Soros funded DA loses primary

Fact: Soros does not fund DAs
"The billionaire financier has channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year — a sum that exceeds the total spent on the 2016 presidential campaign by all but a handful of rival super-donors."

Are you going to respond to the evidence that Soros DOES fund DA races?
Do your homework:

The connections between him and Alvin L. Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, are real but overstated. In reality, Mr. Soros donated to a liberal group that endorses progressive prosecutors and supports efforts to overhaul the criminal justice system — in line with causes that he has publicly supported for years. That group used a significant portion of the money to support Mr. Bragg in his 2021 campaign.

Trump Apologists: "Trump did not post the Tweet, his campaign did!"
Hillary Haters/Soros Haters MAGA: "Hillary funded the Steele dossier!" "Sorors funds Bragg the DA!"

looks like some people are finally waking up...hopefully not too late.

soros (14).JPG
Do your homework:

The connections between him and Alvin L. Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, are real but overstated. In reality, Mr. Soros donated to a liberal group that endorses progressive prosecutors and supports efforts to overhaul the criminal justice system — in line with causes that he has publicly supported for years. That group used a significant portion of the money to support Mr. Bragg in his 2021 campaign.

Trump Apologists: "Trump did not post the Tweet, his campaign did!"
Hillary Haters/Soros Haters MAGA: "Hillary funded the Steele dossier!" "Sorors funds Bragg the DA!"

You said "Soros does not fund DA's".

So, to be clear, are you saying he does not fund DA races? If so, it appears you are wrong.
Keep conflating groups he funds that fund races and his personal donations to any particular campaign. Go ahead. It just makes you a liar through omission and worse.

Nice spin.
So you are admitting he funds organizations, that then give campaign money to certain DA races?

Soros has spent on district attorney campaigns in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national “527” unlimited-money group, each named a variation on “Safety and Justice.” (Soros has also funded a federal super PAC with the same name.) Each organization received most of its money directly from Soros, according to public state and federal financial records, though some groups also got donations from nonprofits like the Civic Participation Action Fund, which gave to the Safety and Justice group in Illinois.

The Florida Safety and Justice group just poured nearly $1.4 million — all of which came from Soros and his 527 group — into a previously low-budget Democratic primary for state attorney in Central Florida before Tuesday’s vote. The group is backing Aramis Ayala, a former public defender and prosecutor, in her campaign against incumbent Jeff Ashton, whose jurisdiction covers over 1.6 million people across two counties in metro Orlando.
This needs to happen everywhere if we want any shred of integrity in The Justice System.

Your Justice System is entirely focussed on locking people up AFTER they commit crimes. It's not working.

Instead of focussing on the causes of crime: poverty, lack of opportunity, racism; and improving conditions in the inner cities, to address these needs, Republicans are focussing on "law and order" campaigns to lock up as many people as possible.

You are now locking up more people than China or Russia, and both of these nations are "police states". You're out of room in your jails, and still you want MORE people locked up.

When 40% of the population is dependant on government handouts to provide basic living expenses for their families in the richest nation on earth, your problems are a lot deeper than leftist DA's who refuse to keep locking people up with no effect.
It would be nice if members here would admit they are wrong, when evidence is presented to them that counters their claims.

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