Sorry All You Weak-Minded Christians, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" Was A Liar.

I never put much stock in NDE stories. My guess is that these experiences are hallucinations which the brain experiences as it is shutting down.
They're always the same story though. I like the stories where they hear conversations and tell them to the people involved. They also see things going on that they can relay back.
Alex Malarkey The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven Admits He Made It All Up

When Alex Malarkey was 6-Years Old he was involved in a traffic accident, as a result of that accident Alex went into a Coma. When he finally woke up from that Coma he told his parents that he had been to Heaven and told them how beautiful it was.

Guess What All You Bible Thumping, God Lovin' Narrow Minded So-Called Christians...IT WAS AND IS ALL A LIE!!!!!!!

"I did not die. I did not go to Heaven", said Alex, now age 16.

Malarkey now admits he made up the story to get attention.

Alex's Dad, Kevin Malarkey a "Christian Therapist", co-authored a book, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven", based on what is now a lie.

A movie staring actor Greg Kinear, "Heaven Is Real" was based upon the book. Weak-Minded, Brain-Washed So-Called "Christians" flocked to movie claiming it was proof of the love of a god that is not real.

Beth Malarkey, Mother of Alex who has since divorced her lying husband says she was very concerned about the book and the attention it gave to her son. Beth is the caregiver to Alex was left a quadriplegic from the accident.

God so loved Alex he allowed him to see heaven, but left him bedridden and without the use of his limbs.

Yep, living proof of love of a non-existent god.
I never put much stock in NDE stories. My guess is that these experiences are hallucinations which the brain experiences as it is shutting down.
They're always the same story though. I like the stories where they hear conversations and tell them to the people involved. They also see things going on that they can relay back.
I especially like the ones that are evidenced, in which, there was no other possible explanation for them knowing things that happened while they were clinically dead and was multiply corroborated by the medical staff.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.
But for those who struggle NDE's can be helpful because the best cases are so well evidenced, there is simply no way that person who was clinically dead could have known certain things happening.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.
But for those who struggle NDE's can be helpful because the best cases are so well evidenced, there is simply no way that person who was clinically dead could have known certain things happening.
It is not a good idea to base your own faith on the subjective and non-provable experiences of other people.

If you want to reach God, you should approach him in your own prayer life. Go to a private room, kneel on the floor, forgive all who have hurt you, beg forgiveness for all your sins, and throw your life into God's hands.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.

More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.

More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.

More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.
The fact that the boy and his father conspired to do what they did shows they were never born-again.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.

More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.
The fact that the boy and his father conspired to do what they did shows they were never born-again.
Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.
But for those who struggle NDE's can be helpful because the best cases are so well evidenced, there is simply no way that person who was clinically dead could have known certain things happening.
It is not a good idea to base your own faith on the subjective and non-provable experiences of other people.

If you want to reach God, you should approach him in your own prayer life. Go to a private room, kneel on the floor, forgive all who have hurt you, beg forgiveness for all your sins, and throw your life into God's hands.
The testimony of the Apostles in various group settings is God's perfect proof that Jesus rose from the dead after He died on the cross for the sins of the world. So you are throwing your life into the hands of a false god, one that can't save you one bit. No matter how much you pray about it, your spirit remains as dead as ever.

The teaching of Scripture is that those who are in Christ have died on the cross with Him to our old man, so it is an accomplished fact that can't be reversed. This is true power, because Satan can't work through that which is dead. Praise the Lord. That's why the 1st Seal in Rev. 6 is the picture of a bow and arrow that looks like a cross, but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly wound.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.

More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.
The fact that the boy and his father conspired to do what they did shows they were never born-again.
Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.

More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.
The fact that the boy and his father conspired to do what they did shows they were never born-again.
Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.
The fact that the boy and his father conspired to do what they did shows they were never born-again.
Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.
The fact that the boy and his father conspired to do what they did shows they were never born-again.
Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
The fact that the boy and his father conspired to do what they did shows they were never born-again.
Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
I really don't have the time to do that, nor is it my job. It is enough for me to lead you to Christ by sharing with you the gospel of salvation. So why do you hate Jesus so much?
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.

More ammo. We already have plenty. This was just a bonus.

Seriously, I doubt those of faith will lose it because some young child lied, or that his Dad bought into it or went along with it.

When has anybody converted without having had a personal experience? I don't think Apologetics converts people. Faith isn't rational without a personal experience. How can you choose to believe? You either believe or you don't: it isn't about evidence.
No, you're wrong. When I was investigating Christianity I read many books and all of them had an effect on the final decision I made. This book could have been the tipping point that made someone into a believer. Such a person could lose all faith now that the boy admits it was a fraud.

Also, this forum has a powerful impact on many who never post here, but read what we are writing. Everyone should realize that they are acting as ambassador for whatever belief system they are propounding. If people kept that in mind, I think people would be more careful what they post.

Why did you read many books on Christianity? Was it a general curiosity about Christianity in particular, or religion in general? If just Christianity, what was your motivation? You don't have to answer that because the reason may be very personal, but just consider it. Did you study Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., with as much fervor or interest as you did Christianity? Did you study philosophy of science at all?

The reason I think Apologetics doesn't make converts is because for every evidential basis for an argument which supports faith in a supreme being, there is a counter argument. And for every argument based in logic, there is a counter argument.

I've listened to the best Apologists out there: William Lane Craig, Justin Brierly, William Dembski, Craig Hazen, just to name a few. If Christian Apologetics is so convincing, why have I not been convinced? You might think its because I'm biased or against the very idea, or reject God because I want to feel free of personal responsibility, or I want to sin guilt free, but that isn't it. There are some very attractive aspects to a life lived in faith. In many ways, I envy believers.

But I can't just choose to believe, I must be convinced. If Christianity was convincing, why are there so many who don't convert yet are exposed to its message i.e. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, etc.?

There isn't absolute proof that God exists, which is why faith is essential to religion. So why make a decision about something without sufficient information?

In other words, there is always room for rational doubt. If, on the other hand, one has a personal experience, rational doubt is irrelevant. Or, if someone turns to faith as an emotional response (such as people struggling with depression, substance abusr, prison, or trauma), rationality is irrelevant because the choice is made based on emotion or emotional need.

Apologetics is the defense of faith, and, I suspect, its most important purpose is an attempt to justify the faith of the already converted with suppporting evidence, logic, and reasoning. But you hear very little from Apologists about why doubt is also justified.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.
But for those who struggle NDE's can be helpful because the best cases are so well evidenced, there is simply no way that person who was clinically dead could have known certain things happening.
It is not a good idea to base your own faith on the subjective and non-provable experiences of other people.

If you want to reach God, you should approach him in your own prayer life. Go to a private room, kneel on the floor, forgive all who have hurt you, beg forgiveness for all your sins, and throw your life into God's hands.
The testimony of the Apostles in various group settings is God's perfect proof that Jesus rose from the dead after He died on the cross for the sins of the world. So you are throwing your life into the hands of a false god, one that can't save you one bit. No matter how much you pray about it, your spirit remains as dead as ever.

The teaching of Scripture is that those who are in Christ have died on the cross with Him to our old man, so it is an accomplished fact that can't be reversed. This is true power, because Satan can't work through that which is dead. Praise the Lord. That's why the 1st Seal in Rev. 6 is the picture of a bow and arrow that looks like a cross, but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly wound.

Personal testimony, or eye witness testimony, is notoriously unreliable which is why convictions in a court of law require more than just eye witness accounts. There must be corraborating evidence for a DA to bring a case to court. If eye witness testimony isn't enough for a criminal conviction, how could it be God's perfect proof?
Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
I really don't have the time to do that, nor is it my job. It is enough for me to lead you to Christ by sharing with you the gospel of salvation. So why do you hate Jesus so much?

It isn't enough, because you don't do a very good job at all. Listening to your hellfire message turns nonbelievers, like me, off.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.
But for those who struggle NDE's can be helpful because the best cases are so well evidenced, there is simply no way that person who was clinically dead could have known certain things happening.
It is not a good idea to base your own faith on the subjective and non-provable experiences of other people.

If you want to reach God, you should approach him in your own prayer life. Go to a private room, kneel on the floor, forgive all who have hurt you, beg forgiveness for all your sins, and throw your life into God's hands.
The testimony of the Apostles in various group settings is God's perfect proof that Jesus rose from the dead after He died on the cross for the sins of the world. So you are throwing your life into the hands of a false god, one that can't save you one bit. No matter how much you pray about it, your spirit remains as dead as ever.

The teaching of Scripture is that those who are in Christ have died on the cross with Him to our old man, so it is an accomplished fact that can't be reversed. This is true power, because Satan can't work through that which is dead. Praise the Lord. That's why the 1st Seal in Rev. 6 is the picture of a bow and arrow that looks like a cross, but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly wound.

Personal testimony, or eye witness testimony, is notoriously unreliable which is why convictions in a court of law require more than just eye witness accounts. There must be corraborating evidence for a DA to bring a case to court. If eye witness testimony isn't enough for a criminal conviction, how could it be God's perfect proof?
Singular attestation is not enough by itself because it is one person's claim against another. But in courts, eyewitnesses multiply attested especially in various group settings is the very best evidence you can find and does convict. So God does the same with the eyewitness Apostles who knew Jesus well who spent 3 years with Him.

In fact, if you go to the Guinness Book of Records, the lawyer who won 240 criminal cases in a row, said the best evidenced case he has ever seen was for the life, death, burial, resurrection and deity of Jesus. As you can see you are your own worse enemy depraved by your mistaken assumptions about reality.

Sir Lionel Luckhoo, a British defense attorney who holds the Guinness world record for successfully defending 245 consecutive murder cases, embarked on his own investigation of the claims surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Having come to the same conclusion as Simon Greenleaf, he stated, “I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof that leaves absolutely no room for doubt.”

Now challenge your own mind by asking yourself what better evidence could there be for the historical Jesus. You will soon discover there is no better evidence than the NT.
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