Sorry All You Weak-Minded Christians, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" Was A Liar.

Born again people fall into sin just like everyone else. Instead of condemning this boy and his father, why don't you offer them your forgiveness.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
I really don't have the time to do that, nor is it my job. It is enough for me to lead you to Christ by sharing with you the gospel of salvation. So why do you hate Jesus so much?
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

You engage in slander, and do not speak for the Lord. You lead no one to Christ. It's self-righteous and judgmental people like you who discourage Christians from seeking fellowship with other Christians. Unfortunately, churches are full of your kind. I can't imagine God would be pleased with you.
Born-agains would never do what they did as it was so premeditated. I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves. All I can do is show them the gospel of salvation and let them decide. I can't offer them my forgiveness for I can't save anyone. All over your words is Satanic thought; everything you say is wrong.
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
I really don't have the time to do that, nor is it my job. It is enough for me to lead you to Christ by sharing with you the gospel of salvation. So why do you hate Jesus so much?
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

You engage in slander, and do not speak for the Lord. You lead no one to Christ. It's self-righteous and judgmental people like you who discourage Christians from seeking fellowship with other Christians. Unfortunately, churches are full of your kind. I can't imagine God would be pleased with you.
"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again" (Matt. 7.2).

I judge that you are going to Hell, because you don't give your life to Christ; but that judgment doesn't come back on me, because I gave my life to Christ. Praise the Lord!
Everyone is going to hell except you, right?
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
I really don't have the time to do that, nor is it my job. It is enough for me to lead you to Christ by sharing with you the gospel of salvation. So why do you hate Jesus so much?
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

You engage in slander, and do not speak for the Lord. You lead no one to Christ. It's self-righteous and judgmental people like you who discourage Christians from seeking fellowship with other Christians. Unfortunately, churches are full of your kind. I can't imagine God would be pleased with you.
"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again" (Matt. 7.2).

I judge that you are going to Hell, because you don't give your life to Christ; but that judgment doesn't come back on me, because I gave my life to Christ. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for making my point.
The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles which I think you could fit comfortably 1 billion souls so that is how many people, very roughly, would be saved from Abel to today to the end of the millennial kingdom.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
I really don't have the time to do that, nor is it my job. It is enough for me to lead you to Christ by sharing with you the gospel of salvation. So why do you hate Jesus so much?
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

You engage in slander, and do not speak for the Lord. You lead no one to Christ. It's self-righteous and judgmental people like you who discourage Christians from seeking fellowship with other Christians. Unfortunately, churches are full of your kind. I can't imagine God would be pleased with you.
"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again" (Matt. 7.2).

I judge that you are going to Hell, because you don't give your life to Christ; but that judgment doesn't come back on me, because I gave my life to Christ. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for making my point.
I made the point I am not judged with you for you reject Christ. Judging is good. We are not judgeless human beings; hence the world to judge.
And you'll be telling each of them how they have fallen short, I'm sure.
I really don't have the time to do that, nor is it my job. It is enough for me to lead you to Christ by sharing with you the gospel of salvation. So why do you hate Jesus so much?
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

You engage in slander, and do not speak for the Lord. You lead no one to Christ. It's self-righteous and judgmental people like you who discourage Christians from seeking fellowship with other Christians. Unfortunately, churches are full of your kind. I can't imagine God would be pleased with you.
"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again" (Matt. 7.2).

I judge that you are going to Hell, because you don't give your life to Christ; but that judgment doesn't come back on me, because I gave my life to Christ. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for making my point.
I made the point I am not judged with you for you reject Christ. Judging is good. We are not judgeless human beings; hence the world to judge.
You don't have a clue what it means to give your life to Christ. You border on blasphemy and I'm done with you. You have made yourself known in this thread and God will judge you accordingly. Have a nice day.
I don't need NDEs in order to believe in the afterlife, so I pay no attention to them. Christians shouldn't anchor their faith on such stories because they might be disappointed if they turn out to be false. The fraud perpetrated by this boy and his father may cause some to lose faith. And it has given ammo to the non-believers to mock us.
But for those who struggle NDE's can be helpful because the best cases are so well evidenced, there is simply no way that person who was clinically dead could have known certain things happening.
It is not a good idea to base your own faith on the subjective and non-provable experiences of other people.

If you want to reach God, you should approach him in your own prayer life. Go to a private room, kneel on the floor, forgive all who have hurt you, beg forgiveness for all your sins, and throw your life into God's hands.
The testimony of the Apostles in various group settings is God's perfect proof that Jesus rose from the dead after He died on the cross for the sins of the world. So you are throwing your life into the hands of a false god, one that can't save you one bit. No matter how much you pray about it, your spirit remains as dead as ever.

The teaching of Scripture is that those who are in Christ have died on the cross with Him to our old man, so it is an accomplished fact that can't be reversed. This is true power, because Satan can't work through that which is dead. Praise the Lord. That's why the 1st Seal in Rev. 6 is the picture of a bow and arrow that looks like a cross, but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly wound.

Personal testimony, or eye witness testimony, is notoriously unreliable which is why convictions in a court of law require more than just eye witness accounts. There must be corraborating evidence for a DA to bring a case to court. If eye witness testimony isn't enough for a criminal conviction, how could it be God's perfect proof?
Singular attestation is not enough by itself because it is one person's claim against another. But in courts, eyewitnesses multiply attested especially in various group settings is the very best evidence you can find and does convict. So God does the same with the eyewitness Apostles who knew Jesus well who spent 3 years with Him.

In fact, if you go to the Guinness Book of Records, the lawyer who won 240 criminal cases in a row, said the best evidenced case he has ever seen was for the life, death, burial, resurrection and deity of Jesus. As you can see you are your own worse enemy depraved by your mistaken assumptions about reality.

Sir Lionel Luckhoo, a British defense attorney who holds the Guinness world record for successfully defending 245 consecutive murder cases, embarked on his own investigation of the claims surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Having come to the same conclusion as Simon Greenleaf, he stated, “I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof that leaves absolutely no room for doubt.”

Now challenge your own mind by asking yourself what better evidence could there be for the historical Jesus. You will soon discover there is no better evidence than the NT.

Appeal to Authority logical fallacy.

Eye witness testimony is unreliable. It accounts for 72% of all convictions later over-turned by DNA evidence in cases reviewed by the Innocence Project: The Innocence Project - Understand the Causes Eyewitness Misidentification
Seems to me as if the only people attacking this child are the atheists and Christian haters.
Hmm I don't hate them. He lied.
So did Obama, do you hold him to the same standards as a 6 year old?

valid point considering they many of those who are being critical of the boy will excuse everything Obama does

We don't hold Obama accountable for lying, because, as everyone knows, he is a Muslim.
So how did this thread become about Obama? Did a mod take it off topic?

did nut become a mod now?

why are questions about double standards off limits? Did I miss that rule?
Hmm I don't hate them. He lied.
So did Obama, do you hold him to the same standards as a 6 year old?

valid point considering they many of those who are being critical of the boy will excuse everything Obama does

We don't hold Obama accountable for lying, because, as everyone knows, he is a Muslim.
So how did this thread become about Obama? Did a mod take it off topic?

did nut become a mod now?

why are questions about double standards off limits? Did I miss that rule?
It is mormon asshole. And I should be a mod. I would clean this hate forum up by enforcing the rules.
I already knew the kid was a fraud when he claimed he saw family members in heaven. When a person dies who is saved they go to soul sleep awaiting resurrection at the end of this age (1 Thess. 4.14-18). Was his dad in on the act?

God will punish a person in anticipation of their lies. In this case the boy was left a paraplegic because of his deceit. This is God's just response to such a deceitful act.

really? That's not a biblical idea. Unless you think Christ was lying about being in paradise with the their that day. Or if you think Peter was lying about Christ preaching to the dead who were destroyed by the flood.
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.
You don't understand the spirit of the law. To you God is heartless and unrighteous that you can do whatever you want without consequences. People are drawn to Christ because they don't want to be like you. In natural only world many people do suffer, including sin, as result of the sin of others even born into sin, afflictions will arise. But there is hope because there is salvation. If you want to learn more about your false God check here.

Which Group Do You Fall Under Today
Which Group Do You Fall Under Today?
MARCIONITES - Feel Good, but Sacrificing Conscience

BASIC TENETS - Our world was created by the Jewish God of the Old Testament. But he was impossibly strict and condemned all humanity. Christ, who was absolutely unrelated to him, released Christians from his clutches.

REQUIREMENTS - Marcionites had to jettison the Old Testament and believe in two separate gods.

APPEAL - Believers could replace the old admonitions about judgment and damnation with a new message of love and salvation.

e.g. I don't know any cults that teach this, but I am sure there are some out there. Those who emphasize the NT inordinately (the Bible is 75% OT and 25% NT), may fall into this camp.

It is not loving but deceiving oneself to diminish the purpose of the law that causes us to repent and shines upon our hearts, to humble us. The law causes us to realize no man can keep the law except for Jesus Christ who came to fill up the law, thus leading the sinner to Christ. The new message of love and salvation without the old message of the law's convicting hearts, is not a new message of love and salvation, but something fake. The law was given by God and His Christ to erect obedience upon men witnessing how Jesus emptied Himself to receive Lordship over all creation. The law remains until all these things shall pass to the end of the millennial kingdom. We are watchful and waiting for the millennial kingdom to start with the return and appearance of Christ.
I don't appreciate you misrepresenting what I said and what I believe. Nowhere did I say God was heartless, I said the opposite! You'e the one saying he punished the kid with paralysis for making up the story. And I never said that you can go through life and do whatever you want without consequences. At best, you are so anxious to put everyone in their place, you failed to grasp what I was saying, and at worst, you're a liar. I doubt if you've ever had an intimate experience with God or you would know that he is much more than the fire and brimstone bully you are making him out to be. You belong on a street corner telling everyone how they're going to hell if they don't stop and listen to you preach.

Relax. Parture is quite pitiful. I feel sad for him because he's certainly going to Hell.

and how do you determine that?
So did Obama, do you hold him to the same standards as a 6 year old?

valid point considering they many of those who are being critical of the boy will excuse everything Obama does

We don't hold Obama accountable for lying, because, as everyone knows, he is a Muslim.
So how did this thread become about Obama? Did a mod take it off topic?

did nut become a mod now?

why are questions about double standards off limits? Did I miss that rule?
It is mormon asshole. And I should be a mod. I would clean this hate forum up by enforcing the rules.

you don't need to be a mod to exercise self control or ban yourself.

odd response considering I agreed with you
the only man who was dead then not dead was Jesus.

I meant stayed alive. Lazarus died again.

and the saints who rose after Christ as is testified to by the apostles?
Did Joseph Smith come back?

not yet. But why would he when there is work to do in freeing the prisoners on the other side?
That con-man is definitely on the other side.
I already knew the kid was a fraud when he claimed he saw family members in heaven. When a person dies who is saved they go to soul sleep awaiting resurrection at the end of this age (1 Thess. 4.14-18). Was his dad in on the act?

God will punish a person in anticipation of their lies. In this case the boy was left a paraplegic because of his deceit. This is God's just response to such a deceitful act.

really? That's not a biblical idea. Unless you think Christ was lying about being in paradise with the their that day. Or if you think Peter was lying about Christ preaching to the dead who were destroyed by the flood.
What's not Biblical?

You have to ask the question since God already knows when certain disasters are going to happen, He must them in place in anticipation of peoples' sin in that geographic location.
But for those who struggle NDE's can be helpful because the best cases are so well evidenced, there is simply no way that person who was clinically dead could have known certain things happening.
It is not a good idea to base your own faith on the subjective and non-provable experiences of other people.

If you want to reach God, you should approach him in your own prayer life. Go to a private room, kneel on the floor, forgive all who have hurt you, beg forgiveness for all your sins, and throw your life into God's hands.
The testimony of the Apostles in various group settings is God's perfect proof that Jesus rose from the dead after He died on the cross for the sins of the world. So you are throwing your life into the hands of a false god, one that can't save you one bit. No matter how much you pray about it, your spirit remains as dead as ever.

The teaching of Scripture is that those who are in Christ have died on the cross with Him to our old man, so it is an accomplished fact that can't be reversed. This is true power, because Satan can't work through that which is dead. Praise the Lord. That's why the 1st Seal in Rev. 6 is the picture of a bow and arrow that looks like a cross, but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly wound.

Personal testimony, or eye witness testimony, is notoriously unreliable which is why convictions in a court of law require more than just eye witness accounts. There must be corraborating evidence for a DA to bring a case to court. If eye witness testimony isn't enough for a criminal conviction, how could it be God's perfect proof?
Singular attestation is not enough by itself because it is one person's claim against another. But in courts, eyewitnesses multiply attested especially in various group settings is the very best evidence you can find and does convict. So God does the same with the eyewitness Apostles who knew Jesus well who spent 3 years with Him.

In fact, if you go to the Guinness Book of Records, the lawyer who won 240 criminal cases in a row, said the best evidenced case he has ever seen was for the life, death, burial, resurrection and deity of Jesus. As you can see you are your own worse enemy depraved by your mistaken assumptions about reality.

Sir Lionel Luckhoo, a British defense attorney who holds the Guinness world record for successfully defending 245 consecutive murder cases, embarked on his own investigation of the claims surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Having come to the same conclusion as Simon Greenleaf, he stated, “I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof that leaves absolutely no room for doubt.”

Now challenge your own mind by asking yourself what better evidence could there be for the historical Jesus. You will soon discover there is no better evidence than the NT.

Appeal to Authority logical fallacy.

Eye witness testimony is unreliable. It accounts for 72% of all convictions later over-turned by DNA evidence in cases reviewed by the Innocence Project: The Innocence Project - Understand the Causes Eyewitness Misidentification
I only point out that most scholars concede that the Apostles truly believed they saw Jesus resurrected in various group settings. What I rely on is the evidence, particularly the Minimal Facts Approach. I believe that is the best proof the world has ever seen for the risen Jesus which you can't explain away.
It is not a good idea to base your own faith on the subjective and non-provable experiences of other people.

If you want to reach God, you should approach him in your own prayer life. Go to a private room, kneel on the floor, forgive all who have hurt you, beg forgiveness for all your sins, and throw your life into God's hands.
The testimony of the Apostles in various group settings is God's perfect proof that Jesus rose from the dead after He died on the cross for the sins of the world. So you are throwing your life into the hands of a false god, one that can't save you one bit. No matter how much you pray about it, your spirit remains as dead as ever.

The teaching of Scripture is that those who are in Christ have died on the cross with Him to our old man, so it is an accomplished fact that can't be reversed. This is true power, because Satan can't work through that which is dead. Praise the Lord. That's why the 1st Seal in Rev. 6 is the picture of a bow and arrow that looks like a cross, but the arrow has been shot giving Satan a deadly wound.

Personal testimony, or eye witness testimony, is notoriously unreliable which is why convictions in a court of law require more than just eye witness accounts. There must be corraborating evidence for a DA to bring a case to court. If eye witness testimony isn't enough for a criminal conviction, how could it be God's perfect proof?
Singular attestation is not enough by itself because it is one person's claim against another. But in courts, eyewitnesses multiply attested especially in various group settings is the very best evidence you can find and does convict. So God does the same with the eyewitness Apostles who knew Jesus well who spent 3 years with Him.

In fact, if you go to the Guinness Book of Records, the lawyer who won 240 criminal cases in a row, said the best evidenced case he has ever seen was for the life, death, burial, resurrection and deity of Jesus. As you can see you are your own worse enemy depraved by your mistaken assumptions about reality.

Sir Lionel Luckhoo, a British defense attorney who holds the Guinness world record for successfully defending 245 consecutive murder cases, embarked on his own investigation of the claims surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Having come to the same conclusion as Simon Greenleaf, he stated, “I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof that leaves absolutely no room for doubt.”

Now challenge your own mind by asking yourself what better evidence could there be for the historical Jesus. You will soon discover there is no better evidence than the NT.

Appeal to Authority logical fallacy.

Eye witness testimony is unreliable. It accounts for 72% of all convictions later over-turned by DNA evidence in cases reviewed by the Innocence Project: The Innocence Project - Understand the Causes Eyewitness Misidentification
I only point out that most scholars concede that the Apostles truly believed they saw Jesus resurrected in various group settings. What I rely on is the evidence, particularly the Minimal Facts Approach. I believe that is the best proof the world has ever seen for the risen Jesus which you can't explain away.

I agree that most biblical and religious history scholars think that the Apostles believe they saw Jesus alive after he was executed. No one actually saw himcome back to life.

There are other stories where witnesses claim to have seen miraculous events, including resurrections, that are not Christian in their origin. By your standards, these stories are just as true as Jesus's resurrection. Why don't you believe these stories?

I'm not familiar with the Minimal Facts Approach, but it doesn't sound very compellng. More facts seems better than minimal facts.
I agree that most biblical and religious history scholars think that the Apostles believe they saw Jesus alive after he was executed. No one actually saw himcome back to life.
There are other stories where witnesses claim to have seen miraculous events, including resurrections, that are not Christian in their origin. By your standards, these stories are just as true as Jesus's resurrection. Why don't you believe these stories?
I'm not familiar with the Minimal Facts Approach, but it doesn't sound very compellng. More facts seems better than minimal facts.
Since the resurrection itself takes place in the blink of eye, you should expect to see that process take place. There are no resurrection appearances before Christ in various groups. He is the one and only, the firstfruits.

It's not about less facts, but take what skeptical scholars concede as true and use that to prove Jesus so you really are without excuse. That's why it is called MFA.

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