Somewhere between resigned and despondent

I have a friend who was at an airport getting patted down, and he asked the TSA Agent, 'Hey, why aren't you guys down on the border?' And the TSA Agent looked at him and said. 'You know, i've often asked myself that same question. I really don't know why.'

So they're leaving the border wide open, while at the same time systematically dismantling Citizens' Civil Liberties. Realizing this, helps you understand Big Brother's priorities. It's not about making you safe. It's about seizing complete control of the Sheeple. That's the deal folks. When are the Sheeple gonna wake up?
Do you think that the ingredients used were because they could get them passed dogs? Or were they used, like the Boston Bombers, because Walmart was out of C4? I realize that isn't your point but, if they can make such a bomb out of such ingredients I am not sure what any law enforcement could do.

But doing nothing doesn't seem to be an option.

Doing nothing is always an option. It's the default option.

I suppose all those LEO's could be better served by reading "My Pet Goat" to children. How well did that work the last time?
Right around the time of the Belgium attack, I noticed an increase in police activity in Grand Central Station. There were probably 50 to 60 armed personnel from NYC Police, NYS Police, US Army Regular, maybe a Marine Corp sniper hiding behind the Apple counter, and others. One group of police, armed with machine guns, had a dog. Since I walked past it without it signaling, I assume it was a bomb sniffing dog since it missed the heroin and Obama's best Hawaiian Pakololo I just scored

I commented to anyone who would listen, an ever shrinking circle, that it was stupid to have the dog INSIDE the station, by then it's too late! It should be out on the perimeter trying to catch a scent BEFORE they get into GCT. Then I read in this morning's WSJ that the Belgium bomber build the bomb using essentially nail polish remover and peroxide; dogs are not trained to signal for either or there would be a million false positives a day

So now, somewhere between resigned and despondent, I realize, all of Homeland Security, all the Kabuki Theater of armed police and military is a charade, it's just a police state first and foremost and never had any way to make anyone safer. Welcome to the USA version 2.0

It was asked should the police in Ireland be armed at the airport... Everyone said why, if they want to blow themselves up they will... Why Airports? football games and any other high traffic situation is just as good...
Police have a habit of shooting people...

So generally we treat our muslim population well and ask them to report on any Wahhabism believers in the country... They agreed and they think they are bigger assholes than we do... They want them out of the country before they cause any trouble... Have a policy a Good Muslim is a Good Irishman... Actually the Muslims and Jews are quite close in Dublin communities...

Yes, NYC Police can't shoot for anything, they do more collateral damage than carpet bombing
they shot that one black guy w/ 50 rounds. Remember that?

New York on edge as police kill unarmed man in hail of 50 bullets on his wedding day New York on edge as police kill unarmed man in hail of 50 bullets on his wedding day
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When was the last time a US airplane was taken over by terrorists? When was the last time a bomb destroyed an airliner?

It seems to me that the terrorist attacks the civilized world are getting are pretty lame. That is not to minimize at all the tragedy of the people lost. But let's face it, a pressure cooker in a crowd? What is that going to do other than piss people off? Blowing up an Airline counter? Again, what is the purpose? Simply lashing out?
Dogs can only do so much. No way is a dog or team of dogs going to be able to check everyone coming into GCS. To me it's like the finger in the dyke analogy anyway. It won't stop until the source problem is taken care of. The civilized world should get together, pool their resources and root out the troublemakers.
Most of the display is CYA in case something happens. The problem is that the intelligence networks we rely on have shown to be failures. Even when Russia warned about a terrorist cell in Mass it was ignored or bumbled until it was too late to prevent the Marathon bombing. The problem back in 9-11 was that Bill Clinton prevented the FBI from sharing information with the FBI and now we have about half a dozen apparently competing federal intelligence agencies. You can even see some humor in it though. When Apple refused the federal government's request to unlock their cell phone encription the feds went to an outside hacker and unlocked it anyway.
When was the last time a US airplane was taken over by terrorists? When was the last time a bomb destroyed an airliner?

It seems to me that the terrorist attacks the civilized world are getting are pretty lame. That is not to minimize at all the tragedy of the people lost. But let's face it, a pressure cooker in a crowd? What is that going to do other than piss people off? Blowing up an Airline counter? Again, what is the purpose? Simply lashing out?
It is my understanding there were intelligence reports that the authorities ignored prior to 9/11. Even more than that a show of force is less effective than good police, anti-terrorist work such as intelligence gathering, researching the leads and enforcing the law, for example.
When was the last time a US airplane was taken over by terrorists? When was the last time a bomb destroyed an airliner?

It seems to me that the terrorist attacks the civilized world are getting are pretty lame. That is not to minimize at all the tragedy of the people lost. But let's face it, a pressure cooker in a crowd? What is that going to do other than piss people off? Blowing up an Airline counter? Again, what is the purpose? Simply lashing out?
It is my understanding there were intelligence reports that the authorities ignored prior to 9/11. Even more than that a show of force is less effective than good police, anti-terrorist work such as intelligence gathering, researching the leads and enforcing the law, for example.

And let's not forget to follow the money.
When was the last time a US airplane was taken over by terrorists? When was the last time a bomb destroyed an airliner?

It seems to me that the terrorist attacks the civilized world are getting are pretty lame. That is not to minimize at all the tragedy of the people lost. But let's face it, a pressure cooker in a crowd? What is that going to do other than piss people off? Blowing up an Airline counter? Again, what is the purpose? Simply lashing out?
It is my understanding there were intelligence reports that the authorities ignored prior to 9/11. Even more than that a show of force is less effective than good police, anti-terrorist work such as intelligence gathering, researching the leads and enforcing the law, for example.
There were reports but they were vague and coming in every day. No network was in place to connect the dots of a group of Muslims learning to fly airliners.
I have a friend who was at an airport getting patted down, and he asked the TSA Agent, 'Hey, why aren't you guys down on the border?' And the TSA Agent looked at him and said. 'You know, i've often asked myself that same question. I really don't know why.'

So they're leaving the border wide open, while at the same time systematically dismantling Citizens' Civil Liberties. Realizing this, helps you understand Big Brother's priorities. It's not about making you safe. It's about seizing complete control of the Sheeple. That's the deal folks. When are the Sheeple gonna wake up?

G5000 in 2012:

It should be very concerning to all that a TSA agent who can ruin your life has virtually no training.

Lefties get all heated up when cops abuse their authority, and cops get way more training than these rank amateurs. So giggling at concerns about TSA thuggery demonstrates hypocrisy.

The topic title says TSA is coming to our highways, but the OP does not explain what that means.

What it means is that they are now inspecting trucks at weigh stations, and they are at train and bus stations. All public transit nodes.

Is this a good or bad idea? We should debate it. I have said many times that once we make our airplanes invulnerable to terrorist attacks, it will only be a matter of time before terrorists begin blowing up buses and pizza restaurants. Israel's El Al airlines are bulletproof and so they are attacked by suicide bombers on buses and in night clubs and restaurants.

I, for one, do not want someone who was living under a bridge being given a badge and heavy duty federal powers with just 10 days of classroom training. No fricking way.

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