Sometimes We Forget the Man Trump Really Is


Trumps Started No Wars.....True, Neither Did Biden or Obama. Wars from other Nations Happen, NOT the classification of "Wars Started".

1a). True or False?

Trump Did and signed the OPEC+ deal, Yes for NO?
Trump signed a deal to have "oversea Oil Production" to be reduced.

2b) True or False?

X). 2 is enough for the RWI.
Discuss these ^^^^ two.

Trumps Started No Wars.....True, Neither Did Biden or Obama. Wars from other Nations Happen, NOT the classification of "Wars Started".

1a). True or False?

Trump Did and signed the OPEC+ deal, Yes for NO?
Trump signed a deal to have "oversea Oil Production" to be reduced.

2b) True or False?

X). 2 is enough for the RWI.
Discuss these ^^^^ two.
obama put our military in 25 countries we werent already in,, and help the saudis attack yemen,, and biden helped get us in the middle east after 911

he was also involved in getting us into the wars under clinton,,

Trumps Started No Wars.....True, Neither Did Biden or Obama. Wars from other Nations Happen, NOT the classification of "Wars Started".

1a). True or False?

Trump Did and signed the OPEC+ deal, Yes for NO?
Trump signed a deal to have "oversea Oil Production" to be reduced.

2b) True or False?

X). 2 is enough for the RWI.
Discuss these ^^^^ two.
almost forgot,, biden got us into war with russia that looks like it might end up being a world war,,
obama put our military in 25 countries we werent already in,, and help the saudis attack yemen,, and biden helped get us in the middle east after 911

he was also involved in getting us into the wars under clinton,,

almost forgot,, biden got us into war with russia that looks like it might end up being a world war,,
LINK of proof.

There is clearly a DIFFERENCE of "Starting a War" versus whatever you claim.
LINK of proof.

There is clearly a DIFFERENCE of "Starting a War" versus whatever you claim.
dont think I didnt notice how you played word games to fit your narrative,,,

fact remain biden has supported and been involved in every war we've had since vietnam
What "butt hurt" would that be, dumba$$... I'm not the one with a Fuhrer facing 91 criminal charges... :cuckoo:
How will you cry like a little girl when nothing comes of it like always traitor?
How will you cry like a little girl when nothing comes of it like always traitor?
1. you are delusional - your ignorant, arrogant, fat, sociopathic Orange Baboon-God is going down in the criminal law courts

2. I'll put my own loyalty to the People of the United States and their Republic and its Constitution against yours any day, punk
I, for one, am a bit skeptical on Don Trump's qualities. His character.
Years ago I read either his book or some printed interview where he boasted of stiffing his contractors, vendors, suppliers.
I was in business then and was alert to the cheaters my staff and our business could encounter. So some celebrity bragging about it didn't sit well.
And then in 2016 I think it was.....when he mocked that disabled reporter by mimicking the reporters abrupt physical movements......well, that didn't sit well either.

And I seemingly am not alone in my skepticism.
General John Kelley just recently confirmed what had been reported before about Trump disrespect for our uniformed military and our KIA and WIA.
I served in the Don Trump's denigration of veterans doesn't sit well either.

"Among the many controversies Donald Trump has courted during his time in politics, perhaps none engender the kinds of emotions as his comments — and reported comments — denigrating veterans and the war-wounded. But some of the most serious reports about what he’s said have gone largely unconfirmed by key players.

That changed in a major way on Monday.
Former Trump White House chief of staff John F. Kelly delivered a blistering statement to CNN’s Jake Tapper that, for the first time, served to confirm years-old comments attributed to Trump and for which Kelly was present.
Kelly, like many former top Trump administration officials, has criticized Trump somewhat in the past, but his new statement takes things to another level and fills out the picture of some of Trump’s ugliest alleged comments."
1. you are delusional - your ignorant, arrogant, fat, sociopathic Orange Baboon-God is going down in the criminal law courts

2. I'll put my own loyalty to the People of the United States and their Republic and its Constitution against yours any day, punk
Unfortunately foe you and the rest of you Communists, REAL AMERICANS such as myself already know what kind of shitstorm DemocRATs create.
Ignorant... arrogant... pathological liar... hyper-egotist... autocrat-wannabe... speaks before he thinks... a true sociopath...

What's not to like? :auiqs.jpg:
u must have flunked psych 101,,,,,,,,the only true sociopath / liar in Washington is Hilary Clinton. She makes Stalin look like an altar boy.

Trump may be egotistical but he still wants to restore the USA unlike the Deep State puppets. Every CEO / Celebrity is an asshole so dont pick on Trump. Walk up to Oprah some day and she will tell you to fxck off.
1. you are delusional - your ignorant, arrogant, fat, sociopathic Orange Baboon-God is going down in the criminal law courts

2. I'll put my own loyalty to the People of the United States and their Republic and its Constitution against yours any day, punk
The america hating liar sez what?

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