Sorry Forum Racists, Sterling Lost...

Where am I wrong dummy? Where did I say he could appeal endlessly? Your jump to conclusions mat is going to get you in trouble again. He will die pretty soon so its a short window.

No one cares what you think is rational. You're a buffoon of the highest order. Save your crackerjack box lawyer musings for someone that doesn't know any better. He will appeal and lose. Numerous times. Thats how he is built.

Nice try at convincing yourself. Remember dont write a check your ass cant cash. Make sure you read my posts and understand them before mouthing off next time son.

Assclapius, you ignorant racist twat dipshit, you are a petulant little girl, but your dishonesty will not shield you from the consequences of your own words, bitch.

What you wrote, you moron, was: "He can appeal until he dies." THAT is as "endlessly" as it gets in any lifetime, you obtuse dishonest petty pathetic moron. :lol::lol:

You might try reading your OWN words. Although I can certainly understand why you might hesitate. They are generally quite foolish bits of meaningless fluff. Why would even a scum sucking twerp like you wish to be held to your own silly words?

I respond to your endlessly vapid musings because, frankly, even though there is little sport in it, I enjoy making a vain petty shit-rag like you squirm. And clearly, I do.

Now, back to the point. Well, in your case, it isn't "back" to the point, you idiot. Let me direct you TO the point for the FIRST time:

Sterling said some stupid, ignorant, racist shit in a private conversation.

Racist assholes like YOU imagine that this is somehow "actionable" against him. In our politically correct (but thoroughly irrational) present day atmosphere, sadly, it begins to look like something he said in PRIVATE can be the basis for league action against his ownership interest.

That's absurd, of course. It is quite reasonable to assume that in the tempered atmosphere of a court of law, there might yet be found a way to simmer down and be rational, fair and reasonable about this. For like it or not, nothing Sterling said in private (or even believes in his rancid old head) constitutes a true valid basis for the league effort to take away his ownership of the team.

Personally, I don't much care. It's difficult to work up sympathy for a moron like Sterling. On the other hand, there is a basic principle involved. And it isn't difficult to imagine a slightly different place and time where his thoughts might be ones you admired but which were quite unpopular. Under such circumstances, you might think that it would be "unfair" or unjust or whatever to punish a man for his own beliefs or his own PRIVATE expressions of his beliefs.

Of course, you'd have to be fair, reasonable and objective to take the longer view like that. So that's clearly out of the question for a pissant tool like you.

Youre trying too hard and not quite making it. :lol:

He is about die soon. Dont get mad because you fucked up and stuck your foot in your mouth. You tend to do that frequently so I understand your anger at being reprimanded by me. Next time make sure what you think I said matches with what I actually wrote. That way you can avoid your numerous embarrassing moments when trying to out think me.

Now to address your whining.

I didnt imagine anything. His rant was actionable. Thats why the NBA is taking his team. Havent you been keeping up? What he said in private became public. This was in violation of the contract he signed not to damage the NBA brand. Evidently he also damaged your brain into thinking that this somehow absolves him of his contractual responsibilities. It seems your synapse are not quite firing completely. Your thinking is puerile to say the least. He is not getting his team taken for what he said in private. The team is being taken for it becoming public knowledge of which he had full control.

Your whining is risible and at the same time pathetic. I will continue to disabuse you of your false notion you dont have to be responsible for your actions. Now that i have comminuted your argument please cease boring me and get a new one that makes sense.

You are wrong AGAIN, Assclap. You probably deserve some credit for consistency. You are just about always wrong. I am not trying too hard. I am not finding anything here difficult. Words clearly are a labor for you. Logic is an impossibility for you. Oh well. Sucks to be you.

He might die soon. He might not. He could appeal (whether he ultimately decides to do so or not being a very different matter) for as long as he lives. Your attempt at another laughable pathetic quibble is duly noted and I am indeed laughing at you all the more.

And you DID and still do imagine that his "rant" (actually a private and illegally recorded conversation) is in no way actionable.

See, when you start with that moronic ASSumption you engaged in, you tend to end up reaching your usual ASSHOLE conclusions. :thup:

The rest of your rant is meaningless and, as always, dishonest Assclapius fantasy. I am the one who teaches you that words have meaning and that deeds have consequences. You are the dunce in the corner unable to appreciate the lesson. Your lack of the slightest ability to comprehend is at the root of many or your obvious problems.

I don't expect that you will be honest or educable this time either, but I will continue to publicly expose your stupidity and irrationality, your racism and prejudice and so forth whenever I see your vapid spewings here.

No need to thank me, Assclapius. Thank me very much.
You tried you best but unfortunately you have trouble with reality. I was once like you. However, I had enough sense to learn. Will you do that or just keep whining about someone doing something wrong and being held accountable for it?

My mind is always open to learning, but I will not pretend that illogic and unreason are logic and reason. I will not pretend that what is, is not. I'm sorry that you think you came out ahead in this discussion. Perhaps you will recognize your error eventually.

Come out ahead? You flatter me. Dont project your feelings of inadequacy over a message board thread. There are no winners or losers on the internet. You mind is definitely closed to learning and you lack the character to take responsibility for your actions.

Bottom line is Sterling will be losing his team. He messed up and it cost him.
Assclapius, you ignorant racist twat dipshit, you are a petulant little girl, but your dishonesty will not shield you from the consequences of your own words, bitch.

What you wrote, you moron, was: "He can appeal until he dies." THAT is as "endlessly" as it gets in any lifetime, you obtuse dishonest petty pathetic moron. :lol::lol:

You might try reading your OWN words. Although I can certainly understand why you might hesitate. They are generally quite foolish bits of meaningless fluff. Why would even a scum sucking twerp like you wish to be held to your own silly words?

I respond to your endlessly vapid musings because, frankly, even though there is little sport in it, I enjoy making a vain petty shit-rag like you squirm. And clearly, I do.

Now, back to the point. Well, in your case, it isn't "back" to the point, you idiot. Let me direct you TO the point for the FIRST time:

Sterling said some stupid, ignorant, racist shit in a private conversation.

Racist assholes like YOU imagine that this is somehow "actionable" against him. In our politically correct (but thoroughly irrational) present day atmosphere, sadly, it begins to look like something he said in PRIVATE can be the basis for league action against his ownership interest.

That's absurd, of course. It is quite reasonable to assume that in the tempered atmosphere of a court of law, there might yet be found a way to simmer down and be rational, fair and reasonable about this. For like it or not, nothing Sterling said in private (or even believes in his rancid old head) constitutes a true valid basis for the league effort to take away his ownership of the team.

Personally, I don't much care. It's difficult to work up sympathy for a moron like Sterling. On the other hand, there is a basic principle involved. And it isn't difficult to imagine a slightly different place and time where his thoughts might be ones you admired but which were quite unpopular. Under such circumstances, you might think that it would be "unfair" or unjust or whatever to punish a man for his own beliefs or his own PRIVATE expressions of his beliefs.

Of course, you'd have to be fair, reasonable and objective to take the longer view like that. So that's clearly out of the question for a pissant tool like you.

Youre trying too hard and not quite making it. :lol:

He is about die soon. Dont get mad because you fucked up and stuck your foot in your mouth. You tend to do that frequently so I understand your anger at being reprimanded by me. Next time make sure what you think I said matches with what I actually wrote. That way you can avoid your numerous embarrassing moments when trying to out think me.

Now to address your whining.

I didnt imagine anything. His rant was actionable. Thats why the NBA is taking his team. Havent you been keeping up? What he said in private became public. This was in violation of the contract he signed not to damage the NBA brand. Evidently he also damaged your brain into thinking that this somehow absolves him of his contractual responsibilities. It seems your synapse are not quite firing completely. Your thinking is puerile to say the least. He is not getting his team taken for what he said in private. The team is being taken for it becoming public knowledge of which he had full control.

Your whining is risible and at the same time pathetic. I will continue to disabuse you of your false notion you dont have to be responsible for your actions. Now that i have comminuted your argument please cease boring me and get a new one that makes sense.

You are wrong AGAIN, Assclap. You probably deserve some credit for consistency. You are just about always wrong. I am not trying too hard. I am not finding anything here difficult. Words clearly are a labor for you. Logic is an impossibility for you. Oh well. Sucks to be you.

He might die soon. He might not. He could appeal (whether he ultimately decides to do so or not being a very different matter) for as long as he lives. Your attempt at another laughable pathetic quibble is duly noted and I am indeed laughing at you all the more.

And you DID and still do imagine that his "rant" (actually a private and illegally recorded conversation) is in no way actionable.

See, when you start with that moronic ASSumption you engaged in, you tend to end up reaching your usual ASSHOLE conclusions. :thup:

The rest of your rant is meaningless and, as always, dishonest Assclapius fantasy. I am the one who teaches you that words have meaning and that deeds have consequences. You are the dunce in the corner unable to appreciate the lesson. Your lack of the slightest ability to comprehend is at the root of many or your obvious problems.

I don't expect that you will be honest or educable this time either, but I will continue to publicly expose your stupidity and irrationality, your racism and prejudice and so forth whenever I see your vapid spewings here.

No need to thank me, Assclapius. Thank me very much.

Typing harder and in all caps doesnt change things clown. It just reveals your level of frustration in the attempt to think logically. Its simple. You mess up and you pay the piper. You cant get around that. The sooner you embrace that life philosophy the faster your life will change for the better.
Youre trying too hard and not quite making it. :lol:

He is about die soon. Dont get mad because you fucked up and stuck your foot in your mouth. You tend to do that frequently so I understand your anger at being reprimanded by me. Next time make sure what you think I said matches with what I actually wrote. That way you can avoid your numerous embarrassing moments when trying to out think me.

Now to address your whining.

I didnt imagine anything. His rant was actionable. Thats why the NBA is taking his team. Havent you been keeping up? What he said in private became public. This was in violation of the contract he signed not to damage the NBA brand. Evidently he also damaged your brain into thinking that this somehow absolves him of his contractual responsibilities. It seems your synapse are not quite firing completely. Your thinking is puerile to say the least. He is not getting his team taken for what he said in private. The team is being taken for it becoming public knowledge of which he had full control.

Your whining is risible and at the same time pathetic. I will continue to disabuse you of your false notion you dont have to be responsible for your actions. Now that i have comminuted your argument please cease boring me and get a new one that makes sense.

You are wrong AGAIN, Assclap. You probably deserve some credit for consistency. You are just about always wrong. I am not trying too hard. I am not finding anything here difficult. Words clearly are a labor for you. Logic is an impossibility for you. Oh well. Sucks to be you.

He might die soon. He might not. He could appeal (whether he ultimately decides to do so or not being a very different matter) for as long as he lives. Your attempt at another laughable pathetic quibble is duly noted and I am indeed laughing at you all the more.

And you DID and still do imagine that his "rant" (actually a private and illegally recorded conversation) is in no way actionable.

See, when you start with that moronic ASSumption you engaged in, you tend to end up reaching your usual ASSHOLE conclusions. :thup:

The rest of your rant is meaningless and, as always, dishonest Assclapius fantasy. I am the one who teaches you that words have meaning and that deeds have consequences. You are the dunce in the corner unable to appreciate the lesson. Your lack of the slightest ability to comprehend is at the root of many or your obvious problems.

I don't expect that you will be honest or educable this time either, but I will continue to publicly expose your stupidity and irrationality, your racism and prejudice and so forth whenever I see your vapid spewings here.

No need to thank me, Assclapius. Thank me very much.

Typing harder and in all caps doesnt change things clown. It just reveals your level of frustration in the attempt to think logically. Its simple. You mess up and you pay the piper. You cant get around that. The sooner you embrace that life philosophy the faster your life will change for the better.

Assclapius, your altered moniker is revealed as being prophetic. You have been spanked. Now, like the petulant little girl you are, you are whining. For instance, putting a couple of choice words in "all caps" is called highlighting or emphasis. I can note that you are an asshole or I can underscore it, put it in bold or put it in all caps. Either way, you remain an asshole. Why would i be furstrated that I have exposed you as the petty fraud you are? I'm having fun mocking you and exposing your complete lack of honesty and logic.

You truly are an ASSHOLE, by the way. :thup: But I'm not upset with you. I just want to slap your silly ass again with the truth. You are a complete fail.

I realize that when you messed up you found that you lacked the stones to admit it. So, as losers like you usually do, you engaged in projection. It's all good. I'm here for you, little girl. Every time I take note of one of your idiotic dishonest claims, I will be there for you again, to shine the light on your dishonesty and lack of logic. :eusa_clap:

Thank me.
You are wrong AGAIN, Assclap. You probably deserve some credit for consistency. You are just about always wrong. I am not trying too hard. I am not finding anything here difficult. Words clearly are a labor for you. Logic is an impossibility for you. Oh well. Sucks to be you.

He might die soon. He might not. He could appeal (whether he ultimately decides to do so or not being a very different matter) for as long as he lives. Your attempt at another laughable pathetic quibble is duly noted and I am indeed laughing at you all the more.

And you DID and still do imagine that his "rant" (actually a private and illegally recorded conversation) is in no way actionable.

See, when you start with that moronic ASSumption you engaged in, you tend to end up reaching your usual ASSHOLE conclusions. :thup:

The rest of your rant is meaningless and, as always, dishonest Assclapius fantasy. I am the one who teaches you that words have meaning and that deeds have consequences. You are the dunce in the corner unable to appreciate the lesson. Your lack of the slightest ability to comprehend is at the root of many or your obvious problems.

I don't expect that you will be honest or educable this time either, but I will continue to publicly expose your stupidity and irrationality, your racism and prejudice and so forth whenever I see your vapid spewings here.

No need to thank me, Assclapius. Thank me very much.

Typing harder and in all caps doesnt change things clown. It just reveals your level of frustration in the attempt to think logically. Its simple. You mess up and you pay the piper. You cant get around that. The sooner you embrace that life philosophy the faster your life will change for the better.

Assclapius, your altered moniker is revealed as being prophetic. You have been spanked. Now, like the petulant little girl you are, you are whining. For instance, putting a couple of choice words in "all caps" is called highlighting or emphasis. I can note that you are an asshole or I can underscore it, put it in bold or put it in all caps. Either way, you remain an asshole. Why would i be furstrated that I have exposed you as the petty fraud you are? I'm having fun mocking you and exposing your complete lack of honesty and logic.

You truly are an ASSHOLE, by the way. :thup: But I'm not upset with you. I just want to slap your silly ass again with the truth. You are a complete fail.

I realize that when you messed up you found that you lacked the stones to admit it. So, as losers like you usually do, you engaged in projection. It's all good. I'm here for you, little girl. Every time I take note of one of your idiotic dishonest claims, I will be there for you again, to shine the light on your dishonesty and lack of logic. :eusa_clap:

Thank me.

I do thank you for pointing out your lack of maturation. I think you really believe altering my user name bothers me. Thats a puerile move which actually lets me know I'm taking up space in your head.

Calling me asshole in caps and multiple times only lets me know you are truly frustrated. Its ok though. One day you will be able to get your emotions under control to the point you can converse like all the other adults. Until then count on me reprimanding and correcting you wherever you have the ill fated luck to post in a thread I may be on.
Typing harder and in all caps doesnt change things clown. It just reveals your level of frustration in the attempt to think logically. Its simple. You mess up and you pay the piper. You cant get around that. The sooner you embrace that life philosophy the faster your life will change for the better.

Assclapius, your altered moniker is revealed as being prophetic. You have been spanked. Now, like the petulant little girl you are, you are whining. For instance, putting a couple of choice words in "all caps" is called highlighting or emphasis. I can note that you are an asshole or I can underscore it, put it in bold or put it in all caps. Either way, you remain an asshole. Why would i be furstrated that I have exposed you as the petty fraud you are? I'm having fun mocking you and exposing your complete lack of honesty and logic.

You truly are an ASSHOLE, by the way. :thup: But I'm not upset with you. I just want to slap your silly ass again with the truth. You are a complete fail.

I realize that when you messed up you found that you lacked the stones to admit it. So, as losers like you usually do, you engaged in projection. It's all good. I'm here for you, little girl. Every time I take note of one of your idiotic dishonest claims, I will be there for you again, to shine the light on your dishonesty and lack of logic. :eusa_clap:

Thank me.

I do thank you for pointing out your lack of maturation. I think you really believe altering my user name bothers me. Thats a puerile move which actually lets me know I'm taking up space in your head.

Calling me asshole in caps and multiple times only lets me know you are truly frustrated. Its ok though. One day you will be able to get your emotions under control to the point you can converse like all the other adults. Until then count on me reprimanding and correcting you wherever you have the ill fated luck to post in a thread I may be on.

Boy O boy, they just keep coming back for more! LOL!

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I'm glad Sterling is selling his team, I would rather the market forces would have went to work and he would have sold for a lot less than $2 billion, probably closer to the $400 million range. Funny how some people think $2 billion is a punishment.

The NBA has to be happy that it never went to a vote. The owners did not want it to go to a vote at all. Many were worried about the precedent it could have set for themselves. Some speculated it could have been tough for owners to vote yes, however the players and the fans would be a lot of pressure on them.
I'm glad Sterling is selling his team, I would rather the market forces would have went to work and he would have sold for a lot less than $2 billion, probably closer to the $400 million range. Funny how some people think $2 billion is a punishment.

The NBA has to be happy that it never went to a vote. The owners did not want it to go to a vote at all. Many were worried about the precedent it could have set for themselves. Some speculated it could have been tough for owners to vote yes, however the players and the fans would be a lot of pressure on them.

I'm sure thats why Shelly changed her mind and is selling the team after stating she was going to fight it. Makes sense to me that she passed up the one chance she had of retaining the team which would be to force a vote. To top it all off she indemnified the NBA against any lawsuits. Sounds to me like she had the upper hand but gave away all of her leverage. I wonder why?
Assclapius, your altered moniker is revealed as being prophetic. You have been spanked. Now, like the petulant little girl you are, you are whining. For instance, putting a couple of choice words in "all caps" is called highlighting or emphasis. I can note that you are an asshole or I can underscore it, put it in bold or put it in all caps. Either way, you remain an asshole. Why would i be furstrated that I have exposed you as the petty fraud you are? I'm having fun mocking you and exposing your complete lack of honesty and logic.

You truly are an ASSHOLE, by the way. :thup: But I'm not upset with you. I just want to slap your silly ass again with the truth. You are a complete fail.

I realize that when you messed up you found that you lacked the stones to admit it. So, as losers like you usually do, you engaged in projection. It's all good. I'm here for you, little girl. Every time I take note of one of your idiotic dishonest claims, I will be there for you again, to shine the light on your dishonesty and lack of logic. :eusa_clap:

Thank me.

I do thank you for pointing out your lack of maturation. I think you really believe altering my user name bothers me. Thats a puerile move which actually lets me know I'm taking up space in your head.

Calling me asshole in caps and multiple times only lets me know you are truly frustrated. Its ok though. One day you will be able to get your emotions under control to the point you can converse like all the other adults. Until then count on me reprimanding and correcting you wherever you have the ill fated luck to post in a thread I may be on.

Boy O boy, they just keep coming back for more! LOL!

Yeah, but whooping you libtards with reason and FACTS is getting pretty predictable and boring.

'Get on up' was much more entertaining, and more authentic.
I dont think anyone should be happy about this. You have NFL and NBA players who beat their wives, get gun charges, etc, but somehow they draw the line when an old man says something racist in the privacy of his own home? Its fucking weird. The guy wasnt even being crazy about either. Its not like he was dropping "n bombs". Is what Sterling said worse than knocking out your wife in an elevator? What the hell?

I dont like the direction this nation is going in. Players should be boycotting teams who have wife beaters on their roster, but instead they are worried about a guy with Alzheimers who probably wont live another 2 years, who happens to be kind of sort of racist. :cuckoo:
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I'm glad Sterling is selling his team, I would rather the market forces would have went to work and he would have sold for a lot less than $2 billion, probably closer to the $400 million range. Funny how some people think $2 billion is a punishment.

The NBA has to be happy that it never went to a vote. The owners did not want it to go to a vote at all. Many were worried about the precedent it could have set for themselves. Some speculated it could have been tough for owners to vote yes, however the players and the fans would be a lot of pressure on them.

I'm sure thats why Shelly changed her mind and is selling the team after stating she was going to fight it. Makes sense to me that she passed up the one chance she had of retaining the team which would be to force a vote. To top it all off she indemnified the NBA against any lawsuits. Sounds to me like she had the upper hand but gave away all of her leverage. I wonder why?

Again, the NBA was glad Donald Sterling lost his fight, the owners did not want it to come down to a vote. Sterling losing was an easy out for them.

Not sure where you saw Shelly in my post. I re-read it and I didn't see her name.

I told you I disagree on your idea about Shelly, I will continue to disagree.

I am talking about the 29 NBA owners.
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I'm glad Sterling is selling his team, I would rather the market forces would have went to work and he would have sold for a lot less than $2 billion, probably closer to the $400 million range. Funny how some people think $2 billion is a punishment.

The NBA has to be happy that it never went to a vote. The owners did not want it to go to a vote at all. Many were worried about the precedent it could have set for themselves. Some speculated it could have been tough for owners to vote yes, however the players and the fans would be a lot of pressure on them.

I'm sure thats why Shelly changed her mind and is selling the team after stating she was going to fight it. Makes sense to me that she passed up the one chance she had of retaining the team which would be to force a vote. To top it all off she indemnified the NBA against any lawsuits. Sounds to me like she had the upper hand but gave away all of her leverage. I wonder why?

Again, the NBA was glad Donald Sterling lost his fight, the owners did not want it to come down to a vote. Sterling losing was an easy out for them.

Saying it again doesn't make it sound less retarded. Shelly wanted to keep the team. Why would she give away her leverage to force the NBA into making a vote and then indemnifying them against future lawsuits if the results of the vote would favor her? Try again and maybe you will convince someone that was born yesterday. :lol:
I'm sure thats why Shelly changed her mind and is selling the team after stating she was going to fight it. Makes sense to me that she passed up the one chance she had of retaining the team which would be to force a vote. To top it all off she indemnified the NBA against any lawsuits. Sounds to me like she had the upper hand but gave away all of her leverage. I wonder why?

Again, the NBA was glad Donald Sterling lost his fight, the owners did not want it to come down to a vote. Sterling losing was an easy out for them.

Saying it again doesn't make it sound less retarded. Shelly wanted to keep the team. Why would she give away her leverage to force the NBA into making a vote and then indemnifying them against future lawsuits if the results of the vote would favor her? Try again and maybe you will convince someone that was born yesterday. :lol:

I did not say Shelly. The hearing was for Donald's not Shelly's competency. If Donald would have won, he would have forced a vote. As it now stands, he has no say.

Shelly is getting a sweet deal from the new owner that allows her to stay connected with the Clippers and he is going to give her lists and lists of cash for a charity that the new owner is going to co-chair with Shelly. But that has nothing to do with Donald's competency.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Again, the NBA was glad Donald Sterling lost his fight, the owners did not want it to come down to a vote. Sterling losing was an easy out for them.

Saying it again doesn't make it sound less retarded. Shelly wanted to keep the team. Why would she give away her leverage to force the NBA into making a vote and then indemnifying them against future lawsuits if the results of the vote would favor her? Try again and maybe you will convince someone that was born yesterday. :lol:

I did not say Shelly. The hearing was for Donald's not Shelly's competency. If Donald would have won, he would have forced a vote. As it now stands, he has no say.

Shelly is getting a sweet deal from the new owner that allows her to stay connected with the Clippers and he is going to give her lists and lists of cash for a charity that the new owner is going to co-chair with Shelly. But that has nothing to do with Donald's competency.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Sorry bud. She wont have jack to do with the Clippers at all. Thats part of the deal with the NBA. No Sterlings anywhere in sight. It would be way more lucrative for her to keep the team no matter what kind of deal the new owner is giving her. The team is a cash cow that provides residual income. Shelly knew she didnt have a leg to stand on and caved. Thats why she is no longer fighting the NBA.
Shelly Sterling, Steve Ballmer reportedly to run charity spun off from Clippers sale

Shelly Sterling, Steve Ballmer reportedly to run charity spun off from Clippers sale | Fox News

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From your link.

However, the NBA made clear she wouldn't be involved with the basketball franchise.

"It is not accurate that Mrs. Sterling will have a role with the Clippers or stake in the team," NBA spokesman Mike Bass said.
Never said it would.

Also I am correct about the competency hearing. Donald loss, no NBA vote, if he had won, they would have had to vote.
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Never said it would.

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You said the owners did not want to vote. Why would she give up the billion dollar team for a measly 200 million if she could keep it by forcing the owners to vote? Like I said saying it again or in this case back pedaling, doesn't make it sound less retarded. She caved. Sterlling is losing his team. Too bad. So sad......well for you anyways.

If the owners would have voted Shelly knew they would have lost the team anyway. You dont indemnify anyone against future lawsuits you may want to bring unless that person has you over a barrel. That was my point in correcting you.
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Never said it would.

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You said the owners did not want to vote. Why would she give up the billion dollar team for a measly 200 million if she could keep it by forcing the owners to vote? Like I said saying it again or in this case back pedaling, doesn't make it sound less retarded. She caved. Sterlling is losing his team. Too bad. So sad......well for you anyways.

If the owners would have voted Shelly knew they would have lost the team anyway. That was my point in correcting you.

They didn't want to vote, if they were to be forced to oust they may or may not vote Sterling out. Cuban was one owner that did not like the way Sterling was handled, there are other owners that have felt the same. Shelly also get a billion plus a charity and a chance in her warped mind to look good.

No one knows how the owners would vote. You only need six no votes to stop the ousting of an owner. I say that because Sterling's vote would be a no.

I'm not sad Sterling is losing his team, I never liked Sterling. Never supported him keeping the team, in fact I have disliked this guy years before the political correct crowd feigned outrage in April. As far as I'm concerned, they are hypocrites, it's just now that it is the in thing to hate Sterling.

And you didn't correct me, your opinion is just that. You have no clue as to went down with Shelly and the NBA.
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Never said it would.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

You said the owners did not want to vote. Why would she give up the billion dollar team for a measly 200 million if she could keep it by forcing the owners to vote? Like I said saying it again or in this case back pedaling, doesn't make it sound less retarded. She caved. Sterlling is losing his team. Too bad. So sad......well for you anyways.

If the owners would have voted Shelly knew they would have lost the team anyway. That was my point in correcting you.

They didn't want to vote, if they were to be forced to oust they may or may not vote Sterling out. Cuban was one owner that did not like the way Sterling was handled, there are other owners that have felt the same. Shelly also get a billion plus a charity and a chance in her warped mind to look good.

No one knows how the owners would vote. You only need six no votes to stop the ousting of an owner. I say that because Sterling's vote would be a no.

I'm not sad Sterling is losing his team, I never liked Sterling. Never supported him keeping the team, in fact I have disliked this guy years before the political correct crowd feigned outrage in April. As far as I'm concerned, they are hypocrites, it's just now that it is the in thing to hate Sterling.

And you didn't correct me, your opinion is just that. You have no clue as to went down with Shelly and the NBA.
Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Youre trying hard but you still are not using logic nor are you making sense. Sterling was going to lose the team. That was a given. Shelly had never been approved as part owner of the team which is entirely at the NBA's discretion. Shelly wanted to keep the team because a billion is not the same as a team passively kicking off income and providing tax relief. She publicly announced she was going to fight for keeping the team. She suddenly made a deal with the NBA giving away her almost non existent ability to keep the team because she knew she was going to lose. Since she knew what the outcome of the vote would probably be she didnt take that chance. Had the NBA sold the team after voting to strip Sterling they also would have levied the 2.5M fine against the proceeds. There is also the possiblity that the league would have taken a lesser amount simply to spite Sterling as well.

Yes I did correct you. You may not have a clue what went down but I do.
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