Sorry Forum Racists, Sterling Lost...

It wasn't just the American lefties who were appalled at his racist remarks. Hell, the guy appeared on TV after the tape, and made it 10x worse. He simply couldn't shut his mouth.

This witch-burning attitude that liberals enshrine at the center of their personality is very troublesome to civil society.

Every time a liberal opens his mouth I too am appalled. Should this allow me to work to destroy every liberal who talks to me? Should I be able to ostracise them and get them fired from their job, have them evicted from their home, etc.

The politics of personal destruction is pretty much de rigueur from Liberals these days. It really puts a lie to their claim that they're tolerant people.

Oh, them bad ol libruls!

Clippers players, staff, coaches, concessions, and sponsors say they will boycott the season if Sterling is not gone from the team. We're talking about a lot of money going down the drain if he tries to be stubborn and drag this out.

Sterling's attorney and real estate buddies say he has over $500 million in loans outstanding that the lenders have informed them they are going to call.........they say his violation of the Trust agreement and his erratic behavior allows them to exercise their rights to protect their investment. The bank's would file simple legal motions that are solidly supported by the loan agreements.

Real estate professionals don't want Sterling to hold out with his obstruction antics and make the poor decision to sell off major properties to pay his called loans and carry on his legal battles.......he owns so much in so small an area it would surely cause an major earthquake in the LA real estate market.

Everybody in the world ( except a few deranged kindred spirits of Donald Sterling) wants Crazy Sterling to sell the Clippers, pay off his loans, and then go away forever. At this point he's nothing but an economic terrorist......a crazy old fart who threatens to be a suicide bomber. Everyone would be better off if he just did the right thing and died all of a sudden.
It will be overturned on appeal

No it won't.

There is a clause in the Trust charter itself (a charter which Donald Sterling helped to create, himself....and he signed it....) that blocks any appeals of Probate rulings. That language was included to prevent ANYBODY from waging a long drawn out legal battle that would tie up (and devalue) the Sterlings' significant assets.

The Trust charter makes the ruling to be incontestable...There is no valid reason for any court to overturn the Probate's ruling to take away Donald's authority over the assets. No court will rule that the Trust charter is not a binding agreement. No court will block or rescind the sale of the Clippers.

The Trust charter is the final word. Donald is out.

Don Sterling's options are just about nil. He has no legal right to make any decisions re: the sale or disposal of ANY holdings of the Trust...He can't stop the sale of the team. He can't stop the banks from calling his loans. Shelly has sole decision making rights, now. Much of the proceeds from the sale of the Clippers will go to pay off the $500 + million in loans. And legal fees. And outstanding fines.

Maybe Donald Sterling will get to have input into who will be the role of Donald Sterling in the made for TV movie. That's about it. And that's some legacy he's going to leave behind.
Clippers players, staff, coaches, concessions, and sponsors say they will boycott the season if Sterling is not gone from the team. We're talking about a lot of money going down the drain if he tries to be stubborn and drag this out.

In other words blackmail.

Look, if I told you that I was going to not go to my job, that I would boycott my job, until your boss fired you, what obligation does that put on you to quit your job?

Those players and concessionaires aren't doing people FAVORS when they do their job, they WORKING. If they stop working then they stop earning.

It's freaking easy to talk big, but it's a different ballgame when the have to actually follow through on a boycott and harm themselves.

Look, the typical liberal loves to talk about how much they care and they even vote so as to showcase that they care, but their talk and actions are all empty. You never see a liberal selling his car and giving the proceeds to homeless people. Voting to tax others in order to implement your vision doesn't indicate that one is caring. The same principle in play here - people are upset by the diversity that Sterling represents and, like true totalitarians, they want to shut him up. They threaten to not go to work, but they don't actually follow through.

Why the fuck is it incumbent on Sterling to bend to the wishes of intolerant totalitarians in order to save them the harm of cutting off their own incomes? That's freaking bizarro-world logic.
Clippers players, staff, coaches, concessions, and sponsors say they will boycott the season if Sterling is not gone from the team. We're talking about a lot of money going down the drain if he tries to be stubborn and drag this out.

In other words blackmail.

Look, if I told you that I was going to not go to my job, that I would boycott my job, until your boss fired you, what obligation does that put on you to quit your job?

Those players and concessionaires aren't doing people FAVORS when they do their job, they WORKING. If they stop working then they stop earning.

It's freaking easy to talk big, but it's a different ballgame when the have to actually follow through on a boycott and harm themselves.

Look, the typical liberal loves to talk about how much they care and they even vote so as to showcase that they care, but their talk and actions are all empty. You never see a liberal selling his car and giving the proceeds to homeless people. Voting to tax others in order to implement your vision doesn't indicate that one is caring. The same principle in play here - people are upset by the diversity that Sterling represents and, like true totalitarians, they want to shut him up. They threaten to not go to work, but they don't actually follow through.

Why the fuck is it incumbent on Sterling to bend to the wishes of intolerant totalitarians in order to save them the harm of cutting off their own incomes? That's freaking bizarro-world logic.

Liberals didn't do this to him, he did this to himself. Where's that personal responsibility the right always talks about? There are other owners involved, and they don't want to lose money.

It' over. Sterling can't stop the sale of the Clippers. It turns out pretty nice for Donald and Shelly and the Clippers...and the fans and the NBA and the sponsors.
Win Win all the way around.

What are you crying about?
From NBC:

Although the judge issued a tentative oral order on Monday, all parties expect him to confirm it in writing by Aug. 13.

"We are pleased that the court has affirmed Shelly Sterling's right to sell the Los Angeles Clippers to Steve Ballmer," the NBA said in a statement. "We look forward to the transaction closing as soon as possible."

Oh well.

I hope you realize racists don't watch basketball. I'm sure they could care less.
From NBC:

Although the judge issued a tentative oral order on Monday, all parties expect him to confirm it in writing by Aug. 13.

"We are pleased that the court has affirmed Shelly Sterling's right to sell the Los Angeles Clippers to Steve Ballmer," the NBA said in a statement. "We look forward to the transaction closing as soon as possible."

Oh well.

What a dumbass. How do I go about becoming a loser like him? The dudes worth billions.:lol:
Are you chearing his recent diagnosis of alzheimer's as well?

How do you become a loser like him? Could it be that you've already succeeded?

Well...I wont quite make billionaire,but I did retire at 46.
He was such a racist that he owned a team that paid millions of dollars to black guys and dated a half black chick.

That's COMPLETE Racism right there!
It wasn't just the American lefties who were appalled at his racist remarks. Hell, the guy appeared on TV after the tape, and made it 10x worse. He simply couldn't shut his mouth.

This witch-burning attitude that liberals enshrine at the center of their personality is very troublesome to civil society.

Every time a liberal opens his mouth I too am appalled. Should this allow me to work to destroy every liberal who talks to me? Should I be able to ostracise them and get them fired from their job, have them evicted from their home, etc.

The politics of personal destruction is pretty much de rigueur from Liberals these days. It really puts a lie to their claim that they're tolerant people.

Oh, them bad ol libruls!

Clippers players, staff, coaches, concessions, and sponsors say they will boycott the season if Sterling is not gone from the team. We're talking about a lot of money going down the drain if he tries to be stubborn and drag this out.

Sterling's attorney and real estate buddies say he has over $500 million in loans outstanding that the lenders have informed them they are going to call.........they say his violation of the Trust agreement and his erratic behavior allows them to exercise their rights to protect their investment. The bank's would file simple legal motions that are solidly supported by the loan agreements.

Real estate professionals don't want Sterling to hold out with his obstruction antics and make the poor decision to sell off major properties to pay his called loans and carry on his legal battles.......he owns so much in so small an area it would surely cause an major earthquake in the LA real estate market.

Everybody in the world ( except a few deranged kindred spirits of Donald Sterling) wants Crazy Sterling to sell the Clippers, pay off his loans, and then go away forever. At this point he's nothing but an economic terrorist......a crazy old fart who threatens to be a suicide bomber. Everyone would be better off if he just did the right thing and died all of a sudden.

And Shelly Sterling, who loved evicting the poor in the past, now is horrified by Donald Sterling's careless, racist comments? Not buying that line.
This witch-burning attitude that liberals enshrine at the center of their personality is very troublesome to civil society.

Every time a liberal opens his mouth I too am appalled. Should this allow me to work to destroy every liberal who talks to me? Should I be able to ostracise them and get them fired from their job, have them evicted from their home, etc.

The politics of personal destruction is pretty much de rigueur from Liberals these days. It really puts a lie to their claim that they're tolerant people.

Oh, them bad ol libruls!

Clippers players, staff, coaches, concessions, and sponsors say they will boycott the season if Sterling is not gone from the team. We're talking about a lot of money going down the drain if he tries to be stubborn and drag this out.

Sterling's attorney and real estate buddies say he has over $500 million in loans outstanding that the lenders have informed them they are going to call.........they say his violation of the Trust agreement and his erratic behavior allows them to exercise their rights to protect their investment. The bank's would file simple legal motions that are solidly supported by the loan agreements.

Real estate professionals don't want Sterling to hold out with his obstruction antics and make the poor decision to sell off major properties to pay his called loans and carry on his legal battles.......he owns so much in so small an area it would surely cause an major earthquake in the LA real estate market.

Everybody in the world ( except a few deranged kindred spirits of Donald Sterling) wants Crazy Sterling to sell the Clippers, pay off his loans, and then go away forever. At this point he's nothing but an economic terrorist......a crazy old fart who threatens to be a suicide bomber. Everyone would be better off if he just did the right thing and died all of a sudden.

And Shelly Sterling, who loved evicting the poor in the past, now is horrified by Donald Sterling's careless, racist comments? Not buying that line.

Yup, he and she qualify as classic pieces of dog shit. They truly were the scum of the Earth...perfect for each other...
Why is this in "Politics?"

I myself think it belongs here, just as much as the sports section.

What happened to Sterling was a political move antithetical to the economic philosophy which supposedly reigns in America.

I was thinking more along the lines of "Current Events..."

Rabbi is right, if a guy can make disparaging remarks about minorities in the privacy of his own home and make $2,000,000,000.00, count me in...

Anyway, I've never much cared for Sterling. When I was living out in Cali, I always thought he was the reason the Clippers sucked. Now I'm convinced.

Damn slumlord...

Somewhere in the back of my mind I continue to suspect that this incident was an excuse for the NBA to return a basketball team to Seattle. Sterling didn't turn into a jerk overnight, he was always a jerk. Why did they wait until now to do something about him?

They never taped him before and got him to admit to embarrassing the league. He settled out of court against earlier charges of racism and the accusations from players like Baron Davis were just he said she said evidence.

Watch every single word you say.

Even in private conversations.

After all, this is America.


you mean you think America should be free of consequences?

If Sterling had a business whose primary customers were slack-jawed racists from the South, he could probably have said this smack.

Instead, he said racist things about blacks to his half-black girlfriend when his primary business employs blacks, and most of his customer base is black.

You know, wingnuts talk all day about the "Market Forces" like they are good things when poor people can't get health coverage, but when the Market Forces push a bad actor like Sterling out of business, you guys are all upset.

Watch every single word you say.

Even in private conversations.

After all, this is America.


you mean you think America should be free of consequences?

If Sterling had a business whose primary customers were slack-jawed racists from the South, he could probably have said this smack.

Instead, he said racist things about blacks to his half-black girlfriend when his primary business employs blacks, and most of his customer base is black.

You know, wingnuts talk all day about the "Market Forces" like they are good things when poor people can't get health coverage, but when the Market Forces push a bad actor like Sterling out of business, you guys are all upset.

As I've said a hundred times here, those "consequences" of which you speak are not required. You PC Police choose to issue them. You don't have to, even though you pretend you do.

You do it out of narcissism and pure spite. Who knows, maybe it makes you "feel" a little better about yourself.

And, regarding the "free market forces", I also clearly pointed out the following a few posts ago, when asked how a company should react when an employee says or does something that damages their brand:

Today, they would be forced to fire that person in sheer panic immediately because the American Left has everyone so terrified and intimidated that companies have to avoid the "consequences" that would inevitably be meted out by these narcissistic speech thugs.

Joe, you already know this stuff, but I realize that being intellectually honest is not a high priority for you. Maybe you just post to me to make a point to others, I don't know.


As I've said a hundred times here, those "consequences" of which you speak are not required. You PC Police choose to issue them. You don't have to, even though you pretend you do.

You do it out of narcissism and pure spite. Who knows, maybe it makes you "feel" a little better about yourself.

And, regarding the "free market forces", I also clearly pointed out the following a few posts ago, when asked how a company should react when an employee says or does something that damages their brand:

Today, they would be forced to fire that person in sheer panic immediately because the American Left has everyone so terrified and intimidated that companies have to avoid the "consequences" that would inevitably be meted out by these narcissistic speech thugs.

Joe, you already know this stuff, but I realize that being intellectually honest is not a high priority for you. Maybe you just post to me to make a point to others, I don't know.


i didn't issue any consequences.

Those would be his black customers and his black employees. And his fellow rich douchebags who own all the other NBA teams.

I'm reasonably sure that since I buy almost no NBA merchandise and really haven't paid much of any attention to the NBA since the Bull's 1990's run, they are not kicking Sterling out of the clubhouse because of me.

Brands are about image. Now, some brands are probably okay with being associated with homophobia or racism. Chik-Fil-A for instance. Others can't be.

I had a situation where a co-worker decided that he would tell a really funny (in his mind, anyway) joke where the punchline was "Fuck the Japs". Which I am really sure the nice Japanese lady in our department would not have found the least bit funny.

So in your mind, should his right to "Free Speech" be protected and she should just have to suck it up?

(Incidentally, I did not report him to HR. I did tell him that this kind of joke was completely inappropriate for our kind of workplace.)

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