Sometimes We (Christians) Need to Remember

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short

Not sure how to react to this because I like what you said, but the video is sad. :(
Surely the so called greatest power in the universe can stop all things and make them right if he just wills it..
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short

View attachment 511529
WOW....that loony lady’s poor father. I can’t imagine raising such lowdown filth.
I used to protest at an abortion clinic in Toledo.

One day a 15 year old girl who was a daughter of one of the workers, came out from the "clinic" walking calmly. I said NOTHING to anyone at the time.

As she approached me her entire demeanor changed.

She screamed just like this woman, lunged at me and started clawing my neck and drew blood.

I pushed her away and she did leave. The police were called, but they did nothing

The tolerant left is filled with rage. Satan owns them
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short

View attachment 511529
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short
good to hear ... how is it the spirit world's time - is short.

drinking early, christian.
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short

View attachment 511529
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short
good to hear ... how is it the spirit world's time - is short.

drinking early, christian.
When Christ returns they will be chained up. Read your Bible before saying stupid shit

And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven,(A) having the key(B) to the Abyss(C) and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan,(D) and bound him for a thousand years.(E) 3 He threw him into the Abyss,(F) and locked and sealed(G) it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations(H) anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time -- Rev 20
This woman should not have put on such a show. However, the bitch boy should not have been on the street bothering people and minding other people's private business, either.
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short

View attachment 511529
We are not in a battle with flesh and blood.

The spirit world is among us and they are very angry because they know their time is short
good to hear ... how is it the spirit world's time - is short.

drinking early, christian.
When Christ returns they will be chained up. Read your Bible before saying stupid shit

And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven,(A) having the key(B) to the Abyss(C) and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan,(D) and bound him for a thousand years.(E) 3 He threw him into the Abyss,(F) and locked and sealed(G) it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations(H) anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time -- Rev 20
... how is it the spirit world's time - is short.
you did not answer the question, it really did not make much sense.

When Christ returns they will be chained up. Read your Bible before saying stupid shit
before or after the itinerant returns ...

no, best for you, from your replies to give reading your book a break ... and for those around you a permanent one. and better yet, chain the book up and burn it - drug addiction takes many forms.
This woman should not have put on such a show. However, the bitch boy should not have been on the street bothering people and minding other people's private business, either.

True, but his intentions were good.
This woman should not have put on such a show. However, the bitch boy should not have been on the street bothering people and minding other people's private business, either.

True, but his intentions were good.

I wish I could agree with you, but the "pro-life" movement was created and exists to perpetuate a particularly virulent strain of misogyny.

While there is a very tiny group that supports this movement along with being pro-life on other issues affecting the lives and health of others, the majority of supporters of the "pro-life" movement are not. They are all for being heavily armed, letting people go without food, homes, and healthcare, resist efforts to make sure that women have access to contraception, even though this would greatly reduce the amount of abortions, and to eradicate rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, and are hostile to refugees on the run and the LGBT+ community, to name a few things.

These are the folks who write the most disgusting descriptions of women having sex, as if most women make a practice of having sex in pickup trucks at closing time with men whose last names they don't know, when you and I know that most women have sex in the context of emotional relationships. Yet these same morons don't want to talk about their own sex lives and whether they themselves have ever had sex outside of marriage.

The "pro-life" movement has much more to do with hatred of female sexuality and a desire to control it than any commitment to life or "morality" or "God."This is what this guy is supporting. I don't agree with making the scene this woman made, but her anger is understandable.
This woman should not have put on such a show. However, the bitch boy should not have been on the street bothering people and minding other people's private business, either.

While there is a very tiny group that supports this movement along with being pro-life on other issues affecting the lives and health of others, the majority of supporters of the "pro-life" movement are not. They are all for being heavily armed, letting people go without food, homes, and healthcare, resist efforts to make sure that women have access to contraception, even though this would greatly reduce the amount of abortions, and to eradicate rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, and are hostile to refugees on the run and the LGBT+ community, to name a few things.

These are the folks who write the most disgusting descriptions of women having sex, as if most women make a practice of having sex in pickup trucks at closing time with men whose last names they don't know, when you and I know that most women have sex in the context of emotional relationships. Yet these same morons don't want to talk about their own sex lives and whether they themselves have ever had sex outside of marriage.

The "pro-life" movement has much more to do with hatred of female sexuality and a desire to control it than any commitment to life or "morality" or "God."This is what this guy is supporting. I don't agree with making the scene this woman made, but her anger is understandable.

I thought that the only thing that the pro-life cared about was saving the lives of innocent unborn infants?
This woman should not have put on such a show. However, the bitch boy should not have been on the street bothering people and minding other people's private business, either.

While there is a very tiny group that supports this movement along with being pro-life on other issues affecting the lives and health of others, the majority of supporters of the "pro-life" movement are not. They are all for being heavily armed, letting people go without food, homes, and healthcare, resist efforts to make sure that women have access to contraception, even though this would greatly reduce the amount of abortions, and to eradicate rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, and are hostile to refugees on the run and the LGBT+ community, to name a few things.

These are the folks who write the most disgusting descriptions of women having sex, as if most women make a practice of having sex in pickup trucks at closing time with men whose last names they don't know, when you and I know that most women have sex in the context of emotional relationships. Yet these same morons don't want to talk about their own sex lives and whether they themselves have ever had sex outside of marriage.

The "pro-life" movement has much more to do with hatred of female sexuality and a desire to control it than any commitment to life or "morality" or "God."This is what this guy is supporting. I don't agree with making the scene this woman made, but her anger is understandable.

I thought that the only thing that the pro-life cared about
was saving the lives of innocent unborn infants?
I thought that the only thing that the pro-life cared about was saving the lives of innocent unborn infants?
I wish I could agree with you, but the "pro-life" movement was created and exists to perpetuate a particularly virulent strain of misogyny.
now you know ...

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