Songs against feds


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Post songs against the feds here. For people to clearly understand what you mean, first post a quote that clearly expresses the anarchist message of the song. For example:

"Rebel is my new last name, wild blood in my weins"

Or explain in your own words why you think the song is against the feds.

"I only had to drop acid once to know that Timothy Leary was right about questioning authority."​

I do not agree with this interpretation. The hippies were against the Nixon and Eisenhower governments, but they were anti-federalists.

The hippies worked for the totalitarian left.

Free drugs in the United States are only heroin, cocaine and amphetamines, hippie drugs and alcohol make people obedient mindless slaves.
Secret Agent Man - Devo

They've given me a number
But they've taken 'way my name :p

I don't see anything anti-federalist here. The FBI can also work against the Federalists.

As far as I remember, the purge of the bloody FDR communists was with the participation of the FBI. None of the anti-federalists argued that the government should not fight criminals.
The ultimate hippie fantasy, to leave Amerika behind.

Paul Kantner- Hijack

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