Somewhere in Texas a pickup awaits...

Holder does not treat Texas as we would like to be we return the favor.

Obviously you’re ignorant of the illegal and un-Constitutional redistricting gerrymandering Texas republicans use to exhibit their disdain for minority voters:

On the congressional map, DOJ noted that the D.C. court had found “more evidence of discriminatory intent than [the Court had] space, or need to, to address," and pointed, in particular, to treatment of Hispanics in CD-23 and that of the African-American and Hispanic communities in the DFW Metroplex as being highly influenced by discriminatory intent.

In the case of CD-23, the department’s brief said:

The contours of District 23 reflect a concerted effort to minimize Hispanic voter registration and turnout levels while preserving Hispanic population majorities - a purely superficial victory for Hispanic voters. Precincts are deliberately split along the border of Congressional District 23 without political data, in a manner that establishes a statistically significant racial bias. District 23 divided Maverick County and the City of Eagle Pass just after the Hispanic community there had become more politically active, and even the State’s expert admitted before this Court that he would ‘not recommend changing the 23rd in the way in which it was changed.

In the Metroplex, the brief cited not only to the “lightning-bolt shape of District 26" - which DOJ called “a particularly egregious configuration, capturing much of the Hispanic population of Tarrant County - from both whole and partial precincts - and appending that population to primarily Anglo Denton County" - but also to the “packing" of CD-30:

To prevent the emergence of a new district in the Metroplex in which minority voters would have the ability to elect representatives of their choice, the State increased the combined black and Hispanic population of District 30 - the sole minority ability district in the region - from an already concentrated 81.1% to a remarkable 85.9%.


Texas is treated exactly as it deserves, Texas republicans have only themselves to blame, not Holder.

oh, intent

I say Holder's intent is not rule of law but partisan politics based on his racial bias
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Since a couple of People have chosen to reference James Byrd I trust you also know what the State of Texas did to the three men who did this in case you don't Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed by lethal injection John King remains on Texas' death row while his appeals are pending and Shawn Berry was sentenced to life imprisonment for the record he should have gotten death as well.

I am aware of that. But does that makes it ok for the op to imply that the AG should suffer the same fate as James Byrd?

There was nothing in the OP to imply that and given the thread title did not mention Holder or the title of AG I saw no implication there either I have a much bigger problem with the AG trying to do a end run around the Supreme Court.
when has an AG ever been more of a racist?

when has any administration ever been more racist?

welcome to Zimbabwe

Ya we were probably more rascist than now for the vast majority of our country's existance. People were bought and sold for over a hundred years in the USA before during and to a lesser extent after the Civil War. I spoz many of you don't think of slavery as "rascist". I do. Many if not most Americans were clearly rascist well into the 20th century and even now there are obviously some that still cling to a rascist mentality.

I'm rascist. I truly believe that Irish are the best variation in human developement. If you do not agree with me ..SUCK IT!!!
The united states is probaly the only country that fought a war to end slavery. Most country's or empire's fought wars to keep or gain slaves. We fought to end it. So get off your racist high horse and retire the race card. There are still slaves in the world as we speak. Worry about your bratha's and sista's that are still slaves. The problem today is the tax payers are paying you to sit on your ass and complain how bad you got it. Instead of actually working for a living.

The government didn't earn my SSI. I did. I am also on a salary to do the work I perform here at the motel. I also make money periodically developing my inventions.. Oh ya and I make a nice little chunk of change with my dogs.

When have you ever seen me complain how "bad I got it"?

You can SUCK IT !!!
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