Son Of Sam —— Donaldson


Sep 23, 2010
Whenever I surfed into Representative Pete King on a talk show he reminded me of journalist Sam Donaldson who was famous for asking politicians softball questions in a tough aggressive voice. King talks tough about defending the country, the military, and so on in order to hide his softball treatment of Socialists on everything else.

Jeffrey Lord slices and dices King pretty good in today’s column. His details and analysis are so devastating that from this day forward calling King a RINO would be a compliment.

Senator Ted Cruz is a “fraud” and a “medicine man selling goods he knows are phony goods. — New York Republican Congressman Peter King.


In Mr. King’s case, working with House members actively identified as socialists — and literally praised by the Communist Party USA.


Since the Cruz and Lee GOP critics have become so vocal about the Cruz and Lee “endgame” and “strategy,” let’s take a look at the record of one of the most outspoken of those GOP critics.

That would be Congressman Peter King of New York, he who has been racing to television cameras to call Senator Cruz “a fraud” and a “phony.”

Peter King’s Political Fraud
By Jeffrey Lord on 10.10.13 @ 6:09AM
Cruz GOP critic allies with socialist, Communist favorites.

The American Spectator : Peter King's Political Fraud
He’s at it again:

Rep. Peter King, New York Republican, said Friday there are many unanswered questions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on Benghazi, but that to make it a political attack on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is "wrong."


But, he added, "I think to make it a personal attack on Hillary Clinton is wrong. I think that when you're [dealing with] a bureaucracy such as the State Department, not everything makes it to the top."

Rep. King: ‘Wrong’ to use Benghazi to go after Clinton
By David Sherfinski
The Washington Times
Friday, May 16, 2014

Rep. King: 'Wrong' to use Benghazi to go after Clinton - Washington Times

King should be asking: If she could do so much damage as secretary of state what the hell is going to happen when she is commander in chief?

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