Sorry All You Weak-Minded Christians, "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" Was A Liar.

Oh, excuse me. You didn't say God was punishing him with hell, you said he was punishing him with paralysis. My mistake, oh righteous judge.
That's correct. There are consequences to sin. For example when you drink too much you will have liver problems. The child has not reached the age of accountability yet so if he rejects Christ at that time and doesn't give his life to Christ before he dies physically, he will go to Hell. The choice is free.

God is a righteous God. Would you prefer He be immoral?
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.

How do you know what God thinks?
Because I know him. You, on the other hand, don't even think he exists, so why do speak of Him as if He does?
Who said the child is going to Hell? WTF is wrong with you?
Oh, excuse me. You didn't say God was punishing him with hell, you said he was punishing him with paralysis. My mistake, oh righteous judge.
That's correct. There are consequences to sin. For example when you drink too much you will have liver problems. The child has not reached the age of accountability yet so if he rejects Christ at that time and doesn't give his life to Christ before he dies physically, he will go to Hell. The choice is free.

God is a righteous God. Would you prefer He be immoral?
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.
You don't understand the spirit of the law. To you God is heartless and unrighteous that you can do whatever you want without consequences. People are drawn to Christ because they don't want to be like you. In natural only world many people do suffer, including sin, as result of the sin of others even born into sin, afflictions will arise. But there is hope because there is salvation. If you want to learn more about your false God check here.

Which Group Do You Fall Under Today
Which Group Do You Fall Under Today?
MARCIONITES - Feel Good, but Sacrificing Conscience

BASIC TENETS - Our world was created by the Jewish God of the Old Testament. But he was impossibly strict and condemned all humanity. Christ, who was absolutely unrelated to him, released Christians from his clutches.

REQUIREMENTS - Marcionites had to jettison the Old Testament and believe in two separate gods.

APPEAL - Believers could replace the old admonitions about judgment and damnation with a new message of love and salvation.

e.g. I don't know any cults that teach this, but I am sure there are some out there. Those who emphasize the NT inordinately (the Bible is 75% OT and 25% NT), may fall into this camp.

It is not loving but deceiving oneself to diminish the purpose of the law that causes us to repent and shines upon our hearts, to humble us. The law causes us to realize no man can keep the law except for Jesus Christ who came to fill up the law, thus leading the sinner to Christ. The new message of love and salvation without the old message of the law's convicting hearts, is not a new message of love and salvation, but something fake. The law was given by God and His Christ to erect obedience upon men witnessing how Jesus emptied Himself to receive Lordship over all creation. The law remains until all these things shall pass to the end of the millennial kingdom. We are watchful and waiting for the millennial kingdom to start with the return and appearance of Christ.
That's correct. There are consequences to sin. For example when you drink too much you will have liver problems. The child has not reached the age of accountability yet so if he rejects Christ at that time and doesn't give his life to Christ before he dies physically, he will go to Hell. The choice is free.

God is a righteous God. Would you prefer He be immoral?
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.

How do you know what God thinks?
Because I know him. You, on the other hand, don't even think he exists, so why do speak of Him as if He does?

Deflection. I can speak of many things which do not exist: Santa Claus, Zeus, Arya Stark, Captain America.

How do you know God's thoughts? Does He tell them to you? Do you hang out together, watch some football, have a couple of beers? In other words, how can you really know someone else's thoughts, even your spouse's, with whom you live and interact daily, let alone the thoughts of a being whose mind is, supposedly, unknowable and incomprehensible to a human being?

It just seems a little immodest or arrogant to claim such a thing; not humble.
Oh, excuse me. You didn't say God was punishing him with hell, you said he was punishing him with paralysis. My mistake, oh righteous judge.
That's correct. There are consequences to sin. For example when you drink too much you will have liver problems. The child has not reached the age of accountability yet so if he rejects Christ at that time and doesn't give his life to Christ before he dies physically, he will go to Hell. The choice is free.

God is a righteous God. Would you prefer He be immoral?
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.
You don't understand the spirit of the law. To you God is heartless and unrighteous that you can do whatever you want without consequences. People are drawn to Christ because they don't want to be like you. In natural only world many people do suffer, including sin, as result of the sin of others even born into sin, afflictions will arise. But there is hope because there is salvation. If you want to learn more about your false God check here.

Which Group Do You Fall Under Today
Which Group Do You Fall Under Today?
MARCIONITES - Feel Good, but Sacrificing Conscience

BASIC TENETS - Our world was created by the Jewish God of the Old Testament. But he was impossibly strict and condemned all humanity. Christ, who was absolutely unrelated to him, released Christians from his clutches.

REQUIREMENTS - Marcionites had to jettison the Old Testament and believe in two separate gods.

APPEAL - Believers could replace the old admonitions about judgment and damnation with a new message of love and salvation.

e.g. I don't know any cults that teach this, but I am sure there are some out there. Those who emphasize the NT inordinately (the Bible is 75% OT and 25% NT), may fall into this camp.

It is not loving but deceiving oneself to diminish the purpose of the law that causes us to repent and shines upon our hearts, to humble us. The law causes us to realize no man can keep the law except for Jesus Christ who came to fill up the law, thus leading the sinner to Christ. The new message of love and salvation without the old message of the law's convicting hearts, is not a new message of love and salvation, but something fake. The law was given by God and His Christ to erect obedience upon men witnessing how Jesus emptied Himself to receive Lordship over all creation. The law remains until all these things shall pass to the end of the millennial kingdom. We are watchful and waiting for the millennial kingdom to start with the return and appearance of Christ.
I don't appreciate you misrepresenting what I said and what I believe. Nowhere did I say God was heartless, I said the opposite! You'e the one saying he punished the kid with paralysis for making up the story. And I never said that you can go through life and do whatever you want without consequences. At best, you are so anxious to put everyone in their place, you failed to grasp what I was saying, and at worst, you're a liar. I doubt if you've ever had an intimate experience with God or you would know that he is much more than the fire and brimstone bully you are making him out to be. You belong on a street corner telling everyone how they're going to hell if they don't stop and listen to you preach.
That's correct. There are consequences to sin. For example when you drink too much you will have liver problems. The child has not reached the age of accountability yet so if he rejects Christ at that time and doesn't give his life to Christ before he dies physically, he will go to Hell. The choice is free.

God is a righteous God. Would you prefer He be immoral?
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.
You don't understand the spirit of the law. To you God is heartless and unrighteous that you can do whatever you want without consequences. People are drawn to Christ because they don't want to be like you. In natural only world many people do suffer, including sin, as result of the sin of others even born into sin, afflictions will arise. But there is hope because there is salvation. If you want to learn more about your false God check here.

Which Group Do You Fall Under Today
Which Group Do You Fall Under Today?
MARCIONITES - Feel Good, but Sacrificing Conscience

BASIC TENETS - Our world was created by the Jewish God of the Old Testament. But he was impossibly strict and condemned all humanity. Christ, who was absolutely unrelated to him, released Christians from his clutches.

REQUIREMENTS - Marcionites had to jettison the Old Testament and believe in two separate gods.

APPEAL - Believers could replace the old admonitions about judgment and damnation with a new message of love and salvation.

e.g. I don't know any cults that teach this, but I am sure there are some out there. Those who emphasize the NT inordinately (the Bible is 75% OT and 25% NT), may fall into this camp.

It is not loving but deceiving oneself to diminish the purpose of the law that causes us to repent and shines upon our hearts, to humble us. The law causes us to realize no man can keep the law except for Jesus Christ who came to fill up the law, thus leading the sinner to Christ. The new message of love and salvation without the old message of the law's convicting hearts, is not a new message of love and salvation, but something fake. The law was given by God and His Christ to erect obedience upon men witnessing how Jesus emptied Himself to receive Lordship over all creation. The law remains until all these things shall pass to the end of the millennial kingdom. We are watchful and waiting for the millennial kingdom to start with the return and appearance of Christ.
I don't appreciate you misrepresenting what I said and what I believe. Nowhere did I say God was heartless, I said the opposite! You'e the one saying he punished the kid with paralysis for making up the story. And I never said that you can go through life and do whatever you want without consequences. At best, you are so anxious to put everyone in their place, you failed to grasp what I was saying, and at worst, you're a liar. I doubt if you've ever had an intimate experience with God or you would know that he is much more than the fire and brimstone bully you are making him out to be. You belong on a street corner telling everyone how they're going to hell if they don't stop and listen to you preach.

Relax. Parture is quite pitiful. I feel sad for him because he's certainly going to Hell.
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.

How do you know what God thinks?
Because I know him. You, on the other hand, don't even think he exists, so why do speak of Him as if He does?

Deflection. I can speak of many things which do not exist: Santa Claus, Zeus, Arya Stark, Captain America.

How do you know God's thoughts? Does He tell them to you? Do you hang out together, watch some football, have a couple of beers? In other words, how can you really know someone else's thoughts, even your spouse's, with whom you live and interact daily, let alone the thoughts of a being whose mind is, supposedly, unknowable and incomprehensible to a human being?

It just seems a little immodest or arrogant to claim such a thing; not humble.
I guess you think making childish and disrespectful comments about God is cute or something. It isn't. If you weren't such a jerk I would take the time to explain it to you but I don't cast my pearls before swine.
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.

How do you know what God thinks?
Because I know him. You, on the other hand, don't even think he exists, so why do speak of Him as if He does?

Deflection. I can speak of many things which do not exist: Santa Claus, Zeus, Arya Stark, Captain America.

How do you know God's thoughts? Does He tell them to you? Do you hang out together, watch some football, have a couple of beers? In other words, how can you really know someone else's thoughts, even your spouse's, with whom you live and interact daily, let alone the thoughts of a being whose mind is, supposedly, unknowable and incomprehensible to a human being?

It just seems a little immodest or arrogant to claim such a thing; not humble.
First start with the basics. Nature can't start up from nothing, nor always have existed, because if it had, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

Let me know if you have reached this point in understanding.
That's correct. There are consequences to sin. For example when you drink too much you will have liver problems. The child has not reached the age of accountability yet so if he rejects Christ at that time and doesn't give his life to Christ before he dies physically, he will go to Hell. The choice is free.

God is a righteous God. Would you prefer He be immoral?
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.
You don't understand the spirit of the law. To you God is heartless and unrighteous that you can do whatever you want without consequences. People are drawn to Christ because they don't want to be like you. In natural only world many people do suffer, including sin, as result of the sin of others even born into sin, afflictions will arise. But there is hope because there is salvation. If you want to learn more about your false God check here.

Which Group Do You Fall Under Today
Which Group Do You Fall Under Today?
MARCIONITES - Feel Good, but Sacrificing Conscience

BASIC TENETS - Our world was created by the Jewish God of the Old Testament. But he was impossibly strict and condemned all humanity. Christ, who was absolutely unrelated to him, released Christians from his clutches.

REQUIREMENTS - Marcionites had to jettison the Old Testament and believe in two separate gods.

APPEAL - Believers could replace the old admonitions about judgment and damnation with a new message of love and salvation.

e.g. I don't know any cults that teach this, but I am sure there are some out there. Those who emphasize the NT inordinately (the Bible is 75% OT and 25% NT), may fall into this camp.

It is not loving but deceiving oneself to diminish the purpose of the law that causes us to repent and shines upon our hearts, to humble us. The law causes us to realize no man can keep the law except for Jesus Christ who came to fill up the law, thus leading the sinner to Christ. The new message of love and salvation without the old message of the law's convicting hearts, is not a new message of love and salvation, but something fake. The law was given by God and His Christ to erect obedience upon men witnessing how Jesus emptied Himself to receive Lordship over all creation. The law remains until all these things shall pass to the end of the millennial kingdom. We are watchful and waiting for the millennial kingdom to start with the return and appearance of Christ.
I don't appreciate you misrepresenting what I said and what I believe. Nowhere did I say God was heartless, I said the opposite! You'e the one saying he punished the kid with paralysis for making up the story. And I never said that you can go through life and do whatever you want without consequences. At best, you are so anxious to put everyone in their place, you failed to grasp what I was saying, and at worst, you're a liar. I doubt if you've ever had an intimate experience with God or you would know that he is much more than the fire and brimstone bully you are making him out to be. You belong on a street corner telling everyone how they're going to hell if they don't stop and listen to you preach.
What I am saying is sin has consequences, and sadly because we live in a natural world it can carry down to a few generations in which people are deformed or have a propensity to particular illnesses.

The other thing is do blame God for His righteousness and this perfect design of His creation.
You bow to the letter of the law and ignore the heart of the law.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.
You don't understand the spirit of the law. To you God is heartless and unrighteous that you can do whatever you want without consequences. People are drawn to Christ because they don't want to be like you. In natural only world many people do suffer, including sin, as result of the sin of others even born into sin, afflictions will arise. But there is hope because there is salvation. If you want to learn more about your false God check here.

Which Group Do You Fall Under Today
Which Group Do You Fall Under Today?
MARCIONITES - Feel Good, but Sacrificing Conscience

BASIC TENETS - Our world was created by the Jewish God of the Old Testament. But he was impossibly strict and condemned all humanity. Christ, who was absolutely unrelated to him, released Christians from his clutches.

REQUIREMENTS - Marcionites had to jettison the Old Testament and believe in two separate gods.

APPEAL - Believers could replace the old admonitions about judgment and damnation with a new message of love and salvation.

e.g. I don't know any cults that teach this, but I am sure there are some out there. Those who emphasize the NT inordinately (the Bible is 75% OT and 25% NT), may fall into this camp.

It is not loving but deceiving oneself to diminish the purpose of the law that causes us to repent and shines upon our hearts, to humble us. The law causes us to realize no man can keep the law except for Jesus Christ who came to fill up the law, thus leading the sinner to Christ. The new message of love and salvation without the old message of the law's convicting hearts, is not a new message of love and salvation, but something fake. The law was given by God and His Christ to erect obedience upon men witnessing how Jesus emptied Himself to receive Lordship over all creation. The law remains until all these things shall pass to the end of the millennial kingdom. We are watchful and waiting for the millennial kingdom to start with the return and appearance of Christ.
I don't appreciate you misrepresenting what I said and what I believe. Nowhere did I say God was heartless, I said the opposite! You'e the one saying he punished the kid with paralysis for making up the story. And I never said that you can go through life and do whatever you want without consequences. At best, you are so anxious to put everyone in their place, you failed to grasp what I was saying, and at worst, you're a liar. I doubt if you've ever had an intimate experience with God or you would know that he is much more than the fire and brimstone bully you are making him out to be. You belong on a street corner telling everyone how they're going to hell if they don't stop and listen to you preach.

Relax. Parture is quite pitiful. I feel sad for him because he's certainly going to Hell.
MaxGrit a Calvinist admits he is unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated so that is why he is going to Hell.
I have given you the spirit of the law. So you don't live by the spirit of the law.
No you haven't. You don't understand the spirit of the law. All you can do is quote verses and think you understand God. He is a loving God but you see him as a heartless God. It's people like you who turn others off to Christianity when you pretend to represent Him. You're so hung up on vengeance and punishment that you forget about him being a forgiving God who loves his children and would no more send a child to hell or punish him with a lifetime of physical affliction than any of us would our own son. I'm so glad God doesn't think the way you do.

How do you know what God thinks?
Because I know him. You, on the other hand, don't even think he exists, so why do speak of Him as if He does?

Deflection. I can speak of many things which do not exist: Santa Claus, Zeus, Arya Stark, Captain America.

How do you know God's thoughts? Does He tell them to you? Do you hang out together, watch some football, have a couple of beers? In other words, how can you really know someone else's thoughts, even your spouse's, with whom you live and interact daily, let alone the thoughts of a being whose mind is, supposedly, unknowable and incomprehensible to a human being?

It just seems a little immodest or arrogant to claim such a thing; not humble.
First start with the basics. Nature can't start up from nothing, nor always have existed, because if it had, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

Let me know if you have reached this point in understanding.

I'm way past that point of understanding.

None of what you have written is fact.

How do you know there was nothing before there was a Universe, of if the statement "before the Universes" is even meaningful? How do you know that the Universe started, or if that statement is even meaningful? How do you know that the Universe needs a cause? How do you know that cause is a being? How do you know that being is God? How can something that doesn't exist in our Universe be considered to exist at all in any meaningful way?

Let me know when you catch up to me on any of these points.
How do you know there was nothing before there was a Universe, of if the statement "before the Universes" is even meaningful? How do you know that the Universe started, or if that statement is even meaningful? How do you know that the Universe needs a cause? How do you know that cause is a being? How do you know that being is God? How can something that doesn't exist in our Universe be considered to exist at all in any meaningful way?
I never said there was nothing before the universe, for obviously God is not nothing. You're free to conjecture the universe never had a beginning, but if it never had a beginning that means it has an infinite regress of cause and effects. If that were true, by that definition, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

Now that we know the uncreated Creator exists for this reason according to Romans 1.20, compare any claims on who He is. Since we are personal and accessible, He can not be less than us. The only 3 religions in the world that are accessible, spread out, are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Hinduism is false because you don't get endless chances to come back as a frog to be a human again. That's not just, for how can you place the destiny of man on a frog brain? All you need is this life time to receive salvation God offers. Moreover in Hinduism Brahma is God, but he is said to be amoral. How can God have a morality below our own? The lesser is never greater than the greater. Islam is false because you can't come along six centuries later and claim Jesus never died on the cross with no evidence. That's goofy.

Jesus being God the Son does exist before time and space and is at the right hand of the Father right now. He entered His creation, resurrected and gave the Holy Spirit that works on earth to this day. The Holy Spirit of Truth indwells my spirit right now since I am born-again and have eternal life (John 3.15-21, 17.3).

Christianity is unique because only in Christianity does God come down to us to save us and says salvation is not by works or self-strength, but to be saved you need to accept what God does for you on the cross, shedding the precious blood of Jesus for forgiveness of sins.
How do you know there was nothing before there was a Universe, of if the statement "before the Universes" is even meaningful? How do you know that the Universe started, or if that statement is even meaningful? How do you know that the Universe needs a cause? How do you know that cause is a being? How do you know that being is God? How can something that doesn't exist in our Universe be considered to exist at all in any meaningful way?
I never said there was nothing before the universe, for obviously God is not nothing. You're free to conjecture the universe never had a beginning, but if it never had a beginning that means it has an infinite regress of cause and effects. If that were true, by that definition, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

Now that we know the uncreated Creator exists for this reason according to Romans 1.20, compare any claims on who He is. Since we are personal and accessible, He can not be less than us. The only 3 religions in the world that are accessible, spread out, are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Hinduism is false because you don't get endless chances to come back as a frog to be a human again. That's not just, for how can you place the destiny of man on a frog brain? All you need is this life time to receive salvation God offers. Moreover in Hinduism Brahma is God, but he is said to be amoral. How can God have a morality below our own? The lesser is never greater than the greater. Islam is false because you can't come along six centuries later and claim Jesus never died on the cross with no evidence. That's goofy.

Jesus being God the Son does exist before time and space and is at the right hand of the Father right now. He entered His creation, resurrected and gave the Holy Spirit that works on earth to this day. The Holy Spirit of Truth indwells my spirit right now since I am born-again and have eternal life (John 3.15-21, 17.3).

Christianity is unique because only in Christianity does God come down to us to save us and says salvation is not by works or self-strength, but to be saved you need to accept what God does for you on the cross, shedding the precious blood of Jesus for forgiveness of sins.

While I appreciate your effort and thought, those suppositional, circular, and already-debunked arguments are not compelling.

Look up Unbelievable on Premier Christian Radio. It's a Christian show that usually features debates between Christians and non-believers, and sometimes doctrinal debates between believers. The program gets the biggest names in Appogetics, such as William Lane Craig as well as atheists such as Richard Dawkins. The moderator is a Christian and does an excellent job. There are much better arguments there than those you've put forth here. I highly recommend it for believers and non-believers alike.
While I appreciate your effort and thought, those suppositional, circular, and already-debunked arguments are not compelling. Look up Unbelievable on Premier Christian Radio. It's a Christian show that usually features debates between Christians and non-believers, and sometimes doctrinal debates between believers. The program gets the biggest names in Appogetics, such as William Lane Craig as well as atheists such as Richard Dawkins. The moderator is a Christian and does an excellent job. There are much better arguments there than those you've put forth here. I highly recommend it for believers and non-believers alike.
Actually they are not debunked. The greatest proof ever given is the fact that almost all scholars concede (for good reasons) the Apostles truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. There is no naturalistic explanation that can account for this so it is God's consummate proof of His only begotten Son. Therefore, you are without excuse and Hell awaits your entrance since you will never give your life to Christ as per your wish.

Put yourself to the test. You allege there is a better explanation in some far off into distance radio station where no man has gone before, which as an explanation you could simply repeat here, but you don't, because you can't.

Because you fail to do so, you might not realize that just by your failure you are actually leading people to Christ who read this discussion. And that's awesome! I love that.
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I never put much stock in NDE stories. My guess is that these experiences are hallucinations which the brain experiences as it is shutting down.
I never put much stock in NDE stories. My guess is that these experiences are hallucinations which the brain experiences as it is shutting down.
Some of them are real those that there is no way someone could have known something, that they report after they come out of a clinically death state. There are some really good cases. Gary R. Habermas specializes in that.

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