and did not fight so anti-American dickweeds would have the right to burn the flag. I salute the bikers that kicked stopped the burning of the flag.


Yes, actually you did.

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

I despise westboro, kkk, white supremacists and certain others but I would never attack them for exercising their rights.

Our rights are much more important than a piece of fabric.

Fuck you and your 'right' to burn the US flag. It is my right to object to your hatred for America.

Do you believe it to be "your right" to assault people based on your outrage?
Lol, kinda like the way the protesters were paid by liberals to loot and destroy Ferguson and Baltimore. There was a thread on here that they were complaining that they were not paid. I applaud the bikers, it's time to totally stop the liberal agenda.
You think biker thugs attacking people is funny? Why would anyone agree with a bunch of biker thugs attacking people who were not doing anything wrong or illegal?

The biker thugs broke the law and then endangered the cops who had to call them off.

Not to mention that the thugs completely disrespected the deaths of millions of Americans who fought for the freedom to burn a piece of fabric that SYMBOLIZES what they fought for.

I am a veteran and did not fight so anti-American dickweeds would have the right to burn the flag. I salute the bikers that kicked stopped the burning of the flag.

You don't get to choose what rights you fight for.

Whether or not you believe you fought for the First Amendment, it still exists.

Yes and even if he, the OP or others do not believe in or agree with it, the principles of the First Amendment are far more precious than any piece of fabric.

If the bikers were not brainless thugs. they would have protected the flag burners against harm.

Its frustrating to have this discussion with every generation and see that certain people still don't get it.

The brainless thugs are the ones burning the flag and need a damned good beating.


For exercising their First Amendment rights?

What other rights do you want taken away from law-abiding citizens?

I am a veteran and did not fight so anti-American dickweeds would have the right to burn the flag. I salute the bikers that kicked stopped the burning of the flag.


Yes, actually you did.

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

I despise westboro, kkk, white supremacists and certain others but I would never attack them for exercising their rights.

Our rights are much more important than a piece of fabric.

Fuck you and your 'right' to burn the US flag. It is my right to object to your hatred for America.

Do you believe it to be "your right" to assault people based on your outrage?

I consider burning the American flag criminal and provocation enough to assault someone doing it. I am willing to take my chances with a judge and jury if got arrested. Based on your previous posts, I would not be surprised if you encouraged burning the flag.


Sorry but the Constitution trumps your opinions.

Deal with it.

I think I already said fuck you and the anti-American dipshits that burn the flag. I wore a flag patch on the shoulder of my flight suit for 6 years. If they come to my town and try to burn a flag they will have to deal with me and a lot of other vets that will take the flag away from them and stomp their cowardly butts if they resist.
This one makes me smile:

Weenies burn flag to protest cops, get attacked by bikers, need cops to save their asses

A group of flag-burning anti-NYPD protesters needed New York’s Finest to save their skin from a gang of angry bikers who tried to pummel them in a Brooklyn park for setting Old Glory ablaze Wednesday.

The fiery stunt by a few dozen members of the group Disarm the Police led to a chaotic scene at about 8 p.m. in Fort Greene Park, when the activists enraged 40 members of the Hallowed Sons Motorcycle Club by roasting the flag on a tiny barbecue grill.

“They took off like little b—hes,” said one biker. “They lit the f–king flag and took off running once they got slapped once or twice.”...

Weenies burn flag to protest cops get attacked by bikers need cops to save their asses New York Post

There is a God....
Why do I suspect that if a group of gay bikers had tried to start a fight with Christian protestors, this thread would have a significantly different tone to it?

Pretty sure Christian protesters today wouldnt burn a US flag or demand cops be disarmed. And gay biker gang?? Hmmm. Would they have baskets on the front and streamers on the handlebars haha?

Dont forget the little bell....

God bless America :lol:

“They took off like little b—hes,” said one biker. “They lit the f–king flag and took off running once they got slapped once or twice.”

The anarchists had announced on social media that they had planned to burn the flag in protest of NYPD policies, drawing a large group of flag-waving counterprotesters, including the bikers.

While it’s illegal to openly burn anything in Fort Greene Park, the self-styled anarchists managed to find a loophole in the law that allows cooking in closed barbecue grills.

Thus, they started to roast the flag, but they didn’t burn it for long. One of the bikers rushed forward in a fit of rage and kicked over the grill, sending embers flying. He then doused it as members of the pro-flag crowd chanted “USA! USA!”

The bikers then started trying to rough up the protesters — who were quickly saved by members of the same police force that they criticize.

The protesters were shielded by the cops and escorted out of the park.

“I served in the Marines,” said counterprotester Brian Christopher, 23. “We defend this flag. We are ready to die for it. When I see people burning it and showing complete ignorance, it’s very offensive.”

No arrests were made in the scuffle, and the group’s flag-burning stunt went up in smoke.


I also must note the Poetic Irony of Anarchists ORGANIZING their flag burning temper tantrum via Big Corporatist Social Media.

Too delish!
So, the violence was one guy getting pushed down. Contrast that with Ferguson or the Anarchist-Thug vandalism and violence in Oakland.

This is what really upsets the Social Justice Pussies: real Americans not complying with their agenda.

So, the violence was one guy getting pushed down. Contrast that with Ferguson or the Anarchist-Thug vandalism and violence in Oakland.

You know those cops wanted to let the bikers whoop the shit out of the little leftwing punks.

But the bikers didn't. They just wanted to stop the desecration of the flag.

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