Sorry Forum Racists, Sterling Lost...


Watch every single word you say.

Even in private conversations.

After all, this is America.


you mean you think America should be free of consequences?

If Sterling had a business whose primary customers were slack-jawed racists from the South, he could probably have said this smack.

Instead, he said racist things about blacks to his half-black girlfriend when his primary business employs blacks, and most of his customer base is black.

You know, wingnuts talk all day about the "Market Forces" like they are good things when poor people can't get health coverage, but when the Market Forces push a bad actor like Sterling out of business, you guys are all upset.

Do you know what NBA executive said equally racist remarks PUBLICLY in the wake of the Sterling controversy? And do you know that the NBA literally did nothing against him?

Watch every single word you say.

Even in private conversations.

After all, this is America.


you mean you think America should be free of consequences?

If Sterling had a business whose primary customers were slack-jawed racists from the South, he could probably have said this smack.

Instead, he said racist things about blacks to his half-black girlfriend when his primary business employs blacks, and most of his customer base is black.

You know, wingnuts talk all day about the "Market Forces" like they are good things when poor people can't get health coverage, but when the Market Forces push a bad actor like Sterling out of business, you guys are all upset.

Do you know what NBA executive said equally racist remarks PUBLICLY in the wake of the Sterling controversy? And do you know that the NBA literally did nothing against him?

I don't think what Mark Cuban said was "equally" racist. But if you want tothink it was, have at it.

Watch every single word you say.

Even in private conversations.

After all, this is America.


you mean you think America should be free of consequences?

If Sterling had a business whose primary customers were slack-jawed racists from the South, he could probably have said this smack.

Instead, he said racist things about blacks to his half-black girlfriend when his primary business employs blacks, and most of his customer base is black.

You know, wingnuts talk all day about the "Market Forces" like they are good things when poor people can't get health coverage, but when the Market Forces push a bad actor like Sterling out of business, you guys are all upset.

As I've said a hundred times here, those "consequences" of which you speak are not required. You PC Police choose to issue them. You don't have to, even though you pretend you do.

You do it out of narcissism and pure spite. Who knows, maybe it makes you "feel" a little better about yourself.

And, regarding the "free market forces", I also clearly pointed out the following a few posts ago, when asked how a company should react when an employee says or does something that damages their brand:

Today, they would be forced to fire that person in sheer panic immediately because the American Left has everyone so terrified and intimidated that companies have to avoid the "consequences" that would inevitably be meted out by these narcissistic speech thugs.

Joe, you already know this stuff, but I realize that being intellectually honest is not a high priority for you. Maybe you just post to me to make a point to others, I don't know.


Facts and honesty are mysteries to Joe.

Watch every single word you say.

Even in private conversations.

After all, this is America.


you mean you think America should be free of consequences?

If Sterling had a business whose primary customers were slack-jawed racists from the South, he could probably have said this smack.

Instead, he said racist things about blacks to his half-black girlfriend when his primary business employs blacks, and most of his customer base is black.

You know, wingnuts talk all day about the "Market Forces" like they are good things when poor people can't get health coverage, but when the Market Forces push a bad actor like Sterling out of business, you guys are all upset.

As I've said a hundred times here, those "consequences" of which you speak are not required. You PC Police choose to issue them. You don't have to, even though you pretend you do.

You do it out of narcissism and pure spite. Who knows, maybe it makes you "feel" a little better about yourself.

And, regarding the "free market forces", I also clearly pointed out the following a few posts ago, when asked how a company should react when an employee says or does something that damages their brand:

Today, they would be forced to fire that person in sheer panic immediately because the American Left has everyone so terrified and intimidated that companies have to avoid the "consequences" that would inevitably be meted out by these narcissistic speech thugs.

Joe, you already know this stuff, but I realize that being intellectually honest is not a high priority for you. Maybe you just post to me to make a point to others, I don't know.


Consequences are always required. They are the results of actions. Nothing happens in a vacuum. You should have learned that in school grade science.

Its not the American left. its smart business. Why would you have your brand associated with someone that may cause your customers to go elsewhere? In the same motion you can gain more customers by showing you care about their feelings on the matter. Intelligent marketing and its all free of charge.
So what consequences would be OK? Is jailing someone for making racist comments OK? Is having them fired from their job OK?
Now matter what, Sterling comes out of this deal with $2,000,000,000. Not seeing how he is punished or that he even lost.

For $2,000,000,000, I'll take the loss and be happy, very happy.
Now matter what, Sterling comes out of this deal with $2,000,000,000. Not seeing how he is punished or that he even lost.

For $2,000,000,000, I'll take the loss and be happy, very happy.

At this point 2B is not really his motivation. He wants to own a stable of Black athletes. Trust me he wouldnt be fighting this otherwise. He is losing what he holds dearest. Power.
From NBC:

Although the judge issued a tentative oral order on Monday, all parties expect him to confirm it in writing by Aug. 13.

"We are pleased that the court has affirmed Shelly Sterling's right to sell the Los Angeles Clippers to Steve Ballmer," the NBA said in a statement. "We look forward to the transaction closing as soon as possible."

Oh well.

I don't like Sterling and think he is a piece of shit. However, the way this situation was handled was despicable! Do we really want someone to be forced to sell his private business because of what he said in private? He committed no crime, he didn't threaten anyone, yet people are making him out as the worst person in history. I know none of you black, white, yellow or brown folks have never said anything racists in private ever. Easy to toss stones from a glass house!

That stated, can we really say Sterling lost? By the court ruling against him he gets a pay day of $1 Billion ($2 Billion split btw him and his wife)! If that is losing that is my kind of losing!
Why is this in "Politics?"

I myself think it belongs here, just as much as the sports section.

What happened to Sterling was a political move antithetical to the economic philosophy which supposedly reigns in America.

I was thinking more along the lines of "Current Events..."

Rabbi is right, if a guy can make disparaging remarks about minorities in the privacy of his own home and make $2,000,000,000.00, count me in...

Anyway, I've never much cared for Sterling. When I was living out in Cali, I always thought he was the reason the Clippers sucked. Now I'm convinced.

Damn slumlord...

Somewhere in the back of my mind I continue to suspect that this incident was an excuse for the NBA to return a basketball team to Seattle. Sterling didn't turn into a jerk overnight, he was always a jerk. Why did they wait until now to do something about him?

When I was living out in Cali, I always thought he was the reason the Clippers sucked.

i have thought that for years.....the guy gets how many no. one picks and the team always sucked....and then when they had a chance to move to a place where they ALWAYS sell out and have their own home,the the Honda center here in Anaheim....he decides to play in the Lakers home, in a place where at that time they were lucky if they had half the place sold out......
Freedom of speech does not imply freedom from consequence.

You are not required to damage someone's life for simply saying what's on their mind.

You CHOOSE to.

Out of spite, and to intimidate.


What would any big for-profit company do when someone within the organization was acting in such a way as to diminish the company's brand?

sports fans are pretty long as the Clippers keep winning no one will care....

Watch every single word you say.

Even in private conversations.

After all, this is America.


you mean you think America should be free of consequences?

If Sterling had a business whose primary customers were slack-jawed racists from the South, he could probably have said this smack.

Instead, he said racist things about blacks to his half-black girlfriend when his primary business employs blacks, and most of his customer base is black.

You know, wingnuts talk all day about the "Market Forces" like they are good things when poor people can't get health coverage, but when the Market Forces push a bad actor like Sterling out of business, you guys are all upset.

i dont know about "most" Joe.....awful lot of white people in their crowd....
So what consequences would be OK? Is jailing someone for making racist comments OK? Is having them fired from their job OK?


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