Soros Wanted to Federalize Local Police. Thank God for Trump in 2017

How many countries of the world have you visited and spent time there?

What makes you think you are qualified to make that determination better than me?

I've lived in Australia for 10 years. The UK for 3. And I was born and raised in NZ. I have visited 19 countries.

As for being more qualified than you, how would I know? I wouldn't have a clue where you have or haven't been.

19? Is that all?

How many countries of the world have you visited and spent time there?

What makes you think you are qualified to make that determination better than me?

I've lived in Australia for 10 years. The UK for 3. And I was born and raised in NZ. I have visited 19 countries.

As for being more qualified than you, how would I know? I wouldn't have a clue where you have or haven't been.

19? Is that all?



How many countries of the world have you visited and spent time there?

What makes you think you are qualified to make that determination better than me?

I've lived in Australia for 10 years. The UK for 3. And I was born and raised in NZ. I have visited 19 countries.

As for being more qualified than you, how would I know? I wouldn't have a clue where you have or haven't been.

19? Is that all?



How many countries have you lived in for any amount of time?
Soros needs to be banned from US. He hates US. He bets against US. You Lefties defend Soros.
Most western countries have a single police force. Some don't. Australia doesn't. The UK doesn't. However most other places do. I don't think Germany doesn't either. I'm just saying, why does it matter.
You clearly don't under why it matters - but the American people do: corruption

The data is clear and conclusive. For example, we asked “Overall, which level of government do you believe is doing a better job of serving its citizens and delivering results?” Fully 71% of voters choseState Governments,” while just 29% chose “The Federal Government.”

Frank Luntz: Americans Trust Their Own States But Not Washington
Liberals need more of a centralized Government. Liberals emulate and want more of a Socialist form of Government. I'm not demonizing Socialsm. In fact, limited Socialism is a good thing and has had positive impact on this Country. However, Capitalism must be greater than Socialism in order for Socialism to thrive in the US. The more we move towards Socialism at the expense of Capitalism, the more we move away from what makes US great.

Immigrants don't clamor to come to the US on the promise of closing the income gap. they come here because there is little in the Opportunity gap compared to most everywhere and anywhere else.

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