Sonic and Chili's Get On the Bandwagon

In hunting season in states where the libs haven't outlawed hunting it's not unusual for folks to get an early start and stop in some little town for breakfast. Then they get the choice of leaving their rifles in the truck where some pimply adolescent needing something to sell for drugs can break a window or bringing them in with them.

Guess what they do?

Of course breakfast often turns into a lot of discussion of what's best for what sort of game.

Love to see a little breakfast place with a "no guns" policy try to survive in one of those towns.

That's a good point. Under the new circumstances they may have to start doing business with businesses more sympathetic with the 2nd Amendment.

You have been afraid to eat out ever since?

I actually ate at that Lubys in Killeen after the massacre. Didn't feel the need to bring a gun

Yeah. I be the people that ate there that day said the same thing. Good thing someone had some sense.

Maybe I'm just not as cowardly as you are. Afraid of every doorway and every shadow.

I better bring my gun in case a bad guy tries to get me

Sad way to have to live your life. But you know what they say......a coward dies a thousand deaths
Personally, I believe Sonic etc. should be able to ban any kind of person they want or believe to be a spreader of disease, gun toter etc. It's not as if some redneck is going to have to defend a car hop from a terrorist but at the end of the day unless you're a super duper dumb fuck redneck asshole then nobody is going to see the AR underneath your seat and so on. Pointless conversation really.

Yeah. If a business can refuse to do business with a gun lover then another business can refuse to do business with a gay. Watch the "double standard" folks come running out of the woodwork. :lol:
And tell the gun lovers to stay out of their restaurants!

Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants.

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”

Good for them for standing up to the NRA bullies!

Could you spare us all the disgusting homo erotica? I'm going to put you on ignore if I have to see much more of that shit.
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Gun owners are afraid to be out in public unless armed to the teeth

Liar. Now, had you said "some gun owners," you might have a discussion...

Telling gun owners to stay out ?

Okay, I'll do just that.

The chains did not request no gun owners allowed, just asked customers to refrain from carrying firearms into the restaurants.

Actually no, they asked customers to not openly carry in their establishments, didn't say anything about concealed carry.

Which is funny in the case of Sonic. To my knowledge, they have only drive-in format restaurants. If they have any walk-in-sit-down stores, it's news to me...
About two years ago an entirely new Chili's was built and opened on a very busy highway. It lasted less than one year. Then it sat empty until a local couple bought the empty shell and converted it into a casual eating place which welcomed sportsmen including hunters. Surely nothing to do with the gun-free policy as that didn't exist at the time but something sure put off the folks who should have been the best customers.
And tell the gun lovers to stay out of their restaurants!

Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants.

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”

Good for them for standing up to the NRA bullies!

Yeah, what a bunch of heroes for sticking targets on the backs of their customers and employees in order to suck up to halfwits like you. We can only hope that when - not if - some crazed gunman takes their engraved invitation to come slaughter people in their restaurants, they'll at least be hosting a bunch of proud gun-grabbers like you, so that the consequences of the stupidity is suffered by the actual idiots, rather than innocent bystanders.

Luby's massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

San Ysidro McDonald's massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, I know! The problem was that THOSE restaurants hadn't posted signs telling the gunmen to leave their guns outside! If only they'd done so, I'm SURE that would have prevented the whole thing!

Telling gun owners to stay out ?

Okay, I'll do just that.

The chains did not request no gun owners allowed, just asked customers to refrain from carrying firearms into the restaurants.

How about we just refrain from going somewhere that thinks voluntary victimhood is a reasonable request? Or that asking crazed murderers to leave their guns at home actually accomplishes anything? I don't want to do business with anyone that damned dumb.
And tell the gun lovers to stay out of their restaurants!

Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants.

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”

Good for them for standing up to the NRA bullies!

When was the last time you saw someone other than a Policeman openly carry a firearm into a restaurant? According to the statement, cops have to leave their gun in the car if they want to eat there. It clearly states those with a concealed carry permit issued by the state can still come in as long as their gun is concealed.

Lots of people open-carry in Arizona, actually. It's hot here most of the year. Hard to imagine where you can conceal a gun in shorts and a tank top.
Ever wonder why donut shops are so seldom victim to armed robbery?

Imagine the change in those stats were cops to be no longer welcome unless disarmed.

Donut shops and convenience stores both give police officers free coffee PRECISELY to encourage them to come around and serve as de facto armed guards. They'd give them their entire order for free, if the law didn't prohibit it.

You have been afraid to eat out ever since?

I actually ate at that Lubys in Killeen after the massacre. Didn't feel the need to bring a gun

Yeah. I be the people that ate there that day said the same thing. Good thing someone had some sense.

There are a lot of women who "don't feel the need" to have someone walk them out to their car in a dark parking lot, too. Doesn't mean there ISN'T a need; just that some people are too retarded to know when they're unsafe.
Telling gun owners to stay out ?

Okay, I'll do just that.

Gun owner or not, I'M certainly not eating at an establishment that puts up a figurative neon sign over their door, saying, "Please come murder us! We're all helpless!"
If there are two restaurants next to each other, both serving the same food, and one says guns welcome and one says no weapons, I'm going with the no weapons. The people I'd meet there would be of a better class.
And tell the gun lovers to stay out of their restaurants!

Good for them for standing up to the NRA bullies!

When was the last time you saw someone other than a Policeman openly carry a firearm into a restaurant? According to the statement, cops have to leave their gun in the car if they want to eat there. It clearly states those with a concealed carry permit issued by the state can still come in as long as their gun is concealed.

Lots of people open-carry in Arizona, actually. It's hot here most of the year. Hard to imagine where you can conceal a gun in shorts and a tank top.

Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. I have not seen anyone here in Georgia open carry a rifle of a hand gun into any restaurant, but that doesn't mean no one has, just that I wasn't there when they did.
So many irrational responses to restaurants exercising their rights.

By the way, how the fuck do you maintain control of an ar15 when you have a handfull of baby back ribs?

Taking rifles into a family eating establishment is just stupid. You really don't need to shove your rights in everyone elses face. Same shit we say about gays but I guess for some of you its not a two way street?
Gun owners are afraid to be out in public unless armed to the teeth

Liar. Now, had you said "some gun owners," you might have a discussion...

The chains did not request no gun owners allowed, just asked customers to refrain from carrying firearms into the restaurants.

Actually no, they asked customers to not openly carry in their establishments, didn't say anything about concealed carry.

Which is funny in the case of Sonic. To my knowledge, they have only drive-in format restaurants. If they have any walk-in-sit-down stores, it's news to me...

All of the sonics where I live have tables directly in front of the store for people to order from & eat at. They are usually full of teens eating ice cream & slushes.
Perfect place to take assault rifles huh?

I'm on the side of gun owners but there is going to come a point when public sentiment is going to turn againt them and stupid shit like this may very well be the tipping point.
It is extremely important that you bring your gun to Chili's. What if the waitress shortchanges you? What if your burger is overcooked?

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