Son tipped off FBI about his father, who is charged in Capitol riot

What was this, NAZI?

Thank you for that photo! That's what I saw live, the antifas trying to get at the White House and kill everybody there. I think martial law SHOULD have been declared.
That's the federal courthouse in Portland.
Hitler youth.

This is also exactly what Stalin did...exactly. Kids told the commies if their parents talked shit about the party...and their parents were executed And the children made out to be heros.


No it's not anything like what Stalin did. This kid turned his father in for attacking the Capital, threatening to kill members of the Senate and the Congress, and trying to overthrow the duly elected government of the USA. If his father had done this in Russia, he'd already be dead.
His Father was a Pro Democracy protester trying to stop the installation of an illegitimate imposter.
A Freedom Loving activist.
Why would some asshole from Ireland be so impassioned about defending trump?

I oppose injustice in any country.

It you do support injustice in the USA. You support the attempted insurrection and coup by Trump and his thugs. You supported a man threatening a child with death. And then deem the child to be a "traitor" for turning in his tormentor.

I've done a lot of work with abused children, and I would bet any money you want, that the child turned in his father because of chronic, long-term beatings and abuse by his father. You say the bond between the parent and the child will be broken. It already is, and it wasn't the child who broke it.

Poor kid. Growing up beaten and abused by this asshole, and you're celebrating him and vilifying the child.

The Dragon Lady says Trump attempted a coup because he incited HUNDREDS of wack jobs to enter the capital. Somehow Trump supporters didn't get the message, but the Dragon sure did, cuz she so smart.
His Father was a Pro Democracy protester trying to stop the installation of an illegitimate imposter.
The protestors were trying to throw out millions of votes.

That’s not pro-Democracy.
Legitimizing millions of fraudulent votes is not "pro-Democracy," NAZI.
You’re trying to take away the voting rights of millions of Americans without due process.

Merely because you disagree with the outcome.
Hitler youth.

This is also exactly what Stalin did...exactly. Kids told the commies if their parents talked shit about the party...and their parents were executed And the children made out to be heros.


No it's not anything like what Stalin did. This kid turned his father in for attacking the Capital, threatening to kill members of the Senate and the Congress, and trying to overthrow the duly elected government of the USA. If his father had done this in Russia, he'd already be dead.
His Father was a Pro Democracy protester trying to stop the installation of an illegitimate imposter.
A Freedom Loving activist.
Why would some asshole from Ireland be so impassioned about defending trump?

I oppose injustice in any country.
Russian trolls love to stoke racial shit
The imbeciles who are contantly prettling about "Russian trolls" are the same ones who claim it's impossible to commit election fraud.
His Father was a Pro Democracy protester trying to stop the installation of an illegitimate imposter.
The protestors were trying to throw out millions of votes.

That’s not pro-Democracy.
Legitimizing millions of fraudulent votes is not "pro-Democracy," NAZI.
You’re trying to take away the voting rights of millions of Americans without due process.

Merely because you disagree with the outcome.
The Dims have already done that by swindling this election, NAZI.
The imbeciles who are contantly prettling about "Russian trolls" are the same ones who claim it's impossible to commit election fraud.
Hey finger boi (ya little freak) one said election fraud is impossible. It just didn't happen
Obama said it was impossible, shitstain, and every left-winger in this forum has been saying it's impossible.

Who do you think you're fooling?
The Dims have already done that by swindling this election, NAZI.
You saying it was swindled doesn’t make it so. You can’t take away people’s rights just because of your feelings.
You saying it was "free and fair" doesn't make it so, NAZI. The evidence shows it was a swindle. You and every other member of the Democrat Reich refuses to look at the evidence and even actively prevent anyone from examining the evidence.
You saying it was "free and fair" doesn't make it so, NAZI. The evidence shows it was a swindle. You and every other member of the Democrat Reich refuses to look at the evidence and even actively prevent anyone from examining the evidence.
I didn’t say it was so. The states said it was so. The courts said it was so. Congress said it was so.

You don’t get to claim evidence exists and wave around a bunch of right wing bloggers repeating the same lies and pretend it makes a difference. I’ve seen your evidence. More than you have. It’s garbage.
Yeah, too bad his indoctrinated kid ratted him out.
When his father is getting raped in prison for 7 years, his kid will grow up to be a man and his father won't be able to abuse him anymore. 7 years is perfect for this guy.


A True Idiot, not a patriot. But his daughters are hot. Look at his son. He's even wearing a mask. Love it! Maybe they should have aborted that one. LOL.
Well someone is going to get cut out of the will and kicked out of the house for his 18th birthday.
Well someone is going to get cut out of the will and kicked out of the house for his 18th birthday.
I really doubt this guy has much to put in a will (especially after 7 years in prison).

The kid is already close to 18 and will have moved on by that point.

Th guy's wife will probably divorce the creep as well...considering he threatened violence on everyone in the family
When his father is getting raped in prison for 7 years, his kid will grow up to be a man and his father won't be able to abuse him anymore. 7 years is perfect for this guy.

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A True Idiot, not a patriot. But his daughters are hot. Look at his son. He's even wearing a mask. Love it! Maybe they should have aborted that one. LOL.

What a hate filled vile person you are.

Much like a son that would rat out his own father.

This is the future you wanted. This is hte world you have built. That you are happy with it shows that you are a soulless monster.

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