Songs Stuck In Your Head


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Last couple weeks I've had some old 80s or 90s tune in my head and while I can think it, I can't for the life of me recall the name or from where I heard it recently that it took up residence in my mind. :) Ironically, even if I remembered it and downloaded a copy I wouldn't be able to listen to it having had to unplug the cdrom a bit ago which took the sound card with it. :)

Male vocals, soft rock sorta piece, brings to mind Breakfast Club, school dances, unlike other songs I try to recall I don't think I'd recognize it if I saw the name so this thread's kinda just me thinking outloud hoping something stirs. :)
It depends on what's playing when my clock radio goes off in the morning. I generally sing or whistle whatever's playing for several hours after getting up.

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